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Bangladesh: Coup??

any denyer of the Bangladeshi genocide commited by the pakistani military is a radicalist. Pakistan worshipping would also fall under radicalism.
What do you mean by Bangladeshi genocide? Was there any Bangladesh in UN charter as nation state when Tratitor-Dalal's crack down was happening? Weren't we Pakistanis too? And how was it any wrong doing by federation's army to punish seccetionists-taitors? RAWAMY-Commie-Muktis were terrorists even by the most liberal form of Indian definition.

How did the terms like us and Pakistanis be legalized, when we all were Pakistanis? I guess, by your Peps Quake name enough justice wasn't done and turtle brain would be better. Finally, how is it considered as denial, when you accuse for something that hasn't actually happened?
What do you mean by Bangladeshi genocide? Was there any Bangladesh in UN charter as nation state when Tratitor-Dalal's crack down was happening? Weren't we Pakistanis too? And how was it any wrong doing by federation's army to punish seccetionists-taitors? RAWAMY-Commie-Muktis were terrorists even by the most liberal form of Indian definition.

How did the terms like us and Pakistanis be legalized, when we all were Pakistanis? I guess, by your Peps Quake name enough justice wasn't done and turtle brain would be better. Finally, how is it considered as denial, when you accuse for something that hasn't actually happened?

Seems like the madrassa has totally gotten in your head, it is widely reputed in Bangladesh and lots of witnesses to the genocide which you are denying, the only reason it is not broadcasted is because Pakistan is a very big ally of the USA.
Can you give me the comparative data of growth under all government since 1972? Let us all check those.

While searching for this data, it seems I've stumbled
upon something quite interesting. Try digesting if you have time
this is the Gross Domestic Product

Now this is (lower one) GDP per capita up until 1981
seems our GDP was indeed lower then the western wing
before 71, now whats interesting is the peak at 1975,
we were definitely ahead of comparing neighbors
up until the assasination of Mujeeb. Zia took the wheels at
77 and matched the values of 1975 at 1981. Then theres the drop
and we are out of the picture. Irony is at 1975 our
GDP was double that of western wing.

Gross domestic Product graph show similar picture.
It's a pity that there were no internet back then and what
fed elders like Akmal is conspiracy, utter disgrace.
Yes that was the politics, India did that, it had nothing to do with the war crimes that pakistani military commited. Butto and yahya should have been charged with war crimes. Served bhutto right with his hanging, karma is a *****. 187 was a fake number, and why would indira gandhi bring this up? it was west pakistan's dury to bring it up and punnish it's soldier, instead bhutto was busy playing politics. Stop with the rajakari man.
Nice try to become a spin doctor but having no capital doesn't help to achieve it. Bhutto and Yahiya had to get slaps in the wrist compare to tightening rope in Indhira Masi's noose. Bhutto and Yahiya would have everything in their favors as they were fighting (At least on the surface) to save the federation. OTH, Indhira Masi was a trespasser, an illegal commander of an invaded army. So, she cunningly let those 187 accused go free. But God indeed worked in a mysterious way by giving ultimate punishments of the three worst criminals of 71s saga. So, case got finished again by 1984.
@azz , your father sent you abroad to study and do something
productive for this country, why are you wasting so much time here?

Have you eve met a guy like Akmal or M_saint in the streets of Bangladesh?
It's a worthless effort trying to convince retards stuck in identity crisis.
And next time do not come up with craps like we shouldn't have been divided
in 1947. That makes you a traitor yourselves.
Seems like the madrassa has totally gotten in your head, it is widely reputed in Bangladesh and lots of witnesses to the genocide which you are denying, the only reason it is not broadcasted is because Pakistan is a very big ally of the USA.
You are trying to fart all along in empty stomach thus shyting all over. Also You are like a freaking wohre that looks cosmetically good but have nothing to sell because body have gone throw 1000's of immortal’s torture. Your empty rhetoric gets accepted because the world is run by 'Might is right' theory. If it ran by just base then your pimping ness would only qualify you in Tan bazar.
While searching for this data, it seems I've stumbled
upon something quite interesting. Try digesting if you have time
this is the Gross Domestic Product

Now this is (lower one) GDP per capita up until 1981
seems our GDP was indeed lower then the western wing
before 71, now whats interesting is the peak at 1975,
we were definitely ahead of comparing neighbors
up until the assasination of Mujeeb. Zia took the wheels at
77 and matched the values of 1975 at 1981. Then theres the drop
and we are out of the picture. Irony is at 1975 our
GDP was double that of western wing.

