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America’s broken Pakistan policy - BRAHMA CHELLANEY

Everyone should dream. Dreams are important as they give rise to hope. Without hope there would only be despair. So hold on to this narcotic for as long as you can. Because when you wake up, the reality around you will crush your spirit.

India is 7 times bigger than Pakistan but despite all its efforts it has never been able to crush Pakistan's spirit in the last 70 years. You want to take us on, try it. Last time you did, you lost 1,500 of your soldiers in accidents and explosions without even firing a bullet in anger. Nothing but hot air and bollywood drama from the Indians.

$18 billion in economic and military aid while $13 billion in CSF.

My point was that US has been very supportive towards Pakistan but Pakistan does seem to return the favor back to US and instead is supporting US' main rival China in sipte of all this largesse being extended by US towards Pakistan.

We are smart. This goes against what other Indians are saying that we simply do our "master's bidding" in return for money. We get money but do what we think is in our national interest.
No i doubt in the real world you would be allowed into the same room as me, but here we can all pretend to be equal, can't we?
I know ... Diseased animals are literally kept caged (even in the zoo - nobody is allowed to enter the monkeys cage) and out of bounds for general public... Should I inform the animal rights groups of your condition..:)
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Why do South Asians immediately start equating facts which they are uncomfortable with as emotions? I agree this is not a uniquely Pakistani problem, Indians suffer from it as well. But we are trying to sensitize people against knee-jerk emotionalism. Not every sentence spoken which does not adhere to your worldview is motivated by emotions, negative or otherwise.

Look bhai

Not sure how old are you and if you can afford making a trip to Pakistan.

It is an utter shame that otherwise smart math wiz bharatis avoid spending 5 days of their time to at least visit the next door neighbor before forming opinions. Opinions that are so strong that even Vedas and Bhagvad geeta could be wrong but their opinions won't be.

That's truly sad. We have had Bharati engineers come visit Pakistan for factory equipment installation. They were so impressed by the life the culture and their respect that they wanted to extend their trip for a couple of months so they could see the whole of Pakistan.

Here you are, totally opposite, barking like those TV talk show baffoons.

What a shame.

$18 billion in economic and military aid while $13 billion in CSF.

My point was that US has been very supportive towards Pakistan but Pakistan does seem to return the favor back to US and instead is supporting US' main rival China in sipte of all this largesse being extended by US towards Pakistan.

Look I added those two numbers and then some.

For the Afghan invasion

Total US cash flow to Pakistan has been at most $30 billion in 14 years.
While total cost to US has been 2500-3000 billion + 1000s of precious lives

It is like you spend 3000 rupees on home improvement. Hire a truck driver to carry all your stuff, then beat up that poor forker that he deceived you by charging 30 rupees.

Not only that you then go to all your friends that on your 3000 rupees project, the driver who carried all your stuff, injured his back somehow overcharged.

If Pakistan by getting 30 rupees overcharged, did you have an option. Was Bharat willing to the same job for 5 rupees?

Just enlighten me.

This I see at the minimum attributed to your poor math skills.

or at its worst, you are just a well fed fatso who doesn't hesitate spending 3000 rupees while beating up a poor worker for 30 rupees.

Pathetic. Dare I say.
Once you realize that there is little future in your country, you too will join the mad scramble to get out and scrounge a living in a Western/GCC country. Your country has already failed you. When you run away from it and profess undying love and devotion from a distance, and further try to cover up its disastrous condition, you would have completed the circle and failed your country as well.

Yes, I can afford to visit Pakistan. Instead I chose to visit Greece, Turkey, Malaysia, South Africa and Mauritius in the past year - less chances of being blown to smithereens by a suicide bomber.

Also, it is YOU who needs to visit India to get an alternate perspective, especially on two things:

1) How far removed Pakistan is from the thoughts of an average India. Pakistan barely registers on the radar of Indian news and popular discussion. The coverage provided to India-related news in Pakistani media is several times greater than the other way around. The general consensus in India is that the government is in the best position to take a call on whether or not to engage with Pakistan, and while we may disagree with the government on many things, on this front we are united.

