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Bangladeshi officers in Kolkata - Gen. Bhuiyan...Highly friendly with India?


Dec 28, 2011
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Bangladeshi officers in Kolkata
Jayanta Gupta, TNNJan 2, 2014, 09.39PM IST


KOLKATA: In a rare show of bonhomie, India has allowed military officers and personnel from Bangladesh access to the Command Hospital in Kolkata. Five officers from Bangladesh, including a woman, have already received treatment at the hospital. A second batch of patients is on its way. They include a cancer patient.

According to an officer in the Eastern Command, this issue was taken up when the Bangladesh Army chief visited India. India was happy to provide assistance when the Bangladeshi general appreciated medical facilities available in India. A large number of civilian patients from Bangladesh visit India for treatment. Hundreds of them flock to private hospitals in Kolkata.


The move to treat Bangladeshi officers has been named Operation Maitri. Officers believe that this step will go a long way to strengthen ties — military or otherwise — between the two neighbours. The five who received treatment at the Command Hospital were under the care of super specialists in the departments of rheumatology, gynaecology and gastroenterology. The Bangladeshi officers thanked the hospital for the care provided. They said that they are keen to return to the hospital again if required. Two of them suffer from chronic ailments that will require indefinite therapy and prolonged follow-up. They said that they wanted to be treated at the hospital till they recover fully.

"Apart from the bonhomie and good relations such actions generate, it also reveals to the world the kind of infrastructure we possess. This is very important," said Maj Gen BNBM Prasad, commandant of the hospital.

Command Hospital treats Bangladeshi officers in Kolkata - Times Of India
Its a conspiracy from india to help pro awami dalal officers to regain health to help us conquer india....go Raaaaaw
Why is it a "rare show of bonhomie"? Many BD officers are in India attending various courses and this has been going on for years. So what's the big deal if they're treated in a hospital in Calcutta?? How is this 'news'?

Looks like the journalist Jayant Gupta got a hard-on writing this 'sensational news'! Or was he looking for brownie points from his editor? :cheesy:
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good gesture.
we only have problem with the illegal ones.
That is just india treating their mercenaries. IKB very well be one of those, playing good cop.
For those who were holding high hopes from Army should question again, where does loyalty of army belong, to people of Bangladesh or to India and Awami League? So far reading we have seen answers that question well. Dismantling this force is call of the time.
For those who were holding high hopes from Army should question again, where does loyalty of army belong, to people of Bangladesh or to India and Awami League? So far reading we have seen answers that question well. Dismantling this force is call of the time.

I agree this army should be disbanded, all forces have been tainted by India and Awami League and are of no use to the people of Bangladesh at this point. In effect, they are being used for the interest of India and Awami League, so they have in reality been already engaged in mutiny against people of Bangladesh.
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I agree this army should be disbanded, all forces have been tainted by India and Awami League and are of no use to the people of Bangladesh at this point. In effect, they are being used for the interest of India and Awami League, so they have in reality been already engaged in mutiny against people of Bangladesh.

Sometime we get blind and lose our simple sense. Our army is a force of more than 250000 now, you think all are sold now? No...that's not possible. Thing is they're afraid of their lives now. 57 high ranked army officers were killed and they got no justice. One politician gets arrested or killed, there will be hartal, strike, vandalism of national assets but for 57 army officers what happened....nothing... I mean what are mass peoples' view. Did BNP show any significant feeling for the fallen? Which country in the world would be so passive after losing there 57 army officers? So, it's not that they're only afraid of their lives but they feel alienated, also now they have a common stand regarding this clueless people...that is "what's the point doing for them". Go through the history, whenever they tried to do something for the people, in return they got abused, punished.
The content of post No 1 has no connection with the title of this thread !
Did BNP show any significant feeling for the fallen? Which country in the world would be so passive after losing there 57 army officers?

If it was BAL, then they would make an issues as if 5700 officers were killed; BNP just cannot make issues, and use sentiment. BNP should have brought this BDR issues again and again. Who are the advisers of BNP???
Sometime we get blind and lose our simple sense. Our army is a force of more than 250000 now, you think all are sold now? No...that's not possible. Thing is they're afraid of their lives now. 57 high ranked army officers were killed and they got no justice. One politician gets arrested or killed, there will be hartal, strike, vandalism of national assets but for 57 army officers what happened....nothing... I mean what are mass peoples' view. Did BNP show any significant feeling for the fallen? Which country in the world would be so passive after losing there 57 army officers? So, it's not that they're only afraid of their lives but they feel alienated, also now they have a common stand regarding this clueless people...that is "what's the point doing for them". Go through the history, whenever they tried to do something for the people, in return they got abused, punished.

I am aware that the soldiers are mostly "patriotic", but there are many AL supporters among officers. UN Peacekeeping is their main focus, not the country and its sovereignty. Otherwise DGFI should have prevented Indian infiltration in every sphere of Bangladesh, like ISI does in Pakistan.

Also, the army are the people with guns, why they listened to Hasina and Moeen, why they did not go in to save their own officers? How can this be fault of the countrymen? What could they do to save them? And what good is any lamentation after they are already dead, those who lamented within the army, lost their jobs and positions, you know all that.

