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Bangladesh is also worried about Indian Muslims: Pakistani President Alvi

Guys (especially Pakistani bhais/behens), who shot this movie?

This seems pretty legit to me...

Made by Bengalis .

Director: Fuad Chowdhury
Producer: Amanullah Chowdhury

They did a very clever job of combining different clips from different Tv shows and added them up. The interesting thing is that instead of presenting the complete picture, they only selected clips that favored their view point. Also , the selection of Tarik Fatah was icing on the cake. You can google Tarik Fatah and see his followers on twitter and the type of content he posts. I am sure you will able to connect the dots. Google his youtube videos.

His main content will revolve around = Pakistanis are mother of evil/satan. Indians are angel/ascended from heaven and Islam/muslims are retarted and regressive.

Actually brother, almost no one in Bangladesh pay attention to such exaggeration.
Online forums are different thing. Here people try to be more vocal. Forums are places for mudslinging. It never ever represent any nation and neither will ever be representative of a nation,you know that.

Yes a civil war happened and it was almost fifty years ago, and now other than some online warriors, why should anybody will remember it as there are more important things to do for them!

The life is becoming harder for people,and they prefer to work more and enjoy the life rather than paying attention to propaganda of politicians.

Unfortunately as long as online forum exists, the game of divide and rule will continue. Both Pakistani and Bangladeshi users are acting as pawn of the enemies who are trying to divide and rule.

The real problem is ego, Bangladeshi say we are utterly correct you are utterly wrong, Pakistani posters say Bengalis are utterly wrong and they are utterly right.

No one is in mood of compromising. And enemy laugh at us.

Forum host watch and enjoy such garbage and take no action unless condition is out of control.

I think forum host should ban any such discussions once and for all, it's the only way to stop the process in such forums at least.

Every Pakistani agrees that we should have treated them better. There is absolutely no dying in that regard.
The problem is the figures and general narrative shaped by Indian and Bengali sources.
Every Pakistani agrees that we should have treated them better. There is absolutely no dying in that regard.
The problem is the figures and general narrative shaped by Indian and Bengali sources.
That's good so as long as common peoples are on right track, I don't think propaganda will be dominant outside online forums.

The problem is Bangladeshi media always had been under control of leftists ( Soviet inheritant) and they are actually Indian stooge by default.

Even AL govt is uncomfortable against media.
1. what will happen to those deemed illegal and hence loosing the citizenship? will their children be the Indian citizen.

2. you can tell anyone, just like anyone tells you to mind your own business....unless you have power to stop them....it doesnt mean jack

They will become what is now known as refugees .
Its our country ,our rules and laws


As for insulting, you and your mea can go fuk youself. Your randi rona may have effect on small state but not across wagah.

Comprehension problem?
We will rectify the short comings .In this case somebody took revenge on him.

So you are proving you cant be shameless as much as possible?
Actually brother, almost no one in Bangladesh pay attention to such exaggeration.
Online forums are different thing. Here people try to be more vocal. Forums are places for mudslinging. It never ever represent any nation and neither will ever be representative of a nation,you know that.

Yes a civil war happened and it was almost fifty years ago, and now other than some online warriors, why should anybody will remember it as there are more important things to do for them!

The life is becoming harder for people,and they prefer to work more and enjoy the life rather than paying attention to propaganda of politicians.

Unfortunately as long as online forum exists, the game of divide and rule will continue. Both Pakistani and Bangladeshi users are acting as pawn of the enemies who are trying to divide and rule.

The real problem is ego, Bangladeshi say we are utterly correct you are utterly wrong, Pakistani posters say Bengalis are utterly wrong and they are utterly right.

No one is in mood of compromising. And enemy laugh at us.

Forum host watch and enjoy such garbage and take no action unless condition is out of control.

I think forum host should ban any such discussions once and for all, it's the only way to stop the process in such forums at least.

Well said. Fully agree and appreciate.
It's Dawn news again
Dawn news is not leaving any opportunity to tarnish image of Pak.

A great documentary by Pakistani media on genocide of Bangladeshi unarmed civilian by Pakistani occupational forces!

1000s of such murder and rape happened during 1971 by Pakistani genocidal force and its collaborators like shown in the news.

Shame on you for making fun of the victims those who were murdered and rape by Pakistani occupational force.

Why do you ignore the violence perpetuated by India and Mukhti Bahini on pro-Pakistani Bengalis and Biharis? Shame on you for ignoring them.

As we have seen in every conflict, Indian cowards' weapon of choice is rape and kidnapping. We can see it in Kashmir even today.

Unfortunate but reprisals did happen.

A great documentary by Pakistani media on genocide of Bangladeshi unarmed civilian by Pakistani occupational forces!

Hamid Mir is Israel's ambassador in Pakistan, take anything he says with a grain of salt.

Every Pakistani agrees that we should have treated them better. There is absolutely no dying in that regard.
The problem is the figures and general narrative shaped by Indian and Bengali sources.

This is the basic point Imran Khan wants to get across to Pakistanis. Although totally different, he was creating a parallel with FATA and Afghanistan.

He does not support BD's official narrative on 1971.
They will become what is now known as refugees .
Its our country ,our rules and laws

Comprehension problem?
We will rectify the short comings .In this case somebody took revenge on him.

So you are proving you cant be shameless as much as possible?

You can pass all the unequal laws you want.

Problem remains that most of your remittance income and development FDI comes from outside of India.

Most civilized countries don't put up with banana republic laws - see how long you can survive with Modi as your savior and cut off from the rest of the world.

If the US makes an about turn and decides to provide sanctions on your country, you will have a tough time for sure. Already auto industry and petroleum situation in India is getting dire.
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