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Bangladesh not to accept single more Rohingya: Momen

Bangladesh not to accept single more Rohingya: Momen


26 January, 2023, 09:00 pm
Last modified: 26 January, 2023, 09:03 pm

Photo: TBS
Photo: TBS

Photo: TBS

Foreign Minister AK Abdul Momen today reiterated that Dhaka's decision is not to accept a single more Rohingya in Bangladesh's territory.

"Rohingyas must go back to their homeland in Myanmar and their repatriation remains our (Bangladesh') priority," he told reporters while responding to a question after a meeting with the deputy commissioners at the DC Conference in the capital.

Momen said he does not have with him any solution to the Rohingyas crisis as not a single Rohingya has been taken back by Myanmar over the last five and a half years.

"Myanmar said they will take back their people but they have lack of sincerity," he told reporters.

Since August 25 in 2017, Bangladesh has been hosting over 1.2 million forcefully displaced Rohingyas in Cox's Bazar district and most of them arrived there after a military crackdown by Myanmar, which the UN called a "textbook example of ethnic cleansing" and other rights groups dubbed as "genocide".

Momen said he gave instructions to the DCs on various issues, including taking measures to prevent illegal migration, hill-cutting and private land grabbing.

The foreign minister said he asked the DC's to discourage illegal migration and take actions against the responsible agents which would be found involved in the human trafficking racket in their respective districts.

State Minister for Foreign Affairs Md Shahriar Alam and Foreign Secretary Masud Bin Momen were also present at the meeting with DCs.

Why dont you guys capture Arakan?
BD government are weak cowards.

I like the current BD dictatorship in terms of economy but their cowardice in front of Myanmar is an embarrassment to all BD’shis.
I mean, yes accept Rohingya Muslims, but with their land.
I mean, yes accept Rohingya Muslims, but with their land.

BD would only need to capture northern Arakhan and so this would not bring India or China into this who have strategic investments in the south of the state.

West, India and even China would have accepted this but BD has cowards in power.
I just wish all these countries could teach myanmar a lesson for genocide?? Where’s all those human rights champions??

No care because rohingya are muslims. Ukrainians easily taken in by west
Yes u can ask USA, who always claim they are human right champion.

BD would only need to capture northern Arakhan and so this would not bring India or China into this who have strategic investments in the south of the state.

West, India and even China would have accepted this but BD has cowards in power.
Typical arm chair general.
BD spends around 1.5% of GDP on defence but this could be increased a little to say 2% of GDP without harming the overall economy.
Bangladesh's defence budget is only 1% of GDP or 4 billion US Dollar. If it were 1.5% then it would have been 6 billion US Dollar, which is not the case.
Bangladesh's defence budget is only 1% of GDP or 4 billion US Dollar. If it were 1.5% then it would have been 6 billion US Dollar, which is not the case.

You are right now as it has gone down in the last few years.

Historically it used to be between 1.2-1.3% of GDP without arms imports and that is why I used the 1.5% figure.

Since BD’s economy is quite large now, even raising it by 0.2-0.3% of GDP would allow imports of decent amounts of expensive major Western and Turkish arms like fighters and frigates.
Agreed, but to be fair to the BD government, in Myanmar military-backed conglomerates like the MEHL and MECL generate billions of dollars in revenue, so their military budget is considerably higher than what's reported (which already makes up a lion's share of the national budget). Military-wise we're only behind in terms of fighter jets and ballistic missile capability but it definitely is a policy failure of the government to fail to provide a strong deterrent to prevent them from pushing these refugees across the border.

I can't quote you the actual Chinese philosophical quote.

The Chinese, when they were weak , they showed the underside of their belly to show that they are harmless whilst hiding and retracting thier claws and teeth.

You start shouting and throwing stuff in the wite man's club, your gonna slapped and kicked.

Alhamdila, I am glad that our technical beaurocrats and kept our militaries egos just a touch watered down. If they bitten on the u.s.a's offer for bdesh to annex part of mymmar, thats when the puppet strings get tied so tight. Our ppl saw this coming from miles away.

Anything they can find, from a singular isolated war crime invasion... that's it bdesh get ready to be ruined.

