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Bangladesh to become the 2nd biggest economy in SA

Again epic fail... but yes based on 1995 base year may be.

But for now even with present 1995 base year gdp UP and bihar where more then 25% of the Indian lives has lower per capita gdp.

Do u have comprehension problems...

I have clearly stated that except for 5-6 states all other 22-23 states have higher standards of living vis a vis BD ''WHERE MAJORITY OF INDIA LIVES''i.e. around 70% of Population

my answer was in respect to ur post stating that EXCEPT FOR FEW STATES BD WINS HANDS DOWN...

N plz come with real facts n not speculation reports if u wanna argue...

in a renowned travel forum- m

German traveller henrik asked

to which Australian Zoltan replied

well, it doesnt mean Bangladesh is richer, just wanted to show you mirror
Kolkata airport


Dhaka airport


Kolkata metro

Dhaka metro????

how do you look in this mirror???
These are the sub types-

Pray tell in which of these is BD ahead of India?? Stop picking false statements out of your head and posting..........



Life expectancy at birth (years) 68.9
Indicator Value Notes
Expenditure on health, public (% of GDP) (%) 1.1
Under-five mortality (per 1,000 live births) 52
Life expectancy at birth (years) 68.9
Health index 0.772


Life expectancy at birth (years) 65.4
Indicator Value Notes
Expenditure on health, public (% of GDP) (%) 1.1
Under-five mortality (per 1,000 live births) 66
Life expectancy at birth (years) 65.4
Health index 0.717

Bangladesh is ahead in all category...



Inequality-adjusted HDI value 0.363
Indicator Value Notes
Income Gini coefficient 31.0
Loss due to inequality in life expectancy (%) 23.2
Loss due to inequality in education (%) 39.4
Loss due to inequality in income (%) 17.7
Inequality-adjusted education index 0.252
Inequality-adjusted life expectancy index 0.593
Inequality-adjusted income index 0.321
Inequality-adjusted HDI value 0.363



Inequality-adjusted HDI value 0.392
Indicator Value Notes
Income Gini coefficient 36.8
Loss due to inequality in life expectancy (%) 27.1
Loss due to inequality in education (%) 40.6
Loss due to inequality in income (%) 14.7
Inequality-adjusted education index 0.267
Inequality-adjusted life expectancy index 0.522
Inequality-adjusted income index 0.433
Inequality-adjusted HDI value 0.392

Bangladesh is ahead of India



GII: Gender Inequality Index, value 0.597
Indicator Value Notes
Population with at least secondary education, female/male ratio (Ratio of female to male rates) 0.723
Adolescent fertility rate (women aged 15-19 years) (births per 1,000 women aged 15-19) 71.6
Labour force participation rate, female-male ratio (Ratio of female to male shares) 0.711
GII: Gender Inequality Index, value 0.597
Shares in parliament, female-male ratio 0.228
Maternal mortality ratio (deaths of women per100,000 live births) 340


Indicator Value Notes
Population with at least secondary education, female/male ratio (Ratio of female to male rates) 0.498
Adolescent fertility rate (women aged 15-19 years) (births per 1,000 women aged 15-19) 68.1
Labour force participation rate, female-male ratio (Ratio of female to male shares) 0.404
GII: Gender Inequality Index, value 0.645
Shares in parliament, female-male ratio 0.119
Maternal mortality ratio (deaths of women per100,000 live births) 230

Bangladesh is ahead of India


Adjusted net savings (% of GNI) 27.1
Indicator Value Notes
Carbon dioxide emissions per capita for calc (tonnes per carbon) 0.1
Endangered species (% of all species) 9
Ecological footprint of consumption (global hectares per capita) 0.6
Adjusted net savings (% of GNI) 27.1 3
Greenhouse gases per capita (tonnes of CO2 equivalent) 0.7
Fresh water withdrawals (% of actual total renewable water resources) 3.0 4
Natural resource depletion (% of GNI) 2.6
Carbon dioxide per capita emission (growth 1970-2008) (%) n.a.
Forest area (thousand ha) 1,447 5
Change in forest area (%) -3.1
Impact of natural disasters: number of deaths (average per year/million) (average per year per million people) n.a.
Impact of natural disasters: population affected (average per year/million) (average per year per million people) n.a.
Environmental performance index (EPI) n.a.
Forest area (% of total land area) 11.1


