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Bangladesh building up military in a regional arms race

We dont want you ffs

The existence of Bangladesh is useless, they provide nothing to this world.

Myanmar is completely different as the issue is being caused by Myanmar trying to kick out their Rohingyas.

Look at how well relations are between ethnic Bengalis and indigenous Buddhists in BD and you will get an idea of how well we can live together.

It makes perfect sense for NE(bar South Tibet that will go to China) to merge with BD. That would mean they would need to share resources with only 160 million BD'shis and not 1.2 billion Indians. The NE would develop a lot quicker being with BD rather than staying with India.

He was saying that in jest moron.

BD only truly respects Sri Lanka in that list btw.

Why are Bangladeshis trying to enter India illegally then?

I think Bangladesh should learn to keep its own people before trying to steal land first from NE India :azn:
Why are Bangladeshis trying to enter India illegally then?

I think Bangladesh should learn to keep its own people before trying to steal land first from NE India :azn:

Provide proof that BD Muslims are entering India illegally then? Hindus will migrate to India for religious reasons of course

You do know that the monthly salary of an agricultural worker in BD was 110 US dollars in 2015?
So what can India provide to a BD Muslim that they would illegally enter India?
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Provide proof that BD Muslims are entering India illegally then? Hindus will migrate to India for religious reasons of course

You do know that the monthly salary of an agricultural worker in BD was 110 US dollars in 2015?
So what can India provide to a BD Muslim that they would illegal enter India?

Its wrong to compare just a tiny nation to India, Bangladesh agricultural land is way less than India. Where the whole of Punjab makes probably 1000 times output than Bangladesh alone.
Its wrong to compare just a tiny nation to India, Bangladesh agricultural land is way less than India. Where the whole of Punjab makes probably 1000 times output than Bangladesh alone.

Where did you pull that nonsense from?

BD produces 35 million tonnes of rice annually
Punjab wheat production is 12 million tonnes annually
Bangladesh is already the strongest military power in the world by a very wide margin, with their overall military and economic strength being more than the world's top 10 powers combined, so whom they gonna race against? :)
Bangladesh is already the strongest military power in the world by a very wide margin, with their overall military and economic strength being more than the world's top 10 powers combined, so whom they gonna race against? :)

Seriously, what are your thoughts on the 6 frigates built indigenously with Chinese assistance?
They will match Indian frigates but at a fraction of the cost. This way BD can pack a puch with much lower budget.
the article is trying to establish that Bangladesh's legs are tied to financial constraints and that Bangladesh's capabilities are likely to remain at a pretty low level....

the writer mentioned conflict with Myanmar, Bangladesh's membership of G77 developing countries, inability to pay for Type 041 or Kilo-class submarines, etc..... these points are constantly reminding the reader that Bangladesh can't do what it wants.....

the agenda of the writing goes against Bangladesh's strategic directions....
Seriously, what are your thoughts on the 6 frigates built indigenously with Chinese assistance?
They will match Indian frigates but at a fraction of the cost. This way BD can pack a puch with much lower budget.

They won't match anything, things will remain as hopeless as now if you are seriously considering India as your enemy. There is no need to match your Frigates with any type of ours, is it a hockey match that your 6 Frigates will be pitched against our 6 Frigates? The combined force of even 10% of India's army, navy, air force would be too much for BD to handle. Indian Navy's air wing itself is many times stronger than BD's entire air force. You may not have noticed it, but India is a big country with considerable military strength.
Provide proof that BD Muslims are entering India illegally then

There is nothing to prove. UN says so.

It makes perfect sense for NE(bar South Tibet that will go to China) to merge with BD. That would mean they would need to share resources with only 160 million BD'shis and not 1.2 billion Indians. The NE would develop a lot quicker being with BD rather than staying with India.

Smoking weed is bad for your health...:lol:

Yes, NE Indians would love being part of a LDC.

They will match Indian frigates but at a fraction of the cost.

No they won't. The next generation of Indian frigates are actually closer to destroyers.
Where did you pull that nonsense from?

