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Bangladeshi villagers saved Indian elephant in a dramatic rescue mission


Jul 30, 2015
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Bangladeshi locals named it 'Banga Bahadur' (Brave hero of Bengal). He is now a celebrity in Bangladesh. :partay:

Elephant separated from herd by floods saved in dramatic rescue
Updated yesterday at 3:26am

Photo: The elephant was separated from its herd more than a month ago. (AFP)

Related Story: Villagers hamper effort to save Indian elephant stranded in Bangladesh flood
Related Story: Rescue underway for wild elephant stranded by floods

An elephant thought to have travelled 1,000 kilometres from India into Bangladesh after becoming separated from its herd by floods has been stopped in its tracks in a dramatic rescue that nearly ended in disaster.

The distressed female ran amok after it was hit by a tranquilliser dart and charged into a pond, where it was only saved from drowning with the help of local villagers who jumped in to keep it from toppling into the water, according to a local vet.

"Hundreds of villagers came to its rescue when they saw the elephant had lost consciousness," Sayed Hossain said from the scene.

"Dozens jumped into the pond and helped us tie the animal with ropes and chains.

"And finally, with the help of hundreds of villagers, we were able to pull it to dry ground."

Severe floods in the north-eastern Indian state of Assam separated the four-tonne elephant from its herd and it crossed the border in late June.

Conservationist Ashit Ranjan Paul said it had likely travelled about 1,000 kilometres before it even reached Bangladesh, where it has been for the past six weeks.

Photo: Bangladeshi villagers assist forest officials in tying ropes on a tranquilised wild female elephant. (STR/AFP)

Elephant to be nursed back to health at safari park
A team of Bangladeshi forest officials have been following the exhausted elephant and now hope to take it to a safari park where it can be looked after.

That, however, will be no easy task.

"Since there is no paved road nearby, we'll keep the animal here and give it medicines and food," said Tapan Kumar Dey, who is part of the team.

"Once it regains strength, we'll use mahouts [elephant handlers] and a domesticated elephant to lead it to a paved road from where it'll be transported to a safari park."

Three Indian wildlife officials travelled to Bangladesh earlier this month to try to help the elephant, but their trip was unsuccessful.

"It is so weak that it can't even lift its trunk. You can see her ribs from a distance," Ritesh Bhattacharjee, one of the three officials, said at the time.

Photo: The tranquillised wild female elephant lies on the ground after being pulled from a pond by Bangladesh forest officials and villagers. (STR/AFP)






He is ok now. Eating and enjoying the attention of people. :smitten:


‘বঙ্গবাহাদুর’ নাম পেল সেই হাতি
জ্যেষ্ঠ প্রতিবেদক, বিডিনিউজ টোয়েন্টিফোর ডটকম

Published: 2016-08-12 18:19:08.0 BdST Updated: 2016-08-12 22:58:59.0 BdST

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তিনি বলেন, “হাতিটি এখন খাওয়া-দাওয়া করছে; চিকিৎসাও চলছে। আমরা সব সময় পাশে আছি। এলাকাবাসীর সহায়তাও পাচ্ছি।”


এদিকে জামালপুর জেলা প্রশাসক মো. শাহাবুদ্দিন খান সরিষাবাড়ীর প্রত্যন্ত এলাকায় হাতিটির সর্বশেষ অবস্থা পরিদর্শনে যাওয়ার পরিকল্পনা করছেন।
বিডিনিউজ টোয়েন্টিফোর ডটকমকে তিনি বলেন, “এখানে সবার আগ্রহের কেন্দ্রে হাতিটি রয়েছে। পরিস্থিতির খোঁজ-খবর রাখছি। আমি সরিষাবাড়ী এসেছি। বন অধিদপ্তরের কর্মকর্তাদের সঙ্গে কথা বলে নিজেও একবার হাতিটির অবস্থা দেখে আসতে পারি।”

বানের জলে ভেসে গত ২৬ জুন ভারতের আসাম হয়ে বাংলাদেশের কুড়িগ্রাম সীমান্তে আসে বুনো হাতিটি।

এরপর কুড়িগ্রামের রৌমারীতে হাতিটি ছিল ৯ জুলাই পর্যন্ত। ১০ থেকে ১৩ জুলাই গাইবান্ধায়, ১৪-১৬ জুলাই জামালপুরে, ১৭-১৮ জুলাই বগুড়ায়, ১৯-৩০ জুলাই সিরাজগঞ্জে এবং তারপর ৩১ জুলাই থেকে আবার জামালপুরে চষে বেড়ায় সে।

দেড় মাসের বেশি সময় ধরে নদী ও স্থলপথ মিলিয়ে চার জেলার কয়েকশ কিলোমিটার পাড়ি দিয়ে অনেকটা দুর্বল হয়ে পড়ে হাতিটি।

৩ অগাস্ট ভারতীয় একটি দল এসে উদ্ধার কাজে হাত লাগালেও ব্যর্থ হয়ে ভারতে ফিরে যায় তারা।

খাবারের প্রলোভনে সাড়া না দেওয়ায় বুনো হাতিটিকে বশে আনতে পোষা একটি মাদী হাতিও আনা হয়েছিল। কিন্তু উল্টো পোষা হাতিটিকে তাড়িয়ে দেয় বঙ্গবাহাদুর।

বুধবার প্রথমে ‘প্লাস্টিক ডার্ট’ ছুড়লে তা হাতির গায়ে লেগে বেঁকে যায়। এরপর সরিষাবাড়ীর কয়রা গ্রামে বৃহস্পতিবার ‘মেটাল ডার্ট’ ছুড়ে হাতিটি অচেতন করা হয়।

তপন কুমার দে জানান, প্রশিক্ষণ পেয়ে হাতিটি স্বাভাবিক আচরণ করলেই তাকে সরানোর ব্যবস্থা করা হবে।

. . . . . .
news above says its female elephant..

Nah They are wrong. We have been following the elephant for 44 days. It has roved entire north almost 600 km in few days. It was like tracking the Santa :lol::lol:
Nah They are wrong. We have been following the elephant for 44 days. It has roved entire north almost 600 km in few days. It was like tracking the Santa :lol::lol:
alright... I will believe anything said with enough confidence.. :)
. . . . .
Good job. So cute. Can we keep it India?

Well if they took the trouble to move it to Gazipur safari park or whatever and it received a lot of fans in the whole ordeal....I think it makes sense for it to stay and maybe create more business around people visiting to see this new celebrity :)...dependent on the animal's welfare and desire to stay. Lots of treats (within reason) and you will probably win him over.

Or you have to release him quickly if he doesn't like it/ can't adjust.
Well if they took the trouble to move it to Gazipur safari park or whatever and it received a lot of fans in the whole ordeal....I think it makes sense for it to stay and maybe create more business around people visiting to see this new celebrity :)...dependent on the animal's welfare and desire to stay. Lots of treats (within reason) and you will probably win him over.

Or you have to release him quickly if he doesn't like it/ can't adjust.
This elephant should be given independence award of Bangladesh imo :P since they already called him "benga bahadur"

wild elephants roam around in India across forest ranges... may be India can give you a domesticated elephant to play with.. lol. wild elephants should be left in the wild.
Well maybe he will be taken into a zone where he can roam around to his wishes. Like the one in gazipur someone was talking about in here.
This elephant should be given independence award of Bangladesh imo :P since they already called him "benga bahadur"

Well maybe he will be taken into a zone where he can roam around to his wishes. Like the one in gazipur someone was talking about in here.
yeah why not... am not elephant expert..

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