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Bangladesh Navy indigenous Frigate development program.

That's the main problem here. This is actually a corvette with SHORADS. Don't know why Indonesia bothered to designate it as frigate. If they offer BN a 4000t frigate with more VLS for MRSAM based on this design then it's ok. Otherwise this is even worse than the multi purpose patrol vessel offered by Italy.

Damen can scale up the design to 4000 ton. Other than Fincantieri, DCNS (Naval) and Navantia, they are the topmost ship designer in the world. It is clear Indonesian objective is something different - maybe smaller vessels with more numbers, who knows?
It is clear Indonesian objective is something different - maybe smaller vessels with more numbers, who knows?

They are planning to operate some heavy frigate and destroyer next.

I think which SAM BN choose will decide which frigate we are gonna build.
We classified it as PKR, perusak kawal rudal or destroyer escort, missile. Old US standard nomenclature.

Next is AAW Frigate or Destroyer class project to give the navy an edge among neighbours
No problem - Insha Allah we can build you a few once we build a few for ourselves....
Brother an off topic question if you know this answer.
Why we are thinking of buying frigates and corrvetes only ? Aren't destroyers better ships? Or we just can't think because they are not cost effective?
India has destroyers if I am not wrong .
Brother an off topic question if you know this answer.
Why we are thinking of buying frigates and corrvetes only ? Aren't destroyers better ships? Or we just can't think because they are not cost effective?
India has destroyers if I am not wrong .
Modern frigates, like the type we are getting are very akin to destroyers, maybe lacking a hangar, but having an air deck nonetheless, and also with lower tonnage/weight.

We can get destroyers in the future, but we have to build from the bottom up, not the other way around. Furthermore, frigates at this point are way more cost effective than destroyers.
Sigma weaponry and system is comparable to the already existence of Bangladesh's Shadinota Class. But with more expensive price. I think if you really aim for European Ship design, maybe you should consider FREMM or other bigger warships (if you want to avoid Chinese 4000 tonnes 054A). It's better that way rather than you want unnecessary variation that actually has the similar level of capability.

Or if you need to transport your soldiers off shore with an assault capability to the enemy shore, Indonesia has Makassar Class LPD that the capability can give Bangladesh broader option in a war against future adversary.
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Brother an off topic question if you know this answer.
Why we are thinking of buying frigates and corrvetes only ? Aren't destroyers better ships? Or we just can't think because they are not cost effective?
India has destroyers if I am not wrong .

Size of the Navy and their scope dictate the size and firepower of ships.

India (by dint of size and fighting power) has a blue water Navy and has destroyers in addition to having frigates. Bangladesh does not (yet) have ambitions of being a blue water Navy being a small developing country and is satisfied being a brown water navy. For brown water Navy like that of Bangladesh, Algeria, Thailand or Pakistan, having some frigates are fine as dictated by their naval war-fighting doctrine. Doctrine dictates the tools to fight a naval war (or readiness of it).

The United States, Russia and (increasingly) China now have destroyers, as does India. Destroyers usually displace around 8000 to 9000 tons and head up fighting battle group formations with frigates and corvettes. Aircraft carriers also form special (expeditionary) battle groups of their own.

Cruisers and Battle cruisers are larger than destroyers (in the range of 12000 tonnes displacement) and only Russia and US have them now (Japan built the Yamato at 45,000 tons in WWII - largest warship at that time). Modern Examples of cruisers and battle cruisers,

1. Yamato (大和) was the lead ship of the Yamato class of Imperial Japanese Navy World War II battleships. She and her sister ship, Musashi, were the heaviest and most powerfully armed battleships ever constructed, displacing 72,800 tonnes at full load and armed with nine 46 cm (18.1 in) 45 Caliber Type 94 main guns, which were the largest guns ever mounted on a warship. Neither ship survived the war.


2. The Iowa-class battleships were a class of six fast battleships ordered by the United States Navy in 1939 and 1940 to escort the Fast Carrier Task Forces that would operate in the Pacific Theater of World War II. Four were completed. This class displaced 57,500 long tons (58,400 t) (post 1980s full load).


USS Iowa fires a full broadside of nine 16-inch (406 mm) / 50-caliber and six 5-inch (127 mm) / 38-caliber guns during a target exercise. IOWA was re-equipped with modern day missiles in the GULF war as seen in image below (diagonal and other canisters amidships). Note the huge pressure bowl created in the sea surface.

3. In more modern times (past the 1980s), the Kirov-class battle-cruiser (28,000 tons) was launched as a class of nuclear-powered warship of the Russian Navy, the largest and heaviest surface combatant warships (i.e. not an aircraft carrier or amphibious assault ship) in operation in the world. Among modern warships, they are second in size only to large aircraft carriers, and of similar size to a World War I era battleship. The official designation of the ship-type is "heavy nuclear-powered guided missile cruiser" (Russian: тяжёлый атомный ракетный крейсер). The ships are often referred to as battle-cruisers by western defense commentators due to their size and general appearance.[3]


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Sigma weaponry and system is comparable to the already existence of Bangladesh's Shadinota Class. But with more expensive price. I think if you really aim for European Ship design, maybe you should consider FREMM or other bigger warships (if you want to avoid Chinese 4000 tonnes 054A). It's better that way rather than you want unnecessary variation that actually has the similar level of capability.

Or if you need to transport your soldiers off shore with an assault capability to the enemy shore, Indonesia has Makassar Class LPD that the capability can give Bangladesh broader option in a war against future adversary.

