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Bannu blast 26 security personal Embraced Shahdat.

Actually it was not Waziristan. It was Tank district. It is like you visit Hyderabad and say I have visited Karachi. :)

Yes, I know they went till Tank District only, but that too did the job and conveyed the protest, how many other leaders had the guts to come out of their palaces and go that far...?

Ineptness in this Blast fiasco is, We still don't follow security protocols. We are in a God Damn war. An active insurgency, if you are hiring some 3rd party equipment, you better check it. Especially after the last month debacle in NW where PA killed truck drivers. Many belonged to Bannu district as their funerals and burial happened in Bannu. It was natural TTP would have gotten a sympathizer in Bannu. It is said to see sorry affairs of our own security apparatus being caught sleeping again and enemy taking advantage of their carelessness

We are into effin war, and this is what our forces use:


Even a pressure cooker bomb can easily take out these vehicles..
Well to some extent Imran Khan bashing is justified. But he is not the only one who is responsible for this. In fact he only added to confuse an already confused Pakistani nation. Nothing else. His crime is that he is using his stature and authority to confuse Pakistanis about TTP and other such Kharjees.

The real culprits still are
1 Coward and Brainless Generals
2 The federal govt
3 The Munafiq Mullahs of JUI and JI

Yes, I know they went till Tank District only, but that too did the job and conveyed the protest, how many other leaders had the guts to come out of their palaces and go that far...?

It was a dramaibazi actually. Just like drone dharna. Khaya piya kuch nahi. Glass tora bara aanai. :)
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It was a dramaibazi actually. Just like drone dharna. Khaya piya kuch nahi. Glass tora bara aanai. :)

Maybe it was a political move, but then why towards Waziristan? He could have done a dharna anywhere else, no? That protest was peace march, and the intentions were to take international journalists to as close as South Waziristan, and international media did give it massive coverage, the drone issue and war situation in those areas was highlighted. So objectives were achieved.

Anyways, PTI or IK is not the topic here in this thread. :)
Maybe it was a political move, but then why towards Waziristan? He could have done a dharna anywhere else, no? That protest was peace march, and the intentions were to take international journalists to as close as South Waziristan, and international media did give it massive coverage, the drone issue and war situation in those areas was highlighted. So objectives were achieved.

Anyways, PTI or IK is not the topic here in this thread. :)

It only helped to put PTI in good books of TTP kharjees. Nothing else happened practically or on ground.

I know IK is not the topic. Don't why people brought him here.
1) PTI gets grilled here at PDF daily, what noise you're trying to create by saying opposite?
2) PTI Leader also gets grilled here, no point bragging about it.
3) He talked bad about IK and you also do that, tell me what combined negative ratings you both have got for this?
4) None of PTI followers here have authority to give negative ratings, at least me @Leader @pkuser2k12 etc.. We can't convince others to give negative ratings based on our liking so better raise the issue to site management if you feel you are treated bad about negative ratings. Don't blame it on PTI as usual.

Every sane Pakistani criticizes PTI for its "love" for JI and submission to TTP . Criticizing IK for his policies is justified . He may be better than NS , but no one expects anything from PMLN . Altaf Hussain gets abused here by PTI members and when MQM members retaliate , they do get negative ratings . Altaf Hussain may be anything , but he and his followers have the courage to face the TTP dogs . And this is something really appreciable .

I know IK is not the topic. Don't why people brought him here.

Whenever TTP pigs kill our soldiers in cowardly attacks , IK and JI are responsible indirectly . Protests and Dharnas for Hakimullah Mehsud`s death and against drones ,but just one formal statement when dozens of our soldiers get killed fighting for us !!
Policies of IK have led TTP to gain a psychological advantage in this WoT
Whenever TTP pigs kill our soldiers in cowardly attacks , IK and JI are responsible indirectly . Protests and Dharnas for Hakimullah Mehsud`s death and against drones ,but just one formal statement when dozens of our soldiers get killed fighting for us !!
Policies of IK have led TTP to gain a psychological advantage in this WoT

Well IK is not the only one. Add ganja who is unfortunately the PM of our country. Then there are munafiq mullahs of JUI and JI. So there is a long list of confused, munafiqs and cowards who don't have the guts to stand up to TTP kharjees. IK is not the only one. I still believe that IK's biggest problem is his ignorance or in fact arrogance. His biggest crime is that he is confusing a stupid nation like Pakistanis. Other than that he is not responsible for the mess in Pakistan.

The ones who deserve bashing are our coward generals in the army, the federal govt and the munafiq firqa parast mullahs. They are the ones who have their hands colored by the blood of innocent Pakistanis.
I am surprised again and again when pro TTP people bran TTP as ou r own people and others also believe that. Lets Decide once for all:

Any group or person who willfully declares that he is not accepting our constitution and participate in activities to weaken State or attack on state is called a 'Traitor' and hence he cant be called our own.

More ever the group who kills people for just because they dont agree with their religious ideology, culture, how can we cal them our own?

Every sane Pakistani criticizes PTI for its "love" for JI and submission to TTP . Criticizing IK for his policies is justified . He may be better than NS , but no one expects anything from PMLN . Altaf Hussain gets abused here by PTI members and when MQM members retaliate , they do get negative ratings . Altaf Hussain may be anything , but he and his followers have the courage to face the TTP dogs . And this is something really appreciable .

