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Bangladesh to get own Taj Mahal

So did they coppied from somewhere ??? :undecided::disagree:

well maybe he means that they coz they got their idea from the legend not come up with the name and concepts all on their own and also theres already an atlantis resort in the caribeann which looks pretty much the same -one in dubai is merely the biggest/most extravagant in a chain of hotels so i think it that sense it is not really considered original :)
Lol...good one! :rofl:

Btw, urdu sounds much better if you replace the "J" with "Z" ;)
Its " Arz kiya hai" and Mumtaz :agree:

Oops! You are right infact sher was meant to be in Urdu, I also wanted to point out that the original Taj was built for Mumtaz and no replica can take place of Original Taj it is/was a master piece.
Lol...good one! :rofl:

Btw, urdu sounds much better if you replace the "J" with "Z" ;)
Its " Arz kiya hai" and Mumtaz :agree:

It has to do with the way we learn English in India and Pakistan.

For example you would write Pagri or Choori in Pakistan where we write the same words as Pagdi and Choodi (bangles).

However point taken.
Does anyone know what is the below building?

Indians plz do not answer. The question is for our other friends on the forum.

i see thx for the info

I want the members to guess. The building is built by another Moghal emperor.

Indian brothers if you know the answer please hold your excitement. Let the other forum members guess this. It will help them to increase their knwoledge.

Thanks. :cheers:

This is ridiculous, I'd be ashamed if a cheap knockoff of the Taj was being built in my country. Build something original.
This is ridiculous, I'd be ashamed if a cheap knockoff of the Taj was being built in my country. Build something original.

It is not cheap and it is not your money. Pakistan used East Pakistan money to build Islamabad so keep your arrogant comments to yourself.

More accurately read post #15.

If the project was undertaken by the government than it would be a shame but it is being done with private money and if he wants to spend $53 million that is his problem.
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The guy wants to honor the Shah Jahan.. give him a break. We should appreciate such things rather than putting negativity. He can build whatever he wants.. its his land, his money. If you dont like it.. dont go to it.

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