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Bangladesh: Coup??

some dumbass major planned a coup in his head and posted all his personal information on fb including his name, rank, address and dob on fb lol. Besides a major in bangladesh army holds no significant power, you need the backing of the general of the 46th brigade and savar'r tank regiment's general. This coup has been glorified by the varati backed BAL government to score some browny points with the west. this article actually proves that hasina is RAW's *****.
True in some extent but positive in other matters. A Masjid break in Iraq/Afghanistan while few other rise in USA/Europe.
Well, i saw a documentary where American converts selling pie and with that money building mosques.......truely amazing...
Sometimes we are very hard on USA. War is a war. I can guarantee you, Americans will not hesitate to bomb the hell out of Vetican if that is the only way to win the war.
Well.. good save for the family.. and massive save for India..
It needs a cooperative BD to keep its focus on China.
Now why is this song ringing in my head.
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^ I agree but if a person is preaching that secularism is bad and Bangladesh should all muslim and what not then why would he decide to live in the USA in the first place?
Azmi tells press

‘We are not involved in coup attempt’


DHAKA: Abdullah-Hil Aman Azmi, son of former Jamaat Ameer Ghulam Azam, Sunday claimed that they did not have any involvement in recent coup attempt in army.

The former army official made the assertion at a press conference held at his Moghbazar residence in the city in protest against reports published in some national dailies involving him and his brother in the coup plot.

He told the press conference that different mass media published reports claiming that “I along with my younger brother UK expatriate Numan Azmi was involved in the failure coup in army”.

He added: “I am strongly opposing such a false, base-less, ill-motivated reports.”

Brigadier General (retd) Azmi also alleged that “the reports were published to destroy the image of my family.”

Throwing challenge he said, “I had no involvement in the coup attempt in army.”

He also demanded punishment of those involved in the coup attempt.

Earlier on January 11, his father Ghulam Azam was sent to central jail in connection with war crimes charges brought against him.

BDST: 2144 HRS, JAN 22, 2012

?We are not involved in coup attempt? Azmi tells press

---------- Post added at 04:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:14 PM ----------

Brigadier General (retd) Azmi was force to retirement by Awami Ghddar league with out pay. He was a brilliant officer yet he was punished because of his father political affiliation. Bloody kangaroo nation.
But bro, he's demanding punishment for your Messiah Major Zia.

So who's a more pious mullah: Azmi or Zia? ^^Apparently, they don't seem to be on the same side. :D

Listen you charal, what is your problem labeling everyone as Mullah(in bad way)? Grig Azmi was a decorated solder and obviously an Islamic minded. So are you telling me that any one prays and live like a conservative muslims are mullah. If we are all mullah than you should not mind when I call a you maloon/charal.

What he said is his opinion? I got nothing to do with it. I neither agree or disagree with his view. I am sticking to my original assumption that this whole thing was set up Awami and Bharti to eliminate all Islamic minded offers from MA to make it a submissive organization. It's started with Philkana massacre, force retirement of officers like Azmi and major general Jamali and now this. I know you are happy because Bharti dalal like should have any problem if Bd turn into another Sikkim. Bloody ghaddar.
The fat women is worried about a coup. She is taking advice from some nogood idiots. This was a never a coup to begin with. This is not the time for her to go througj an intervention.

The time for intervantion is election time. Because people did not like what this thick idiot did with ctg. Thats not over yet.

A coup will cause a lot of prolems. Let her time go, she will be there just a little longer.
The BNP statement

The following statement was read out at a BNP press briefing on the recent incidents in the army:

Dear journalist friends,

Assalamu Alaikum
A press briefing on Thursday spoke of a failed military coup. After knowing of the matter, like the people of the country the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) is also deeply concerned. Through you we want to inform all about our concern and the party's reaction. First of all, we thank Almighty Allah. By his infinite grace no bloodshed and clash occurred. The civil administration and constitutional system have continued. Memories of bloody military coups and chaos in the past make us sad.

