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Bangladesh ignores India’s Concerns will buy Chinese corvettes and submarines

Ah well, some people can just never let go of crab mentality.

Its ok, I won't say anything against your country.

gossa mat ho :kiss3:

Remember taking your evening pill.
Brahmos again。。。:rofl:

Haven't you got anything else to sell?

And do you have permission from the Russians?

What if China provides BD with CX-1?

BD is no threat to India,or any other country for that matter,so relax。:D

China must be very careful to sell any thing to Bangladesh. Bangladesh in Hasina Govt play spy game for India and if China sell latest machine to Bangladesh then China element of surprise will be nullify. Be careful my Iron brother
China must be very careful to sell any thing to Bangladesh. Bangladesh in Hasina Govt play spy game for India and if China sell latest machine to Bangladesh then China element of surprise will be nullify. Be careful my Iron brother

BD military has well link with China. And China offers all kinds of latest weapons to BD. We have just lack of budget.
China must be very careful to sell any thing to Bangladesh. Bangladesh in Hasina Govt play spy game for India and if China sell latest machine to Bangladesh then China element of surprise will be nullify. Be careful my Iron brother
Not to worry. China is light years ahead of India in development.
China should lend us some subs, surface-to-air missiles, missile defence systems, fighter planes, so and so forth. We will use it to lay India to ruin.
Why would India worry about 2 frigates from China. Bangladesh is no match for Indian Navy in general. Some shit just dont make any sense.
Why would India worry about 2 frigates from China. Bangladesh is no match for Indian Navy in general. Some shit just dont make any sense.

ahahahha......i agree, when i watch Indians and bengladeshi having disagreements/arguments on here, they remind me of China and Vietnam relationship. I dont understand why India feels threatened/worried about Bengladesh buying submarines/frigates from China(when India cant provide this itself, since it cant produce this independently or it cant meet its own defence needs to be able to export frigates), since Bengladesh is no match for India militarily in any naval conflict, same with Vietnam being no match for China in any naval conflict/militarily. So dont understand why both country are worried about what their smaller neighbour buy abroad.:D
ahahahha......i agree, when i watch Indians and bengladeshi having disagreements/arguments on here, they remind me of China and Vietnam relationship. I dont understand why India feels threatened/worried about Bengladesh buying submarines/frigates from China(when India cant provide this itself, since it cant produce this independently or it cant meet its own defence needs to be able to export frigates), since Bengladesh is no match for India militarily in any naval conflict, same with Vietnam being no match for China in any naval conflict/militarily. So dont understand why both country are worried about what their smaller neighbour buy abroad.:D

Right now India dont have to concentrate around BD border, since we are weak in defense. It helps them to utilize their resources on western and north sides. But things will change when we have strong force. Great Indian ocean game is taking place. And since historically we are same country they secretly hope that in future BD will submit to India. Something like protectorate. A large country like BD under their hegemony sounds so awesome isnt it. Historically they annexed so many princely states. JK, Hyderabad, Sikkim, Goa etc etc. And there is a complex terrain called NE which is in vulnerable condition. If China and BD help each other within a moment we can detach that area from India :D
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ahahahha......i agree, when i watch Indians and bengladeshi having disagreements/arguments on here, they remind me of China and Vietnam relationship. I dont understand why India feels threatened/worried about Bengladesh buying submarines/frigates from China(when India cant provide this itself, since it cant produce this independently or it cant meet its own defence needs to be able to export frigates), since Bengladesh is no match for India militarily in any naval conflict, same with Vietnam being no match for China in any naval conflict/militarily. So dont understand why both country are worried about what their smaller neighbour buy abroad.:D

It not about capacity, its about political or strategic control. More correctly its indian insecurity, feeling that in some way China is encroaching into "indian sphere of influence". What indians need to understand is Bangladesh will buy what it thinks it needs and can afford from where ever, regardless of what india thinks or says.

1. Bangladesh has a very small defence budget, and only spends around 1.2% of its GDP on defence, even less then myanmar which is a third its size. So it has to buy where it can get value for money, China and Russia.

2. India really does not have that many exportable/marketable weapon systems (ALH, Bhramos are only a few), plus a exporter needs to provide timely delivery, support, training, finance, marketing etc...not something indian PSU are good at.

3. Even if india could provide comparable solutions, no nation would purchase systems developed from a potential threat.

Now, no Bangladeshi would argue that india is ten times our size or that we could win a war with india. What we dont like is indians telling us what we can or cant do. And as our economy grows we will be able to afford more and more weapons, whether its chinese or its russian is upto us.
India really does not have that many exportable/marketable weapon systems (ALH, Bhramos are only a few), plus a exporter needs to provide timely delivery, support, training, finance, marketing etc...not something indian PSU are good at

Non sense.Truth is you can't afford them.Can you afford a Kolkata class destroyer or a shivalik class frigate?You mostly buy used ships.
Non sense.Truth is you can't afford them.Can you afford a Kolkata class destroyer or a shivalik class frigate?You mostly buy used ships.

We aren't dumb enough to waste our money on non essential gear, while you spend over 2% of your GDP on defence, we spend just 1.2% (just under $2n) of our GDP on defence. We only need used items right now, to protect our maritime zones.

Our priority is to build our economy, follow a export led economic model similar to what South Korea and China has done. Now we have a faster growth (faster then india's too) we will be able to almost tripple our defence budget by the end of this decade and still keep defence expenditure below 2% of our GDP.

Things are already changing, we are getting 2 new Type 056 corvettes (and bulding them more under licence in our own KEW yards), we've bought 2 new LPCs (6 more are being built at KEW), the navy will soon release RFP for 2 new frigates for $550m (either south korean FFX or Chinese type 054a), 2 trainig submarines are on the way (old, just to train our sailor), a new submarine base.....all with a defence budget thats 1.2% of our GDP. After 2020, things will look very different.

So keep buying russian, western and israeli weapons and massaging your egos, we'll just concentrate on improving our economy and building our forces.

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