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Bangladesh mission in Islamabad observed Genocide Day

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Two different currency was not sacrosanct point.It was said than if two currency is not possible then a single currency with adequate measure to prevent drain of resource from East Pakistan to West.Sheikh Mujib was willing to do many compromise,he even finished a draft proclamation by March 24th 1971,where there was no provision of two currency.In that draft,it was clearly said,East Pakistan will not have any right to secede from the union.There was plan that After signing/approval of that proclamation by Yahya,it will be made public.For that, he waited the entire day of 25th March for a phone call from Yahya. But Yahya was busy in cantonment with other generals about the impending military assault.After long 8 hours meeting with the general,he left Dhaka secretly by ordering the army to attack on the forthcoming night.

Six point didn't forbade private investment from one wing to another.By 'prevent resource transfer' they meant ending discrimination of govt. revenue distribution,two Pakistan reserve bank branch in Karachi and Dhaka,so that East Pakistani earned foreign exchange remain in East Pakistan etc.It is ridiculous to suggest that six point will ban private investor from investing in from one region to another.Six point was a demand to the govt. not to the common people.

In the US, constituent unit like Mississippi are fully autonomous in their own internal matters.They even made their own law,which differ from one state to another.So Mississippi have no chance to blame Connecticut for the problem of Mississippi.In the United States,poorer state like Mississippi get resource as a federal transfer from the central govt.But in united Pakistan,it was the opposite.It was the poorest province East Pakistan which was subsidizing relatively wealthy West Pakistan.Now you judge.

There was no talk about two army in six point.It talked about a paramilitary militia for the defence of East Pakistan.This demand was raised due to the experience during the 1965 war,when East Pakistan was completely defenceless and cut off from the protection of bulk of the Pakistani military.In fact Sheikh Mujib formulated six point as a reaction to the East Pakistan's security situation in 1965 war.

After opeation searchlight,Pakistan became enemy of Bengali people.So enemy's enemy is friend.After declaration of independence in 26th March we became a separate country,no longer bound by the sensitivity of Pakistani ideology or norm.And West Pakistani soldier was an alien occupation force with no connection with the people of Bangladesh was doing horrible atrocity. So they didn't constituted fellow countrymen for the Bengali.If the army was 50 percent Bengali,then we could have claimed it was our army.But that was not the case.This is the main problem of Pakistan,they expected higher level of patriotism from Bengali without any participation in the state affairs.Do you think it is possible any where in the world? You should thank us that we remained in that rotten structure for long 24 years and wanted to preserve that with just participation.But West Pakistani elite were too racist to entertain the idea that Bengalis are equal to them.They wanted Bengali as a subject,not the partner of the state.So we have no option but to break that colonialist apartheid state.
I have given comprehensive replies to the various posts and won't like to go through them all over. Except for the one new point of 'enemy of your enemy is a friend'. While I was reading this suddenly my mind went back into the history when British general Clive Lloyd helped by a traitor Mir Jafar defeated Nawab Sirajodulla. Here too history repeated itself only the characters got changed. Instead of British Empire it was India and instead of Mir Jafar it was Sh. Mujeeb and East Pakistan instead of bangal.

Ahh it indeed is a very fertil land for traitors. With all the hollow reason on earth they keep falsely calming themselves of being just.
Know your place. Don't screw around with Pakistanis on their own forum.
I know my place. And I don't screw with others unless he/she starts it first.
Pakistani members don't give a hoot about your sub-forum.
Just how many times you are going to say that?
If you stir the hornet's nest be prepared for a backlash. Capiche?
A man must always be prepared for what might come in the way.
Why are you here ? Even your internal report accepts the barbarity of the pakistan army in 1971. This manifests itself in how you are aerially bombing the baluch through a scorched earth policy and supporting terror in all your neighbours.

Why are you here you irrelevant piece of crap? Too desperate to make your case on a Pakistani forum?

Says an Indian who has made a sport out of raping and killing minorities in his own country. Aren't you the same people that kill Indian Muslims on the mere suspicion of cow meat consumption? LOL at cow vigilantes. Aren't you the same people killing innocent Kashmiris and occupying their land? Aren't you the same people that condone rape of your own women? Even the Naxalites are fighting against your tyrannical army.

I know my place. And I don't screw with others unless he/she starts it first.

Just how many times you are going to say that?

A man must always be prepared for what might come in the way.

We know how prepared you are. The fact that you are so desperate to visit a Pakistani forum to beg and spread lies speaks volume. We don't care about your genocidal lies. Fvck off somewhere else. Take your crocodile tears to some Indian forum where they will pat you on your back.
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Broken record

You are not one to decide. But thanks for your advice anyway.

LOL Let me tell you what a broken record is. It is your lies about the genocide. Don't cry foul when someone confronts your lies.

Don't thank me drone hater. Instead, heed my advice.
Show me one post where I talked about genocide.

I see you like the drone strikes too.

Thanks for the advice altho I can't say I'll act according to it.

This whole thread is about the fake genocide. Read the title you fool. Are you asleep? You should be talking about the fake genocide so that I can confront your lies.

You are one sick fvcker to rejoice the drone strikes against innocent people. You keep bringing up drone strikes and it really reveals your deep-seethed hate. Don't worry though. We are a resilient people. We have shown the drone killers a middle finger. They are no longer relevant. As for those people who rejoice drone strikes like you do, they can go to hell. Those people on our side can fvck off to America like Hussain Haqqani and others did. It doesn't bother us. Let them trumpet their hate against Pakistan from their American base. The less filth we have here the better.
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This whole thread is about the fake genocide. Read the title you fool. Are you asleep?
Like I said I didn't talk about Genocide. I was only giving my reasons why East Pakistan separated.
You are one sick fvcker to rejoice the drone strikes against innocent people
As I said I don't. However I always ask people to look at their own state before criticizing another country. And I have seen Pakistani people in this forum defending drone strikes. Call me whatever you want it doesn't change the fact.
We are a resilient people. We have shown the drone killers a middle finger. They are no longer relevant.
Opinion is different from fact. I hope you know this much.
As for those people who rejoice drone strikes like you do, they can go to hell. They can fvck off to America like Hussain Haqqani did.
Aren't you a well wisher?
Like I said I didn't talk about Genocide. I was only giving my reasons why East Pakistan separated.

