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Banned without any reason

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but because its use is so obviously slanted against Indian members that it becomes perverse.

I've given 5, none to Indian members. Even the most prolific of users like Milspec, JHungary and Nihonjin are a bit more discriminatory with their use, offering them to anyone deserving of one - some of the most negatively rated persons on this forum are Pakistani and Chinese members. There are just more qualified Pakistani members then there are Indians, hence the numerical bias, but it's up to the individual to determine when and when not to rate. The system isn't inherently biased, it's the users who are.

I don't like it either though. I'm not too keen on any rating system - positive, negative or likes.
The negative rating should be abolished. Not because it has no value, but because its use is so obviously slanted against Indian members that it becomes perverse. Some schmuck who has managed to wrangle rating rights will settle personal scores by giving negative ratings, and the Mods look on indulgently. After a while the member looses any incentive for quality control in their posts.
they do have value. they are an indicator to see who more of a good user.

I've given 5, none to Indian members. Even the most prolific of users like Milspec, JHungary and Nihonjin are a bit more discriminatory with their use, offering them to anyone deserving of one - some of the most negatively rated persons on this forum are Pakistani and Chinese members. There are just more qualified Pakistani members then there are Indians, hence the numerical bias, but it's up to the individual to determine when and when not to rate. The system isn't inherently biased, it's the users who are.

I don't like it either though. I'm not too keen on any rating system - positive, negative or likes.
i dont think you have been to this part of pdf, check it out
Notable Members
I've given 5, none to Indian members. Even the most prolific of users like Milspec, JHungary and Nihonjin are a bit more discriminatory with their use, offering them to anyone deserving of one - some of the most negatively rated persons on this forum are Pakistani and Chinese members. There are just more qualified Pakistani members then there are Indians, hence the numerical bias, but it's up to the individual to determine when and when not to rate. The system isn't inherently biased, it's the users who are.

I don't like it either though. I'm not too keen on any rating system - positive, negative or likes.
The irony, is that when some Egyptian member who I had arguement with in a thread , saw the responses of people who're calling to "evaporate" Israel, he told them to stop, and got negative rating as I did.
I've given 7, non to Indian members. Even the most prolific of users like Milspec of JHungary are a bit more discriminatory with their use, offering them to anyone deserving of one. There are just more qualified Pakistani members then there are Indians, hence the numerical bias, but it's up to the individual. The system isn't inherently biased, it's the users who are.

Which is why I stated initially that its not as if the negative rating has no value. In theory, it would keep a check on "bad behaviour", but if one set of individuals is:

a) given this right in preference to other members because of their country of origin,
b) allowed to arbitrarily/capriciously exercise this right qua members of ONE particular country,

then it looses all meaning. Obviously I am aware that non-Pakistani members (such as yourself) are likely to be far more discerning in the use of this privilege.

And as for more Pakistani members being qualified, well, unless there are an objective set of criteria applied which I am not privy to, that is ONLY because this is a Pakistani forum. Out of the handful of Indians here, the ones who, IMO, should be elevated to Mod, TT or Prof level far outnumber the Pakistanis.

The irony, is that when some Egyptian member who I had arguement with in a thread , saw the responses of people who're calling to "evaporate" Israel, he told them to stop, and got negative rating as I did.

Just goes to show. Anti-semitism in any part of the civilized world is deemed unacceptable - but on PDF, it is not only par for the course, it is highly encouraged.

they do have value. they are an indicator to see who more of a good user.

Theoretically, yes; practically, impossible on a fixed forum.
i dont think you have been to this part of pdf, check it out
Notable Members

Sure I have (I used to use it as a short-cut to find my profile), plenty of non-Indians too. A lot of Chinese on that list, a few Pakistanis, that Oprah fellow and some Indians - not all Indians though. Indians aren't being singled out, there's plenty of bad fellows on all sides... except for the Norwegian side:partay:
I got banned too and I don't know what for.
Besides, some pro Israeli comments I write will get negative rating while anti Israeli comments which usually envolve words like the destruction of my country and so on will be ignored, or will get positive rating.
I learned to get used to it already.

You are not the only one. I actually have pro-Pakistani views in terms of picturing a peaceful and terrorism free Pakistan. And I support Pakistan's struggle and growth toward peace, tolerance and success. Even THEN, a specific internal political group on here, gets me banned on and off, because they don't want me to speak the truth and write facts about everything and everyone who took the power in Pakistan and abused it.

