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Bangladesh Navy indigenous Frigate development program.

The same guy spread the rumor that we are buying from Singapore..

All of these are being offered including that Vanguard series from Singapore. Where do you find the "deal" word when it isn't even made yet, heck even the shipyard isn't there yet.

Btw the video shows given in the comment section shows the actual model of Italian offer with pictures mentioned in the post

Just take a look at the ucav posts.

What about the UCAV post?? he do knows something as many of his news come true and his site is the only source we can find some news about what's going on.

Well, BD will only want to partner with Italy to help design the hull. There is no way they will import the whole ship.

Well it isn't decided yet who will be the partner but as long as it's European i am happy.
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Well he gets really pissed if somebody challenge his credibility.. The same guy spread the rumor that we are buying from Singapore.. and how Singapore was so great. When i said SG is the 2nd biggest backer for MM after China he got pissed too..

Its okay Bhai. We all are Bangladeshis and we all have patriotism. I agree not all of his info will be right. But still I want to thank that guy to set up a platform like BDMilitary. His website and effort making people more interested in military issues.
Bangladesh Navy should buy the T.o.T for DW-3000F frigate as a natural follow on from DW-2000. Built 2 in Korea and the rest six in Bangladesh with full technology transfer.

Liable to drive up water
3,700 ton
123 x 14.4 x 8 (m).
Persistence sea
Sea State 8 (Survivability)
maximum speed
30 Knots
operating distance
4,000 NM @ 18 Knots
drive system
2 x Diesels + 1 x GE, Controllable Pitch Propeller.
electrical system
4 x Ship Service Power Generation (Each of 830 kW Rated output).
1 x RHIB
The system ships >
Stealth Technology
– RCS (Radar Cross Section) Reduction.
– IR (Infra Red Reduction).
– URN (Underwater Radiated Noise) Reduction.
– Degaussing
– NBC Protection System
1 x 10 Ton Helo (S-70B Sea hawk or MH-60S Knight hawk) with Hangar.
136 Mr.
The battle system director
15 x MFC (Multi Function Consoles).
weapon system
8 x SSM Otomat Mk II Block IV
32 x Umkhonto VLS SAM
1 x 76/62 Stealth Shield, Multi feeding system.
(Max range 40- 45 km with smart ammunition).
2 x 30 mm Guns (200 RPM) x CIWS (4,500 RPM).
2 x .50 inch (Range; 2 km).
2 x Trainable Triple tube torpedo launchers.
Fire Control Systems
2 x Radar Fire Control System
2 x Continuous Wave Illuminators
1 x Electro Optical Fire Control
2 x Target Designation Sight
surveillance system
1 x 3 D Long Range Radar (> 350 Km).
1 x 3 D Medium Range Radar (> 180 Km).
3 x Navigation Radar
1 x Surveillance Camera (TV and thermal imager).
1 x Hull Mounted Sonar
1 x Towed Array Sonar
2 x IFF
1 x Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B).
Electronic Warfare System
1 x Radar ESM
1 x Communication ESM
6 x Decoy Launchers
Active-off board ECM
1 x Integrated Communication System
Link RTN, Link G & Link E.
1 x SAT Communication

I think this would be the best mix and the frigate would cost around $350 million or so.

I think this is good option for BN cause it has quad pack for per vls for SAM and BN already has experience of operating Korean frigate like BNS BB.
Source- BD Military+.
And what's so Indigenous about it ??:o:

Our labour ,our paint to some furniture kitchen utility etc going to be indigenous. :p:

Korean Frigate>>>>Bangladesh's Indigenous Frigate:undecided::undecided::undecided::lol::hitwall:

indigenous become a joke :enjoy:

Yes it's confusing same for ,with Russian engine and Chinese radar jf-17 a indigenous or with Israeli radar American engine Tejaz a indigenous fighter .:crazy::offtopic:
I think we should make this program an opportunity for providing Combat Naval design expertise to our local ship-designers. The design should be our own, combining elements from latest Bergamini class, BelH@rra class etc.

Dependence on complete Korean off-the-shelf design is not a great idea, though well intentioned. Their environment and fight scenario is different from ours and may not be a good fit for ours. At the least, we should change the design extensively to fit our needs.

Ship should be designed/built in Bangladesh from scratch and from the ground up - even if it takes a few months longer. It is practical, fits our long-term vision and is well within realms of possibility. The time when we bought things from foreigners with no questions asked is over. A change in attitude is necessary.

Western Marine does build ships from scratch all the time for example. Engines and arms integration can be sourced from overseas.

Vendors who cannot cater to this should be asked to revise their offer.
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Its okay Bhai. We all are Bangladeshis and we all have patriotism. I agree not all of his info will be right. But still I want to thank that guy to set up a platform like BDMilitary. His website and effort making people more interested in military issues.

Exactly - everyone has something to contribute and we should respect that.

Even if the news is a hoax, there is some merit in it because the design is quite advanced IMHO. We can use elements from each vendor's design submission.
what are the chances of Chinese Type 54 or Korean Incheon being selected? Last year i read that these 2 were the primary contenders in indigenous frigate program on BDmillitary.
what are the chances of Chinese Type 54 or Korean Incheon being selected? Last year i read that these 2 were the primary contenders in indigenous frigate program on BDmillitary.

For price and commonality those two are front-runner. The Type-54 is on top of the list.
Indigenous is INDIGENOUS whether its half or full. Even this frigate has American naval gun and CIWS on it, Russian Grigro has Ukrainian engine, Indian ship has Italian naval gun, American fighter has Chinese chip and @monitor vai already gave you perfect slap on your cheek so i don't need to give anymore example. i am not saying this the exact thing we will buy; maybe the a downgrade version or heavily modified one or maybe we will build a completely new design with technical help from others but even if we build the hull and structures by ourselves locally we will have to import weapons, sensors,radars, engines and other things from outside. So that way even our Padma class OPV isn't fully indigenous.

Our labour ,our paint to some furniture kitchen utility etc going to be indigenous. :p:

and the steel for next 4 which will be built locally or for all 6.

the term has been indianized

These old conspiracy joke getting boring. is that the best you can do?? Then you don't have any future as comedian like your mentor @idune . try something new like constructive and informative comment without lame joke. :coffee:

And the most important thing i forgot to mention because of these lame comedian is this will be a very good start for
Bangladesh's big warship building and future fully INDIGENOUS warship.
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Indegenous means home grown design with almost all testing and design work and research carried out at home.

Many don't understand what design means and how complex the work is.

Anyway, the right terminology is "Bangladesh's frigate program". Just like "Pakistan's fighter jet program" and "India's Scorpene submarine program".
Congrats to all.

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