BD produces 35 million tonnes of rice annually
Punjab wheat production is 12 million tonnes annually
Entire India produce around 250 million ton cereal grain which is per capita wise lower than Bangladesh(40 million ton production). Per capita cereal production in India is 190 kg while it is 235 kg in BD.Still BD import some wheat while India export cereal.Is there any wonder, why India have so much hunger and malnutrition? They have such a low food consumption.Every year, millions of Indian die in hunger and hunger related diseases.But look at the tall claim of big mouth punjabi Indian here.
In order to enter an arms race, you should have the purchasing power defined by your annual defence budget or begging power to beg weapons for free or selling themselves and their land.we know one neighbour who is running this race using latter, Which way is Bangladesh entering this race?
You cant even get along with Myamnar who are similar culturally to NE India and you think they will chose you over India? lol
Who gives a hoot as what you all think,we will take back what rightfully our land. NO EDWINA + NEHRU LOVE TRIANGLE THIS TIME.:sniper::sniper::sniper::guns::guns::bunny::bunny:
In order to enter an arms race, you should have the purchasing power defined by your annual defence budget or begging power to beg weapons for free or selling themselves and their land.we know one neighbour who is running this race using latter, Which way is Bangladesh entering this race?
ভারতের দুর্বলতা চিকেন’স নেক বা মুরগীর গলা : চীন কি পারবে তা দখলকরতে ?

India's weakness Chicken's neck or chicken's throat: What China needs to do to capture it?

Chicken's neck or chicken throat, it is easiest to sling the chicken from the throat . From Bangladesh to Nepal, this neck has a narrow Siliguri corridor in India, known as Chicken's Neck or 'Chicken Neck'. Its magnitude is only 21 kilometers.

Seven Sisters of India or 7 states in the North-Eastern region will be completely separated from India if any can occupy this 21 km area. Note that seven states of India or Seven Sisters of the northeast have long been unwilling to accept Indian subordination. The movement of freedom struggle is very fierce in those areas; N-E States wants complete freedom from India, at any cost.

The Indians are highly perplexed over these armed freedom struggles. Recently, the situation has reached new the boiling point, in the present context. China has directly announced that there will be a war against India. For the past 19 days, China and India's troops are in a face-off position at Sikkim point. This warlike scenerio is the creation behind this situation, however, there is also the chicken’s neck to ponder about.

Current Standoff - China, is concentrating on constructing roads through a valley, inclusive of Bhutan and Sikkim province of India. There is saying that - the road to Doklem is the route, which the Chinese forces could invade, very close to Chicken's Neck.

Note that on August 26 last year, Ananda Bazar Patrika of India published the news - 'Chicken's neck' in China Nishan, India's huge preparation to save Siliguri. It is said in the news that the cause of India's concern has recently strengthened the Chinese President's two units of Chinese forces. One of these is the 77656 unit deployed in the Kumkhi valley of China, in the middle of the Sikkim province of India and Bhutan Ha district.

(Http://bit.ly/2br8Khj) and is the same formula that the Doklema road, the 77656 units increase the power of the unit and grab the chicken's virtue, saying it to the donkey.

Analysts - India's fear has greatly increased the number of controllers-

(1) Nepal is currently against India and in favor of China. Among the people of Nepal, there are widespread dissatisfactions. There is indeed no doubt that Nepal will provide 100% support to China when China-India war.

(2) Increasingly, India's rivalry between the people of Bangladesh Although Sheikh Hasina's government is in favor of India. But after a $ 24 billion deal with China, a few days ago, the government of India who took sides in the conflict between India and China, is a matter of grave concern.

(3) The condition of Indian military during the financial crisis is not good. Two reports are as under:

A) http://bit.ly/2tjRYbd, b) http://bit.ly/2tTsyTg

(4) Moral of Border Security Force of India BSF is very low asthe government does not let them eat properly. A few days ago a video of a BSF member became viral on Facebook (http://bit.ly/2tKPlQQ). It was also reported that BSF members have committed suicide due to these problems (http://bit.ly/2sJ2rOD).

Considering the above four factors, India's concern about chicken's goodness is to remain in India's concern. However, that India is worried about the factor (2), it can be understood from the fact that the recent anti-Chinese intellectual Farhad Mazhar has disappeared.

We are convinced from very reliable media that the presence of Farhad Mazhar in anti-India press conference in the previous day was the main reason for his disappearance. However, it is not true that India will not be able to kill anyone pro Chinese. India's intention was to convey a message only, before the pro-Chinese opposition in Bangladesh - "You will stop spreading Indian hatred in Bangladesh, or you will be wiped out."

