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Barmy army not to travel to Bangladesh citing security concerns

Oh Yeah BNP is a communal party. This is a new allegation. Previously It was limited to making alliance with a communal party.

It is a centre-right party just like BJP. Communal is your word not mine. If BJP is communal so is BNP.
Yeah some pictures of typical Muslim Bangladeshis practicing Islamic rules 'where terrorism emanates'.

Islamic Dress....I think this twelve year old is having just too good a time...

Some are burning idols....as prescribed in Islam

Some are destroying world's largest Alpana (these are against Islamic principles)...

Is that a proper Veiled woman painting a non-Islamic item? Astaghfirullah!!!!

Some also made foreigners wear Islamic dresses! How dare they?!?

My apologies to HE Dan Mozena, one time US ambassador and envoy to Bangladesh. Long may he live in Bangladeshi hearts. He is our friend.

Beautiful images.
Beautiful images.

Thank You!

Never heard of Noakhali riots and massacre?

The Noakhali riots were a post-script (reaction) to riots in Calcutta. People killing each other in both places in terms of religion. Sad.

The wikipedia article - interestingly, does not even mention the fact that it was a reaction to the Calcutta riots prior.

The Direct Action Day Calcutta riots were mentioned here,


The Noakhali riots were followed by the Bihar Riots.

Bangladesh has been a peaceful place but RAW and Haseena have collaborated to destroy it. Bangladeshi bros, it is time for redemption.
Never heard of Noakhali riots and massacre?

Noakhali is a less fertile region. So people of Noakhali were working all over the Bengal unlike rest of Bengal where local people settled in a agrarian society. Many Noakhailas used to work in Kolkata specially as Boat crews in the port city and many of them fell victim to the rioting Hindu Mob on the peaceful Direct Action Day. So their families back home retaliated.
Is situation that bad in Bangladesh? I thought they had become more stable and those blasts were just one occasion.
Is situation that bad in Bangladesh? I thought they had become more stable and those blasts were just one occasion.

Situation you can gauge only on the ground. Law and order is under control more or less.

Bangladesh handled the blasts and terrorism situations much better than it was handled elsewhere - including Europe.
Situation you can gauge only on the ground. Law and order is under control more or less.

Bangladesh handled the blasts and terrorism situations much better than it was handled elsewhere - including Europe.

They have to safely organize this tour as well..anything remotely goes wrong means no gora teams will comeback no matter what.
They have to safely organize this tour as well..anything remotely goes wrong means no gora teams will comeback no matter what.

Europe these days is more unsafe than in Bangladesh.

Govt. is paranoid about terrorism intel and has mobilized quite a bit of resources for it.

I have seen instances of people being picked up in two hours after posting something on Facebook....
I sincerely hope that Bangladesh goes back to being the tolerant and peaceful society it was perceived to be till 2-3 years ago. Don't wish to see it joining the Af-Pak league in South Asia.
Bangladesh is tolerant and peaceful nation.

Does Ulfa Maoist and other groups in India And any sort terorrism in Ind, makes whole of India intolerant and unpeaceful? If you say no. Then same with BD and minor lincident and certain groups doesnt label all same. As a country in whole Bangladesh is quite Ambitious, secular, hospitable, warm, normal, want peace and prosperity.

As for the razzakrs leaders they have no place in Bangladesh, No two ways about it. They should have left for their beloved Pakistan while they could. Once Hasina finishes them off BD Will be more better.
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