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Bangladesh close to cent percent electricity coverage

I have seen many of the transformers are used to connect irrigation pumps. So, can you tell me when thousands of transformers are needed in the country why BD's people who regard themselves as the most talented people cannot just manufacture this item?

You are fond of bashing India, but do not criticize our own inefficiency and fallacy. India or any other country is not responsible to develop our country. Every country applies the Critical Path Method (CPM) to estimate the coming demands of an important item and produce the goods internally.

We export underwear and buy thousands of Indian and Chinese finished goods. Yet, we call it great development works.

@bluesky bhai, you are right. We have issues with our own development and industry in Bangladesh. And I have criticized our own govt. and industry many times. But our product quality is still better than Indian products. We have not learned to be outright dhokeybaaj like Sanghis - yet.

But that is a separate issue from criticizing cheater Indian Banyas taking our money and supplying faulty products. Which I have tried to highlight here. Often times Indians will strong arm ministers using their AL agents (stick) and use bribery (carrot) at the same time to push their garbage on to our market and orgs. No sane Bangladeshi private consumer or someone in private industry will ever buy Indian products unless bribery is involved.

I don't understand how Indians can still influence our govt. policy so we keep buying garbage Indian products. We should have tariff on all Indian products and high ones at that. We can't lose. Only Indians lose.

In India itself, the failure rate of transformers is around 30%, primarily owing to sub-par materials (third rate resin/oil, adulterated copper conductors and bad quality insulation paper) used in manufacturing them. Everyone in the electrical sector in Bangladesh and India knows this. Their rated/claimed load has little to do with actual load/current capacity. This is well known in Indian electrical industry media itself.

Indians use soybean/sunflower oil instead of transformer oil to conduct heat in these devices. :lol:

I am not bashing India. Facts are not stories, I have provided enough links from Indian industry magazines themselves,

To quote our Indian troll guys and gobar logic, Bangladesh sells fewer transformers, so our quality must be bad. Our output is small because our market is not large enough.

If Energypac quality from Bangladesh was so bad, how could they sell transformers to Indian govt. entities and even companies owned by Adani for use in Mumbai?

Indians are probably the most deshbhakt group of people there is. They would hardly buy foreign products if there was no quality differential.

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To quote our Indian troll guys and gobar logic, Bangladesh sells fewer transformers, so our quality must be bad. Our output is small because our market is not large enough.

What do exports have to do with the size of your market, you dummy? You export just $14 million worth of transformers, which is 1/17 per capita that of India.

If Energypac quality from Bangladesh was so bad, how could they sell transformers to Indian govt. entities and even companies owned by Adani for use in Mumbai?

Sell transformers worth $588k? Such an achievement for an LDC. :lol: Such a huge deal...


Celebrating a 4 Cr INR order, and even the PO being shown as proof. How pathetic. :lol:
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