The incident of the killing of 57 smart and meritorious army officers in the Peelkhana tragedy during the tenure of this government remains a scar on our memory. The BNP has the glorious history of being the architect of establishing multiparty democracy on the ashes of one-party Baksalite autocracy. The BNP struggled uncompromisingly against military autocracy and re-established parliamentary democracy.

As the biggest patriotic democratic political institution, the BNP always believes in constitutional politics. We deeply believe in the principle of changing governments through free, fair, neutral and competitive elections. We also believe in forming governments based on people's power and support. We believe that the armed forces as a symbol of national independence and sovereignty will remain the people's institution. They will ensure independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity and overall national security.

We don't want to see the armed forces involved in any distrust, clash and disunity. We don't want a brother's hand to get stained with the blood of another brother. We don't want to hear the wails of a mother losing her son, of a widow after losing her husband and a son after losing his father.

Our fervent call goes out to all members at all levels of the patriotic armed forces: maintain unity, solidarity and discipline at any cost; remain alert and conscious; avoid adventurism in the face any provocation. We have now reached a turning point in national history. Everybody will have to remain alert so that enemy spies cannot infiltrate our ranks and create subversion. You cannot step into any trap.

Dear representatives of the print and electronic media,

The present government has been trying to fish in troubled waters by using a sensitive incident. As part of an ill attempt to make the armed forces controversial, they have directed a pointing of the finger at the opposition while describing the incident.

We notice with sorrow that in a description of the incident at Thursday's press conference, some comments were made which could be seen as at an attempt to add a political colour to the incident. Despite the clear explanation given by the BNP, a fresh attempt to misinterpret a part of Begum Khaleda Zia's speech at a Chittagong rally on December 9 has saddened us. Some comments uttered in the same breath are consistent with the ruling party's political propaganda. As a responsible political party, the BNP wished to refrain from making any comment on a sensitive incident under investigation. But, unfortunately, it became necessary to respond to the untrue, confusing, irresponsible, provocative and aggressive unilateral comments made by the prime minister herself, the ministers, ruling party men and Indian media against the BNP.

Dear journalists,

The incident described at Thursday's press conference took place quite a few days ago. Before the investigation has been completed the people have been fed with some incomplete information. Various kinds of confusion have already been created among the people as they have seen the Indian media and the ruling party speak in the same vein. At a time when video footage of the torture of Bangladeshis by the Indian Border Security Force (BSF) at the border has caused indignation here, ruling party men have made the share market a looting ground; and the government, plunging into a grave crisis due to its economic bankruptcy, has been trying to divert public attention by publicizing an incomplete version of an incident which took place in December last year.

At a time when people are gasping under the burden of spiralling prices of essentials, disappearances, killings and abductions have become daily incidents. Failing to resolve these crises the government has been trying to mislead and confuse people.

When the demand for Jatiya Sangsad elections under a caretaker government has become a national demand, and Begum Khaleda Zia has announced s “March towards Dhaka” programme to realize the demand, aggressive propaganda has been unleashed against the opposition. Questions have been raised among citizens and in the international community about the trustworthiness of the publicity as the propaganda has been based on incomplete information about an incident which is under investigation.

We call for an unearthing of the whole truth behind the incident through proper investigation and letting the people know the truth. We urge the government to refrain from its tendency to use the national armed forces, which symbolizes national aspirations, for mean political ends. The armed forces were subjected to neglect and made weak through the formation of the Rakkhi Bahini after liberation. Following the introduction of the one party Baksal system the members of the armed forces were compelled to join it. Secret wings of other political parties were also being built up within the national armed forces. As a result, due to partisan and ideological conflict and outside instigation many incidents of clashes and bloodshed took place within the armed forces.

Shaheed President Ziaur Rahman, at risk to his life and depending on invincible boldness, took courageous steps to restore discipline, unity, professionalism and chain of command in the armed forces and strengthened it.

