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Bangladesh:Gunfight at BDR headquarters

ARMY Tanks moving in from Savar

Currently they are in place and people are asked to leave their houses to at least 3km away from BDR HQ.

All the mobile network is shutdown.

Army is reinforcing their positions.Possibility of a crackdown.

A few hundred surrendered their arms,but there are 15000 mutineers inside.
Army closes in on BDR headquarters
Star Online Report

Army is apparently set to enter the BDR headquarters with heavy arms through all gates near Nilkhet and Hazaribagh, flaring up the fear of a heavy bloodshed.

Around 4:15pm, army personnel fired several gunshots on way to the mutineers' centre of operations.

Some private television stations reported that army already entered the BDR headquarters through gate No 2, triggering a battle as the BDR mutineers retaliated.

Residents of the surrounding areas were evacuated.

Home Minister Sahara Khatun earlier told reporters that BDR jawans agreed to surrender arms and go back to barracks.

well, 15,000 is too much. I think they'll come out though soon. No point risking ones life over milk and eggs.
well, 15,000 is too much. I think they'll come out though soon. No point risking ones life over milk and eggs.

Where did this figure of 15000 come from? The compound only holds 6000 of which half fled yesterday during the fighting inside the Durbar hall.

What is clear that the army has taken uo positions around the BDR HQ with artillery and tanks?
well, 15,000 is too much. I think they'll come out though soon. No point risking ones life over milk and eggs.

But I fear retaliation by Army,as most killed were army officers posted to BDR.They won't leave it so easily.Situation is like a war zone now.All the houses are being evacuated.People are being asked to leave their houses though Masjids.
Army tanks from 9th cavalry division may be,are already in place.At least 8 to 9 tanks are in the spot,along with other arms.

About milk and egg,these people are soldiers,now what else can you expect?

their main reason:
1.No army commander
2.Increased pay and rations and other facilities.
Where did this figure of 15000 come from. The compound only holds 6000 of which half fled yesterday during the fighting inside the Durbar hall.

What is clear that the army has taken uo positions around the BDR HQ with artillery and tanks.

It was from one of the mutineers.Could be possible as the Annual BDR week was going on.
Trouble spreads to paramilitary BDR camps across Bangladesh

DHAKA, Feb. 26 (Xinhua) -- Trouble reportedly broke out at paramilitary Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) camps across the country Thursday morning after thousands of BDR soldier staged revolt against their officers deputed from Bangladeshi Army at BDR headquarters in capital Dhaka Wednesday morning, private news agency UNB reported.

In southeastern Feni town, residents close to BDR camp heard sounds of bullets on Thursday morning.

Local sources said they heard sounds of bullets and also saw smoke coming out of the camp at about 8:30 a.m.

Panicked residents started leaving the area after hearing the gunshots.

In southwestern Satkhira town, firing began at BDR camp at 10:30 a.m.

BDR personnel took position on nearby highway, bringing traffic to a standstill.

Students of Rifles School inside the BDR camp area and the adjoining Textile Mills School have been confined in their schools following firing incident, creating panic among the guardians.

In northwestern Naogaon town, sounds of gunshot were heard from BDR camp Thursday morning creating panic among the local residents.

Local sources said BDR men got agitated and started firing following a rumor that army would come to capture the BDR camp.

In northeastern Sylhet city, tension escalated after sounds of gunshots coming out from BDR camp in the city on Thursday morning.

All educational institutions near the area remained close following the trouble that created panic among the city dwellers.

Besides, sounds of gunshot were also heard in BDR camps in northwestern Dinajpur, and Thakurgaon towns.

Trouble spreads to paramilitary BDR camps across Bangladesh_English_Xinhua
I just saw on the news theres more than 50 dead mostly cops :tsk:
To Raquib,Hk-47 or Mr.Munshi

Does any one of you live in Dhanmondi?What's the condition there?

Bangladesh mutiny spreads, 50 feared dead
– Thu Feb 26, 2:15 am ET

DHAKA (AFP) – A mutiny by thousands of members of Bangladesh's paramilitary border security force spread to areas outside the capital Dhaka Thursday, as officials reported nearly 50 army officers were feared killed.

The spread of the violence came despite the offer of a general amnesty for renegade troops from Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, who also promised to address complaints over low pay and working conditions.

Police chiefs across the poor and chronically unstable South Asian nation said rank-and-file members of the Bangladesh Rifles, or BDR, had revolted in 12 border districts -- or roughly a quarter of the zones where border security forces are stationed.

"They are firing indiscriminately," said one of the police chiefs, from the northeastern Moulivibazar district. "Their commanding officer told me that he has fled the camp."

Another local police chief, Kamrul Ahsan from the southeastern town of Satkania, reported "heavy fighting" at a BDR training centre.

Officials were also struggling to bring an end to the initial revolt in Dhaka, a part of which had been turned into battle zone.

Deputy law minister Kamrul Islam said the situation remained tense as thousands of armed troops were still believed to be inside the BDR headquarters in the capital, keeping police and government negotiators waiting outside.

"The BDR troops began surrendering arms in our presence. But there are some 15,000 of them -- around 12,000 could have weapons," Islam told AFP.

"The situation is still very tense," he said, adding that at least 50 officers held hostage were feared dead.

"We talked to the BDR troops and they said some 50 officers have been killed," he told reporters, adding he could not confirm the deaths as he had not seen the bodies himself.

"We heard that the casualties were kept at a hospital inside the compound," he said. "There are no traces of the officers."

