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America’s broken Pakistan policy - BRAHMA CHELLANEY

Pakistan barely registers on the radar of Indian news and popular discussion.
You ppl are literally the most shameless ppl i have ever seen i mean for once speak truth you ppl have hundreds of websites,YT channels,twitter/FB accounts for one purpose just to bash Pakistan you interfere in every matters of our be it Internal or external. Your own BJP leaders gets votes by bashing Pakistan and the irony is that you're saying this on a Pakistani forum have some shame man there are hundreds of Indian members here on this web and guess what 99% of them (incl you obviously) just bash Pakistan on every Pak related thread. [/USER] @waz @Oscar guys please take care of this troll already thank you.@Areesh remeber that mutmain beghairat we've another one here :D
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You're making that claim based on what empirical data exactly? Last I checked it was the Indian politicians conjuring the Pakistan bogeyman in their election campaigns every chance they got, and it was Indian politicians throwing tantrums and screaming at those critical of their positions to 'go to Pakistan'. Even a cursory look at English language Pakistani news sites offers anecdotal evidence of Indians crawling all over the comments section, trolling, hurling insults and vilifying Pakistan at every opportunity.

Based on the well publicized hate-mongering against Pakistanis visiting India, by elements in the Indian government and outside, your claim doesn't stand. India has of late quite clearly illustrated attitudes that are the opposite of those experienced by Indians visiting Pakistan. I understand the need for Indians to try and 'look good' in comparison to Pakistan every chance they get, but on this issue the publicly available evidence simply doesn't support your contention. Mean spirited, petty, intolerant and hate-mongering - those are the attitudes of India publicized so well of late.

You are deluded. Pakistan is not even mentioned in everyday conversation in India. I should know, I live here. Forget it being an election issue. It is at best ignored and at worst left to be dealt with by GOI. The only people who seem remotely concerned are Shiv Sena and MNS - parties that are fringe elements in their own states. And they are also responsible for the "hate mongering" that you claim. The silent majority suffers them in silence, just as we have suffered Pakistan's terrorism and war-mongering.

You ppl are literally the most shameless ppl i have ever seen i mean for once speak truth you ppl have hundreds of websites,YT channels,twitter/FB accounts for one purpose just to bash Pakistan you interfere in every matters of our be it Internal or external. Your own BJP leaders gets votes by bashing Pakistan and the irony is that you're saying this on a Pakistani forum have some shame man there are hundreds of Indian members here on this web and guess what 99% of them (incl you obviously) just bash Pakistan on every Pak related thread. @waz @Oscar guys please take care of this troll already thank you.

Proper English with punctuation, please.
This is what you can do when you don't have any answers left

Okay, I lose, happy?

Based on the well publicized hate-mongering against Pakistanis visiting India, by elements in the Indian government and outside, your claim doesn't stand.

And I would like to add one more point. Thousands of families in India have lost near and dear ones due to Pakistani-sponsored terrorism, from Kashmir to Khalistan and Mumbai. Their lives have been scarred forever due to Pakistani policy of state-sponsored terror. While it may be nice to forgive and forget, surely you understand that one must not grudge these people their hatred?
Holy crap, we actually agree on something O.O

The US government DID try to push Pakistan, and bully it into submission, do you know what happened? Pakistan told the US to **** off, and gave access of Gwadar to the Chinese, something that the US was firmly against and actively trying to prevent.

Now, with more security issues on the rise in the region, the US is once again coming to Pakistan to fix the problems that the US itself is the cause of (whether direct or indirect).

Why be surprised? After all, we both recognize that all countries work only to further their own respective national interests, always.
Why be surprised? After all, we both recognize that all countries work only to further their own respective national interests, always.
Considering how different we view geopolitics, I'd have thought we different in this regard as well. Can you blame me?
Considering how different we view geopolitics, I'd have thought we different in this regard as well. Can you blame me?

