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Bangladesh:Gunfight at BDR headquarters

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Yes this is logical, but with now BA doing investigation we will know the truth(hopefully)

All reasons are possible but look at this, THIS IS MESS. There are other ways to achieve the objective you have mentioned. This incident could have happened 6 mnts bfr or after. It can be at some other time. But timming is biggest factor due to which I doubt that this can have Indian involvement and If there is Indian Involvement than GOD help us. This action has weaken the position of PM hasina and She has to take strong stand now while dealing with India. THis will be despite India is involved or not. This is the only reason for me to believe that Indian are wise enough to strengthen the position of friend who can help us in long term rather then underminning her position.


It did weaken Hasina's position.Just look,one meeting with army officers and the head of Investigation team is removed.

Yes,let's hope military investigation brings out the truth,whoever the guilty is,should be brought to justice and executed.
China condoles deaths of army officers
UNB, Dhaka

China has expressed deep shock at the deaths of army officers in the February 25-26 mutiny at the BDR headquarters in the capital.

A statement by a spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China said: “As a friendly close neighbour, the Chinese side hopes Bangladesh enjoy political stability, economic development and social harmony.”

Extending deep sympathy and condolences to the families of the victims, the statement also said, “We hope and believe that with the joint efforts of Bangladesh government and people, Bangladesh can maintain peace, stability and solidarity.”

The Daily Star - Details News
1. Change the Command structure of BDR. It should be headed by BDR not by Army.

Not an option. BDR should remain under army command as we must not compromise our defense which will in turn make the conspirator succeed.
Consider their genuin demands like pay hike, rations..etc.

Yes genuine demand must be met. I agree.
Those from BDR who are not involved should not be targeted.

They are not targeted and most of the BDR soldiers already reported back to work and some of them were sent to leave.
You are accusing India at a time when the BD govt hasnt even conlcuded their investigation. How did you reach this conclusion then. As i mentioned before your goal is to be anti-India when and wherever possible. The guy who had zillions of posts defaming India and its 'evil designs' never contributed any such article for the BD mutiny. Why? You are with the anti-India side.

Please read my article 'The BDR Mutiny - revenge for Padua and Boraibari'
before commenting -

The BDR Mutiny - revenge for Padua and Boraibari

It is now widely believed that the barbarous mutiny at BDR HQ (Pilkhana) in Dhaka was perpetrated in revenge for the death of 19 BSF jawans killed (after they intruded on to Bangladesh territory) in the counter-attack by the BDR at Padua of Sylhet and Boraibari of Roumary on April 18, 2001. The BDR was then headed by Maj. Gen. ALM Fazlur Rahman who has since maintained that the three BDR soldiers killed in that encounter should be decorated with National Sword as Birsreshtho and should be commemorated in exactly the same way as the martyrs of 1971. This has regrettably not been done by any of the governments since the incursion by the BSF into Bangladesh in 2001 and it was surprisingly not one of the demands of the rebellious BDR soldiers in the Pilkhana mutiny of 2009. While the mutineers were able to recall many injustices committed against them over the several decades since independence this single most glaring example just managed to escape their over-wrought attention.