I've gotten used to it. 4 out of the 7 or 8 negative ratings are given by ghost members, without even an alert. So my friend, this forum is just like how life is in Pakistan. The one's running it, will ban you and give you "stealthy" negative ratings, if your post didn't meet their agenda. Sad but true. I won't fret about it. I actually waste time on here, but I do it so someone can speak the truth and Pakistani readers can learn to see a different view point on things, and learn to tolerate others view points, even with difference in opinion.
Sure I have (I used to use it as a short-cut to find my profile), plenty of non-Indians too. A lot of Chinese on that list, a few Pakistanis, that Oprah fellow and some Indians - not all Indians though. Indians aren't being singled out, there's plenty of bad fellows on all sides... except for the Norwegian side:partay:
so you did not answer my question from yesterday. are you @Technogaianist ?

Theoretically, yes; practically, impossible on a fixed forum.
what makes it a fixed forum?
what makes it a fixed forum?

To begin with, it is a Pakistani forum. So it is assumed here that Pakistani members will get privileged position vis-a-vis other members, and especially other members. Never mind that neutrality is cherished and partiality frowned upon in most online fora - on one on PDF got the memo.

But the larger problem is something else. Fora such as this will obviously have differences of opinion on issues of national significance, especially India-vs-Pakistan issues. However, the chasm that I feel is not just in national issues, but in fundamental understanding of concepts. Issues such as anti-Semitism, democracy, freedom of expression seem to be understood differently on PDF than in other fora. If Indians here felt alienated just because they couldn't agree on issues like "what to do about Kashmir" or "should India talk to Pakistan without any pre-conditions" or "is the Su-30MKI better than the F-16 Block 52", it would be fine. But this forum tends to treat issues that the civilized world has settled long ago in such a cavalier fashion that it becomes difficult to take it seriously. One almost feels like a Democrat on a Republican forum, or an athiest on a religious one.

So the chasm is not just of nationality, but of every possible belief. Which means that the provocation to make comments deemed "unacceptable" by the Pakistani elite running this forum is ever-present. After a point, being on this forum means not just keeping quite on pro-India/anti-Pakistan issues, but compromising on most things one has imbibed in life as just and humane.

As an example, let me post a message for which I had been previously banned. Kindly tell me which part of it deserves a ban, because I am yet to figure it out:

Pakistani member said:

You're making that claim based on what empirical data exactly? Last I checked it was the Indian politicians conjuring the Pakistan bogeyman in their election campaigns every chance they got, and it was Indian politicians throwing tantrums and screaming at those critical of their positions to 'go to Pakistan'. Even a cursory look at English language Pakistani news sites offers anecdotal evidence of Indians crawling all over the comments section, trolling, hurling insults and vilifying Pakistan at every opportunity.

Based on the well publicized hate-mongering against Pakistanis visiting India, by elements in the Indian government and outside, your claim doesn't stand. India has of late quite clearly illustrated attitudes that are the opposite of those experienced by Indians visiting Pakistan. I understand the need for Indians to try and 'look good' in comparison to Pakistan every chance they get, but on this issue the publicly available evidence simply doesn't support your contention. Mean spirited, petty, intolerant and hate-mongering - those are the attitudes of India publicized so well of late.

I said:

You are deluded. Pakistan is not even mentioned in everyday conversation in India. I should know, I live here. Forget it being an election issue. It is at best ignored and at worst left to be dealt with by GOI. The only people who seem remotely concerned are Shiv Sena and MNS - parties that are fringe elements in their own states. And they are also responsible for the "hate mongering" that you claim. The silent majority suffers them in silence, just as we have suffered Pakistan's terrorism and war-mongering.

Pakistani member said:

You ppl are literally the most shameless ppl i have ever seen i mean for once speak truth you ppl have hundreds of websites,YT channels,twitter/FB accounts for one purpose just to bash Pakistan you interfere in every matters of our be it Internal or external. Your own BJP leaders gets votes by bashing Pakistan and the irony is that you're saying this on a Pakistani forum have some shame man there are hundreds of Indian members here on this web and guess what 99% of them (incl you obviously) just bash Pakistan on every Pak related thread. @@waz @@Oscar guys please take care of this troll already thank you.

I said:

Proper English with punctuation, please.
Which is why I stated initially that its not as if the negative rating has no value. In theory, it would keep a check on "bad behaviour", but if one set of individuals is:

a) given this right in preference to other members because of their country of origin,
b) allowed to arbitrarily/capriciously exercise this right qua members of ONE particular country,

then it looses all meaning. Obviously I am aware that non-Pakistani members (such as yourself) are likely to be far more discerning in the use of this privilege.

And as for more Pakistani members being qualified, well, unless there are an objective set of criteria applied which I am not privy to, that is ONLY because this is a Pakistani forum. Out of the handful of Indians here, the ones who, IMO, should be elevated to Mod, TT or Prof level far outnumber the Pakistanis.

Just goes to show. Anti-semitism in any part of the civilized world is deemed unacceptable - but on PDF, it is not only par for the course, it is highly encouraged.

Theoretically, yes; practically, impossible on a fixed forum.

