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Barbaric Gujrat Massacre - The Truth Behind The Story

'02 riots case: Bajrangi's voice samples match sting tapes - The Times of India

AHMEDABAD: The voice samples of three Naroda Patia case accused have matched the voice recorded during a sting operation in 2007, in which the accused including prime accused Babu Bajrangi were caught confessing their role in the 2002 riots. The designated court hearing the Naroda Patia case had earlier this year ordered for voice spectrography of Bajrangi, Suresh Langda and Prakash Rathod, as the probe agency's Special Investigation Team (SIT) wanted to compare their voices with the tapes of a sting operation. SIT sent the voice samples to FSL, Jaipur for verification, which has confirmed that the sound recorded on tapes during the sting operation matches with the voice samples of the three accused , sources said. SIT sought the voice spectrography of the accused citing their extrajudicial confession.

Meanwhile, an application filed by the state government and SIT seeking bail cancellation of Bajrangi is also pending in the high court. The prosecution wants Bajrangi's bail to be cancelled on the ground of this extra-judicial confession made by him during the sting operation, which was broadcast by a private TV channel in 2007. In the video tapes, Bajrangi is seen boasting about his 'heroics' during the riots. He also describes how the belly of a pregnant woman was slit open and her foetus ripped out and killed on February 28, 2002. HC has also permitted SIT to record Bajrangi's voice in yet another riots case for comparison with tapes. Earlier , special court hearing Naroda Gam case had declined SIT's request for recording Bajrangi and others' voices. In a third post-Godhra riots case, of Gulbarg Society, the trial court had turned down SIT's plea to recall journalist Ashish Khaitan so that he could identify the accused caught revealing vital information during the sting operation. This plea too is pending in the high court at present.
^^^^Not sure what you are referring to.

The SC stay on passing judgment on riot cases was vacated in October, so the hearings are ongoing.
indians should stop saying muslims are living better in india than pakistan , look muslims cant buy houses in mumbai
YouTube - India Exposed! Minority Have NO rights in India! Muslims,Christins Have No Rights In India! HINDUS ARE EXTREMISTS!

YouTube - Muslim's discriminated from housing in Bombay

the worst caste system in india ,

Caste system in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


achhot (the lower caste) cant touch or hear brahmans or upper caste they are consider as scum of earth or summat

want more ...
there own people Sikhs who contributed in freedom

YouTube - Sikhs in India Untouched (in Punjab) - The Movie - Part 7

how come muslims who are biggest enemy of indians or hindus can get a better life in india ?
^^^its funny and rather pathetic when u knit pick video clips to make a point.U posted that Shabana azmi clip but did u even bother to watch the whole interview??.
Search for her husband javed akhtars interview with dawn pakistan in which they asked him expected questions and his reply to them.Look at the no. of sikh soldiers and officers in our army.Do u even know who our pm is??
But NO u will never do that because it will negate something that u wish to be true.
No we r not perfect, but we r getting there.Atleast have some deceny to appreciate something we r trying to achieve ,something u can't even dream of achieving.[look at minority numbers in both countries since indp].
PS its been more than 60 yrs since formation of pak and u still feel the urge of potraying indian muslims in bad light to justify your existence.Seriously move on dude,use ur energy 4 something productive.
true the Gujarat massacre story has died in hype n hoopla....but those who want to know the real story shud visit ahmedabad or rather meet people who have lost their family in it.... i suppose not many are left to tell how it feels to be sitting at home knowing that some definite image is lurking massacre your familythe moment u step out or set your house ablaze when u try to shelter ppl from the rioteers....
we were there...very much there throughout the riots in gujarat..... we sleept off listening to gun-fires in the neighboring areas..... ours was a safe haven .. not bcoz of sm stupid support from a bureucrat or the govt ...(I swear in Allah's name I hate Narendra Modi...!!!!) my dad was in the allied forces and due to the evr supporting and friendly neighbors who were willing to put their lives to protect us....
i donot know if Narendra modi allowed the riots to happen deliberately or not.... what I know is Allah has his own way of handing out punishments.....
And if the Gujarat govt is responsible.... they will pay for it....
Jai Hind...!!
true the Gujarat massacre story has died in hype n hoopla....but those who want to know the real story shud visit ahmedabad or rather meet people who have lost their family in it.... i suppose not many are left to tell how it feels to be sitting at home knowing that some definite image is lurking massacre your familythe moment u step out or set your house ablaze when u try to shelter ppl from the rioteers....
we were there...very much there throughout the riots in gujarat..... we sleept off listening to gun-fires in the neighboring areas..... ours was a safe haven .. not bcoz of sm stupid support from a bureucrat or the govt ...(I swear in Allah's name I hate Narendra Modi...!!!!) my dad was in the allied forces and due to the evr supporting and friendly neighbors who were willing to put their lives to protect us....
i donot know if Narendra modi allowed the riots to happen deliberately or not.... what I know is Allah has his own way of handing out punishments.....
And if the Gujarat govt is responsible.... they will pay for it....
Jai Hind...!!