Revenge for Padua and Boraibari was the principal justification for the planning and execution of the mutiny but another important objective was to have Bangladesh accept a Peace Mission from India to protect the Kolkata-Dhaka Friendship train service as explained in some news reports. The real purpose for this Peace Mission would be to act as an occupying force and spark further trouble and enmity between the army and the BDR that was likely to ensue after the savage murders at Pilkhana. This would have held out the double benefit and advantage to India of furthering their agenda for securing a transit facility across the country and at the same time cripple the defence and security services of Bangladesh. This would merely be the fulfillment of what had been planned after the 1971 war with Bangladesh having no standing army and the defence needs of the country being organized under Indian army tutelage and control as spelled out in the 7 point agreement signed by the Mujib Nagar government which had only been partly implemented after liberation. The internal law and order situation would according to this agreement be handled by a paramilitary force trained and equipped by India’s external intelligence agency RAW. The first part of this plan was thwarted when the Indian army was forced to leave (which would probably be the same fate of this proposed Peace Mission but with more violent and disturbing consequences for India) after resentment began to grow amongst freedom fighters and the ordinary people of Bangladesh against their prolonged presence which was seen to be tantamount to being an occupying force. The second part of the 1971 plan was suddenly disrupted after the August 15, 1975 coup when the paramilitary force called the Rakkhi Bahini was disbanded soon thereafter. The Rakkhi Bahini earned the reputation of being an undisciplined, brutal and violently vindictive force under the direct control of Sheikh Fazlul Haque Moni and later Tofail Ahmed. It has now been recommended that after the mutiny at Pilkhana the BDR force should similarly be disbanded and like the Rakkhi Bahini have its members assigned to other security forces of the country. In its place a new paramilitary organization would be established and given the name - as one senior army officer has proposed - the Bangladesh Border Force or BBF. This would be the appropriate outcome for the BDR which has by its despicable and heinous acts condemned itself to utter oblivion.

A further comparison may now be made with the situation prevailing immediately after 1971 relating to the suspicious role played by the Awami League leadership. The conduct of the AL government during the recent mutiny is increasingly coming under close and intense scrutiny especially in its failure to act in a timely fashion to counter the revolt by sending in the army directly into Pilkhana compound on the very first day of the uprising. To stall such a move the AL administration sent Sahara Khatun, Jahangir Kabir Nanak and Mirza Azam to negotiate terms with the mutineers. None of these individuals have any experience or expertise in conducting such negotiations and they carry little weight or influence within the country or party but were nevertheless chosen. There were, however, several senior leaders in the party who were far better qualified to undertake this task but were simply not asked by the Prime Minister. It is a surprise and a miracle that after the number of civilians that were killed or injured outside the gates of Pilkhana these ‘negotiators’ (Sahara Khatun, Jahangir Kabir Nanak and Mirza Azam) managed to successfully dodge the bullets and were not automatically set upon by the rebels on their entry into the compound. Another aspect of the AL handling of the crisis that has raised objections relates to their deliberate policy of dividing the country on purely partisan lines on the issue of the rebellion. In a time of national emergency it would be expected that the government would attempt to unite the country by calling for all-party involvement in the decision making process. Instead the AL (on the basis of accusations made in the Indian press and media) started pointing fingers at the opposition parties for complicity in the mutiny. The view has been expressed in some quarters that this self-defeating approach to the revolt was deliberate so that the army would be undermined in revenge for their role in the 1/11 takeover and also in their pursuance of corrupt politicians in the AL and their ultimate trial and prosecution during the tenure of the two year caretaker government. This is entirely consistent with the AL’s inherent distrust of the armed forces –originally encouraged and inspired by India – which also existed during the government of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and became greatly intensified after the coup’s of 1975 which saw the AL pushed into the political wilderness for the next two decades. Against this inclination of the AL the people of Bangladesh will expect this government to declare the victims of the mutiny as martyrs to be honoured in the same way as the freedom fighters who lost their lives in the 1971 war but which still has not been done for the BDR soldiers who died in Padua and Boraibari while protecting the territory and borders of the country against Indian intrusion and aggression.
Police in Bangladesh have arrested the alleged leader of a mutiny staged by border guards last week which left 74 people dead, police officials say.
- BBC News
Everyone is here defending their nation except for you, who seems to have an agenda of anti-Indianes and not Pro Bangladesh.

You are accusing India at a time when the BD govt hasnt even conlcuded their investigation. How did you reach this conclusion then. As i mentioned before your goal is to be anti-India when and wherever possible. The guy who had zillions of posts defaming India and its 'evil designs' never contributed any such article for the BD mutiny. Why? You are with the anti-India side.

Awami govt influenced by india and there are already strong evidence that indo Awami nexus are behind this massacre. Since 2001 Roumari incedent Indians were looking ways to take revenge and as soon Awami govt came to power Indians were given safe passage for massacre mission. Most defense analysis by ex senior army and intel officials pointing to that.

