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Bangladesh Prepares to Get Indian Electricity

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My problem is that I am a Bangladeshi and it is my religious and national duty to raise awareness among Bangladeshis to protect the interest of 150 millions muslims against fascist and terrorist Bharat. :smokin:

Nothing personal. :coffee:

sorry to say that you dont speak for Bangladesh at all but voice your own personal prejudice in the form of national opinion, you cleverly mask you personal agenda's using religion and conspiracy theories as a excuse. I have seen you post before and sadly to say that you really have the wrong impression of what Islam is and cast that impression upon others also. My problem is that you are deliberately inciting hate against India specially in the minds of young Bangladeshis who can fall prey to you Zaid Hamid like talk. India is Bangladesh's closest ally and like it or not Bangladesh's best friend. Our history points out successfully how we have stood for each other in the most testing times and how the other against all odds we both have managed to grow. Next time dont pass you personal opinions in the form of national agendas.

I always thought of you intelligent individual despite our difference but here are my concern regarding this electricity import. What's your say on this?

If we import electricity from Bharat and if industries (most likely will) develop depending on that electricity then in a direct or indirect conflict, it will be disrupted by enemy with heart beat. Another possibility is that Bangladesh interest will be venerable to Bharat with exchange of smooth flow of electricity.

I believe we must produce our own electricity and we must have flawless control over it. It is a deadly and self destructive idea to depend on electricity from hostile enemy land.

Why are we digging our own grave despite known hostile factors about terrorist Bharat?
You need electricity to use machinery to build and maintain facilities which produce electricity. electricity does not come out of the sky(unless you learnt to harvest lightening)electricity comes from power plants and in your case it comes from Indian power plants ,use it or sit in the dark.

I always thought of you intelligent individual despite our difference but here are my concern regarding this electricity import. What's your say on this?

If we import electricity from Bharat and if industries (most likely will) develop depending on that electricity then in a direct or indirect conflict, it will be disrupted by enemy with heart beat. Another possibility is that Bangladesh interest will be venerable to Bharat with exchange of smooth flow of electricity.

I believe we must produce our own electricity and we must have flawless control over it. It is a deadly and self destructive idea to depend on electricity from hostile enemy land.

Why are we digging our own grave despite known hostile factors about terrorist Bharat?

No offence as i usually do not use such derogatory language and also you asked Al-Zakir however i could not help...

a) Only a fool with think that India and Bangladesh are going to war...
b) Only a fool can think that BD will depend on this imported energy forever...

Now please ponder over above two and you will understand a basic measures taken by GOB...STOP GAP...They need power for industrialization and India can provide it...This helps you
- Set up industries which you could but are not due to power shortage
- Create Jobs for BD people
- Improve relations tremendously with so called enemy(as per your myopic and dillussioned thinking)....

I always thought of you intelligent individual despite our difference but here are my concern regarding this electricity import. What's your say on this?

If we import electricity from Bharat and if industries (most likely will) develop depending on that electricity then in a direct or indirect conflict, it will be disrupted by enemy with heart beat. Another possibility is that Bangladesh interest will be venerable to Bharat with exchange of smooth flow of electricity.

I believe we must produce our own electricity and we must have flawless control over it. It is a deadly and self destructive idea to depend on electricity from hostile enemy land.

Why are we digging our own grave despite known hostile factors about terrorist Bharat?

So you will prefer not to have industry than having them run on Indian electricity. Tell me genius who stops you building electricity generation capacity in the mean time.
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sorry to say that you dont speak for Bangladesh at all but voice your own personal prejudice in the form of national opinion, you cleverly mask you personal agenda's using religion and conspiracy theories as a excuse. I have seen you post before and sadly to say that you really have the wrong impression of what Islam is and cast that impression upon others also. My problem is that you are deliberately inciting hate against India specially in the minds of young Bangladeshis who can fall prey to you Zaid Hamid like talk. India is Bangladesh's closest ally and like it or not Bangladesh's best friend. Our history points out successfully how we have stood for each other in the most testing times and how the other against all odds we both have managed to grow. Next time dont pass you personal opinions in the form of national agendas.

You as a Bharati can not tell me, how a Bangladeshi should be. My views fall well within the spectrum of majority Bangladeshi conservative muslim who are the torchbearer of two nation theory. You Desiman can not be right represetive of Islam beacuse you are believer of Bharati first and Muslim second.

You are criticizing me or anyone in this matter because we like to think ahead and able to foresee the danger lied ahead. We are protective of our culture, values and national idendity that fall within Islamic principal. You would not criticize me if I accept Bharatis dominace in MY FORFATHER LAND.

I have raise some valid concers so I would like to hear something from my country men. :)
So you will prefer not to have industry than having them run on Indian electricity. Tell me genius who stops you building electricity generation capacity in the mean time, What fu@#$g idiot you are.

