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Bangladesh supports India on UNSC permanent membership

Recent days Bharat has become Ideologically and Psychologically Identical to anti humanity zionist state. These evil duo has taken the Initiative to destroy the islamic states in subcontinent. Not to mention death of our innocent farmers by Thug BSF all most every single day yet la-hasina shown the autrocity to support for Terrorist enemy country for UNSC seat is pure mockery to Muslim Ummah as a whole. Every bad deed meet with unforgiving punshiment and la-hasina apparently deserve one for shaking hand with anti human entity.

What a top class rant why so called "muslim" states are getting divided where was muslim ummah that time? Dude you are high on opium or what
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why you guys keep harping about mulims as you are the de facto flag bearer of Islam come out of this mentality. Mulims are far better in India.

The sooner you get out of this sick mentality better for you

Originally Posted by iajdani


May be or may not be. But I bet no non Indian Muslim want to be part of Indian Muslims for their betterment.

I couldn't get you here can you please xplain

You chose India and you should be better off in India. We chose not to be part of India and we are better off that way. So does many hindus who chose Bangladesh or Pakistan and they are better off that way. You questioned about non Indian muslim harping about few things and in the next sentence you are harping about how better off Muslims are in India (which negates most statistics, track record, riots, communal violence, and right wing Hindu religious group holding the second most powerfull political party in the parliament). Isnt it contradictory???

Its off topic and deserve a separate thread for this subject and there are plenty of them in this forum.
Every time I read people posts here, I can see one big difference between Indian citizens and others.
Citizens from Pakistan and BD sounds scared that their ideology and religion is in danger and they need to sacrifice their life to protect it, while we Indians, living in a secular country do not bother about religion at all, for us our concern is our security and prosperity. Religion is a personal preference. Have faith in your faith and just chill....it will only become better...

This problem is from before 47! Still no well solution to solve it.

BTW, I think, we want to conserve our culture, religion, values and generation to make our society more peaceful. I mean by following Islam we want to make a peaceful society which seems to you as we are very conservative and some times as we r extreme. Really, Islam is little conservative to protect the peace and our values in our society. And it is necessary to be conservative to some extend to conserve peace and our values and to avoid many social problems which are common in many non-Muslim countries.
G4 vs Coffee Club

India vs Pakistan

Japan vs South Korea

Brazil vs Argentina, Mexico

Germany vs Italy

I will stick to India only....

Apart from Pakistan and China (may be though not too sure as relation is improving day by day) no other country is against India. Even India's clout is getting better and Pakistan is in trouble.

Be is SE Asia, Central Asia, Western Nations, Eastern Nations, ME countries, African nations.....everyone support India or at best is neutral. There is a growing voice to reform UN as well. Therefore UN permanent seat is a matter of time.
I will stick to India only....

Apart from Pakistan and China (may be though not too sure as relation is improving day by day) no other country is against India. Even India's clout is getting better and Pakistan is in trouble.

Be is SE Asia, Central Asia, Western Nations, Eastern Nations, ME countries, African nations.....everyone support India or at best is neutral. There is a growing voice to reform UN as well. Therefore UN permanent seat is a matter of time.

India is not neutral,

You still support Tibet independence!

That is why most Chinese are anti-India! :devil:
India is not neutral,

You still support Tibet independence!

That is why most Chinese are anti-India! :devil:

Without going into details (as it would be offtopic), India officially considers Tibet as part of China. As Dalai Lama is concerned, he is a guest of India but he too is asked not to be involved in political activities.

I was not talking about India being neutral. I was referring to other countries being neutral to India's candidature.

In one post, you say Chinese guys don't even think of India. And now this one. But this was expected as per your anti-India records.
Without going into details (as it would be offtopic), India officially considers Tibet as part of China. As Dalai Lama is concerned, he is a guest of India but he too is asked not to be involved in political activities.

I was not talking about India being neutral. I was referring to other countries being neutral to India's candidature.

In one post, you say Chinese guys don't even think of India. And now this one. But this was expected as per your anti-India records.

In this now international situation,

China don't want both Jap and India to join.

USA wants either Jap or India to join, but only one can. And no veto power is given for new permanent members of UNSC.
Also, why UNSC permanent members are always big 5 (USA, USSR/Russia, PRChina/ROChina, UK, France)

Because these 5 states is also first 5 nuclear states in the World.
Also, why UNSC permanent members are always big 5 (USA, USSR/Russia, PRChina/ROChina, UK, France)

Because these 5 states is also first 5 nuclear states in the World.

I differ...these are more related to WW2 victory IMO.
And I said if there is any resolution in UN, USA would not seem to oppose India. I have used a term "neutral"....also I do not think China will oppose India overtly. They are more against Japan.

Note: India has already refused this permanent seat without veto. Otherwise it would have been selected in the group by now (just kidding).
I differ...these are more related to WW2 victory IMO.
And I said if there is any resolution in UN, USA would not seem to oppose India. I have used a term "neutral"....also I do not think China will oppose India overtly. They are more against Japan.

Note: India has already refused this permanent seat without veto. Otherwise it would have been selected in the group by now (just kidding).

USA welcomes either Jap and India exclusively to be UNSC permanent to counter-balance China, but she don't want the newbie has veto power because it will weaken power of USA in UNSC.
USA welcomes either Jap and India exclusively to be UNSC permanent to counter-balance China, but she don't want the newbie has veto power because it will weaken power of USA in UNSC.

You might be right. But since India has refused the seat without veto, it is a kind of deadlocck. Only hope is that with the rise of east (of which India is a big factor), sometimes in the later they would consider this. Till then fingers crossed.

If you believe India will side USA and try to act against China, this is far fetched. India foreign policy is fairly independent as peoved by many events in history.

We also had, Chanakya the great, once here. :cheers:
Well to be honest, Security Counsel is the biggest joke ever played in the history of mankind with mankind.

Its an all out insult to the rest of the nations of the world, including those holding non permanent seats.

Hell its even insult to the very Body of United Nation Organization.

P.S: I am not talking about the Indian issue here, rather i am placing my views puerly from humanity perspective.


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