In total, 10 people have already been confirmed dead and dozens more wounded.

A rebel guard said he doubted a surrender would take place smoothly.

"They told us to surrender arms. But we have reports that army troops have attacked our camps outside the capital. We want peace but not bloodshed," the rebel BDR guard told AFP.

The unrest is the first major crisis to face Prime Minister Hasina since she took office less than two months ago, after a landslide election victory that ended two years of army-backed rule.

Hasina's office said she would address the nation on Thursday.

Officials said tensions in the BDR had been simmering for months but exploded into violence when senior officers dismissed appeals for more pay, subsidised food and holidays.

The stand-off highlights the frustrations felt by many people in impoverished Bangladesh -- a country suffering from high food prices, a slowing economy and rampant corruption within the country's ruling classes.

Since winning independence from Pakistan in 1971, Bangladesh has had a history of political violence, coups and counter-coups.

The country was run by military dictator Hussain Mohammad Ershad from 1982 to 1990, before democracy was restored in 1991.

In January 2007, the army again stepped in, cancelling elections and declaring a state of emergency following months of political unrest. Democracy was restored with elections last December

Bangladesh mutiny spreads, 50 feared dead

This whole thing reminds of the lal masjid situation and operation bluestar in pakistan and india both countries suffered alot of blowback .BD needs to be very careful coz they don't want that to happen to them .Lets just hope for the best.
Hasina warns rebels to surrender as mutiny spreads
26 Feb 2009, 1505 hrs IST, AGENCIES

DHAKA: DHAKA: As the mutiny by the Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) guards spread to other parts of the country, PM Sheikh Hasina warned mutinous troops to A Bangladesh Rifles soldier uses a megaphone to speak from BDR headquarters in Dhaka, on day two of military mutinies across the country lay down their arms or face "tough action".

"Just give up your arms and return to barracks right now," Sheikh Hasina said in a nationally televised address.

"Otherwise I will take any action for the greater interest of the nation," she said.

"Don't take the suicidal route. Don't compel me to take tough action. We are aware of your problems. Please help us," she warned, appealing to the members of the Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) not to shoot their own "brothers."

As she spoke, the mutineers set free more than a dozen women held hostage at their Dhaka headquarters since their revolt began on Wednesday morning.

"Keep the peace and stay patient for the sake of the nation. I urge everyone to be patient. I seek cooperation of all," said Hasina, who was facing her biggest test since coming to power less than two months ago in a landslide election victory that ended two years of army-backed rule.

Earlier in the day, fresh gunfire erupted at a paramilitary camp in the Bangladesh capital, police said, as troops took to streets in towns across the country a day after 50 people were killed during a mutiny.

The revolt by some members of the Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) force over a pay dispute spread outside Dhaka after officials earlier said it was being brought under control following an amnesty offer from the government.

Mobile phone services were ordered cut by the government in order to stem rumours and misinformation, one cellphone operator said.

"Firing started again at the BDR complex in the afternoon although we were expecting the revolt... to end soon," a police officer said.

The main duty of the mutinous BDR is guarding the country's borders, but often they back up the army and police in meeting other defence and security requirements.

"The prime minister has urged all people to remain calm and not to indulge in violence," said Mohiuddin Khan Alaamgir, one of the advisers to Hasina who along with ministers attended an emergency meeting with her.

Earlier officials said nearly 50 people died in Wednesday fighting at the BDR Dhaka headquarters, a blow to hopes Hasina's government, which took office only last month, could bring stability that would attract investors and boost development.

Bangladesh, home to more than 140 million people, has had several military coups since independence in 1971, but this week's mutinies do not appear politically motivated.

Traditionally the BDR are commanded by officers from the army. Demands by some BDR troops to draw commanders from their own ranks, and for better pay and benefits, sparked the shooting among BDR members on Wednesday, officials said.

Witnesses said police recovered the bodies of six BDR officers near the Dhaka headquarters on Thursday. On Wednesday police found two officers dead.

Shooting incidents involving BDR troops broke out in more than a dozen towns, local police officials told reporters.

A witness in Sylhet in the northeast said BDR troops were "coming on the street holding up guns and shooting".

BDR members barricaded a highway linking two districts in the southern region while they took over camps from army commanders at several places, local officials said.

There were no immediate reports of casualties in the actions.


The turmoil underscores the challenges facing Prime Minister Hasina, who won parliamentary elections in December that returned Bangladesh to democracy after nearly two years of army-backed emergency rule.
Hasina warns rebels to surrender as mutiny spreads-South Asia-World-The Times of India

Now shes talkin...!!!!
To Raquib,Hk-47 or Mr.Munshi

Does any one of you live in Dhanmondi?What's the condition there?

I am in Banani but have sources in Dhanmondi and in the police. The army still taking up position and evacuating.

I have just heard the mutineers have released 12-20 army officers but fighting seems to have started anyway.
Well I don't know I should be saying this or not,my cousin who is in Bangladesh Air Force and posted at Jessore base,just called us and said they are all prepared for a final nod from Superiors.The Helos and planes are armed.Just waiting for a signal.

The situation in Dhanmondi,Dhaka is that,Army presence is increasing and from my friend I got to know that at least 15 tanks passed through in front of his house.The Army is massing in on the gates to HQ at the back mainly.As darkness falls,expect some severe fighting.

There is a rumour that 22 officers were killed in mutiny and many of their family members were also killed and burnt.Although its just a rumour still.No confirm report.
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