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Bangladesh to be the world’s largest prison?

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"Walls a prison do not make". BD is not a prison. How much fencing will India do? When they take up one end, the other end has corroded away. And you cannot fence most of the border. Rivers, canals, water bodies, forests/hills. Certain areas are undemarcated. This is not BD's true natural boundary/border. There was no son of this soil in the group that set this boundary. Govts are govts, but the common man has never accepted this impractical lay out. This is political hoax to quieten the anti_Muslim/anti-Bengalee lobbies in NE. Moreover, there is a lot of money to make!
It makes the local population paranoid about muslims living there in general.

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You wanna bet. If India had to rely just on the Shilguri pass to supply its troops and without permission for military fly over through Bangladesh the Indian Army would get flattened by the Chinese within a matter of weeks. :cheers:

What is with this Shiliguri pass thing??something like the Khyber pass or the Nathu-la pass??Since when there was a pass in Shiliguri?? I have been there a few times and never heard of any...
Seems like everybody in this forum have a Bangladeshi maid as it claimed to be. But nobody ever came up with the video clips showing their maids despited repeated request. Now what we can say...

I don't know about you, but I'm not uncultured or insensitive enough to post illegal migrant's photos or video on a forum where his identity is open for the whole world to see.
I don't know about you, but I'm not uncultured or insensitive enough to post illegal migrant's photos or video on a forum.

Well your friend Parveen enjoyed watching a illigal immigrant skined alive by locals while he was posted as a government service to protect civilians. I hope he will at least do us this favor this time. what your say???:what:
Most bangladeshis seem to think that they can do blitzkreig on india what stuff are you smoking?
our apartment watchman and his family are bangladeshis... No im not lying ..
Seems like everybody in this forum have a Bangladeshi maid as it claimed to be. But nobody ever came up with the video clips showing their maids despited repeated request. Now what we can say...

I know bangladeshis buying raddi papers or selling har-ek-maal in cycles. Wont be able to give you any pic though. Even if I was in India I wont take a pic, it will be wrong, and also he would freak out.
Do you genuinely believe that there are no bangladeshis in India, or are you just arguing to score point? You must be knowing some people who are going in and out of India, unless you are born and brought up in posh areas.

So many bangladeshi members and not even a single one knows anybody !!!
I gave proof from a very respectable newspaper, not from some yellow journal. Its up to you to believe it or not.

There is a saying in our place " One can wake a person who is asleep, but not a person who is pretending to be asleep"

As far as speaking Bengali goes, Police have expert translators in the force.

Also what about your plans to return to Bangladesh

How did this discussion turn into me returning to Bangladesh? Indians made a claim that their country is so great that millions of illegal Bangladeshis are roaming around in this great paradise, but then when I used logic to counter these claims some people started to get a little upset.

As for BD, well let me say that the UK is declining society(debt, low growth, massive corruption in hiring/promotions at work), that I am planing to return in around 2020. This will allow me to save to make myself free of the need to work for a few years(which will allow me to adjust to the new environment), and then hopefully if the economy keeps growing at 7%+ a year between now and then there may be a second opportunity for me to have a career in BD.
I know bangladeshis buying raddi papers or selling har-ek-maal in cycles. Wont be able to give you any pic though. Even if I was in India I wont take a pic, it will be wrong, and also he would freak out.
Do you genuinely believe that there are no bangladeshis in India, or are you just arguing to score point? You must be knowing some people who are going in and out of India, unless you are born and brought up in posh areas.

So many bangladeshi members and not even a single one knows anybody !!!