Iajdani made some post who in Awami league were involved and how.
Who has motive, means and given opportunity to carry out such massacre. All analysis based on facts on the ground points to India.

India itself having fear that they will be caught, already moved/alerted its airforce, para commando brigade and other military assets close to Bangladesh border.

Indian foreign minister one day say its Bangladesh internal matter and next day move military assets. Not only that he start making comments on Bangladesh internal matter. That shows desperation on Indian side.

Indian media directed by RAW (news sourced by Indian RAW) spreading news that only someone inside BDR HQ and involved in killing could provide.

Not only that Indian media is spreading propaganda to derail investigation result and public perception. No other country and not any other neighboring country are doing any military move and running interference.

For Indians (including in this forum) its desperate hour to derail investigation and confuse public BUT we should not fall for these.
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No innocent will be arrested in hunt: Army
Star Online Report

No innocent person will be arrested in the hunt for rebel border guards who were involved in the Pilkhana massacre, an army officer said.

"Rebel hunt is a self-explanatory term. The term means to find out those who have mutinied. So we will not arrest randomly,"
Brig Gen Ziaul Hasan said at a press briefing at the army headquarters today.

He said the arrests would be made after verifying available information and necessary assessment.

As of today, the army recovered 47 rifles, 18 pistols, 11 light machine guns and 50,000 rounds of bullets from Pilkhana. Fifteen grenades were still lying at various places those will be exploded, Ziaul said.

The army officer said five officers still remained missing.

"Their bodies could not be retrieved. But there are three bodies in the CMH those are yet to be identified. We will be able to say if the bodies were of the missing army officers after DNA test," Hasan added.

The investigators collected evidence including duty roster, mobile records and bloodstained objects from the scene.

The Daily Star - Details News
SQ Chy gets flak for comment on mutiny
Star Online Report

Two senior treasury bench lawmakers today in an unscheduled discussion in parliament blasted BNP lawmaker Salahuddin Quader Chowdhury for his derogatory comment about senior army officials who were brutally killed at BDR headquarters.

The discussion began after Salahuddin's questioned the terms of reference of the government’s inquiry committee to investigate the carnage.

The BNP-led opposition then staged a brief walkout as Salahuddin was not allowed to talk on the allegations.

AL lawmaker Suranjit Sengupta said the BNP lawmaker described the army officials who embraced martyrdom as 'animals' while he was talking on obituary reference on the deaths on Sunday in the House.

"The BNP lawmaker said some animals were killed at BDR headquarters. He is matured enough to understand who is a human and who an animal,"
Suranjit said, referring to Salahuddin's remark.

"Your comment proved your attitude towards the martyrs and you appeared with a new drama again," Suranjit said.

The AL lawmaker demanded that the speaker expunge the derogatory words from the parliamentary proceedings and the BNP lawmaker must seek apology in parliament for using the word.

Suranjit said, "I understand his [Salahuddin] agony. He has to talk in favour of the country's independence despite committing war crimes."

Taking floor on point of order AL lawmaker Tofail Ahmed echoed the same view and said, "We are surprised at the words uttered by the BNP lawmaker."

The AL lawmakers also castigated the BNP lawmaker for questioning the terms of reference of the inquiry committee to investigate the carnage on BDR headquarters.

Immediately after the AL lawmakers completed speech, Salahuddin sought floor to clarify his position according to section 274 of the rules of procedure of parliament.

But the speaker did not allow him to talk on the issue, saying there is noting to clarify on it. In protest, the BNP-led opposition lawmakers walked out of parliament. They however returned to the House after 10 minutes.

Earlier, Salahuddin took floor on point of order and questioned the government’s inquiry committee to investigate the BDR carnage.

The BNP lawmaker said the terms of reference of the committee did not mention anything about tracking down the perpetrators and trial of the killers.

"So we demanded formation of a parliamentary body to investigate it to uphold the constitutional process and to make parliament effective," the BNP lawmaker said.