Not really. There are no major differences once the basic concepts of international geopolitics are understood.
Yes, I can afford to visit Pakistan. Instead I chose to visit Greece, Turkey, Malaysia, South Africa and Mauritius in the past year - less chances of being blown to smithereens by a suicide bomber.
Talking $hit is easy, taking a walk towards peace is very very difficult for the extremist bharatis.
Nothing new here.

1) How far removed Pakistan is from the thoughts of an average India. Pakistan barely registers on the radar of Indian news
hahahaha. Elections is Bihar in particular and northren Bharat in general get accusations based on anti-Pakistan stupidities.

and you say "does not register". I guess you don't even live in that sad country.

2) The life and culture that you are trying to showcase for Indian consumption is no different than what one experiences in
Again, statement based on 5th grade school history/civics book.
Okay, you seem to be a nice enough person. I apologize for being rude earlier. But you should take into account the fact that even the defence budget of Pakistan is subsidized by foreign aid. That is pretty damning, don't you think?

Apologize accepted! And yes I am not denying the fact of foreign aid or help or whatever you call it. See the point is all of the countries on the earth need each other. Remember the term interdependence? Yeah! USA created the Taliban (not going into the reason of it) and who is suffering? Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, etc (third world countries). And so what if they are helping to fight against TT (PS: I won't call it TTP because they aren't Pakistani) now. Also, if Pakistan isn't fighting against it, it would probably have spread to USA. You see? AND PAKISTAN CAN SURVIVE WITHOUT THE HELP OF USA AND I AM SERIOUS ABOUT IT. PAKISTAN AIN'T A WEAK COUNTRY ANYMORE AS WELL. IT IS RISING DAY BY DAY. I will must add another point USA is just giving money and we PAKISTANI are sacrificing our brothers/sons/husbands/father to fight this war. You know what I mean? #Peace. :)
I never assumed you were going for anything apart from Master's. Bachelor's degree competition even in the shitty place where you will end up landing would be too much for you.

Btw...what law firm do you work for that gives "internships" for graduates? No doubt, another favour arranged by your family as you couldn't get a job after graduation.

I did my law from the oldest university in Pak..Punjab univ (Google that).. Apart from studying London Univs external law program ...

Now instead of discussing about my father's money or my education .. Just Fuk off .
itnay laambay article ke short summary

"India ka Randi Rona as usual"
You are deluded. Pakistan is not even mentioned in everyday conversation in India. I should know, I live here. Forget it being an election issue. It is at best ignored and at worst left to be dealt with by GOI. The only people who seem remotely concerned are Shiv Sena and MNS - parties that are fringe elements in their own states. And they are also responsible for the "hate mongering" that you claim. The silent majority suffers them in silence, just as we have suffered Pakistan's terrorism and war-mongering.

The mere fact that you are on a Pakistani Defence Forum parading this narrative is proof enough of how obsessed Indians are with Pakistan. Here's also another fun fact, there are more Indians registered on PDF than there are Pakistanis. How many Pakistanis are registered on Indian Defence Forums and regularly contribute on those forums?

