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Bangladesh-Myanmar sea limits verdict Wed

And even worse, Bangladesh govt has officially acknowledged that Talpatti island does not exist. This information was not only irrelevant in deciding boundary with Myanmar but also damaging for next verdict with india. There is more possibility that Bangladesh could loose more territory next.

Well yo are confusing this to continental shelf which is not in tribunals jurisdiction. We still have claim outside EEZ up to 400 NM based on continental shef. EEZ is based on land line as far as i know.

No I am not confusing. Look at the picture I have provided pointing Bangladesh baseline claim. Since, baseline pushed backed by tribunal, EEZ consideration also pushed back. 200 NM calculated from baseline.
i have nothing to reply to this except to blame our politicians.

While ruling regime kept people in dark, lied and hurt our interest, opposition don't even know what the heck going on. I doubt opposition even have people reading over these losses.

Bunch of worthless.
I don't know much about this things but can anyone tell me whether we got out from the zone locked predicament. Heard
that India and Myanmar territorial claims will shut us off from International waters. Are we safe from that after this verdict? Forgive my ignorance.:P
I don't know much about this things but can anyone tell me whether we got out from the zone locked predicament. Heard
that India and Myanmar territorial claims will shut us off from International waters. Are we safe from that after this verdict? Forgive my ignorance.:P

Any country can cut your access to sea through Territorial water not through EEZ which is only 12 NM. So we were never been cut. EEZ still a international water.
WEll i understand and i dont have any problem with the verdict. But problem is with our politicians and bureocrat. Those idiots offered some of the block back in 2008 which are clearly in the Myanmar's EEZ, and the funny thing is those politicians did not even claim those in the ITOLS. If yo knew, those were not your, why did yo even offer those in the first place and invite war?

No, the bureaucrats were not that dumb. The block arrangements were all, perhaps, intentional. You cannot be soft with your neighbour who is trying to inch into your own territory. BD demanded all sea territory south of it, and Burma claimed almost all that were lying west of it.

Anyway, now everything is settled. However, I do not understand one point. For example, in order to calculate the area of a triangle, rectangle, or a polygon, lenghths of all the sides must be known. However, in case of present verdict, whence we have been awarded more than 111,000 sq.miles, I just do not know the length of the line that extends north-south at the western BoB.

It may mean, this 111,000 is the final and we will not get anything more in 2014 from our contest with India. Or, will we get some more sea territory in 2014? I am in the dark. Can you or someone highlight on this?
I would advise to go easy on Myanmar. They can help us greatly if they want to. It is good that the maritime border issue has been settled without any recourse to appeal, now we can keep them out, without any confusion from our EEZ, but we should not be harsh with them. We need to build a working relationship with them for our mutual future. We need to keep the big picture and the long term future possibilities in our mind.
Anyway, now everything is settled. However, I do not understand one point. For example, in order to calculate the area of a triangle, rectangle, or a polygone, lenghths of all the sides must be known. However, in case of present verdict, whence we have been awarded more than 111,000 sq.miles, I just do not know the length of the line that extends north-south at the western BoB.

It may mean, this 111,000 is the final and we will not get anything more in 2014 from our contest with India. Or, will we get some more sea territory in 2014? I am in the dark. Can you or someone highlight on this?

It's actually 111,000 sq km. And that's what our so-called FM claims. Need a more reliable source.
now that myth of "winning" is throughly exposed, where is apo asura with chest thumping and name calling? Folks here need to take note of this character in their future engagement. These tyes of characters does more harm to the country and people with their narrow tunnel vision and biased.
It's actually 111,000 sq km. And that's what our so-called FM claims. Need a more reliable source.

Well, I thought it is sq. miles. But, my question remains unanswered. How an area within a polygon can be measured if the length of one of its arms is unknown? In the present case, how it is possible to say we have received such and such sq. km. area unless the sea length of our north-south line in the western BoB is known. So, until this line is clarified by the UN body in 2014, we cannot really say we are in the possession of certain sea area.