Look it had been repeatedly said that there is and will be movement of people across the border of neighbouring country. It just natural. I wont be surprised if I bump into a Bangladeshi even in Myanmar. Even I can take you to BangaBazar the cheap cloth market and show you hundreds of Indians trading there. Other than BJP RSS and PDF version of 20 to 50 million, all other statistics (India govt) suggest more or less 300,000 Bangladeshis living in India. I feel it quite normal. Even 100,000 of Americans live in Mexico. What is the big deal? We housed more than 1/2 a million Burmese. We employed a million Indians. How many here complained about it? Infact we feel good, as somebody earning their Rizk here which is gifted by God. Nobody is taking away anything from us but its the opportunity which can be shared even with anybody if possible.
why you lot making so much brouhaha when india erecting a fence way inside her land? you guys had your country now be content with it.
Look it had been repeatedly said that there is and will be movement of people across the border of neighbouring country. It just natural. I wont be surprised if I bump into a Bangladeshi even in Myanmar. Even I can take you to BangaBazar the cheap cloth market and show you hundreds of Indians trading there. Other than BJP RSS and PDF version of 20 to 50 million, all other statistics (India govt) suggest more or less 300,000 Bangladeshis living in India. I feel it quite normal. Even 100,000 of Americans live in Mexico. What is the big deal? We housed more than 1/2 a million Burmese. We employed a million Indians. How many here complained about it? Infact we feel good, as somebody earning their Rizk here which is gifted by God. Nobody is taking away anything from us but its the opportunity which can be shared even with anybody if possible.

I agree with many of the things you said, and if general public had really such intention they could have informed the police. I could have. But it wont make any difference. The policeman will probably take some money from the poor guy, or beat him, why would anybody want that.

Also you will appreciate that illegal bangladeshis were not thought as liabilities but votebanks in India. But after security situation changed in late 90s, relation became bad with bd govt, there was support of terrorism from there, hence bangladeshis became liability and security threat.
Hence the need of building a fence(you may say it does not work, but the need is there)

I am not even talking about genuine local grievances(at state level) from bordering states which is a danger to federal structure of India.

Nobody in India can claim even a handful of pakistani being in India. Because there is no economic migration to India. Those who come are tracked and usually some action is taken.

We want bangladeshis respectfully deported to their home country, with all their money and belongings. I would even say GoI should give some monetary inducement for it.

For skilled workers, artists, poets, filmmakers, writers etc, our doors should remain open always.
Look it had been repeatedly said that there is and will be movement of people across the border of neighbouring country. It just natural. I wont be surprised if I bump into a Bangladeshi even in Myanmar. Even I can take you to BangaBazar the cheap cloth market and show you hundreds of Indians trading there. Other than BJP RSS and PDF version of 20 to 50 million, all other statistics (India govt) suggest more or less 300,000 Bangladeshis living in India. I feel it quite normal. Even 100,000 of Americans live in Mexico. What is the big deal? We housed more than 1/2 a million Burmese. We employed a million Indians. How many here complained about it? Infact we feel good, as somebody earning their Rizk here which is gifted by God. Nobody is taking away anything from us but its the opportunity which can be shared even with anybody if possible.

Problem is not bd people living in the country but they are living illegally.
Look it had been repeatedly said that there is and will be movement of people across the border of neighbouring country. It just natural. I wont be surprised if I bump into a Bangladeshi even in Myanmar. Even I can take you to BangaBazar the cheap cloth market and show you hundreds of Indians trading there. Other than BJP RSS and PDF version of 20 to 50 million, all other statistics (India govt) suggest more or less 300,000 Bangladeshis living in India. I feel it quite normal. Even 100,000 of Americans live in Mexico. What is the big deal? We housed more than 1/2 a million Burmese. We employed a million Indians. How many here complained about it? Infact we feel good, as somebody earning their Rizk here which is gifted by God. Nobody is taking away anything from us but its the opportunity which can be shared even with anybody if possible.

The problem is not with Bangladeshis being in India.We dont hate them.The problem is with illegal immigrants.They are unaccounted for,and create logistical problems in India.Now,since these illegal immigrants come to India without valid work-permit,they try whatever means to get a job,mainly labourers in construction sites.Many of them are later found to be involved in criminal activities as well.Besides there are some other issues related to illegal imgrants like smuggling and drug abuse,social evils.Get a work-permit,pay the taxes,and be accountable for whatever you are doing,and we dont have any problem.Otherwise,they can face the BSF,I dont care.
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