Here's a little exercise for you. Open up top three Indian Newspapers online, and than open top three Indian news channels and count how many times Pakistan is mentioned. Than do the same with Pakistani newspapers and news channels and you will have your answer. Actions speak louder than words.
US President Barack Obama’s decision to sell an additional eight F-16 fighter jets to Pakistan illustrates the US policy of persistently rewarding a country that still refuses to snap its ties with terrorists or observe other international norms.
The F-16 sale decision is also part of a broader US effort to bolster Pakistani defences against India, in spite of the warming US-India relations. In that sense, America’s Pakistan policy still bears a striking resemblance to China’s Pakistan policy. This approach predates the Obama presidency.
For instance, president George W. Bush’s administration upgraded America’s relations with Pakistan by designating it as a major non-Nato ally (MNNA) in 2004 and providing it with 24 F-16s. The US has equipped Pakistan with specific systems to plug gaps in its defences against India, even though a revisionist Pakistan refuses to accept the territorial status quo on the subcontinent and continues to train and export terrorists.
One example of US weapon transfers was the sale of nine P-3C Orion maritime aircraft and 60 Harpoon missiles in 2005 to offset India’s naval advantage. However, the Obama administration’s year-old move to equip the Pakistan Navy with eight GRC43M cutter vessels for medium to long endurance coverage of the northern Arabian Sea has run into congressional opposition. The supply of strategic weapon systems emboldens Pakistan to ratchet up hostility with India.
More significantly, by showering Pakistan with billions of dollars in financial support annually, the US has made that country one of this century’s largest recipients of American assistance.
According to the Congressional Research Service, the US, over the past 13 years, has given Pakistan more than $18 billion in economic and military aid as well as $13 billion in counterterrorism support related to the war in Afghanistan. Ironically, the US military’s main foe on the Afghanistan battlefield is the Pakistan-reared Afghan Taliban, which still operates from sanctuaries on Pakistani territory.
Through its generous aid and political protection, the US, in effect, has become an enabler of Pakistan’s export of terrorism. After all, terrorists continue to train inside Pakistan for cross-border operations in India and Afghanistan. The Pakistani military’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency aids even those terrorists that attack American troops in Afghanistan.
Despite Pakistan’s duplicity in the fight against terrorism, Washington—largely because of its interests in Afghanistan and other regional considerations—has shied away from imposing any costs on the Pakistani military for still nurturing forces of jihad. Instead, it still relies on extending carrots to Pakistani military commanders in hopes of convincing them to sever their ties with all terrorist groups and to bring the Taliban to Afghan peace talks.
The F-16 decision followed Obama’s U-turn on American troop withdrawal from Afghanistan. In fact, short-term compulsions have led the US to forge even closer institutional ties with the Army and the ISI, the main wielders of power in Pakistan.
Significantly, the US’s Pakistan policy has failed to deliver on other fronts as well, including reining in Pakistan’s nuclear-weapons programme and promoting a genuine democratic transition there. With the development of a robust civil society remaining stunted, jihad culture is now deeply woven into Pakistan’s national fabric. And despite an elected government in office, the military rules the roost in Pakistan.
The most powerful person is not Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif but army chief General Raheel Sharif. Gen. Sharif, who is not related to the prime minister, calls the shots on key issues, ranging from the direction of the Pakistani foreign policy to the Afghan peace process and his country’s nuclear-weapons programme.
Without staging an overt military coup, Gen. Sharif has increasingly encroached on the authority of the elected civilian leadership, thereby bolstering the army’s power and promoting an image of himself as a national saviour. This has made him a cult figure. The power encroachment has extended to setting up special military courts to try civilians for terrorism and the army arrogating to itself the right to oversee internal security across the country.
In the latest action reflecting the army’s growing sway, the military brass has installed one of its own generals as the national security adviser to the weakened prime minister. Indeed, the prime minister—who still has no foreign minister—has been compelled to let the military take charge of foreign policy and national security, including all aspects of internal security. So, the government’s prime responsibility now relates to the economy, but it cannot touch the financial prerogatives of the military, which, according to some estimates, consumes 26% of all tax receipts.
With the military, intelligence and nuclear establishments not answerable to the elected government, Pakistan has been frenetically expanding its nuclear arsenal, building even low-yield tactical nukes for use on the battlefield against India. A recent report by two US think tanks said that Pakistan may be adding 20 warheads to its nuclear arsenal every year and, at this pace, could have the world’s third largest nuclear stockpile within a decade. The arsenal provides the generals the nuclear shield to harbour terrorists without inviting military retaliation from India.