My negative rating came at the hands of an Indian moderator and my crime was posting a harmless meme in a thread where Indian members were allowed to troll.

Moderating isn't as black and white as you think.
To begin with, it is a Pakistani forum. So it is assumed here that Pakistani members will get privileged position vis-a-vis other members, and especially other members. Never mind that neutrality is cherished and partiality frowned upon in most online fora - on one on PDF got the memo.

But the larger problem is something else. Fora such as this will obviously have differences of opinion on issues of national significance, especially India-vs-Pakistan issues. However, the chasm that I feel is not just in national issues, but in fundamental understanding of concepts. Issues such as anti-Semitism, democracy, freedom of expression seem to be understood differently on PDF than in other fora. If Indians here felt alienated just because they couldn't agree on issues like "what to do about Kashmir" or "should India talk to Pakistan without any pre-conditions" or "is the Su-30MKI better than the F-16 Block 52", it would be fine. But this forum tends to treat issues that the civilized world has settled long ago in such a cavalier fashion that it becomes difficult to take it seriously. One almost feels like a Democrat on a Republican forum, or an athiest on a religious one.

So the chasm is not just of nationality, but of every possible belief. Which means that the provocation to make comments deemed "unacceptable" by the Pakistani elite running this forum is ever-present. After a point, being on this forum means not just keeping quite on pro-India/anti-Pakistan issues, but compromising on most things one has imbibed in life as just and humane.

As an example, let me post a message for which I had been previously banned. Kindly tell me which part of it deserves a ban, because I am yet to figure it out:

Pakistani member said:

You're making that claim based on what empirical data exactly? Last I checked it was the Indian politicians conjuring the Pakistan bogeyman in their election campaigns every chance they got, and it was Indian politicians throwing tantrums and screaming at those critical of their positions to 'go to Pakistan'. Even a cursory look at English language Pakistani news sites offers anecdotal evidence of Indians crawling all over the comments section, trolling, hurling insults and vilifying Pakistan at every opportunity.

Based on the well publicized hate-mongering against Pakistanis visiting India, by elements in the Indian government and outside, your claim doesn't stand. India has of late quite clearly illustrated attitudes that are the opposite of those experienced by Indians visiting Pakistan. I understand the need for Indians to try and 'look good' in comparison to Pakistan every chance they get, but on this issue the publicly available evidence simply doesn't support your contention. Mean spirited, petty, intolerant and hate-mongering - those are the attitudes of India publicized so well of late.

I said:

You are deluded. Pakistan is not even mentioned in everyday conversation in India. I should know, I live here. Forget it being an election issue. It is at best ignored and at worst left to be dealt with by GOI. The only people who seem remotely concerned are Shiv Sena and MNS - parties that are fringe elements in their own states. And they are also responsible for the "hate mongering" that you claim. The silent majority suffers them in silence, just as we have suffered Pakistan's terrorism and war-mongering.

Pakistani member said:

You ppl are literally the most shameless ppl i have ever seen i mean for once speak truth you ppl have hundreds of websites,YT channels,twitter/FB accounts for one purpose just to bash Pakistan you interfere in every matters of our be it Internal or external. Your own BJP leaders gets votes by bashing Pakistan and the irony is that you're saying this on a Pakistani forum have some shame man there are hundreds of Indian members here on this web and guess what 99% of them (incl you obviously) just bash Pakistan on every Pak related thread. @@waz @@Oscar guys please take care of this troll already thank you.

I said:

Proper English with punctuation, please.
the convosation between your self and the pakistani member was meant to head in the direction of a problem. seeing how the pakistani member made the post and how you responded it was going to end badly. i have been in worse.

also this is a pakistani forum. dont forget that. obivously both pakistan and india have been at each others throats for decades and that hate trickels down to the keyboard on both sides. but the mods here are obivously pakistani and are fair providing its not your fault. also its about building trust, which is key.

where are quiet a few india who have zero negative rating and 50+ poitive ratings. it all depends on the user and theri views. all i can say is as they say take it with a pinch of salt. if you think your going to say somthing offensive in responce to a post then report and ignore it. end of.

My negative rating came at the hands of an Indian moderator and my crime was posting a harmless meme in a thread where Indian members were allowed to troll.

Moderating isn't as black and white as you think.
they are no indian mods, they are indian think tanks and professionals which can give negative ratings.
My negative rating came at the hands of an Indian moderator and my crime was posting a harmless meme in a thread where Indian members were allowed to troll.

Moderating isn't as black and white as you think.

Obviously, in the context that you just mentioned, it is not black and white. My point here is only restricted to Pakistani members vis-a-vis Indian ones. It is not my case that all Indian members on PDF are pristine specimens of humanity. We do share a lot in common with Pakistanis.
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