চিকেন’স নেক বা মুরগীর গলা। গলায় টিপ দিয়ে মুরগীকে ধরাশায়ী করা সবচেয়ে সহজ বাংলাদেশ থেকে নেপালপর্যন্ত সে ভারতের সরু শিলিগুড়ি করিডোর আছে, তা চিকেন’স নেক বা ‘মুরগীর গলা’ নামে পরিচিত। এর দৈর্য্ মাত্র২১ কিলোমিটার। এই ২১ কিলোমিটার এলাকা দখল করতে পারলেই ভারতের সেভেন সিস্টার বা উত্তর-পূর্ব অঞ্চলের ৭রাজ্য ভারত থেকে পুরোপুরি বিচ্ছিন্ন হয়ে যাবে। উল্লেখ্য, ভারতের সেভেন সিস্টার বা উত্তর-পূর্ব অঞ্চলের রাজ্যঅনেক আগে থেকেই ভারতের অধীনতা মেনে নিতে রাজি নয়। এঅঞ্চলগুলোতে স্বাধীনতাকামীদের আন্দোলন বেশজোড়ালো, তারা ভারত থেকে বিচ্ছিন্ন হতে চায়। তাই সব মিলিয়ে ভারত বিষয়টি নিয়ে বেশ চিন্তিত

তবে সেই চিন্তায় আরো আগুন ধরেছে বর্তমান পরিস্থিতি। চীন সরাসরি ঘোষণা দিয়েছে ভারতের বিরুদ্ধে যুদ্ধ হতেপারে। গত ১৯ দিন ধরে সিকিম পয়েন্টে চীন ভারতের সৈন্যরা মুখোমুখি অবস্থানে রয়েছে। এই যুদ্ধ পরিস্থিতি তৈরীহওয়ার পেছনেও কিন্তু রয়েছে চিকেন’স নেক এর হাতছানি। বর্তমান যুদ্ধ পরিস্থিতি- চীন, ভুটান আর ভারতেরসিকিম প্রদেশের সংযোগস্থলে একটি উপত্যকার ভেতর দিয়ে রাস্তা তৈরি করাকে কেন্দ্র করে। যাকে বল হচ্ছে- ডোকলামে রাস্তা। এই রাস্তা হলে চীন বাহিনী চিকেন’স নেক এর খুব কাছাকাছি চলে আসবে। উল্লেখ্য গত বছর২৬শে আগস্ট ভারতের আনন্দবাজার পত্রিকা খবর ছেপেছিলো- চিনা নিশানায় ‘চিকেনস নেক’, শিলিগুড়ি রক্ষায়বিপুল প্রস্তুতি ভারতেরও। খবরের ভেতরে বলা হয়, ভারতের চিন্তার কারণ সম্প্রতি চীনা প্রেসিডেন্ট চীনা বাহিনীর দুটোইউনিটকে শক্তিশালী করেছে। এর মধ্যে একটি হলো ভারতের সিকিম প্রদেশ এবং ভুটানের হা জেলার মাঝখানেঅবস্থিত চীনের চুম্বী উপত্যকায় মোতায়েন থাকা ইউনিট ৭৭৬৫৬। (http://bit.ly/2br8Khj) আর ডোকলামেরাস্তা, ৭৭৬৫৬ ইউনিটের শক্তি বৃদ্ধি এবং চিকেন’স নেক দখল যে একই সূত্রে গাধা তা বলার অপেক্ষা রাখে না।

তবে আমার বিশ্লেষনে- ভারতের এই ভয় বহুগুনে বাড়িয়ে তুলেছে আরো কিছু নিয়ামক-
(১) বর্তমানে
নেপাল ভারতের বিপক্ষে, চীনের পক্ষে। নেপালের জনগনের মধ্যে রয়েছে ব্যাপক ভারত বিদ্বেষ। চীন-ভারত যুদ্ধ লাগলে নেপাল যে ১০০% চীনকে সাপোর্ট দেবে তাতে কোন সন্দেহ নাই।
(২) বাংলাদেশের
জনগণের মধ্যে ক্রমবর্ধমান হারে বেড়ে যাওয়া ভারত বিদ্বেষ। যদিও শেখ হাসিনা সরকার ভারতেরপক্ষে অবস্থান। তবে কিছুদিন আগে চীনের সাথে ২৪ বিলিয়ন ডলারের চুক্তির পর ভারত-চীন দ্বন্দ্বে হাসিনা সরকারকার পক্ষ নেয়, সেটা চিন্তার বিষয়।
(৩) আর্থিক
দুরাবস্থায় ভারতের সামরিক বাহিনীর অবস্থা ভালো নয়। সম্পর্কে দুটো খবর পড়তে পারেন
http://bit.ly/2tjRYbd, খ) http://bit.ly/2tTsyTg
(৪) ভারতের
সীমান্তরক্ষী বাহিনী বিএসএফও সরকারের উপর ক্ষেপা। কারণ সরকার তাদের ঠিকমত খেতে দেয় না।কিছুদিন আগে এক বিএসএফ সদস্যের সম্পর্কে ভিডিও ফেসবুকে ভাইরাল হয়েছিলো (http://bit.ly/2tKPlQQ)। সব সমস্যার কারণে বিএসএফ সদস্যরা আত্মহত্যা করছে বলেও খবর বের হয়েছে (http://bit.ly/2sJ2rOD)।