The armed forces, which carry the mantle of our glorious liberation war, are a pride for us all and are a symbol of national unity. It is a matter of sorrow that narrow partisan interests at times have given birth to various types of provocation and indiscipline in this force.

In 1975 a faction of Baksal led by Awami League leader Khandker Mustaque Ahmad revolted and captured state power. After that a group of ambitious army officers breaking the chain of command arrested the then chief of army Ziaur Rahman and tried to capture state power. The Awami League supported the bid. It also opposed the investigation and trial process to maintain army discipline.

The party also gave open support to the then army chief Ershad when he captured power by usurping the elected government in 1982 and also to the failed coup attempt by General Nasim in 1996. The Awami League also supported the veiled coup of army chief General Moeenuddin in 2007 when the party described it as a “result of their movement.” In this way the Awami League again and again encouraged a violation of army discipline, fanned division in the armed forces in their narrow party interests. It harmed the armed forces and weakened its professionalism.

Members of the armed forces fell victim to killings at Peelkhana after the Awami League came to power. Now we hear about a coup plot in the army. We hope that the army does not fall victim to any big blueprint and conspiracy.

Dear journalist friends,

We know the armed forces cannot give any statement outside the sitting government's guidance. So the statement given at Thursday's press briefing reflected ruling party thought. You have seen that the media published news of several senior army officers being attached to the Log Area. But the press conference was told that some mid ranking officers had been involved in the coup plot. In the information given it has not been disclosed who the court of enquiry consisted of. Except for information about some contacts no elaborate description of the coup bid was given. We hope that everything will be unearthed through proper investigation and made public. We will also hope that all concerned will be careful about trustworthiness and that institutional neutrality is not compromised by making political statements while presenting a serious and sensitive subject.

At this juncture of the nation and the country we call for strong national unity. There may be differences of opinion among us on various issues but in the case of national interest and security all must remain united irrespective of party affiliation or difference of opinion. We urge the government to refrain from the dangerous game of misusing the armed forces for political ends and in the party interest. Any propaganda that may harm the reputation of the forces, which have achieved significant success in the international arena as peace keepers, should also be avoided. The Indian media have already started motivated propaganda about the published news. We all should show restraint, responsibility and far-sightedness in the national interest.

To conclude, we make a fervent call ---no disunity and division, unity and disciple are the demand of the hour. A blame game will not bring any success for any of us. It will rather lead to a deterioration in the situation.

Thank you all.

Allah Hafez, Bangladesh Zindabad.

Listen you charal, what is your problem labeling everyone as Mullah(in bad way)? Grig Azmi was a decorated solder and obviously a Islamic minded. So are you telling me that any one prays and live like a conservative muslims are mullah. If we are all mullah than you should not mind when I call a you maloon/charal.

Lol. Call me whatever you want.

I thought mullah is a nice word to refer to fundamentalists. Sorry, didn't know you guys hate this word too.:D

I was just wondering why this "decorated" soldier is saving his a$$ by demanding punishment for the pious Major Zia. I feel pity for this guy - so much hatred from his own type, soo sad. he could have fought till the end, becoming a martyr in the process, the best consequence a mullah could ask for - straight to heaven with 72 virgins. :P

By B.Raman

It is learnt from reliable sources that the Bangladesh authorities suspect that the Hizbut-Tahrir (HT), Party of Liberation, banned in October 2009 had links with 16 middle-level officers of the Bangladesh Army involved in the plot to stage a coup against Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, which was discovered in December last.

2. The discovery of the plot was announced at a press conference at Dhaka on January 19,2012, by the Bangladeshi army spokesman Brigadier General Muhammad Masud Razzaq. He said that the Army had specific evidence that up to 16 current and former Bangladeshi military officers "with extreme religious views" were involved in a "heinous conspiracy". The plot was instigated by Bangladeshi conspirators living abroad, he said.