2) The life and culture that you are trying to showcase for Indian consumption is no different than what one experiences in NCR/Punjab in India. You will find the same syndrome of self-declared generosity and heartiness on this side of the border as well. Being good at playing hosts does not mean that one is equally reliable as a partner for conducting other discussions.
Listen azzhole.. I can hire clowns like you.. I love a very comfortable life.. Will be going to a top US univ soon... All that Coz of my country...

Now instead of barking ... Tell me about your country where over 2000 kids die each day of starvation & human misery is rampant.. Tell us how you have failed your country m your country has failed over 500 million Indians n those dying everyday as a result of that!
Oh definitely it does dear. It also needs China, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Canada, UK, World Bank. IMF, ADB - in fact it needs whichever party is willing to throw some money its way. And then it will do the master's bidding (but not if it involves stopping sponsoring of terrorism against India).

If Pakistan needs all of these countries then you need Pakistan too and China and Russia.
"Military with a country rather a country with a military". What exactly do you mean? I find some jealousy in this statement. :)
If Pakistan needs all of these countries then you need Pakistan too and China and Russia.

My my! What a clever reply! Shall we play ringa-ringa-roses now?

"Military with a country rather a country with a military". What exactly do you mean? I find some jealousy in this statement. :)

Please do read up something about Pakistan.
1) How far removed Pakistan is from the thoughts of an average India. Pakistan barely registers on the radar of Indian news and popular discussion. The coverage provided to India-related news in Pakistani media is several times greater than the other way around.
You're making that claim based on what empirical data exactly? Last I checked it was the Indian politicians conjuring the Pakistan bogeyman in their election campaigns every chance they got, and it was Indian politicians throwing tantrums and screaming at those critical of their positions to 'go to Pakistan'. Even a cursory look at English language Pakistani news sites offers anecdotal evidence of Indians crawling all over the comments section, trolling, hurling insults and vilifying Pakistan at every opportunity.
2) The life and culture that you are trying to showcase for Indian consumption is no different than what one experiences in NCR/Punjab in India..
Based on the well publicized hate-mongering against Pakistanis visiting India, by elements in the Indian government and outside, your claim doesn't stand. India has of late quite clearly illustrated attitudes that are the opposite of those experienced by Indians visiting Pakistan. I understand the need for Indians to try and 'look good' in comparison to Pakistan every chance they get, but on this issue the publicly available evidence simply doesn't support your contention. Mean spirited, petty, intolerant and hate-mongering - those are the attitudes of India publicized so well of late.
The goal of US policy has never been, and never will be, reforming Pakistan. US policies serve US national interests. As long as the power centers in Pakistan remain engaged with USA, all is well.
Holy crap, we actually agree on something O.O

The US government DID try to push Pakistan, and bully it into submission, do you know what happened? Pakistan told the US to **** off, and gave access of Gwadar to the Chinese, something that the US was firmly against and actively trying to prevent.

Now, with more security issues on the rise in the region, the US is once again coming to Pakistan to fix the problems that the US itself is the cause of (whether direct or indirect).
My my! What a clever reply! Shall we play ringa-ringa-roses now?

Please do read up something about Pakistan.
Well if I have to sum up this article in few or one sentence, I would say, the author is trying to paint the picture of Pakistan as a paralyzed country and America is the crutch of it. If it's not there, it will fall down. WRONG!
Well if I have to sum up this article in few or one sentence, I would say, the author is trying to paint the picture of Pakistan as a paralyzed country and America is the crutch of it. If it's not there, it will fall down. WRONG!

Okay, you seem to be a nice enough person. I apologize for being rude earlier. But you should take into account the fact that even the defence budget of Pakistan is subsidized by foreign aid. That is pretty damning, don't you think?

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