Remember those lot made gaddafi look like a total scum bag and had him killed. This guy would rather live in a tent until all his ppl lived in Nice houses. Funded his citizens for careers changes and training.

Inshallal once we hit 2-3 trillion economy mark. Indonesia will have their 5th gen and Turkey will have their 5th gen fighter, both which are fully or 50/50 indigenous and bdesh starting is aviation industry. Our teeth will be sharpened - at the same time we have to & always remain humble and notnlet our egos and anger get the best of us.
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Why dont you guys capture Arakan?
Because real war isn't war video games!

If even USA attack Arakan , china won't be suc.king goat di.ck!

Who do you think fighting against Russia? Is it only Ukraine?

Can Ukraine alone survive that long against mighty Russia?

BD would only need to capture northern Arakhan and so this would not bring India or China into this who have strategic investments in the south of the state.

West, India and even China would have accepted this but BD has cowards in power.
Excellent post @UKBengali ! I'm glad to know that you finally get back to your old form! Congratulations!

So , now I propose to appoint you as defence minister of Bangladesh , alongside finance minister ( proposed by your Bossom friend on PDF)

Hasina is not a worthy defense minister! You can replace her successfully! :sarcastic:

( For foreigners, PM is also defense minister of Bangladesh )
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Inshallal once we hit 2-3 trillion economy mark. Indonesia will have their 5th gen and Turkey will have their 5th gen fighter, both which are fully or 50/50 indigenous and bdesh starting is aviation industry. Our teeth will be sharpened - at the same time we have to & always remain humble and notnlet our egos and anger get the best of us.

What you say carries the least risk on probability but it means that BD has to be pushed around by a dysfunctional 2-bit dictatorship like Myanmar.

Although I am not happy with their weak defence posture, I want BAL to stay in power for another 10-15 years to complete the transformation of society and the economy to middle level.
What you say carries the least risk on probability but it means that BD has to be pushed around by a dysfunctional 2-bit dictatorship like Myanmar.

Although I am not happy with their weak defence posture, I want BAL to stay in power for another 10-15 years to complete the transformation of society and the economy to middle level.

The west wants to make almost any geo strategic place or up coming place that is Muslim a problem. Why?

Do some deep reading, Islamic system does not ideologically match with the western corrupt financial system and trickle down economics - all the way to trickle down economics. They see us as a threat and advisory rival. They want to destroy any sort of good valued and moderate Muslim country there is.

Try to make us look like backward uncivilised caveman that beat and mistreat woman. - ( there needs to be a greater discussion on this, I will go into deeper level over generational trauma, shared collective trauma and what that does to a group of people. )

In the west they are trying to make Muslims youth thing that its actually our iman - faith thats the problem. They tried on me, they tried taking me down various paths.
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The west wants to make almost any geo strategic place or up coming place that Muslims a problem. Why?

Do some deep reading, Islamic system does not ideologically match with the western corrupt financial system and trickle down economics - all the way to trickle down economics. They us as a threat and advisory rival. They want to destroy any sort of good valued and moderate Muslim country there is.

Try to make us look like backward uncivilised caveman that beat and mistreat woman. - ( there needs to be a greater discussion on this, I will go into deeper over generational trauma, shared collective trauma and what that does to a group of people. )

In the west they are trying to make Muslims thing that it actually our iman - faith. They tried on me

I know exactly what you mean and there is no way that they would have allowed BD to develop even probably up to "middle-income" level without the shield of rising China and now India to a lesser extent.

BD can never accept the loss of it's culture based on Islam and being any kind of US/Western lapdog to exchange for some kind of economic prosperity.

There is nothing the US or West in general can do to stop BD's rise but BD will use the US/West to contain the power of China and India in turn. It's destiny is to be one of the foremost non-aligned independent states of the middle to late 21st century.
I want BAL to stay in power for another 10-15 years
Well , so till 2041 I guess! You should have said it directly before , other than increasing numbers of terms!

However I want BAL stay in power forever ; before the judgment day!

It should be only empire of human history that should last billions of years! Celestial record! :sarcastic:
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