Indicator Value Notes
Carbon dioxide emissions per capita for calc (tonnes per carbon) 0.4
Endangered species (% of all species) 13
Ecological footprint of consumption (global hectares per capita) 0.9
Adjusted net savings (% of GNI) 24.1 3
Greenhouse gases per capita (tonnes of CO2 equivalent) 0.7
Fresh water withdrawals (% of actual total renewable water resources) 40.1 4
Natural resource depletion (% of GNI) 4.2
Carbon dioxide per capita emission (growth 1970-2008) (%) 3.8
Forest area (thousand ha) 68,144 5
Change in forest area (%) 6.6
Impact of natural disasters: number of deaths (average per year/million) (average per year per million people) n.a.
Impact of natural disasters: population affected (average per year/million) (average per year per million people) n.a.
Environmental performance index (EPI) n.a.
Forest area (% of total land area) 22.9

Bangladesh is ahead of India in percent of savings...

Composite indices:


Composite indices
Nonincome HDI value 0.566


Composite indices
Nonincome HDI value 0.568

Same as India



Mean years of schooling (of adults) (years) 4.8
Indicator Value Notes
Public expenditure on education (% of GDP) (%) 2.4
Expected Years of Schooling (of children) (years) 8.1 1
Adult literacy rate, both sexes (% aged 15 and above) 55.9
Mean years of schooling (of adults) (years) 4.8 2
Education index 0.415
Combined gross enrolment in education (both sexes) (%) 48.7


Mean years of schooling (of adults) (years) 4.4
Indicator Value Notes
Public expenditure on education (% of GDP) (%) 3.1
Expected Years of Schooling (of children) (years) 10.3 1
Adult literacy rate, both sexes (% aged 15 and above) 62.8
Mean years of schooling (of adults) (years) 4.4 2
Education index 0.450
Combined gross enrolment in education (both sexes) (%) 62.6

This is the only place where Bangladesh is slightly lagged behind India but these data are couple of year old and recently 99% enrollment rate has been achieved in primary level.

But 1 thing which is good here mean schooling year is more for Bangladesh then India...

Income... due to not having updated data not comparing now.


Life expectancy at birth (years) 68.9
Indicator Value Notes
Expenditure on health, public (% of GDP) (%) 1.1
Under-five mortality (per 1,000 live births) 52
Life expectancy at birth (years) 68.9
Health index 0.772


Life expectancy at birth (years) 65.4
Indicator Value Notes
Expenditure on health, public (% of GDP) (%) 1.1
Under-five mortality (per 1,000 live births) 66
Life expectancy at birth (years) 65.4
Health index 0.717

Bangladesh is ahead in all category...



Inequality-adjusted HDI value 0.363
Indicator Value Notes
Income Gini coefficient 31.0
Loss due to inequality in life expectancy (%) 23.2
Loss due to inequality in education (%) 39.4
Loss due to inequality in income (%) 17.7
Inequality-adjusted education index 0.252
Inequality-adjusted life expectancy index 0.593
Inequality-adjusted income index 0.321
Inequality-adjusted HDI value 0.363



Inequality-adjusted HDI value 0.392
Indicator Value Notes
Income Gini coefficient 36.8
Loss due to inequality in life expectancy (%) 27.1
Loss due to inequality in education (%) 40.6
Loss due to inequality in income (%) 14.7
Inequality-adjusted education index 0.267
Inequality-adjusted life expectancy index 0.522
Inequality-adjusted income index 0.433
Inequality-adjusted HDI value 0.392

Bangladesh is ahead of India



GII: Gender Inequality Index, value 0.597
Indicator Value Notes
Population with at least secondary education, female/male ratio (Ratio of female to male rates) 0.723
Adolescent fertility rate (women aged 15-19 years) (births per 1,000 women aged 15-19) 71.6
Labour force participation rate, female-male ratio (Ratio of female to male shares) 0.711
GII: Gender Inequality Index, value 0.597
Shares in parliament, female-male ratio 0.228
Maternal mortality ratio (deaths of women per100,000 live births) 340


Indicator Value Notes
Population with at least secondary education, female/male ratio (Ratio of female to male rates) 0.498
Adolescent fertility rate (women aged 15-19 years) (births per 1,000 women aged 15-19) 68.1
Labour force participation rate, female-male ratio (Ratio of female to male shares) 0.404
GII: Gender Inequality Index, value 0.645
Shares in parliament, female-male ratio 0.119
Maternal mortality ratio (deaths of women per100,000 live births) 230