Very sad, may the dead rest in peace.
2002 riots an ‘internal Gujarati matter’: Modi told American diplomat :angry:

Consul-General Owen stands his ground on 'human rights and religious freedom' in a 'chilly' 2006 meeting in Gandhinagar U.S. itself is guilty of 'horrific human rights violations,' hits back Gujarat Chief Minister.

Suresh Nambath

When an American diplomat raised the horrific Gujarat communal violence of 2002 with Chief Minister Narendra Modi in November 2006, he got more than what he had bargained for: a lecture on the "horrific human rights violations" by the United States.
Michael S. Owen, Consul General in Mumbai, was the diplomat at the receiving end of Mr. Modi's tirade during a November 16, 2006 meeting in Gandhinagar. This was the first such meeting since the March 2005 revocation of Mr. Modi's U.S. visa on account of his role in the 2002 communal violence in Gujarat - in which (according to an official ministerial statement made in Parliament in 2005) 790 Muslims and 254 Hindus were killed, and 223 more people were reported as missing. The genocidal attack on Muslims by mobs of Hindu extremists and fanatics followed the burning of a coach of the Sabarmati Express by a local mob of Muslim extremists and fanatics at Godhra on February 27, 2002. The coach was carrying kar sevaks returning from Ayodhya. The police failed to quell the post-Godhra anti-Muslim pogrom that went on for several weeks, which lent credence to reports of state complicity in the violence. Mr. Modi was questioned on March 27, 2010 by the Supreme Court-appointed Special Investigation Team headed by R.K. Raghavan, former Director of the Central Bureau of Investigation, in connection with the Gujarat riots.
In a revealing Mumbai Consulate cable, which was sent on November 27, 2006 to the State Department and copied to an interesting selection of U.S. embassies, consulates, and other destinations ( 87085: confidential), Mr. Owen recounted what followed after "a relaxed" Chief Minister had given him "a glowing overview of his Government's achievements in building infrastructure and promoting economic growth in Gujarat" and he had responded appropriately. The Consul General then moved on to a taboo subject, an issue that Mr. Modi evidently considered to be none of his business: "while we are very pleased with our business and people to people relations with Gujarat, we remain concerned about communal relations within the state. In particular, we remain concerned that nobody has yet been held accountable for the horrific communal violence of 2002, and are further concerned that an atmosphere of impunity could lead to a further deterioration of communal relations. What is the Government of Gujarat's view on this, he asked."
'Modi visibly annoyed'
"A visibly annoyed Modi," the Consul General reported to the State Department, "responded at considerable length." The Chief Minister, he said, made three essential points: "the events of 2002 were an internal Gujarati matter and the U.S. had no right to interfere; the U.S. is itself guilty of horrific human rights violations (he specified Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, and attacks on Sikhs in the U.S. after September 11) and thus has no moral basis to speak on such matters, and; Muslims are demonstrably better off in Gujarat than in any other state in India, so what is everybody griping about?"
Mr. Owen correctly pointed out that it was not only the U.S. that was concerned with this issue. "The Indian National Human Rights Commission report itself cited 'a comprehensive failure on the part of the state Government' to prevent the violence of 2002. We are reflecting a broad cross section of opinion that no one has been held accountable for the violence and that consequently a climate of impunity is developing. Secondly, Abu Ghraib is precisely the point: Americans can also commit human rights violations but when they do we have a clear procedure to investigate, prosecute, and punish those guilty of wrongdoing. This is what we and others would like to see in Gujarat." To this, "Modi grumbled that the Indian National Human Rights Commission was biased and its reports wildly inaccurate. More broadly, he claimed, the U.S. relied far too much on 'a few fringe NGOs' that don't know the real picture and have an axe to grind. In any event, if officials are guilty of wrongdoing, then it is up to the courts to prosecute and punish them, and the Chief Minister could not interfere with the judicial process."