Gross domestic Product graph show similar picture.
It's a pity that there were no internet back then and what
fed elders like Akmal is conspiracy, utter disgrace.

Our GDP shot up after the war because of the amount of foreign aid we recieved during that time, the BAL government did a lot of corruption at that time in stealing the foreign aid that we recieved, lot of our aid stopped right after bangabondhu was assasinated especially from the soviet union, it took Zia to win over the west and get back recieving aid from foreign nations.
Yeah, everyone knows about the corruption,
but the point was after this two leaders were assasinated
things just weren't normal for a long time.
Our GDP shot up after the war because of the amount of foreign aid we recieved during that time, the BAL government did a lot of corruption at that time in stealing the foreign aid that we recieved, lot of our aid stopped right after bangabondhu was assasinated especially from the soviet union, it took Zia to win over the west and get back recieving aid from foreign nations.

Was there a government that time? They were in power for 3 years. What can be done (even stealing) within that short span of time. Making sonar bangla??? Heck even our last caretaker government was in power almost as long as AL of Mujib. LOL
Was there a government that time? They were in power for 3 years. What can be done (even stealing) within that short span of time. Making sonar bangla??? Heck even our last caretaker government was in power almost as long as AL of Mujib. LOL

Brother, even mujib criticised the corruption, they stole everything starting from house tins, food, basically anything they could their hands on. Then again you cant blame them the country just recovered from a war and everyone was poor and needy, its remarable what Bangladesh has achieved, since we literally had to build everything from scratch. Also Mujib`s socialist policies crippled Bangladesh`s industries, him nationalizing bangladesh`s industries led the labor`s selling the parts and overnight Bangladesh`s industry sector collapsed, mujib was a great leader but his marxist ideologies would have never suited a muslim country like bangladesh.
Ohh by the way, the sudden jump of GDP in 1975 was due to massive nationalization of institutions. Its not a real growth actually.
Ohh by the way, the sudden jump of GDP in 1975 was due to massive nationalization of institutions. Its not a real growth actually.

I thought this had something to do with the massive aid we recieved after the liberation war.
Brother, even mujib criticised the corruption, they stole everything starting from house tins, food, basically anything they could their hands on. Then again you cant blame them the country just recovered from a war and everyone was poor and needy, its remarable what Bangladesh has achieved, since we literally had to build everything from scratch. Also Mujib`s socialist policies crippled Bangladesh`s industries, him nationalizing bangladesh`s industries led the labor`s selling the parts and overnight Bangladesh`s industry sector collapsed, mujib was a great leader but his marxist ideologies would have never suited a muslim country like bangladesh.

Stealin tin Kombol was very common even this day. Everybody steals. As the resouces was scarce, even stealing Kombol was massive that time. Our first budget was only 200 Core which is now 1.4 trillion.
There were no revenue except post office stamps. Started with 34$ reserve. Only money we had 250 million dollar promised aid for the refugee of India, from United States which were paid in installment till 1976. Other than that we probably received another 2-300 million dollar in aid from other sources. Thats the money GOB had that time.

Other than these they just printed money and paid salary with huge inflation. People had no other option but to get pissed off. They only saw Kombol getting stolen in front of their bare eyes which were even scarce for the thieves as well.
I thought this had something to do with the massive aid we recieved after the liberation war.

Nah... there were not much aid. We had mostly some food aid under PL-480.

Heck we did not even had recognition from half of the world.
Stealin tin Kombol was very common even this day. Everybody steals. As the resouces was scarce, even stealing Kombol was massive that time. Our first budget was only 200 Core which is now 1.4 trillion.
There were no revenue except post office stamps. Started with 34$ reserve. Only money we had 250 million dollar promised aid for the refugee of India, from United States which were paid in installment till 1976. Other than that we probably received another 2-300 million dollar in aid from other sources. Thats the money GOB had that time.

Other than these they just printed money and paid salary with huge inflation. People had no other option but to get pissed off. They only saw Kombol getting stolen in front of their bare eyes which were even scarce for the thieves as well.

Certainly it was a birth of a nation and a very poor country at that. Mujib was wrong to nationalize our industrial sector since it set us back. Even Karl Marx said that in order to switch to communist one has to be a capitalist first, you cannot just switch to socialism from feudalism, failure would be inevitable.
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