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Barbaric Gujrat Massacre - The Truth Behind The Story

Utter shame. Where are the hazare and kesriwal of our world? .... Why dont we stand up and make Modi accountable?

I think I was pretty clear that political factors play a lot in ongoing communal violence. Why has no major communal incident taken place in Gujarat since 2002? Even after bombings in Ahmadabad there were no communal incidents. This indicates the fact that if the administration has the will to prevent communal riots it can do so. If the political administration feels it can gain a favorable political environment due to riots it will allow it to happen. And Congress, BSP, SP play the same game. Although it has become a diminishing game for most including the BJP now. This is a welcome development.

I think if Modi had after the train burnings had come out in the streets and promised that perpetrators of the train attack will be found and punished severely but that no violence against innocent Muslims will be allowed, there would have been an example real strength of statesmanship. Rarely does a leader get an opportunity to show such statesmanship skills which would have made history. It would have made the Muslim community to reject and ostracize anyone who would have been involved in the attack. Maybe you don't know this but many Muslim organizations and leaders had condemned the attack on the same day and had called for due process of law to punish the perpetrators whoever they may be.

There is no doubt the Gujarat is doing well in economic development although I might not agree with the apitaph of "racing ahead" of Maharashtra. If you look at the Economic survey 2009-2010, Gujarat was not the only state achieving double digit growth and infact in the period 2004-2009, Maharashtra had a higher growth rate than Gujarat in every year accept 2009. And this is despite Maharashtra having a higher base GDP than Gujarat i.e. despite the fact that Maha GDP is twice the size of Gujrat.

Gujarat..... 8.88 .... 20.65 ... 16.92 ... 16.85 ... 9.96
Maha ...... 12.87 .... 13.07... 18.42 ... 18.41 ... 13.49

Infact, in 2008-2009, the last year Gujarat growth figures are available, all major states in India had double digit growth rates except Manipur, Jharkand and Gujarat at 9.96%

For confirmation you can check Table 1.7 or pg15 of the statistical tables released here for Economic Survey 2010-2011 http://indiabudget.nic.in/index.asp
The problem with the Gujarat riots was, that policemen were seen directing the rioters on where to go, plus they had electoral lists given by civil servants, that showed muslim households to target.

Police were seen either idly standing by, or actively helping the orchestrated 'mobs' to target kill.

This official sanction, and indeed, official complicity in the Gujarat massacres, is what exposes the Bharti establishment generally, and the Gujarat govt. specifically as RSS infiltrated, Hindutva orientated, Sangh Parivar influenced, Saffron wearing, Trishul brandishing criminals that they are.

Without doubt, Bharat is an extremist HIndu State, masquerading as a secular,democratic republic.

I got to really stand against the last statement. In a country of over 1.2 billion people, with all Religious believes live together, there might be some hard time where communal clashes sparked by either party result in a riot as in the case of Gujarat. We were founded as a Hidhu nation some 5000 years ago, yet we are secular by protecting the rights of the minority at the best. As far as the Gujarath riot is considered, the spark was ignited by my Islam brothers (with out understanding what they are about to unleash on theirself). Kindly refer to the link on how it all happened. 2002 Gujarat violence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If you want the Hindus of a native state to be slaughtered as you say in this thread. then its a emotional decision. The emotions of the Gujarat Hindus turned out as you are now and as result when they heard that a boggy full of Hindus were burnt alive, they turned into a mob attacking any Muslim brothers and sisters.

And the fact why Modi did not do anything when this happened is that, the use of deadly force to stop the Mob will result in a volatile state where in it will spread to other states of the nation resulting in more violence against the minorities else where. Yes as a leader he was not able to stop the mob, but as a leader he also made sure that in the wake of the event if the mob is allowed to vent out the anger that they had then it will bring the violence to an end at the earliest.
As there has been no comment on my previous post, I consider that this thread stalled. Guys if you have any comment to the above post, kindly raise it. I hope more posts will be interesting in understanding each other
Gujarat riots witness stabbed 28 times to death in broad daylight

AHMEDABAD: Nadeem Saiyed, a witness in one of the most gruesome post-Godhra massacres of Naroda Patia in 2002 and an RTI activist, was brutally murdered in Juhapura area of Ahmedabad on Saturday morning. He was stabbed 28 times by four men in broad daylight, allegedly for providing information on illegal slaughter of cattle to the police.

Saiyed was rushed to V S Hospital where he was declared brought dead. Family members of the victim said he had been given police protection because he was a witness in a sensitive case, but he had told the cops he did not need security all the time. He took the cops with him only when he moved out of Juhapura, a Muslim ghetto.

A Congress worker, Saiyed had visited the Shah Alam relief camp in 2002 after the Naroda Patia massacre where a riot survivor had given him a mobile phone belonging to a key accused in the massacre. Saiyed had given the phone to the police and his statement had already been recorded. As many as 95 people were killed on February 28, 2002 at Naroda Patia.