So, please answer these questions. Today, the condition of the country and the way Indian control has taken over, whose responsibility was that to prevent this from happening? Armed forces have failed the country, as far as I can see. May be the soldiers did not sell their soul, but many officers did and as a whole the Armed forces have failed the nation. They failed to do their job, to save Bangladesh from external threat, which has virtually taken over the country using their agents and have now made Bangladesh into a vassal state. And Armed forces acceptance of this situation makes them a willing accomplice of the crimes committed by India and their agents in Bangladesh.
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I am aware that the soldiers are mostly "patriotic", but there are many AL supporters among officers. UN Peacekeeping is their main focus, not the country and its sovereignty. Otherwise DGFI should have prevented Indian infiltration in every sphere of Bangladesh, like ISI does in Pakistan.

Also, the army are the people with guns, why they listened to Hasina and Moeen, why they did not go in to save their own officers? How can this be fault of the countrymen? What could they do to save them? And what good is any lamentation after they are already dead, those who lamented within the army, lost their jobs and positions, you know all that.

So, please answer these questions. Today, the condition of the country and the way Indian control has taken over, whose responsibility was that to prevent this from happening? Armed forces have failed the country, as far as I can see. May be the soldiers did not sell their soul, but many officers did and as a whole the Armed forces have failed the nation. They failed to do their job, to save Bangladesh from external threat, which has virtually taken over the country using their agents and have now made Bangladesh into a vassal state. And Armed forces acceptance of this situation makes them a willing accomplice of the crimes committed by India and their agents in Bangladesh.

For the current condition of selling the country to others Bangladeshi people, politicians are responsible not the army. I once asked a question like yours to my brother furiously that this senior defence officers like CAS, DGFI chief all knew about this BDR massacre, they didn't do anything...didn't they take their oath once?. He said, "they (defence officers) also knew that your politicians are their seniors, so decision was up to them and they maintained the chain of command".

Please try to think from all perspectives, we the people are cheaters, we want them to rescue us from danger whenever needed but we'll later again punish them because they have their govt. job bond. Look at Mosharraf in Pakistan...I meet many Pakistani people here in Malaysia, no one ever told me that he did bad to Pakistan compared to political govt. Now what's he undergoing there? The same thing applies to Ershad, he's now one velka and to many betrayer.

It's true army is completely controlled by BAL/india now but it never means all are sold. Probably people who might take some steps are afraid seeing others' fates especially BDR officers.
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I am aware that the soldiers are mostly "patriotic", but there are many AL supporters among officers. UN Peacekeeping is their main focus, not the country and its sovereignty. Otherwise DGFI should have prevented Indian infiltration in every sphere of Bangladesh, like ISI does in Pakistan.

Also, the army are the people with guns, why they listened to Hasina and Moeen, why they did not go in to save their own officers? How can this be fault of the countrymen? What could they do to save them? And what good is any lamentation after they are already dead, those who lamented within the army, lost their jobs and positions, you know all that.

So, please answer these questions. Today, the condition of the country and the way Indian control has taken over, whose responsibility was that to prevent this from happening? Armed forces have failed the country, as far as I can see. May be the soldiers did not sell their soul, but many officers did and as a whole the Armed forces have failed the nation. They failed to do their job, to save Bangladesh from external threat, which has virtually taken over the country using their agents and have now made Bangladesh into a vassal state. And Armed forces acceptance of this situation makes them a willing accomplice of the crimes committed by India and their agents in Bangladesh.

It's intelligence failure actually. It is a well-recorded fact that BKZ never read intelligence reports.

You think those foreign agents were doing a picnic during the BNP admin while Tarek was enjoying his new-found lust for power and wealth? A lot of it is to do with the government.

I admit, much of our army are for ceremonial purposes. Not an actual armed force. What has it achieved for the security of Bangladeshis over the four decades?

A soldier's job is to kill, and continuously strives on learning how to kill more effectively and efficiently. Even mercenaries have to kill for a living, and only serve themselves. A soldier serves for the security of his nation.

And to kill, one has to be able to see the target. The enemy! Bangladesh Army is blind. Add a bit of meaningless pride of those generals which would explain quite a bit about their blindness.

If I were in charge of security, I'd envision my military to be wired behind every rock on this sub-continent. Eyes and ears everywhere. It's not all about operating the most expensive equipment.

Those officers slain during Pilkhana in fact had no idea what was coming for them. And hence, blind.

Gen. Moeen is quite easily the biggest traitor in the history of modern Bangladesh.


Blind, leading the blind, not realizing how innocent and vulnerable the Bangladeshi general public really are. And who's paying them? Who's paying for their rations? Their equipment? The taxpayer.

Not to mention the ridiculous amounts of land and businesses they own for no reason whatsoever. Absolutely.......no reason.

And against who? What? For what cause? India? Myanmar? :omghaha:

Should they be disbanded? Only a very severe situation would force that.

Bangladeshi general public still have a very long way to go to be empowered enough to fully determine the fate of their nation. The army belongs to the tax payer. Not Hasina/BKZ or a small group of people. If those generals don't get that, they'd be the ones to pay the price. And not the other way around.

Chakors in my humble opinion.
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