In counter, AL lawmaker Tofail Ahmed questioned the motive of the BNP lawmaker. "Where did he find that there is no reference to holding trial of perpetrators? The government has already announced setting up of special tribunal to hold tria."

"None should give misleading information and do politics with it,"
the AL lawmaker said.

Ending the discussion, Speaker Abdul Hamid said a neutral inquiry committee was formed to investigate the incident.

"I find no obstacle for the inquiry committee to investigate it. The question of formation of a parliamentary body may arise if people are not satisfied with the committee's report," Hamid said.

The Daily Star - Details News
Not an option. BDR should remain under army command as we must not compromise our defense which will in turn make the conspirator succeed.

Yes genuine demand must be met. I agree.

They are not targeted and most of the BDR soldiers already reported back to work and some of them were sent to leave.

100 % in agreement.
Bangladesh mutiny tops crisis report

BRUSSELS, March 2 (UPI) -- The violent mutiny in Bangladesh that resulted in the death of more than 70 people topped the International Crisis Group's February CrisisWatch report.

The Belgium-based non-governmental organization said in its monthly CrisisWatch report that the mutiny staged by the Bangladesh Rifles paramilitary border force was among four "actual or potential" conflicts that deteriorated in February, the group reported.

The BDR paramilitary force took an estimated 130 senior military officers hostage and killed more than 70 people during the mutiny that threatened widespread violence. Despite the hostilities, a possible coup was prevented.

The CrisisWatch report also cited the Sri Lankan army's ongoing campaign targeting the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam militant organization in the north of the country. Officials said the military campaign is increasingly threatening the approximately 200,000 civilians stuck in the volatile region.

The February report also included "tensions between North and South Korea" and strikes in Guatemala that "led to violent clashes between demonstrators and security forces" as conflicts that deteriorated during the month.

Bangladesh mutiny tops crisis report - Middle East Times
SQ Chy gets flak for comment on mutiny
Star Online Report

Two senior treasury bench lawmakers today in an unscheduled discussion in parliament blasted BNP lawmaker Salahuddin Quader Chowdhury for his derogatory comment about senior army officials who were brutally killed at BDR headquarters.

The Daily Star - Details News

There was no blasting when Indian media made baseless accusation to SQC. Now that SQC filed $100 million lawsuit against Indian media (that means they have to prove the validity) Indian hired awami politicians and media are in "blasting" job. Look which media "daily star" - pattern of deception are all familiar.
RAB nabs 'mutiny leader'
Dhaka, Mar 3 (bdnews24.com)--The alleged leader of the murderous Feb 25-26 BDR mutiny, Touhidul Alam, and four others were arrested Tuesday in the capital, RAB said.

"Five including DAD Touhid and DAD Abdur Rahim have been arrested in Hajaribagh," commander AK Azad, director of legal and media wing of the elite Rapid Action Battalion, told bdnews24.com. Rahim was earlier identified as a sepoy.

"It was a joint operation of the RAB intelligence wing and local RAB 2, based on information from another intelligence agency," RAB later said in a statement.

"They were arrested in a residential area near the Methorpatti (sweepers' colony) in Hajaribagh at 5:30pm," the statement said.

The other three arrested were not among those named in the case filed on Feb 28.

RAB gave the three names as Habilder Azad Ali, Nayek Md Feroz Ahmed and Sepoy Zahir Hossain.

Touhidul Alam, a deputy assistant director, had led a rebel team in negotiations with the government during 33-hour mutiny ending Thursday evening.

Two days later, the government sued him and five others, charging them with treason, murder, arson and looting.

The case, filed by the Lalbagh police, was registered Saturday night. A magistrate on Sunday took the charges into cognizance.

Over a thousand BDR men were also charged, but the Lalbagh OC Nobojyoti Khisha did not identify them.

At least 62 army officers were dead or missing in the mutiny, according to the army. Civilians and BDR men were also killed.

DAD Touhid led a team of 14 BDR men to talks with the prime minister at her home on the day the border guards rose in rebellion at their headquarters in the capital.

Touhid also led the renegade BDR men in negotiations that followed with the home minister late into the night.