Personal attack will earn you a Ban. :smokin:
You as a Bharati can not tell me, how a Bangladeshi should be. My views fall well within the spectrum of majority Bangladeshi conservative muslim who are the torchbearer of two nation theory. You Desiman can not be right represetive of Islam beacuse you are believer of Bharati first and Muslim second.

You are criticizing me or anyone in this matter because we like to think ahead and able to foresee the danger lied ahead. We are protective of our culture, values and national idendity that fall within Islamic principal. You would not criticize me if I accept Bharatis dominace in MY FORFATHER LAND.

I have raise some valid concers so I would like to hear something from my country men. :)

ok lets go through your post -

1) Being an Indian I understand Islam much better than you ever can because I understand how Islam has to work in conjunction with other religions and not against them. Having lived in India, the most multicultural country in the world by far, i understand how Islam has to fit in with society and not dictate terms in it. Your perception of Islam and its teachings is what has ruined a Muslims image in the world. No longer are we seen as the men who adored the arts and adopted various cultures but as men bent upon thrusting their opinions onto others. Its the conservative attitudes of a couple of Muslims that hurt the image of the whole religion.

2) What points have you raised ? that India will take over Bangladesh or we have some hidden agendas ? your points seem to be taken out of the book of educated conspiracy theorist who like to use fancy words to impress and influence people. India and Bangladesh has co-existed for many years and India has not intention or need to harm Bangladesh in any way. I cant say the same about our western neighbors.

3)Yes I am an Indian before I am a Muslim and i take great pride in that. If your not sincere to your nation you cannot be sincere to anyone else. Islam teaches me the way i need to live my life but its the nation that gives me the land i live on. I live in Canada right now and even then for me Canada comes first. Its when we put religion in front of our country is when problems start to come up. You dont have to look very far from our neighborhood to see the results of that. First the Country, then the countrymen, then religion and then your life. Thats how its supposed to be.

Again you displaying you personal agendas here rather than public opinions and sadly to say the majority of Bangladeshis do not share your views.
ok lets go through your post -

1) Being an Indian I understand Islam much better than you ever can because I understand how Islam has to work in conjunction with other religions and not against them. Having lived in India, the most multicultural country in the world by far, i understand how Islam has to fit in with society and not dictate terms in it. Your perception of Islam and its teachings is what has ruined a Muslims image in the world. No longer are we seen as the men who adored the arts and adopted various cultures but as men bent upon thrusting their opinions onto others. Its the conservative attitudes of a couple of Muslims that hurt the image of the whole religion.

2) What points have you raised ? that India will take over Bangladesh or we have some hidden agendas ? your points seem to be taken out of the book of educated conspiracy theorist who like to use fancy words to impress and influence people. India and Bangladesh has co-existed for many years and India has not intention or need to harm Bangladesh in any way. I cant say the same about our western neighbors.

3)Yes I am an Indian before I am a Muslim and i take great pride in that. If your not sincere to your nation you cannot be sincere to anyone else. Islam teaches me the way i need to live my life but its the nation that gives me the land i live on. I live in Canada right now and even then for me Canada comes first. Its when we put religion in front of our country is when problems start to come up. You dont have to look very far from our neighborhood to see the results of that. First the Country, then the countrymen, then religion and then your life. Thats how its supposed to be.

Again you displaying you personal agendas here rather than public opinions and sadly to say the majority of Bangladeshis do not share your views.

Hatz off Desi :tup:
Another Awami stooge move to loot money from Bangladesh and to make money for india. 500 MW electricity will virtually do nothing for Bangladesh but Bangladesh will suffer following ways:

1) This is an indian power grid transit ploy and awami stooges using Bangladesh money to facilitate indian electricity transit. By using this power import deception india will transport its surplus power from NE to western part.

2) Awami stooge regime will spend well over 1500 cr taka to facilitate indian electricity transit. With this money Bangladesh can easily setup power plants on its own.

3) This indo -awami stooge scheme will encourage indians to put more dams on river like surma/ Jamuna / Teesta and cause disaster for Bangladesh. And then turn back try to sell electricity to us. Awami long range "digital deception"

4) If anyone look through the term of deal Awami stooges made, india will determine the power tariff and will be very high and very exploiting clause imposed by indians.

5) India itself do not have enough electricity and most likely will not able to sustain supplying electricity to Bangladesh.

And people can see indian dalals iajdani, eastwatch jumping in joy to see looted money and opportunity going to india.
1) This is an indian power grid transit ploy and awami stooges using Bangladesh money to facilitate indian electricity transit. By using this power import deception india will transport its surplus power from NE to western part.

Sorry I don't understand but merely stating it's an "indian power grid transit ploy" doesn't make it one, care to elaborate on the statement? If India transport it's surplus power to Bangladesh, how does it make BD a losing side? Because it has 'Indian' tag attached to it?