More than ever, Pakistan stands out as a military with a country, rather than a country with a military.
Against this background, if Pakistan is to become a moderate, stable country, the military’s vice-like grip on power must be broken and the ISI made accountable. However, US policy, far from helping to prop up the country’s elected civilian leadership, is implicitly aiding the military’s usurpation of powers.
Gen. Sharif is scheduled to visit Washington shortly for talks with top American officials. During a US visit last year, Gen. Sharif was awarded the US Legion of Merit for his contributions to—believe it or not—“peace and security.” The US’s mollycoddling has encouraged its allies to also pamper Gen. Sharif. British Prime Minister David Cameron held talks with Gen. Sharif at his official Downing Street residence, while new Afghan President Ashraf Ghani started his Pakistan visit by meeting the general first.
More ominously, the US has recently explored the idea of cutting a nuclear deal with Pakistan. Dangling the offer of “nuclear mainstreaming” Pakistan—as advocates of the exploratory talks call it—carries a double risk: Incentivizing the actions of a state sponsor of terrorism and legitimizing a nuclear programme built through theft of technology, deception and clandestine transfers from China. A deal would also whitewash the biggest nuclear proliferation scandal in history, known as the A.Q. Khan affair.
The paradox is that those in Washington who worry about a rogue commander in Pakistan seizing control of a nuclear bomb seem oblivious to the fact that the Pakistani military has already become radicalized and that the ISI has turned rogue, with its jihadist rampages spawning more dangerous Islamists.
As long as Pakistan’s nuclear weapons programme remains outside government control, any American hope of limiting it would remain a pie-in-the-sky goal. For the military, unconventional instruments—nukes, including a new generation of tactical nuclear weapons, and terrorism—will remain favoured tools to neutralize India’s conventional military superiority, at least until India is able to impose unbearable costs on it for waging a “war of a thousand cuts”.
An impotent Prime Minister Sharif seems unable to deliver on any promise. For example, he pledged in a joint statement with Obama after an October meeting at the White House that Pakistan would take “effective action against United Nations-designated terrorist individuals and entities, including Lashkar-e-Taiba and its affiliates, as per its international commitments and obligations under UN Security Council resolutions and the Financial Action Task Force”.
But no sooner had he reached home than Pakistani authorities announced “enhanced” state security for UN-designated terrorist Hafiz Saeed—Pakistan’s most-protected private individual who carries a $10 million US bounty on his head. The enhanced security was a reaffirmation that Saeed—the founder of the Lashkar-e-Taiba, an ISI front organization held responsible for the 2008 Mumbai terrorist attacks—remains a prized asset for a military wedded to exporting terrorism as an instrument of state policy. As Saeed’s public activities and fiery speeches mock America’s bounty, US silence and inaction stands out conspicuously.
The real problem with the US’s Pakistan policy is that it refuses to learn from past mistakes. For example, America’s failure or unwillingness to bring the ISI to heel parallels its highly ineffectual air war against the organization that bears an acronymic affinity with the ISI—ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria). The reality is that both the ISI and ISIS are transnational terrorist organizations that became powerful largely because of misguided American policies of arming jihadists in Afghanistan in the 1980s and in Syria in recent years.
As two American scholars, C. Christine Fair and Sumit Ganguly, contend in the journal Foreign Affairs, the “US turns a blind eye to Pakistan’s misdeeds”, subsidizing both its nuclear expansion and “its stable of Islamic terrorists”. They counsel that, “If Washington cannot end Pakistan’s noxious behaviours, it should at least stop sponsoring them.”
Despite a long record of failure, US’s Pakistan strategy remains focused too much on carrots and too little on sticks or disincentives. Obama has spurned even congressional advice to suspend some aid to Pakistan and impose travel restrictions and other sanctions on Pakistani officials known to have ties to terrorists. Those that harboured Osama bin Laden in a Pakistani military garrison town have gone scot-free.
Indeed, Obama’s move to keep US troops in Afghanistan indefinitely, leaving any withdrawal decision to his successor, means that the US will continue to fight the war on the wrong side of the Afghanistan-Pakistan border, while still rewarding the Taliban’s backer, Pakistan.
It is past time for America to fix its broken Pakistan policy. It must begin by bridging the gap between policy and practice, including by employing some sticks. Sustained US pressure is vital to encourage a reformed Pakistan at peace with itself.
Brahma Chellaney is a professor at the Centre for Policy Research.

America’s broken Pakistan policy - Livemint
Lol him and Christine Fair should get together. Then they can spend whole days together crying and whining about evil Pakistan and how its the cause of anything evil in this world :lol:

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