Bangladesh is ahead of India


Adjusted net savings (% of GNI) 27.1
Indicator Value Notes
Carbon dioxide emissions per capita for calc (tonnes per carbon) 0.1
Endangered species (% of all species) 9
Ecological footprint of consumption (global hectares per capita) 0.6
Adjusted net savings (% of GNI) 27.1 3
Greenhouse gases per capita (tonnes of CO2 equivalent) 0.7
Fresh water withdrawals (% of actual total renewable water resources) 3.0 4
Natural resource depletion (% of GNI) 2.6
Carbon dioxide per capita emission (growth 1970-2008) (%) n.a.
Forest area (thousand ha) 1,447 5
Change in forest area (%) -3.1
Impact of natural disasters: number of deaths (average per year/million) (average per year per million people) n.a.
Impact of natural disasters: population affected (average per year/million) (average per year per million people) n.a.
Environmental performance index (EPI) n.a.
Forest area (% of total land area) 11.1


Indicator Value Notes
Carbon dioxide emissions per capita for calc (tonnes per carbon) 0.4
Endangered species (% of all species) 13
Ecological footprint of consumption (global hectares per capita) 0.9
Adjusted net savings (% of GNI) 24.1 3
Greenhouse gases per capita (tonnes of CO2 equivalent) 0.7
Fresh water withdrawals (% of actual total renewable water resources) 40.1 4
Natural resource depletion (% of GNI) 4.2
Carbon dioxide per capita emission (growth 1970-2008) (%) 3.8
Forest area (thousand ha) 68,144 5
Change in forest area (%) 6.6
Impact of natural disasters: number of deaths (average per year/million) (average per year per million people) n.a.
Impact of natural disasters: population affected (average per year/million) (average per year per million people) n.a.
Environmental performance index (EPI) n.a.
Forest area (% of total land area) 22.9

Bangladesh is ahead of India in percent of savings...

Composite indices:


Composite indices
Nonincome HDI value 0.566


Composite indices
Nonincome HDI value 0.568

Same as India



Mean years of schooling (of adults) (years) 4.8
Indicator Value Notes
Public expenditure on education (% of GDP) (%) 2.4
Expected Years of Schooling (of children) (years) 8.1 1
Adult literacy rate, both sexes (% aged 15 and above) 55.9
Mean years of schooling (of adults) (years) 4.8 2
Education index 0.415
Combined gross enrolment in education (both sexes) (%) 48.7


Mean years of schooling (of adults) (years) 4.4
Indicator Value Notes
Public expenditure on education (% of GDP) (%) 3.1
Expected Years of Schooling (of children) (years) 10.3 1
Adult literacy rate, both sexes (% aged 15 and above) 62.8
Mean years of schooling (of adults) (years) 4.4 2
Education index 0.450
Combined gross enrolment in education (both sexes) (%) 62.6

This is the only place where Bangladesh is slightly lagged behind India but these data are couple of year old and recently 99% enrollment rate has been achieved in primary level.

But 1 thing which is good here mean schooling year is more for Bangladesh then India...

Income... due to not having updated data not comparing now.

all these values wil change the day the 30 million illegal aliens in India from Bangladesh are sent back.


Life expectancy at birth (years) 68.9
Indicator Value Notes
Expenditure on health, public (% of GDP) (%) 1.1
Under-five mortality (per 1,000 live births) 52
Life expectancy at birth (years) 68.9
Health index 0.772


Life expectancy at birth (years) 65.4
Indicator Value Notes
Expenditure on health, public (% of GDP) (%) 1.1
Under-five mortality (per 1,000 live births) 66
Life expectancy at birth (years) 65.4
Health index 0.717

Bangladesh is ahead in all category...