Whenever TTP pigs kill our soldiers in cowardly attacks , IK and JI are responsible indirectly . Protests and Dharnas for Hakimullah Mehsud`s death and against drones ,but just one formal statement when dozens of our soldiers get killed fighting for us !!
Policies of IK have led TTP to gain a psychological advantage in this WoT
If there was no uzbek or any problem, they Why MUllah Nazir Expelled Uzbeks?????????? And what it got to do with PA entering tribals areas. It's Mullah Nazir, the taliban expelling Uzbeks?

Yes there was problem. 2005 London attacks on civilians, traced back to Tribal areas of Pakistan. Every God Damn attack being traced back to Tribal areas. So Why the fook PA would sit idle in this case if some using Pakistan to launch terrorist attack on Other countries?

At least, Someone should put some sense in this guy and give him knowledge about the events. He merely base his opinion on half cooked knowledge which makes him more unstable and dangerous.
Mr nothing is half cooked you are denying the facts every one knows this problem started after you entered Tribal areas before that their was no local or Uzbek problem their you became puppets of USA and killed you own people and than every one started joining them to fight USA and its puppets which included you guys so better face the reality or other wise get ready for another Bangladesh style saga

We didn't had budget but we are more than please to be puppets of USA and kufr against Muslims and than cry when our own people turn against us
Mr nothing is half cooked you are denying the facts every one knows this problem started after you entered Tribal areas before that their was no local or Uzbek problem their you became puppets of USA and killed you own people and than every one started joining them to fight USA and its puppets which included you guys so better face the reality or other wise get ready for another Bangladesh style saga

We didn't had budget but we are more than please to be puppets of USA and kufr against Muslims and than cry when our own people turn against us
entering in FATA is sin as per islam ? then why they are here in all over pakistan ? we should fight to army to leave our area ? what is and what was fata ?

car snachers home
killers shelter
criminals home
drugs gangs area
terrorist heaven
no law
no respect of humans life
no peace
full of guns?

our fault is we just touch an animal ?

do you remember ilaqa gher ? nuka FATA for peace
entering in FATA is sin as per islam ? then why they are here in all over pakistan ? we should fight to army to leave our area ? what is and what was fata ?

car snachers home
killers shelter
criminals home
drugs gangs area
terrorist heaven
no law
no respect of humans life
no peace
full of guns?

our fault is we just touch an animal ?

do you remember ilaqa gher ? nuka FATA for peace
Those who used to hide their were handed over by Maliks because they had a system their and their was no drugs coming from their and they had hell of peace and they had always guns for centuries all destroyed when you decided to become mercenaries of USA and kufr and attacked them and Jinah was a genius that is why took out all the forces in 48 hours but Musharraf was the idiot and arrogant slave of USA he destroyed our own forces by sending them their

I am surprised again and again when pro TTP people bran TTP as ou r own people and others also believe that. Lets Decide once for all:

Any group or person who willfully declares that he is not accepting our constitution and participate in activities to weaken State or attack on state is called a 'Traitor' and hence he cant be called our own.

More ever the group who kills people for just because they dont agree with their religious ideology, culture, how can we cal them our own?

This constitution which is a joke in the name of Islam Muslim accept Quran and Sunnat not this jokes known as constitution which is used to fool Muslims
Those who used to hide their were handed over by Maliks because they had a system their and their was no drugs coming from their and they had hell of peace and they had always guns for centuries all destroyed when you decided to become mercenaries of USA and kufr and attacked them and Jinah was a genius that is why took out all the forces in 48 hours but Musharraf was the idiot and arrogant slave of USA he destroyed our own forces by sending them their

This constitution which is a joke in the name of Islam Muslim accept Quran and Sunnat not this jokes known as constitution which is used to fool Muslims
whatever i don't wanna part of a country which has cancer like FATA attached on its body.enough we are human not middle ages animals .
whatever i don't wanna part of a country which has cancer like FATA attached on its body.enough we are human not middle ages animals .
Yes these same so called animals defended you in 48 and fought for you in 65 and 71 and kargil because they had honor to live with dignity rather than being slaves of India but some people don't mind what occupation force do to them or even their mot... and sis..... because they lost honor and dignity long ago so called modern secular result of ...............
Mr nothing is half cooked you are denying the facts every one knows this problem started after you entered Tribal areas before that their was no local or Uzbek problem their you became puppets of USA and killed you own people and than every one started joining them to fight USA and its puppets which included you guys so better face the reality or other wise get ready for another Bangladesh style saga

We didn't had budget but we are more than please to be puppets of USA and kufr against Muslims and than cry when our own people turn against us

Zarvan bhai aap kai liye sirf aik lafz hi kafi hai.

Lanat. Bye.
Zarvan bhai aap kai liye sirf aik lafz hi kafi hai.

Lanat. Bye.
Yes same things were said by people like you to those who were warning you about Bangladesh but you guys were too arrogant to listen and same mistake is being repeated here so I don't expect anything better from puppets of kufr
The ones who deserve bashing are our coward generals in the army, the federal govt and the munafiq firqa parast mullahs. They are the ones who have their hands colored by the blood of innocent Pakistanis.

And how can you say that ?

This constitution which is a joke in the name of Islam Muslim accept Quran and Sunnat not this jokes known as constitution which is used to fool Muslims

Meray bhai what do you mean when you say Muslims accept Quran and Sunnah ???????

Barelvi interpretation and Hadith collection , or
Deoband misinterpretation and Hadith , or
Wahabi fundamentalism , or
Shia Quranic understanding and their hadith collections
or Ahmedi version
or Quran only people Islam

If Mullahs of all sects are able to agree on a single definition & understanding of Islam , then we will be more than happy to accept it !!
And if they cant , then please "hamari jan chorr do bhai" !!
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