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Bangladeshi Flag has been footed in a TV show of Indian channel Tara Bangla

Hey Bdshi Bros chill why u guys cares abt this low class indian channels? they can even ruin their own flag for attention seeking
That carpet doesn't look like the flag of Bangladesh. Stop cribbing.
That's not Bangladeshi flag. The red disc is not this big in the actual flag. Its just the set design. At least come up with something real if you have to.

It is not a Bangladeshi flag. It is a pre designated area for the participants to stand and it happens to look like a flag but it is not. A flag should be of the ration 2 : 3. It is a square here.
no doubt that the director of the program is a son of a *****.This design is similar to Bangladeshi flag and it is not possible to believe that they don't know the BD flag,they are not alien.It is just to insult us. They should apologize ,,,,,,,,,,,,

Sorry guys, you guys dont have a patent on any green square with a red circle. Stop kidding and look at the incident in an unbiased manner. If you can show an article where the intention was to step on a fla, then let us debate that. Instead dont show your anger on things you dont even know.
This does not look like a Bangladesh Flag although it does resemble it. The producers should have been more sensitive to this kind of design. Bangladesh members, it appears to be a mistake.
Can someone tell me the name of the show and what time it was aired!
that is not a piece of cloth!!

And should we give a damn? No one barely watches Tara TV anyways, and even if this really happened, should we give a damn?

Here I go, I have an Indian flag right in front of me. Here's how it's going:

*light my lighter*

*place the flame close to the Indian flag*

*let the flag burn*

*light my Benson*

*enjoy it burn*

Does anyone give a damn what some nobody's doing? No.

Many people desecrate other country's flags for reasons best known to themselves, but do people give a damn? Not too many.

Seriously, some of you guys are just too worked up. Bangladeshi politics getting too much into you?

Now if you'd all excuse me, I am going to enjoy my cigarette and get back to work.
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