The other four names that Khisha mentioned in his submission were DAD Nasiruddin Khan, DAD Mirza Habibur Rahman, DAD Jalil (one name given), Sepoy Selim.

"More DADs may be involved with the incident," Khisa had said after filing the case.

Khisa said in his court submission the government had information that the rebel border guards were 'instigated by vested quarters to upset the stability of the state and to make unlawful gains'.

Their action amounted to treason, the court was told.

Police attributed the delay in filing the case to time taken 'to analyse the situation, gather information on the events and complete official formalities'.

After the first round of talks with the rebels on Feb 25, prime minister Sheikh Hasina offered a general amnesty to the BDR mutineers, but later said the pardon would not cover those who directly killed, looted or committed such other criminal acts.

The prime minister told parliament Sunday that the BDR revolt was a "completely pre-planned massacre".

:: bdnews24.com ::
Most defense analysis by ex senior army and intel officials pointing to that.

Im extremly honoured to have such web-friends who have access to such classified info that even the investigating govt doesnt have.

India itself having fear that they will be caught, already moved/alerted its airforce, para commando brigade and other military assets close to Bangladesh border.

Its is a standard procedure, when there is military unrest the other neighbouring country is on alert. What would you do, when you come to know that the neighbouring countries army has raised the revolt banner?

Indian foreign minister one day say its Bangladesh internal matter and next day move military assets. Not only that he start making comments on Bangladesh internal matter. That shows desperation on Indian side.

First one is your internal matter and the seconnd one is our internal matter.

Indian media directed by RAW (news sourced by Indian RAW) spreading news that only someone inside BDR HQ and involved in killing could provide.
Not only that Indian media is spreading propaganda to derail investigation result and public perception.

RAW sends news to India media. Well we would have been saved from these bullshit debates then.

No other country and not any other neighboring country are doing any military move and running interference.

Which other neighbours do you have? What were you expecting for South Korea to raise their alertness.

For Indians (including in this forum) its desperate hour to derail investigation and confuse public BUT we should not fall for these.

Dont fall, good for you.
Hasina fears further 'sabotage'Dhaka, Mar 3 (bdnews24.com) - Prime minister Sheikh Hasina says she fears further sabotage after the bloody BDR mutiny and that the conspirators are not finished yet.

"Many did not like the incident to end so soon; the game is still on and the conspirators are not taking a break," she said at a seminar on the country's independence hero Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's historic March 7 speech at the Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh Tuesday.

The mutiny might have gone further, the prime minister added.

"I don't know whether I could speak here today," she said in her first public remarks outside parliament since the renegade border guards mutinied at their headquarters on Feb. 25-26.

"All will have to remain alert against conspiracy."

On the massacre of the army officers, Hasina said, "No incident could be more condemnable."

The ruling Awami League chief mourned the slain army officers and prayed for their eternal peace at the beginning of her speech.

She spoke of the Feb. 25 BDR mutiny and urged all to remain on guard in these critical hours.

"Somehow we'll have to succeed in fulfilling the pledge for change, upon which we have come to power."

Hasina, daughter of Sheikh Mujib, said, "My father used to say, '[We] cannot live with the West Pakistanis; the country must be freed'."

"He used to say, 'There will be elections and we will win majority, but power will not be handed over'."

"There will be war and we will gain freedom," Hasina quoted him as saying.

"My father was right; he could predict."

Hasina introduced the man, 'Khair', who filmed Sheikh Mujib's Mar 7 speech at then the Racecourse Maidan in Dhaka.

The Mar. 7 speech was screened at the seminar, organised by Sheikh Mujib Memorial trust.

There was no blasting when Indian media made baseless accusation to SQC. Now that SQC filed $100 million lawsuit against Indian media (that means they have to prove the validity) Indian hired awami politicians and media are in "blasting" job. Look which media "daily star" - pattern of deception are all familiar.

Its in all media.

SQ Chy in hot water after derogatory comment in House

SQ Chy in hot water after derogatory comment in House :: Politics :: bdnews24.com ::
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