As I said I don't. However I always ask people to look at their own state before criticizing another country. And I have seen Pakistani people in this forum defending drone strikes. Call me whatever you want it doesn't change the fact.

Opinion is different from fact. I hope you know this much.

Aren't you a well wisher?

Who the fvck even cares about a few "Pakistanis" on this forum who defended drone strikes? These people could be anyone for all I know. Even if they are Pakistani the vast majority vehemently oppose drone strikes. Don't tell me you are that ignorant. Stop giving me this illogical argument to justify your own sickness. The reason why you couldn't resists from mentioning the drone strikes is because you are a sick soul. You rejoice and celebrate the killing of Pakistanis. You mention it proudly because it satisfies your hatred and ego. You are one nasty being. A terrible human being. You should know that.
Who the fvck cares about a few "Pakistanis" on this forum who defended drone strikes? These people could be anyone. Stop giving me this illogical argument to justify your own sickness. The reason why you couldn't resists from bringing in the drone strikes is because you are a sick soul. You rejoice and celebrate the killing of Pakistanis.
And you guys are a nice bunch when you brag about your atrocities in 1971? huh...This double standards is the reason why Pakistan has devolved into what it is today. And show me one post where I(or any Bangladeshi) rejoiced drone strikes...while I actually can show you posts where you guys bragged about atrocities in 1971. What I've said before and I'll say again, before criticizing someone else you should take a look at your own self.
And you guys are a nice bunch when you brag about your atrocities in 1971? huh...This double standards is the reason why Pakistan has devolved into what it is today. And show me one post where I(or any Bangladeshi) rejoiced drone strikes...while I actually can show you posts where you guys bragged about atrocities in 1971. What I've said before and I'll say again, before criticizing someone else you should take a look at your own self.

Where did we brag about the atrocities? Where did we rejoice the killing of innocent people in BD? I need solid quotes from you. I need proof. Don't pull crap from thin air.

The mere fact that your refer to drone strikes as your trophy argument which has absolutely zero relevance with this topic is enough proof. No one mentions drone strikes as a counter argument in a thread related to genocide. You are sick and depraved. Truly fvcked up in the mind.

Don't tell us where we are today. We are doing fine. We have China as our biggest ally who is investing billions of dollars in infrastructure and advancing Pakistan's cause. Yes, we made terrible mistakes in the past by allying with the Americans in their illogical wars. We paid the ultimate price, but we have recovered. You should be more worry about people being hacked to death in BD.
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This whole thread is about the fake genocide. Read the title you fool. Are you asleep? You should be talking about the fake genocide so that I can confront your lies.

You are one sick fvcker to rejoice the drone strikes against innocent people. You keep bringing up drone strikes and it really reveals your deep-seethed hate. Don't worry though. We are a resilient people. We have shown the drone killers a middle finger. They are no longer relevant. As for those people who rejoice drone strikes like you do, they can go to hell. Those people on our side can fvck off to America like Hussain Haqqani and others did. It doesn't bother us. Let them trumpet their hate against Pakistan from their American base. The less filth we have here the better.
Understand your frustration at being exposed but read the blood telegram , written by the american council general in east pakistan . Even though usa was supporting pakistan in 1971 atrocity , the usa representative was on ground to see the genocide first hand .
Understand your frustration at being exposed but read the blood telegram , written by the american council general in east pakistan . Even though usa was supporting pakistan in 1971 atrocity , the usa representative was on ground to see the genocide first hand .

LOL at exposed. Is this the same "exposed" as catching Jadhav the terrorist red handedly and the denial afterwards or the fake surgical strike that never occurred? We know the Indian meaning of exposed. You Indians should be more worried about the rap and killing going on in your own land. Hardly a shining India.
LOL at exposed. Is this the same "exposed" as catching Jadhav the terrorist red handedly and the denial afterwards or the fake surgical strike that never occurred? We know the Indian meaning of exposed. You Indians should be more worried about the rap and killing going on in your own land. Hardly a shining India.
It was exposed through wikileaks - julian assagne did that.
Deflection tactics. The Bangladesh genocide is now part of recorded history and will be remembered alongside the holocaust of the jews.
Difference is that the germans abhor this nazi part of their history while you guys worship the pakistan army .

Just because you claim something as the truth doesn't mean it is the truth or part of history. Apart from BD, there is no other country which officially supports the genocidal claims. There is no such thing as "recorded" history of a genocide that can be blamed on Pakistan. Bangladeshi claims are ludicrous. Whilst bloodshed did occur and mistakes happened which is highly regrettable, much of the claims are overly exaggerated. However, we do know the dirty Indian role during the partition of East Pakistan. India fueled massacre and doesn't even deny its bloody role.

Says the guy who worships Modi and his nationalistic hatred against his own countrymen. Don't you Indians defend the Gujrat massacre and Modi's heinous role? Don't lecture us about worship. Indians are masters at worshiping cows and massacring people who don't. You people worship your army which slays innocent Kashmiris.

It was exposed through wikileaks - julian assagne did that.

LOL at Wikileaks. The word of God I presume. Listen up, stop fabricating BS.
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