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Bangladesh: Culture of Impunity

VERY insightful documentary......Bangladeshis should have a look at this and think how to build a Bengali nation rather than an Islamic Bangladesh. i guess thats y ppl of west Bengal , Hindus particularly, side with the Hindu India to save their own Hindu Bengali culture .
mmm....some outdated information and exaggerations there.

Yes, there is a culture of impunity in Bangladesh under both parties, including the secularist Awami League (now ruling).

I do agree that more needs to be done to protect minorities. Which is why I ask no progress regarding the investigation behind the recent attacks against Buddhists in Ramu? It was instigated by a ruling party student wing (secular :lol:)

Why no justice for the Hindu boy murdered by BCL (Awami) students? Here's what happened to the killer:
A 50cr taka question?

Regarding the "trial" of Jamaat, do you think that the West is supporting the way things are going with the matter? Some people simply assume too much as in "Muslim vs. non-Muslim" thingy. The creator of this video is not helping for the cause of secularism.

Regarding the CHT Peace Accord, understand that it was for the ultimate benefit of the indigenous people. Before that, Bangladesh did not officially recognize them as indigenous people during its founding (hehe left that one out didn't ya?)

Mujib's motto: "Tui Bangali ho!"

Meaning all Bangladeshi nationals are ethnic Bengalis, including Chakma and Garos. And of-course, that is unethical. Where's the Big Bad Wolf (Islam) there? Awami League was and is a secularist party? No?

That was settled. The key part of the CHT Peace Accord that was not satisfied (and still not) was economic development. In fact, that region was envisioned to be one the most prosperous in the nation. What happened?

Go to the northern parts of the country (majority evil Muslims). There, you will see that there is hardly any industry, and no development. Even after the completion of Jamuna Bridge (Credits: Awami League).

Bangladesh lacks a regional marco-economic policy. And hence, the result. This applies to most parts of the nation. All development are centered in Dhaka. It's one reason why Dhaka is so dangerously overcrowded. Vested political interests play a role here (both AL and BNP).

So where is the Big Bad Wolf here?

And Chakmas get no education? Please, they got quotas for education. Something that Muslims can only dream of. Another key aspect satisfied with the CHT Accord.

The key condition that has not been met by the CHT Accord is regional economic development, which is a problem not exclusive to that particular region.

And land? Bengalis cannot buy land owned by Chakmas you fools.

Another idiotic statement: More than 1/3rd of the military is based in CHT.

Who the **** told them that? Military presence has been going down over time since the Peace Accord has been signed. It's the police who commit human rights violations. Show me one army soldier in the video.

It has nothing to do with the military contributing in UN Peacekeeping missions. Bangladesh already recognizes the indigenous tribes. So, what's with "no indigenous peoples" part? Bangladesh already recognized them as indigenous people.

The key part that hasn't been satisfied is the promised economic development.

Protest all you want. You can't justify anything with wrong and outdated information :wave:
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