The Consul General reacted that it had been well over four years since the violence occurred and nobody had been sanctioned; this gave little confidence that anyone would ultimately be held accountable. "Modi noted (accurately, alas) that the culprits in the 1993 Mumbai bombings are only now being sentenced, so we should not have 'unrealistic expectations'."
'Evasive, backtracked'
When the diplomat asked if there was in fact an active investigation of the Gujarat violence still under way, "Modi was evasive and backtracked to his claim that Muslims in Gujarat are better off than in any other state in India. He noted that the BJP had won big victories in recent local bodies elections in Muslim districts, and that a recent study had found literacy among Muslims was higher in Gujarat than in any other state. The 2002 violence had involved a 'few miscreants' and had been blown out of proportion by 'fringe elements,' he said. Communal relations in Gujarat are now excellent, he claimed."
Mr. Owen responded that the U.S. acknowledged the many positive accomplishments of the Modi government, including economic growth and education: "These are to be applauded, but do not diminish in any way the importance of holding accountable those persons who are guilty of inciting or carrying out communal violence…failure to do so will create an atmosphere of impunity in which radical elements would feel emboldened in the future. He concluded by underlining that the U.S. Government considers human rights and religious freedom to be extremely important, and we will continue to monitor developments and engage his Government in these areas." Mr. Modi, switching to an apparently more conciliatory note, allowed that he understood human rights and religious freedom to be important to the U.S. because "you people keep raising these issues all the time." The meeting concluded with the Chief Minister saying" with a touch of irony that he hoped Consul General would return to Gujarat on a regular basis. 'All Americans are always welcome in my state,' he said."
Consul General Owen's concluding comment in the cable is: "Modi is clearly not going to apologize or back down on the violence of 2002, but we think it is vital for him to hear that we are not going to let the passage of time erase the memory of these events. Despite the chilly atmosphere of the meeting, Modi did take on board the message that human rights and religious freedom are important issues that we will continue to monitor carefully. We believe Sinhji's comments on Modi are indeed accurate: ironically the man most hold accountable for the communal violence of 2002 may now be the most ardent defender of communal harmony, at least on the surface. It remains to be seen to what extent Gujarat's economic boom will lead to genuinely improved communal relations over time."
The reference is to an "interesting point" that former Congress party MP and former Minister of Environment Yuraj Digvijay Sinhji made to Mr. Owen: "The fact that Modi clearly has aspirations for national leadership makes him, ironically, one of the greatest protectors of communal harmony at this stage. Modi knows that another outbreak like 2002 would doom his chances, so he is going to be particularly zealous to ensure there are no further problems on his watch."
But that was not all that Mr. Sinhji said in his lengthy meeting with the Consul General. "Asked whether Modi could become a national leader," the Mumbai consulate-general cable relays to the State Department," Sinhji (himself the scion of the princely Wankaner family and a Cambridge grad) sniffed that Modi 'lacks the polish and refinement' to become a national leader. But Sinhji raised another reason why Modi could face challenges in becoming a national leader: Modi's reputation for being completely incorruptible is accurate, and if he were to become a national leader he would crack down on corruption throughout the BJP. There are too many BJP rank and file waiting to line their pockets once the BJP returns to power, Sinhji said, and the prospect of Modi cracking the whip on corruption is entirely unappealing to this crowd. Modi would have a hard time clearing this hurdle, according to Sinhji."
In india hindu extremism has a history.It is existing even today same as we have islamic extremists here in pakistan.Look at feb 2007 train firing which killed 50 Pakistanis,Malaygaon, Makkah mosque attacks which killed muslims and other violence activities against christines.
2002 riots an ‘internal Gujarati matter’: Modi told American diplomat :angry:

Anything wrong ?? They happened in Gujarat not in Georgia for US to be meddling in.
Hindu army: Extremists’ terror nexus
Posted on January 12, 2011

By S. M. Hali

The jailed Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) leader, Swami Aseemanand, 59, has spilled the beans on Indresh Kumar’s (another senior leader of his party) role in planning and executing several blasts at Muslim religious places in India. He also confessed the involvement of senior Indian army officials in plotting terror attacks across the country.

In this connection, the Rajasthan Anti-Terrorist Squad (ATS) will also issue a legal notice to Kumar to interrogate him in the Ajmer blast case, which killed two persons and injured 15 others in October 2007. In addition, the squad had been tipped off about his role in the blast by Bharat Bhai Rateshwar, a witness in the case and a resident of Gujarat’s Valsad.
Reportedly, Aseemanand had told Bharat about Kumar’s involvement in the dargah tragedy. Anyway, the jailed RSS leader’s candid admission that Kumar was in the loop while the blasts were planned will boost ATS’ confidence, which was setback by Hemant Karkare’s assassination during the Mumbai attacks.
Thus, keeping in view Aseemanand’s confession – that he and several Sangh activists had a direct role in the Malegaon, Samjhota Express, Ajmer and Makkah blasts – all the innocent Muslims presently languishing in jails in these cases should be released immediately. As a result, the Indian Muslim leaders have demanded that police officers, who falsely implicated innocent Muslims in these cases, should be punished.
In the same vein, the National Investigation Agency (NIA) had already confirmed that Aseemanand was directly involved in the Samjhota Express blasts that killed 68 people – mostly Pakistanis – in 2007.
More importantly, the weekly Tehelka, in its current issue, has conducted “a shocking exposé” of the “nexus between Hindu terror mongers and the Indian MI officers” involved in the attacks on Samjhota Express and the mosques in Hyderabad, Ajmer Sharif and Malegaon. It disclosed that “RSS members, political bigwigs, and retired and serving army officers, all seemed part of the conspiracy” and had set up “Abhinav Bharat” – Hindu nationalist organisation based in Maharashtra – to infiltrate and subvert every institution in the county.
According to the tapes recovered from the jailed RSS leader, out of eight army officers alleged at least four have intelligence background. Apart from Purohit and Upadhyay, two are serving brigadiers, three colonels and two majors. Of these, only one colonel is under investigation and NIA is “yet to initiate investigations against the rest.”
More so, in the tapes, Lt Col Purohit said: “We are on the same plane of Hindu Rashtra.” He even claimed that former Indian Army Chief General J.J. Singh till September 2007was involved in the terror conspiracy. Significantly, Purohit mentioned that one of the army’s captain had visited Israel for “training” and had also demanded “four things from Israel”, i.e. “continuous and uninterrupted supply of arms and training, an office with a saffron flag in Tel Aviv, political asylum and support for the cause of a Hindu nation in the UN.” “The Israelis,” he added, “gave a very positive response and promised arms and asylum.”
So, Tehelka has raised some disturbing questions about the terror network, especially its “influence in the army”, and asked whether Purohit was “only a small link in a bigger, more dangerous, chain within the army.” Repotedly, Karkare’s successor, K.P. Raghuvanshi, is widely considered to have “gone slow” on the investigation and may have covered up many angles to avoid Karkare’s fate.
Pakistan’s Foreign Office has rightly demanded that Swami be tried. However, it is better if we demand that Aseemanand is extradited to Pakistan along with Purohit and the other senior Indian army officers, who are guilty for the genocide of Muslims and the Samjhota Express inferno.
Needless to say that the Indian government’s invitation to Pakistan for the resumption of the peace dialogue should not be acceded to by Pakistan , unless Delhi agrees to hand over the culprits involved in the Samjhota Express blast and puts an end to its diatribe of calling Pakistan a terrorist state. The West has also been parroting the Indian harangue of calling Pakistan names. Likewise, the US has been labelling charges against its army and ISI of having links with the Taliban. The shoe has been now found on the other foot; the senior Indian army officers are involved with terror outfits and need to be taken to task.
The writer is a political and defence analyst.
-The Nation
Hindu army: Extremists’ terror nexus
Posted on January 12, 20

