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Bangladesh Coast Guard

Keel laying ceremony for four flat deck pontoons was held at DEW at July 15, 2020.

The Bangladesh Coast Guard receives 9 new ships and 1 base.

“Keeping in mind the Blue Economy and Vision 2030 and 2041 for Coast Guard, the government has planned to increase its manpower from 4,781 to 15,000 gradually,” she said on Sunday.

She said Narayanganj dockyard and Khulna shipyard, now operating under Bangladesh Navy, are building two inshore patrol vessels, one floating crane, two tugboats (already launched) and 16 boats. "Soon, these will be inducted in the Coast Guard fleet."

Sheikh Hasina mentioned that a dockyard is being prepared in Gajaria for the Coast Guard to increase its capacity of repairing and maintenance.

"To enhance the capacity of this force, initiatives have been taken to procure hovercraft, drone, 3500 metric-tonne vessel which can in all weathers. We want to build the Coast Guard as a modern and time befitting force," the Prime Minister said.

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Two more IPVs and six HSBs were launched at DEW. I think they are part of the 16 boats BCG will get. In a previous thread posted here we saw some boats were also being built at KSY. I don't know why vessels built by DEW look so poorly. The ones built by KSY look so slick.



Two coast guard tug boats were launched at KSY.


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Well Thanks to the Japanese for these.

I do think however, it is time to standardize the design for the rescue boats and high speed patrol boats of various sizes - according to training/job requirements and local marine conditions. All developed countries have completed this, but I believe we have lagged behind. Time to standardize specs.

And most importantly, start building locally per those specs.

There is absolutely no reason we could not build these locally. We have been building fibre-glass boats like this for the last four decades.
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In a previous thread posted here we saw some boats were also being built at KSY. I don't know why vessels built by DEW look so poorly. The ones built by KSY look so slick.

DEW is very old and was set up (by the British Raj) in 1922, if you can believe that. It remains the oldest Shipyard in Bangladesh, probably one of the oldest in the subcontinent, if you don't count the British wooden schooners, frigates and other fighting ships built in Chittagong which fought in the battle of Trafalgar.

KSY was launched in the late 50's I believe (ToT was from West Germany, hence the nice launch rail systems).

DEW has no such luxury being so old and in such a small space, they have to launch empty hulls in the water by crane (old school method) before finishing superstructures while the hull floats.

Naturally KSY finishes installs and paint on a lot of the hull+superstructure before launch in the water (having all sorts of space) and they look slicker.
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Japanese Rescue boat for Bangladesh Coast Guard conducting sea trial.



New boats under construction for Bangladesh Coast Guard at KSY.


Bangladesh coast guard should learn from China coast guard. try to use stealth design. Preset the main gun position. at least 1-2 large-caliber high-pressure water cannons should be installed. and don't build these little boats. It looks ridiculous.
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