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Bangladesh ignores India’s Concerns will buy Chinese corvettes and submarines

It not about capacity, its about political or strategic control. More correctly its indian insecurity, feeling that in some way China is encroaching into "indian sphere of influence". What indians need to understand is Bangladesh will buy what it thinks it needs and can afford from where ever, regardless of what india thinks or says.

1. Bangladesh has a very small defence budget, and only spends around 1.2% of its GDP on defence, even less then myanmar which is a third its size. So it has to buy where it can get value for money, China and Russia.

2. India really does not have that many exportable/marketable weapon systems (ALH, Bhramos are only a few), plus a exporter needs to provide timely delivery, support, training, finance, marketing etc...not something indian PSU are good at.

3. Even if india could provide comparable solutions, no nation would purchase systems developed from a potential threat.

Now, no Bangladeshi would argue that india is ten times our size or that we could win a war with india. What we dont like is indians telling us what we can or cant do. And as our economy grows we will be able to afford more and more weapons, whether its chinese or its russian is upto us.
Non sense.Truth is you can't afford them.Can you afford a Kolkata class destroyer or a shivalik class frigate?You mostly buy used ships.
He has a point gslv. Our PSU's are notoriously inefficient and have capacity constraints on account of less investment in production facilities. They can barely keep up the production rate required to fulfill India's needs let alone be able to export on time.

We have lost many an export order of even basic equipment like assault rifles and ammo because of PSU's could not increase production capacity as arming India's forces takes priority over exports.

There are some notable exceptions to this, but on the whole it is true.

What is happening however is that GoI is encouraging and private Companies are setting up defense production units. This will remove the problem of capacity constraints within a decade, we would be far better placed to export military equipments then compared to now.
He has a point gslv. Our PSU's are notoriously inefficient and have capacity constraints on account of less investment in production facilities. They can barely keep up the production rate required to fulfill India's needs let alone be able to export on time.

We have lost many an export order of even basic equipment like assault rifles and ammo because of PSU's could not increase production capacity as arming India's forces takes priority over exports.

There are some notable exceptions to this, but on the whole it is true.

What is happening however is that GoI is encouraging and private Companies are setting up defense production units. This will remove the problem of capacity constraints within a decade, we would be far better placed to export military equipments then compared to now.

The answer is simple:

1. Allow, NO encourage the private sector to design and develop ANY weapon system they think they can develop and offer financial incentives to them to actively market them in the international market.

2. Privatize the PSUs like the various naval yards, HAL etc and let them stand or die on their own feet. If they want to survive then they will have to innovate and work to develop, remove the culture of jobs for life.

3. Extend the IITs into research centres, create a defence research development fund and provide prize grants to institutes thats can innovate new tech.

4. Change the culture of buying to developing.

Indias biggest obstaicle, is the fact that it able to buy weapons from almost anywhere. Look at nations that built thrieving defence industrie, south africa, china, even myanmar what do they have in common?

Their defence innovation occured because they were under western or un embargos, so what did they do? They had to become self reliant and innovate.......

If Modi wants a thrieving defence sector that has export potential then all he has to do apart from the above, is say india will reduce imported defence equipment by 10_20% each year.
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The answer is simple:

1. Allow, NO encourage the private sector to design and develop ANY weapon system they think they can develop and offer financial incentives to them to actively market them in the international market.

2. Privatize the PSUs like the various naval yards, HAL etc and let them stand or die on their own feet. If they want to survive then they will have to innovate and work to develop, remove the culture of jobs for life.

3. Extend the IITs into research centres, create a defence research development fund and provide prize grants to institutes thats can innovate new tech.

4. Change the culture of buying to developing.

Indias biggest obstaicle, is the fact that it able to buy weapons from almost anywhere. Look at nations that built thrieving defence industrie, south africa, china, even myanmar what do they have in common?

Their defence innovation occured because they were under western or un embargos, so what did they do? They had to become self reliant and innovate.......

If Modi wants a thrieving defence sector that has export potential then all he has to do apart from the above, is say india will reduce imported defence equipment by 10_20% each year.
I agree..that all that you mentioned is happening with the exception of forcing Armed Forces to reduce imports by 10% each year.

Private sector is being encouraged heavily now. Couple this with Government's move to reduce red tape and put India in the top 50 in Ease of Doing Business rankings ( from a current 142 out of 180) to promote manufacturing...and In a decade's time you will see a very different India
I agree..that all that you mentioned is happening with the exception of forcing Armed Forces to reduce imports by 10% each year.