Inequality-adjusted HDI value 0.363
Indicator Value Notes
Income Gini coefficient 31.0
Loss due to inequality in life expectancy (%) 23.2
Loss due to inequality in education (%) 39.4
Loss due to inequality in income (%) 17.7
Inequality-adjusted education index 0.252
Inequality-adjusted life expectancy index 0.593
Inequality-adjusted income index 0.321
Inequality-adjusted HDI value 0.363



Inequality-adjusted HDI value 0.392
Indicator Value Notes
Income Gini coefficient 36.8
Loss due to inequality in life expectancy (%) 27.1
Loss due to inequality in education (%) 40.6
Loss due to inequality in income (%) 14.7
Inequality-adjusted education index 0.267
Inequality-adjusted life expectancy index 0.522
Inequality-adjusted income index 0.433
Inequality-adjusted HDI value 0.392

Bangladesh is ahead of India



GII: Gender Inequality Index, value 0.597
Indicator Value Notes
Population with at least secondary education, female/male ratio (Ratio of female to male rates) 0.723
Adolescent fertility rate (women aged 15-19 years) (births per 1,000 women aged 15-19) 71.6
Labour force participation rate, female-male ratio (Ratio of female to male shares) 0.711
GII: Gender Inequality Index, value 0.597
Shares in parliament, female-male ratio 0.228
Maternal mortality ratio (deaths of women per100,000 live births) 340


Indicator Value Notes
Population with at least secondary education, female/male ratio (Ratio of female to male rates) 0.498
Adolescent fertility rate (women aged 15-19 years) (births per 1,000 women aged 15-19) 68.1
Labour force participation rate, female-male ratio (Ratio of female to male shares) 0.404
GII: Gender Inequality Index, value 0.645
Shares in parliament, female-male ratio 0.119
Maternal mortality ratio (deaths of women per100,000 live births) 230

Bangladesh is ahead of India


Adjusted net savings (% of GNI) 27.1
Indicator Value Notes
Carbon dioxide emissions per capita for calc (tonnes per carbon) 0.1
Endangered species (% of all species) 9
Ecological footprint of consumption (global hectares per capita) 0.6
Adjusted net savings (% of GNI) 27.1 3
Greenhouse gases per capita (tonnes of CO2 equivalent) 0.7
Fresh water withdrawals (% of actual total renewable water resources) 3.0 4
Natural resource depletion (% of GNI) 2.6
Carbon dioxide per capita emission (growth 1970-2008) (%) n.a.
Forest area (thousand ha) 1,447 5
Change in forest area (%) -3.1
Impact of natural disasters: number of deaths (average per year/million) (average per year per million people) n.a.
Impact of natural disasters: population affected (average per year/million) (average per year per million people) n.a.
Environmental performance index (EPI) n.a.
Forest area (% of total land area) 11.1


Indicator Value Notes
Carbon dioxide emissions per capita for calc (tonnes per carbon) 0.4
Endangered species (% of all species) 13
Ecological footprint of consumption (global hectares per capita) 0.9
Adjusted net savings (% of GNI) 24.1 3
Greenhouse gases per capita (tonnes of CO2 equivalent) 0.7
Fresh water withdrawals (% of actual total renewable water resources) 40.1 4
Natural resource depletion (% of GNI) 4.2
Carbon dioxide per capita emission (growth 1970-2008) (%) 3.8
Forest area (thousand ha) 68,144 5
Change in forest area (%) 6.6
Impact of natural disasters: number of deaths (average per year/million) (average per year per million people) n.a.
Impact of natural disasters: population affected (average per year/million) (average per year per million people) n.a.
Environmental performance index (EPI) n.a.
Forest area (% of total land area) 22.9

Bangladesh is ahead of India in percent of savings...

Composite indices:


Composite indices
Nonincome HDI value 0.566


Composite indices
Nonincome HDI value 0.568

Same as India



Mean years of schooling (of adults) (years) 4.8
Indicator Value Notes
Public expenditure on education (% of GDP) (%) 2.4
Expected Years of Schooling (of children) (years) 8.1 1
Adult literacy rate, both sexes (% aged 15 and above) 55.9
Mean years of schooling (of adults) (years) 4.8 2
Education index 0.415
Combined gross enrolment in education (both sexes) (%) 48.7


Mean years of schooling (of adults) (years) 4.4
Indicator Value Notes
Public expenditure on education (% of GDP) (%) 3.1
Expected Years of Schooling (of children) (years) 10.3 1
Adult literacy rate, both sexes (% aged 15 and above) 62.8
Mean years of schooling (of adults) (years) 4.4 2
Education index 0.450
Combined gross enrolment in education (both sexes) (%) 62.6

This is the only place where Bangladesh is slightly lagged behind India but these data are couple of year old and recently 99% enrollment rate has been achieved in primary level.