The jailed Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) leader, Swami Aseemanand, 59, has spilled the beans on Indresh Kumar’s (another senior leader of his party) role in planning and executing several blasts at Muslim religious places in India. He also confessed the involvement of senior Indian army officials in plotting terror attacks across the country.

The best, money can buy.
Muslim 'mastermind' for the Godhra attacks proven innocent after being jailed for 8 years:

Godhra (Gujarat), March 26, 2011: The man who spent eight years in jail on charges of burning the Sabarmati Express in Godhra and killing 59 people has now been declared innocent and walks free. But Saeed Umarji is a bitter man and says he is a social worker who had never even seen the train.

Maulana Hussain Ibrahim Umarji, popularly known as Saeed Umarji, said that the only reason authorities had punished him was because he spoke on behalf of innocent fellow Muslims.

"I have never seen the Sabarmati Express because it passes from Godhra only at night," the 65-year-old Umarji told the media in an exclusive interview.

Umarji said he was a social worker who was at the forefront of relief efforts when a devastating earthquake ravaged Latur in Maharashtra in 1993 and Kutch in Gujarat in 2001.

"I also ran several relief camps after the Gujarat riots of 2002. A total of 3,500 people took shelter. We also took care of people who got arrested in the Godhra case," said Umarji, who runs educational institutions in the town of Godhra, about 115 km from Gujarat's main city Ahmedabad.

A mob targeted the Sabarmati Express's Coach S6 on Feb 27, 2002, near the Godhra station burning to death 59 people, mostly Hindu activists who were returning home from Ayodhya in Uttar Pradesh. The incident, later dubbed a conspiracy, triggered one of the worst communal riots in Gujarat leaving over 1,000 people, mostly Muslims, dead. Thousands were injured, and thousands of others uprooted from homes.

Umarji was one of the many arrested for the train burning. After eight years in jail, a judge last month acquitted Umarji and many others of the charges.

A graduate from Darul Uloom, Deoband, Umarji is a bitter man today.
"Jail is a graveyard of living people," Umarji said. "I lost eight years of my precious life. No one can return it now. I and my family were mentally tortured.

"Our ladies normally never stepped out of home. But after my arrest, for several days my wife couldn't stay at home. My sons lived in fear," Umarji told the media, referring to fears of reprisals from Hindu radicals.
While he was in prison, and with no sign when -- if at all -- he would be released, four of his sons and two daughters got married. But there was an unusual spin-off because of his stay in the Sabarmati Central Jail at Ahmadabad.

"Before my arrest, I could walk only to the nearby mosque. But I exercised in jail. Now I walk around 10 km daily."

The social worker says he was implicated in a false case because he tried to blame the state government of Narendra Modi for the 2002 violence.

"My biggest sin was that that I gave a memorandum to Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayeei and explained in detail the role of the state machinery during the riots. That was when he visited Godhra.

"I mentioned the problems we (Muslims) faced after the Godhra incident, but they (authorities) wanted us to keep quiet and not to complain."
Later, he was asked to meet Vajpayee at Gandhinagar. "I refused. I didn't want to meet him because it was of no use."

Umarji recalled how police treated him in captivity. One question he was repeatedly asked was why he gave a statement against the Gujarat Police on the human rights situation. Even as he laments over his fate, Umarji is sympathetic to those who died in the Sabarmati Express. "I condemn that incident and I express my sympathy to them and their families." (IANS)

I have never seen the Sabarmati Express, says Godhra 'mastermind
^^^ secular india, well he must not have been released, you know y, he would be immediately tortured and killed by barbaric hindus
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