Ono rego ono rupo, Sadhinota class of their even is a lesser version of type 056 corvettes. No hull mounted sonar, no triple torps launcher, and CMS is suited for surface warfare only.

Fremm is came with many limitation, they are second line combatant ship after Horizonte class after all.
Size of the Navy and their scope dictate the size and firepower of ships.

India (by dint of size and fighting power) has a blue water Navy and has destroyers in addition to having frigates. Bangladesh does not (yet) have ambitions of being a blue water Navy being a small developing country and is satisfied being a brown water navy. For brown water Navy like that of Bangladesh, Algeria, Thailand or Pakistan, having some frigates are fine as dictated by their naval war-fighting doctrine. Doctrine dictates the tools to fight a naval war (or readiness of it).

The United States, Russia and (increasingly) China now have destroyers, as does India. Destroyers usually displace around 8000 to 9000 tons and head up fighting battle group formations with frigates and corvettes. Aircraft carriers also form special (expeditionary) battle groups of their own.

Cruisers and Battle cruisers are larger than destroyers (in the range of 12000 tonnes displacement) and only Russia and US have them now (Japan built the Yamato at 45,000 tons in WWII - largest warship at that time). Modern Examples of cruisers and battle cruisers,

1. Yamato (大和) was the lead ship of the Yamato class of Imperial Japanese Navy World War II battleships. She and her sister ship, Musashi, were the heaviest and most powerfully armed battleships ever constructed, displacing 72,800 tonnes at full load and armed with nine 46 cm (18.1 in) 45 Caliber Type 94 main guns, which were the largest guns ever mounted on a warship. Neither ship survived the war.


2. The Iowa-class battleships were a class of six fast battleships ordered by the United States Navy in 1939 and 1940 to escort the Fast Carrier Task Forces that would operate in the Pacific Theater of World War II. Four were completed. This class displaced 57,500 long tons (58,400 t) (post 1980s full load).


USS Iowa fires a full broadside of nine 16-inch (406 mm) / 50-caliber and six 5-inch (127 mm) / 38-caliber guns during a target exercise. IOWA was re-equipped with modern day missiles in the GULF war as seen in image below (diagonal and other canisters amidships). Note the huge pressure bowl created in the sea surface.

3. In more modern times (past the 1980s), the Kirov-class battle-cruiser (28,000 tons) was launched as a class of nuclear-powered warship of the Russian Navy, the largest and heaviest surface combatant warships (i.e. not an aircraft carrier or amphibious assault ship) in operation in the world. Among modern warships, they are second in size only to large aircraft carriers, and of similar size to a World War I era battleship. The official designation of the ship-type is "heavy nuclear-powered guided missile cruiser" (Russian: тяжёлый атомный ракетный крейсер). The ships are often referred to as battle-cruisers by western defense commentators due to their size and general appearance.[3]



Thank you very much Bhai. Nice explanation with lots of informations!
Ono rego ono rupo, Sadhinota class of their even is a lesser version of type 056 corvettes. No hull mounted sonar, no triple torps launcher, and CMS is suited for surface warfare only.

Fremm is came with many limitation, they are second line combatant ship after Horizonte class after all.

Then why Sigma, if Bangladesh is so sensitive with the price? Sigma is more expensive than the Chinese Type-056. Of course, Dutch will claim that Sigma has better quality, but in term of combat capability level, they're comparable.
Then why Sigma, if Bangladesh is so sensitive with the price? Sigma is more expensive than the Chinese Type-056. Of course, Dutch will claim that Sigma has better quality, but in term of combat capability level, they're comparable.

In bold, You so sure? When you lost several capabilities in terms of sensor and range of detection, not to mention data link capabilities.
Then why Sigma, if Bangladesh is so sensitive with the price? Sigma is more expensive than the Chinese Type-056. Of course, Dutch will claim that Sigma has better quality, but in term of combat capability level, they're comparable.

Sigma PKR 105 for Indonesia may be 'theoretically' equal to Chinese Type-056 as far as combat capability, but practically (I'd argue) quite a bit superior. Type 056 design was 'inspired' by the PKR 105, which has far more 'original' design cues and stealthier. Plus encrypted combat data system itself is far superior.

IMHO, combat ship designers at DAMEN in Netherlands have more longstanding experience designing these types of ships, as do naval architects at DCNS (France), Fincantieri(Italy) and Navantia (Spain).

You are partially right with price sensitivity in Bangladesh. However lead ships of a navy are not like cookies you buy everyday. They are strategic purchases meant to last at least 30-40 years. So a few dollars extra for an incrementally better design (and build) really does not matter in the end. Plus shipbuilding labor costs in Bangladesh is probably (again) half that of Indonesia even.

Ono rego ono rupo, Sadhinota class of their even is a lesser version of type 056 corvettes. No hull mounted sonar, no triple torps launcher, and CMS is suited for surface warfare only.

Fremm is came with many limitation, they are second line combatant ship after Horizonte class after all.

Only ASW version has sonar, triple torps launcher etc. Sadhinota class is not ASW combat-oriented vessel.

Two more 056 class (Bangladesh designation is C13B) has been ordered and is being fitted as we speak. Those may or may not have ASW features fitted.
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Sadhinota class of their even is a lesser version of type 056 corvettes. No hull mounted sonar, no triple torps launcher, and CMS is suited for surface warfare only.

Cause the place it will patrol is too shallow for a sub and that's where the ASW Durgom class LPC come. They are built to reduce the workload of our C-13B and patrol with them.

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