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Bangladesh supports India on UNSC permanent membership

It's is not a matter of interest or caring or concern. Everyone human being is important.

For example, during the earthquake in Sichuan of 2008 China was happy that many nations extended a hand of friendship and help. Even those with evil ulterior motives, we must still accept their offer..... why you ask? Because for the people in need, how can we refuse?

Likewise, when India offers to "help" if any other person/nation 'objects' --- then they will be looked upon poorly. Because most people would know understand the complex intricacies. Now I am not saying India has bad ulterior motives, nor am I saying that everything China or Japan does is 100% altruistic.

The TRUTH is that everything should be FAIR and should BENEFIT EVERYONE. Some members here accuse others of "doing it for their own benefit". Sometimes that may be true, but most times it is not --- people do things mostly for their own benefit but also for the benefit of others.

Think about it like this. Say you have a best friend, who is there when you need them and thinks of you. Wouldn't it be appropriate to reciprocate?! So, when all individuals benefit, that is a good thing.

And another point, if someone regards me as their good friend or best friend, then is would not mind at all if they have other friends. Why should I object?! I should be happy my friend is popular and his/her life is fulfilling. Likewise, we should be cautious but not be petty minded about such relationships. :cheers:

I understand that you have broad mind. It's good.
It's not so much common ordinary Bangladeshi support it, rather just the stooge Awami corrupt government. That's an important distinction.

This stooge Bangladeshi Corrupt Government holds 230 out of 300 seats in Bangladesh parliament and the figure with their coalition goes to 260+.

Just don't go by few members here on forum and insult vast majority of the Bangladesh Janta. But if you have to do bashing thats your choice.
wat is wrong if BD supports india's UNSC permanent seat?
i believe most of the BD democratic people would support as well....some people who are brain washed will have reservations...as usual
kumar_V1.0, Dude try to learn a bit about the political system in Bangladesh before you make such comments. Bangldesh works on the UK parlimentary model ie first past the post. So even though the AL got a huge number of seats in percentage of votes cast, the difference is not that great.
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wat is wrong if BD supports india's UNSC permanent seat?
i believe most of the BD democratic people would support as well....some people who are brain washed will have reservations...as usual

This is a sensitive issue and need approval from army, opposition, media. The concept does not have popular support and will have long term implication on BD's defence concept. The best BD could do is to stay neutral.
1. It is totally against Bangladesh'es interest to support UNSC membership of a nation which behaves like a God Father tries to patronize Bangladesh. More important: India has become a lackey of the Western Christian Civilization (WCC), sworn enemy of the Ummah from Day 1 of Islam's appearance.

2. In hind sight, however, it was myopic of Yahya to veto India's entry into OIC. Otherwise she could not have fallen into WCC-Zionist lap so easily. A case of emotion over far-sight.
1. It is totally against Bangladesh'es interest to support UNSC membership of a nation which behaves like a God Father tries to patronize Bangladesh. More important: India has become a lackey of the Western Christian Civilization (WCC), sworn enemy of the Ummah from Day 1 of Islam's appearance.

2. In hind sight, however, it was myopic of Yahya to veto India's entry into OIC. Otherwise she could not have fallen into WCC-Zionist lap so easily. A case of emotion over far-sight.

Wrong on both counts.

" Think globally but act locally" is what matters. The fact that BD supports India's bid has nothing to do with what has been said. Thank god our Govts do not take our advice or else we would have decimated ourselves by now.

On the OIC veto, India would still have done what suits its national interests. Being a founder member of NAM did not stop the Indo - USSR treaty back in early 70's.

.. only permanent interests matters.
1. It is totally against Bangladesh'es interest to support UNSC membership of a nation which behaves like a God Father tries to patronize Bangladesh. More important: India has become a lackey of the Western Christian Civilization (WCC), sworn enemy of the Ummah from Day 1 of Islam's appearance.