Private sector is being encouraged heavily now. Couple this with Government's move to reduce red tape and put India in the top 50 in Ease of Doing Business rankings ( from a current 142 out of 180) to promote manufacturing...and In a decade's time you will see a very different India

If your going to give tough love to the PSUs then the same has to apply to the armed forces, if the government dosn't force a consistent target to reduce the amount of imports they will have no incentive to induct local products even if they are on par.

To build a local defence sector the armed forces need to be encouraged you may say forced to gradually reduce the amount of imports, think of it as a self imposed embargo for their own good.

Lets see if this gov is around to finish the job.

Buy all Chinese ships,while we make aircraft carriers in-house.

by exporting RMGs..

Yep we are buying Chinese ships, and South Korean and building our own, what ever is in our interests.

How do you think the Koreans, Thais and Chinese developed their industrial base? RMGs is a $450bn market, with the Chinese by far the biggest suppliers followed by us ($25bn + in RMG exports) now that the cost of production has gone up and China is moving up the value chain, we are going to attract a big chunk of that to add to our exports ($45-50bn export target).

Now we are looking to be a leader in the leather goods market a $220bn market, and have started ship building, light engineering / white goods, auto components, pharma, IT etc. RMG was just the start or first step in the growth ladder.

So you keep building your aircraft carriers and well keep building our economy.
have started ship building, light engineering / white goods, auto components, pharma, IT
So you keep building your aircraft carriers and well keep building our economy.

lol as an upstart in these fields,you guys should not mock a country with established industrial base in these fields...And we are utilizing our experience in defence production-like Cochin shipyard building 40,000 DWT aircraft carrier with experience it has in building 100,000 DWT tankers.
The prime minister of Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina, said her government has made a decision to purchase two corvettes and two submarines from China during a visit to the naval academy at Chittagong on Dec. 21, according to the local Dhaka Tribune.

“Why would Bangladesh need submarines? This decision by the government there and the ongoing strife in the country is a matter of concern for us,” a senior Indian naval officer told the Times of India. “We also suspect that Chinese submarines are sneaking into Indian territorial waters in the Bay of Bengal region

What's up with India.....a country that used to be so poor but kept an aircraft carrier since the 70's for no good use when half the population didn't have proper beds to sleep on.....and here, they are questioning others as to why they want to buy stuff to feel secure and safeguard their interests? LOL

To the first bold part.....they want to buy it because they want to feel secured. Nothing anyone can do.
To the second bold sentence.....umm, No Shiit????
What's up with India.....a country that used to be so poor but kept an aircraft carrier since the 70's for no good use when half the population didn't have proper beds to sleep on.....and here, they are questioning others as to why they want to buy stuff to feel secure and safeguard their interests? LOL

The aircraft carrier has been put to good use,that is why you see a 'Bangladesh Defence section' in this forum.
lol as an upstart in these fields,you guys should not mock a country with established industrial base in these fields...And we are utilizing our experience in defence production-like Cochin shipyard building 40,000 DWT aircraft carrier with experience it has in building 100,000 DWT tankers.

Dude - India can build what the hell they want!

The issue is that India has ZERO right to suggest to BD what it can spend it's own money on.

BD is rapidly eradicating poverty and is using it's growing economy to slowly create a credible military.
Dude - India can build what the hell they want!

The issue is that India has ZERO right to suggest to BD what it can spend it's own money on.

BD is rapidly eradicating poverty and is using it's growing economy to slowly create a credible military.

The troll only comes here to massage his inflated ego, cut him some slack he just cant stand to see BD growing and ignoring indian demands.
The troll only comes here to massage his inflated ego, cut him some slack he just cant stand to see BD growing and ignoring indian demands.

That goes for most Indians. They thought that BD will always remain very poor with no proper military to speak of.

With BD creating a credible military, their ambitions of dominating South Asia will go down the toilet. They need to learn that South Asia is for all South Asians and not their own playground.
The troll only comes here to massage his inflated ego, cut him some slack he just cant stand to see BD growing and ignoring indian demands.

Shut up troll.I was replying to your weird claim that India doesn't have any weapon system to offer.My second and thirs comment was about another comment mocking India's industrial capability and development.So don't drag those topics here @UKBengali

With BD creating a credible military, their ambitions of dominating South Asia will go down the toilet

We have already been doing that. Bangladesh cannot even dream of competing with Indian Navy.
Shut up troll.I was replying to your weird claim that India doesn't have any weapon system to offer.My second and thirs comment was about another comment mocking India's industrial capability and development.So don't drag those topics here @UKBengali
We have already been doing that. Bangladesh cannot even dream of competing with Indian Navy.
lmao,Go easy mate,dont be too hard on them.
to be realistic Indian Navy is very strong and big for us and is growing
yes all we can do make our navy strong and a force which can pose a threat enough for the INdian navy
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