In the present situation the govt should say only of a success that the UN body has nullified Burmese claim to certain areas near St. martin and Arakan. But, Dipu Kumari says we have gained 111,000 sq. km of land in total. I am quite perplexed. It seems the govt has already decided to give away some sea territory to India, and based on that deduction it has come up with the 111,000 sq.km figure. I do not get any better answer. So, someone can teach me what is the meaning of this sea area thing.

Anyway, I expect a change in govt by 2014. So, India should not expect any concession at that time. But, in my opinion, Talpatti or no Talpatti, Bd will get less sea in that zone because the border there suddenly turns south-eastward. India wants this line to continue for a few miles in that direction and then goes south.

But, BD wants the line to go straight southward instead of going south-east as described above. However, there is an Indian island at the south of this line. Crossing this island is not possible. Similar thing happened also to St. Martin. Burma wanted to divide it for its own benefit. But, UN body did not allow it to happen. Rather, it recognized full sovereignty of BD on this island.

So, I do not think, UN body will award such a straight southward line to BD in the now submerged Talpatti area..
off topic but can anybody tell what Bangladesh won and lost . i mean what % it achieved target.same for myanmar . i can really understand all those terms .specially eef and all those
thank u
now that myth of "winning" is throughly exposed, where is apo asura with chest thumping and name calling? Folks here need to take note of this character in their future engagement. These tyes of characters does more harm to the country and people with their narrow tunnel vision and biased.

Lol. Dude, way before you even contributed your first post after the verdict, this is what I advised everyone (page 13):

Apocalypse said:
Btw, don't read quotes from dipu moni. She talks crap.

To begin with, I never believed we got "more than what we asked for"^^. But we're definitely the winner here. Myanmar got only 30/35% of their claim.

Well, I thought it is sq. miles. But, my question remains unanswered. How an area within a polygon can be measured if the length of one of its arms is unknown? In the present case, how it is possible to say we have received such and such sq. km. area unless the sea length of our north-south line in the western BoB is known. So, until this line is clarified by the UN body in 2014, we cannot really say we are in the possession of certain sea area.

Saw somewhere it's sq km. But yeah, I'd be glad if it's sq miles. And that's also my question^^. Someone apparently calculated the area of an "open shape". :lol:
Well, I thought it is sq. miles. But, my question remains unanswered. How an area within a polygon can be measured if the length of one of its arms is unknown? In the present case, how it is possible to say we have received such and such sq. km. area unless the sea length of our north-south line in the western BoB is known. So, until this line is clarified by the UN body in 2014, we cannot really say we are in the possession of certain sea area.

In the present situation the govt should say only of a success that the UN body has nullified Burmese claim to certain areas near St. martin and Arakan. But, Dipu Kumari says we have gained 111,000 sq. km of land in total. I am quite perplexed. It seems the govt has already decided to give away some sea territory to India, and based on that deduction it has come up with the 111,000 sq.km figure. I do not get any better answer. So, someone can teach me what is the meaning of this sea area thing.

Anyway, I expect a change in govt by 2014. So, India should not expect any concession at that time. But, in my opinion, Talpatti or no Talpatti, Bd will get less sea in that zone because the border there suddenly turns south-eastward. India wants this line to continue for a few miles in that direction and then goes south.

But, BD wants the line to go straight southward instead of going south-east as described above. However, there is an Indian island at the south of this line. Crossing this island is not possible. Similar thing happened also to St. Martin. Burma wanted to divide it for its own benefit. But, UN body did not allow it to happen. Rather, it recognized full sovereignty of BD on this island.

So, I do not think, UN body will award such a straight southward line to BD in the now submerged Talpatti area..

Just see the area below it is based on that calculation. It is also mentioned at the page 142 of the verdict.

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Bangladesh and Myanmar has a coast line ratio is 1:1.41 as they have counted it as 413 vs 587 km. But according to the verdict the area has been divided as 1:1.54. So definitely Myanmar mas gained some area based on coastal area. It is at least 6600 sq km. If the area is measured based on 1:1.41 basis Bangladesh should get at least 117596 sq km :(. Even though the judge said that at page 143 there is not much difference but the difference is 6500 sq km n dipu moni is gaining praise by saying she got 111000 sq km instead of 107000 sq km which they have thought.