Recent days Bharat has become Ideologically and Psychologically Identical to anti humanity zionist state. These evil duo has taken the Initiative to destroy the islamic states in subcontinent. Not to mention death of our innocent farmers by Thug BSF all most every single day yet la-hasina shown the autrocity to support for Terrorist enemy country for UNSC seat is pure mockery to Muslim Ummah as a whole. Every bad deed meet with unforgiving punshiment and la-hasina apparently deserve one for shaking hand with anti human entity.
BD is looking long time realtion with india its a good step

BD need India ae we need BD

BD should focus on growth and development and peace you got your freedom from Pakistan very hardly

kitno ne kurbani di hai
Recent days Bharat has become Ideologically and Psychologically Identical to anti humanity zionist state.

Why not BD makes ideology to counter Indian ideology to balance?
Recent days Bharat has become Ideologically and Psychologically Identical to anti humanity zionist state. These evil duo has taken the Initiative to destroy the islamic states in subcontinent. Not to mention death of our innocent farmers by Thug BSF all most every single day yet la-hasina shown the autrocity to support for Terrorist enemy country for UNSC seat is pure mockery to Muslim Ummah as a whole. Every bad deed meet with unforgiving punshiment and la-hasina apparently deserve one for shaking hand with anti human entity.

When all else fails - give things a religious twist !

No relevance what so ever .

Nations decide based on their own national interests -- Turkey, Egypt..
I always wondered why Niamat Ullah Shah never talked of Bangladesh in confronting India in Ghazwatulhind. I am am starting to understand some now.
But the problem is that max can not understand that Indian doctrine or do not want to admit that or do not feel bad to live under Indian hegemony!

Not necessarily true though some born ignorant with dalali mentality. I am seeing the opposition getting mobalize to over throw this dalal government if it continue with bharati dictation to destroy our way of living. Do not be surprize if finally bd's wake up to take the matter in their own to chase them dalal out of the country for good.

Why not BD makes ideology to counter Indian ideology to balance?

I have always advocated to follow a strick islamic idiology to counter attack bharati cultural aggresson including reforming our languge but I get to label as foundamentalist because I like to think out side the box. Islam is the only element that will keep us Sovereign.
Not necessarily true though some born ignorant with dalali mentality. I am seeing the opposition getting mobalize to over throw this dalal government if it continue with bharati dictation to destroy our way of living. Do not be surprize if finally bd's wake up to take the matter in their own to chase them dalal out of the country for good.

I have always advocated to follow a strick islamic idiology to counter attack bharati cultural aggresson including reforming our languge but I get to label as foundamentalist because I like to think out side the box. Islam is the only element that will keep us Sovereign.

its hard to believe that Bangladeshis forget so easily on how and who helped them getting independence.....you lived with us together with no boundaries for thousands of years......and in last 30yrs all of a certain your eyes opened saying bharti aggression....they claim the current govt is dalal govt, but the forget that the previous govts were also not doing any good to BD people....atleast the current BD is focused on bringing BD on path of progress and prosperity....

seeing at your flag, sir i believe you must be in USA enjoying the benefits of USA's most gifted democratic rights...and here to suggest others in BD to follow islamic ideology....corrupting their minds....

have a good look on the western neighbor of ours......what they are going through today for following such a route and allowing their masses to go through all this.....i hope you don't want BDs future generation to go through all this...

i am not saying don't be islamic.....i know Islam is a good religion.... but it is not the way to tackle and confront others....instead follow the right path of being competitive in education, business and such stuff....

love live india....long live BD
I have always advocated to follow a strict Islamic ideology to counter attack bharati cultural aggression including reforming our language but I get to label as fundamentalist because I like to think out side the box. Islam is the only element that will keep us Sovereign.

I do not want 100% Islamic rule like Middle-East.

Saudi-Arab has it but proved as one of the silliest and stupid nation in the world. They has no contribution in this problematic earth! I know if we do not become little more strict then we can loose our identity by Indian aggression. So we need to be more Islamic minded but not want 100% Islamic rule. I want to follow a higher moderate way.
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