2) Awami stooge regime will spend well over 1500 cr taka to facilitate indian electricity transit. With this money Bangladesh can easily setup power plants on its own.

1500 cr taka? Source please?(blogs don't qualify for source, fyi) and transit facilities will be built in BD territories, in long term this infra going to help BD itself, even if BD generates her own power she will have to build the transit facilities, so it's just preemption of work needs to be done.

3) This indo -awami stooge scheme will encourage indians to put more dams on river like surma/ Jamuna / Teesta and cause disaster for Bangladesh. And then turn back try to sell electricity to us. Awami long range "digital deception"

With all modesty, India doesn't need awami's encouragement to build dams, dams are being built and will be built. Hydropower is renewable source of energy, it's the way to go. It's true she does need to take care of environmental issues but that's always have been trades off of development works since mankind invented fire. Also if you see the geo-politics of the region, India won't turn back from BD in near future as she is afraid of China setting a foot on BD.

4) If anyone look through the term of deal Awami stooges made, india will determine the power tariff and will be very high and very exploiting clause imposed by indians.

Again you merely uttering rhetorics, back your claims with facts and sources, unless you want to see them being laughing stocks.

5) India itself do not have enough electricity and most likely will not able to sustain supplying electricity to Bangladesh.

That's a valid fact but as pointed out by EastWatch it's not commercially viable to India to transport surplus electricity from north-east to southern or north-western states, so it's a win-win situation to both India and BD!

Also if India doesn't have enough electricity to sustain her own need the situation doesn't arise where India would supply her extra, polluted, zionist electricity to BD with the help of aowami stooges to make BD a desert or any other hegemonic intentions thus making the very tone of your article a zilch!

And people can see indian dalals iajdani, eastwatch jumping in joy to see looted money and opportunity going to india.

I think by calling someone dalal(middleman in English) you're violating the norms of the forum, but seeing the number of posts made by you it's evident you'd know better about the forum norms than me, anyways! I do think it's a win-win situation to both countries where India can sell electricity where there is a demand and BD can make use of it for short-terms while making her own power stations.
Why should India sell electricity to other countries when there is a serious shortage in India itself?

Diplomacy is good, but it should not come at the cost of our own citizens' goodwill.
Why should India sell electricity to other countries when there is a serious shortage in India itself?

Diplomacy is good, but it should not come at the cost of our own citizens' goodwill.

Because with the revenue we get from this, India can Take Initiatives for more Green energy in This country.... Diplomacy at its best my dear...And when Green energy serves our Countries needs, We can continue to Multiply our revenue From this....

No Pain No Gain, We are ready to suffer For a Cause... arent we?
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Because with the revenue we get from this, India can Take Initiatives for more Green energy in This country.... Diplomacy at its best my dear...And when Green energy serves our Countries needs, We can continue to Multiply our revenue From this....

No Pain No Gain, We are ready to suffer For a Cause... arent we?

Consider this - the more the electricity demand - supply gap, the longer will be the power cuts. Longer the power cuts, higher will be the use of Inverters/generators/kerosene lamps, higher the use of these, more will be the pollution plus more strain on non renewable energy resources.
And what green energy are you exactly talking about? Solar/Wind energy? both are expensive as compared to conventional ones and require a lot of fixed asset called LAND. Hydroelectric power can be one option but again, considering the huge delays caused by environmental, geological and political issues plus guge investments that are required, it may not be possible to generate such funds from sale of electricity. Nuclear power is still futuristic as far as plugging the demand supply gap in India is concerned.

Point is, though taking initiatives for green energy generation is an ongoing process, short and medium term demand supply gap (which is widening day by day)need to be plugged in quickly if we want to maintain/sustain high economic growth.

I mean, can you imagine, i am living in posh locality in NCR where scheduled power cuts is 6 hrs per day! what would be the case for average towns in India. And we are exporting electricity.
Another Awami stooge move to loot money from Bangladesh and to make money for india. 500 MW electricity will virtually do nothing for Bangladesh but Bangladesh will suffer following ways:

1) This is an indian power grid transit ploy and awami stooges using Bangladesh money to facilitate indian electricity transit. By using this power import deception india will transport its surplus power from NE to western part.

2) Awami stooge regime will spend well over 1500 cr taka to facilitate indian electricity transit. With this money Bangladesh can easily setup power plants on its own.

3) This indo -awami stooge scheme will encourage indians to put more dams on river like surma/ Jamuna / Teesta and cause disaster for Bangladesh. And then turn back try to sell electricity to us. Awami long range "digital deception"

4) If anyone look through the term of deal Awami stooges made, india will determine the power tariff and will be very high and very exploiting clause imposed by indians.

5) India itself do not have enough electricity and most likely will not able to sustain supplying electricity to Bangladesh.

And people can see indian dalals iajdani, eastwatch jumping in joy to see looted money and opportunity going to india.

flame troll and personal attack on Bangladeshi members, post reported.
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