But 1 thing which is good here mean schooling year is more for Bangladesh then India...

Income... due to not having updated data not comparing now.
I must admit you have done quite a comprehensive comparison, and while I cannot verify all of these estimates , The one I could easily check was Life Expectancy, where contrary to your estimates India had higher life expectancy than Bangladesh( 69.something compared to 60) The source is 2011 CIA list-https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/fields/2102.html
As for the environmental stats , I daresay they would naturally be in BD's favor as large industrialization of development is yet to take place in BD. Once it has, you will find that these records are similar to Indian ones......
Due to constraints of limited time, and the immense material that you have presented I cannot check and debate everything.............
But due to the examples I have provided and the fact that indian HDI is still higher, I do doubt your statistics on the subject of their authencity

What selective photo ?????

New World class glass and steel International aiport is built for Kolkata...while its still a concrete block for Dhaka......dats a fact

Dat guy went to Kolkata in 2001 and dhaka in 2007 ....dats a fact

Kolkata has a metro sysem while Dhaka doesnt...its a fact

I must admit you have done quite a comprehensive comparison, and while I cannot verify all of these estimates , The one I could easily check was Life Expectancy, where contrary to your estimates India had higher life expectancy than Bangladesh( 69.something compared to 60) The source is 2011 CIA list-https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/fields/2102.html
As for the environmental stats , I daresay they would naturally be in BD's favor as large industrialization of development is yet to take place in BD. Once it has, you will find that these records are similar to Indian ones......
Due to constraints of limited time, and the immense material that you have presented I cannot check and debate everything.............
But due to the examples I have provided and the fact that indian HDI is still higher, I do doubt your statistics on the subject of their authencity

International Human Development Indicators - UNDP

International Human Development Indicators - UNDP

This is the source:

India is only slightly ahead due to GDP consideration but non income HDI is same for both India and Bangladesh where India overcome all the lagging for slightly better education data.

Composite indices

Nonincome HDI value 0.568

Composite indices
Nonincome HDI value 0.566


Composite indices
Nonincome HDI value 0.526
Well guys, let me ask you to look at Bangladesh from a different angle.

In all parameter BD was at least twice as bad as India in 70's but now we already caught you up. The speed of improvement is faster than both India and PK. So its just a matter of time when BD will surpass India if already not in some of the parameter. PEACE
Well guys, let me ask you to look at Bangladesh from a different angle.

In all parameter BD was at least twice as bad as India in 70's but now we already caught you up. The speed of improvement is faster than both India and PK. So its just a matter of time when BD will surpass India if already not in some of the parameter. PEACE

Which parameter????
Well guys, let me ask you to look at Bangladesh from a different angle.

In all parameter BD was at least twice as bad as India in 70's but now we already caught you up. The speed of improvement is faster than both India and PK. So its just a matter of time when BD will surpass India if already not in some of the parameter. PEACE

You are wrong Bangladesh was better then India in 1970 in all category including per capita GDP. You can bring the example of 1971 war which had destroyed all the infrastructure and economic base and 24 years of oppression under Pakistan.

Without human development no country can develop. Infrastructure can be built any time but not human development. Just look at Shanghai in 1990 and now...


But that idiot cant understand some infra can not change the life style of the poor and bring development to them.

For your info in 1970 Bangladesh's per capita GDP was also higher then China.
ok, bangladesh is better than India, Happy?

and btw, large glass and concrete building is not a symbol of peoples prosperity , nor is just money. prosperity is has many components both tangible and intangible.
I dont think people consider mental stress when talking about prosperty or environemental weel being , or freedom or democracy. in china you may have all the glass and stell buildings, but ask them why they cant have a brother or sister. japan may be the 2nd richest, but they are becoming the oldest and cant revert. singapore has the highest per capita but are some of the most stressed.
the way we measure development is flawed
You are wrong Bangladesh was better then India in 1970 in all category including per capita GDP. You can bring the example of 1971 war which had destroyed all the infrastructure and economic base and 24 years of oppression under Pakistan.

No it was not. Thats why BD was categorized as LDC and India and PK categorized as developing country. There were no incentive of being LDC that time and BD did not intentionally claimed itself as LDC.
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