Saiyed had also filed an FIR in August alleging that gangster Mehboob Senior had threatened to kill him if he did not change his statement in the Naroda Patia case.

On October 29, a mob in Juhapura had set a police jeep on fire when the cops had gone there after receiving information that an illegal slaughter house was operating in the area. Two policemen were injured in the violence and some five men were arrested. Sources said, Saiyed had approached the police saying they had not arrested the right men and that the real culprits were roaming free, after which he was killed.

The Gujarat Animal Preservation (Amendment) Act 2011 became effective from October 24. The Act imposes a complete ban on cow slaughter besides transportation and selling of beef. It was passed in the state Assembly. Under the Act, those involved in cow-slaughter and related activities can be subjected to imprisonment of up to seven years and a fine of Rs 50,000.

Gujarat riots witness stabbed 28 times to death in broad daylight - The Times of India
Some of the comments on this incident (witness getting stabbed 28 times) are extremely shameful, especially coming from the TOI, a mainstream newspaper in India:

Some of the comments:


The Ideology called ISLAM should be Banned from India ............ History time and again has proved that it is no good for our country ...... only divides the citizens and make a country under control of foreign agents ....Request all INDIANS to Abandon this evil ideology called ISLAM ..... live as INDIANS . India is your motherland, fatherland and HOLYLAND as well......... Unless people open up and change, india will go thru another partition of whats remaining (Even after kashmir) ............ ANY IDEOLOGY that is AGAINST BHARATMa or Vandeemaataram is a curse to Bharat -Vandeemaataram

MUSLIMS, --- FIRST BLAMING NARENDRA MODI ........... then JUSTIFYING COW SLAUGHTER............... then BLAMING HINDUS as DRINKING COWS Milk or ACCUSING THEM OF DRINKING COW URINE etc ................. LASTLY Feeling very GOOD for eating a Carcases ...GAWDDD .......

AHMEDABAD: Nadeem Saiyed, a witness in one of the most gruesome post-Godhra massacres of Naroda Patia in 2002 and an RTI activist, was brutally murdered in Juhapura area of Ahmedabad on Saturday morning. He was stabbed 28 times by four men in broad daylight, allegedly for providing information on illegal slaughter of cattle to the police.

Saiyed was rushed to V S Hospital where he was declared brought dead. Family members of the victim said he had been given police protection because he was a witness in a sensitive case, but he had told the cops he did not need security all the time. He took the cops with him only when he moved out of Juhapura, a Muslim ghetto.

Looks like he got killed by Muslims.
Where did you get that from?

Kuldip Sharma who was tipped to be the chief of Gujarat police was shunted to Sheep and Wool Development Corporation after he attempted to arrest a former cow protection minister involved in criminal activities. Kuldip was also the first officer to file an interim report in Supreme Court in Sohrabuddin fake encounter case. He has now moved on a central deputation, but his battle with Gujarat government continues. The state government reacted to his deputation to the Centre and pasted a show cause notice at his residence, asking him to explain procedural lapses in his just relinquished job at Sheep and Wool Development Corporation.

Kuldip Sharma who was tipped to be the chief of Gujarat police was shunted to Sheep and Wool Development Corporation after he attempted to arrest a former cow protection minister involved in criminal activities. Kuldip was also the first officer to file an interim report in Supreme Court in Sohrabuddin fake encounter case. He has now moved on a central deputation, but his battle with Gujarat government continues. The state government reacted to his deputation to the Centre and pasted a show cause notice at his residence, asking him to explain procedural lapses in his just relinquished job at Sheep and Wool Development Corporation.


Probably a vigilante thing. Its not a real minister. Kinda like how they have ministers in Church.
Some of the comments on this incident (witness getting stabbed 28 times) are extremely shameful, especially coming from the TOI, a mainstream newspaper in India:

Some of the comments:

Man, there are bums everywhere, more so because the internet allows cowards an easy way to parade their bigoted opinions in relative anonymity. They are a lunatic fringe that is best ignored unless they actually indulge in criminal activities. Misconstruing those comments as an indicator of general attitudes held by most Indians is grossly unfair to the majority of us who do not subscribe to this rubbish.
Man, there are bums everywhere, more so because the internet allows cowards an easy way to parade their bigoted opinions in relative anonymity. They are a lunatic fringe that is best ignored unless they actually indulge in criminal activities. Misconstruing those comments as an indicator of general attitudes held by most Indians is grossly unfair to the majority of us who do not subscribe to this rubbish.

If I start producing anynymous comments from other websites then it would be very easy for me to justify and sugarcoat my own hatred. I mean, is there a shortage of pakistani websites where i can get just the kind of comments, or more likely, post them myself posing as a pakistani ;)

Thats the purpose, nothing else.
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