3. He further said that two retired officers, Lieutenant Colonel Ehsan Yusuf and Major Zakir, have been arrested, but did not say when. He added that the authorities were looking for a serving officer, Major Ziaul Haq, who had fled his post after the arrests of Yusuf and Zakir.

4.Giving details about the alleged plot, Razzaq said that Ziaul Haq had circulated emails to different serving officers detailing a plan to overthrow the Government on January 9-10. The Army authorities have accused the HT of helping to circulate the messages. It has been reported that a major general (name not known), who headed one of the country's largest cantonments, was recalled to Dhaka, following the discovery of the plot. Details of his exact role in the plot are not known.

5.In a leaflet disseminated on January 20,2012, the banned HT said: “Hizb ut-Tahrir organized public speeches outside mosques across the country after Jummah prayers today where speakers called upon the people to protest against the Hasina government’s plot to subjugate the Muslim Army of Bangladesh to US-India. The speakers said Hasina was brought to power by the Americans, in partnership with India. The Americans have a design to prevent the return of the Islamic Khilafah in this region and contain the rise of China. For this purpose she prefers a strategic partnership with India in order to secure her strong presence in this region and tighten her grip over the Muslim countries within the region. These two enemy countries are using the government, the opposition, and some in the military leadership in Bangladesh as agents to solve the long standing issues with India which will free India’s hands. This will facilitate India to join hands with America in implementing her design to prevent the return of Islam and contain China. And they are working to remove all obstacles to this plan and anyone who exposes or speaks against this evil plan. It was for this reason that bright officers of our army were massacred in Pilkhana in which Hasina collaborated. It was for this reason that Hasina banned Hizb ut-Tahrir and is pursuing a policy of brutal repression against the party. And now she is executing a policy of whole sale purge of the army through abductions, arrests and dismissals of officers who stand on the side of Islam, and the country’s sovereignty and security. The speakers called upon the sincere officers in the army to remove Hasina and the current ruling regime from authority at once; and to transfer the authority to Hizb ut-Tahrir which is a sincere and aware political party. Hizb ut-Tahrir will establish the Khilafah state which will eject USA, Britain, India and their allies from Bangladesh. The Khilafah will build this country as the starting point for becoming a global super power. This is by securing the basic needs of the people and solving the long running problems faced by the people such as poverty and unemployment, industrializing the country’s economy, building the army as a strong and advanced fighting force, and unifying with the Muslim Ummah. “

6.In another leaflet addressed to the people of Bangladesh, the HT has said: “O Muslims! You have been victims of Indian aggression for decades. This enemy state killed your officers in Pilkhana, she built the Farakkah dam, she deprives you of your rightful share of water from the common rivers, and she kills your brothers and sisters in the border. And your current rulers have failed to stand up to the Indian aggression against you. There exists only one way of resisting the enemy – establishing the Khilafah state. So stop wasting your time and effort in looking for solutions from the current democratic system and the agent political parties – Awami League, BNP and others. You have to take one action and only one action – call upon the people of power to remove the Hasina overnment and hand over power to Hizb ut-Tahrir, which is the only party offering you the vision of becoming a leading state in the region and the world. We will establish the Khilafah state, and implement the Qur’an and the Sunnah. We will bring an end to your economic plight, and industrialize the economy. We will build a strong advanced military. And we have the action plan ready to regain India as a Muslim land, under the Islamic rule, which is the only true assured way of stopping Indian aggression permanently.”

7. The HT has been active among lower and middle level officers of the Armies of Pakistan and Bangladesh and has been trying to instigate a coup by them in order to introduce Islamic rule in the two countries and eradicate US and Indian influence. After establishing Islamic rule in Pakistan and Bangladesh, it wants to extend its activities to India to help the Indian Muslims.

Bangladesh:* Hizbul-Tahrir Steps up Attempt to Subvert BD Army

---------- Post added at 01:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:25 AM ----------

So now RAW is providing propaganda support to the AL government.
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