499. The Tribunal notes that its adjusted delimitation line (see paragraphs 337-340) allocates approximately 111,631 square kilometres of the relevant area to Bangladesh and approximately 171,832 square kilometres to Myanmar. The ratio of the allocated areas is approximately 1:1.54 in favour of Myanmar. The Tribunal finds that this ratio does not lead to any significant disproportion in the allocation of maritime areas to the Parties relative to the respective lengths of their coasts that would require the shifting of the adjusted equidistance line in order to ensure an equitable solution.

Now comes the real question... did the tribunal really has been given the above mentioned area to Bangladesh??? If so then there is almost no point of dispute remain with India. But India claimed a big chunk of land from those area. So can any one tell me is there any way India can claim those area that was shown given to Bangladesh???

But I highly doubt it that court has given those area as a straight line to Bangladesh without hearing Indian argument. If that line has been adjusted then Bangladesh will get much less then that of 111000 sq km. Some media have even claimed that Bangladesh has got 111000 sq km of area in addition to the present area but in reality that is now the in total highest area that Bangladesh can get but hardly I believe Bangladesh will get a straight line verdict as it has been shown here.


But guys there is a new news... Hasina madam has asked to reelect her to settle the maritime dispute with India :P

Sea Boundary With Myanmar
Verdict already effective


Govt basks in success; PM wants re-election to take care of row with India
Govt basks in success; PM wants re-election to take care of row with India

Hasina and her team conceded almost 17 exploration blocks when they submitted claim to tribunal. Shifting claim from 180 azimuth to 215 azimuth caused that looss. That is loss of thousands of sq Km of area and colossal in every count. Bangladeshis should hold her responsible for that.

Hasina also made irrelevant and unsubstentiated admission that Talpatti island does not exist. This will cause huge problem for Bangladesh.

Trusting her and Awami League is as good as giving up to indian wishes.
India willing to discuss maritime issue bilaterally: Indian HC

Dhaka, Mar 17 (UNB) - The new Indian High Commissioner in Dhaka, Pankaj Saran, on Saturday expressed New Delhi’s strong willingness to discuss and resolve the maritime boundary issue with Bangladesh.

“I'm sure, we'll,’’ he said when a correspondent asked whether India wants to settle the maritime boundary dispute bilaterally.

Asked about India’s reaction to Bangladesh’s win in the maritime case against Myanmar, Saran said he conveyed to the Foreign Minister that “this was an important decision and we look forward to working with Bangladesh.”

On October 8, 2009, Bangladesh also filed a case with international arbitration to resolve the maritime disputes with India and the verdict on the case is expected in 2014.

The Indian High Commissioner, who earlier had an hour-long meeting with Foreign Minister Dpu Moni at her office, said that New Delhi wants to discuss bilaterally all issues that affect both India and Bangladesh.

“These are issues between the two neighbouring countries. All issues are on the table,’’ he said, adding, “We've a healthy process of dialogue and consultations and we'll continue to do that.’’

Saran, however, did not like to comment on the questions about sharing the Teesta River and ratification of the Land Boundary Agreement.

“’I don't want to get into specifics of all these issues. This was my first courtesy call on the Foreign Minister,’’ he said.

The High Commissioner said he had very warm and cordial discussions with the Foreign Minister and conveyed to her India’s desire to have the best possible relations with Bangladesh.

“We’ve excellent relations. We recognise that much can be done and we'll work together to achieve the objectives,’’ he said, adding “India supports Bangladesh’s national development objectives.

Saran said that during his tenure, he would work hard to implement the decisions already taken by the leaderships of the two countries.

Indian Deputy High Commissioner Sanjoy Bhattacharya and senior officials of the Foreign Ministry attended the meeting.

UNBconnect... - India willing to discuss maritime issue bilaterally: Indian HC
If we have a compromise solution with India on the maritime boundary dispute then we must do the same with Myanmar and if we don't then they will definitely attack us ......... There cannot be any bilateral deal or a multilateral one. We must go by the court verdict ......

I have a feeling that India has told Myanmar to back off so that a compromise solution can be worked out with New Delhi. If Bangladesh rejects India's proposal for a negotiated settlement regarding the maritime boundary dispute then Myanmar will get the go ahead to attack ......
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