উপরের চারটি ফ্যাক্টর বিবেচনা করলে চিকেন’স নেক নিয়ে ভারতের চিন্তার থাকার কথা। তবে (২) নং ফ্যাক্টর নিয়েযে ভারত বেশ চিন্তিত তা সম্প্রতি চীনপন্থী বুদ্ধিজীবি ফরহাদ মাজহারের গুম হওয়ার বিষয় থেকে অনুধাবন করাযায়। আমি খুব নির্ভরযোগ্য মাধ্যম থেকে নিশ্চিত হয়েছি, আগের দিন ভারতবিরোধী সংবাদ সম্মেলনে ফরহাদমাজহারের উপস্থিতি ছিলো তার গুম হওয়ার মূল কারণ। তবে এটা ঠিক চীনপন্থী কাউকে মেরে তুলকালাম ঘটাবে নাভারত। ভারতের উদ্দেশ্য ছিলো, বাংলাদেশে চীনপন্থী মহলকে জাস্ট একটা মেসেজ দেয়া- “তোমরা বাংলাদেশেভারত বিদ্বেষ ছড়ানো বন্ধ করো, নয়ত গুম হয়ে যাবে।”

It wont make economically, socially and geographically sense if u did.
Indian ammunition stock faces critical shortfall to sustain 10 days of war fighting: CAG report
SAM Staff, July 23, 2017

CAG report: Under government orders, the Army is supposed to have ammunition stocks for 40 days of intense fighting. The report shows that as of September 2016, there were enough stocks of only 20 per cent types of ammunition for a 40-day war. (Representational Image)
As tensions remain high with China over the stand-off in Doklam, the army faces a shortfall of 40 per cent of types ammunition to fight a 10-day long war, as per the stockholding in September 2016. This was brought out in the Compliance Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) which was placed before the parliament on Friday. Stockholding of ammunition which is less than that needed for 10 days of warfighting is considered ‘critical’ and an area of high concern. As of March 2013, 50% of types of ammunition (85 out of 170 types) available was for less than 10 days of warfighting. As of September 2016, 40%, i.e., 61 out of total 152 types of ammunition was still in critical level, the CAG report pointed out.

More alarmingly, there is a deficiency of 83% in the stock of fuzes for the artillery ammunition. Fuze is considered to be the brain of the artillery ammunition which is fitted to the shell just before assembly/ firing. This means that 83% of the high caliber artillery ammunition held with the army cannot be used in an operation.

As per extant government orders, the army is supposed to hold stocks of ammunition for 40 days of intense war fighting. The CAG report shows that as of September 2016, there were enough stocks for only 20%, that 31 out of 152 types of ammunition for a 40-day long war.

In 1999, the Army had introduced the concept of Minimum Acceptable Risk Level (MARL), a bottom line requirement of 20 days of warfighting. This is considered as the minimum inescapable requirement of the ammunition to be maintained at all times to meet operational preparedness. As per the CAG report, the stockholding of 55% types of ammunition (83 out of 152) was below the MARL in September 2016. Nearly 67-72% of high calibre AFV and Arty ammunition, as per the stocks held during March 2014 to September 2016, was below the MARL, the CAG pointed out.

India Can Play Major Role In Reconstruction Of ‘Mosul’- Iraqi Ambassador To India

Sources in the army said that following the terror strike at Uri, the ministry had taken a review of the state of ammunition. It had then delegated enhanced financial powers to The Vice-Chief of Army Staff (VCOAS) to fast track the procurement in emergency cases, to bring the stocks of all ammunition up to levels needed for 10 days of warfighting. Contracts worth Rs 11,000 crore for 11 types of ammunition were signed between September 2016 and March 2017.

Earlier this month, the ministry further delegated full financial powers to the VCOAS to procure 46 types of ammunition and 10 types of spares of weapon platforms, required to make up stocks for 10 days of warfighting. Estimated to cost around Rs 40,000 crore, the powers are contingent on the budgetary support available.

Unless the government makes additional allotment for the revenue procurement of the army in the current financial year, it is unlikely to make the full procurement soon. While discussing the budget, the army had told the parliamentary standing committee on defence in March that around Rs. 14000 crore were additionally needed for the regular revenue procurement of the army. “’The current allocation of Budget had an adverse impact on the morale and I only hope that we get our dues so that the national security is not compromised,” the army was quoted saying in the 29th report of the standing committee on defence.

.Still BD import some wheat while India export cereal.Is there any wonder, why India have so much hunger and malnutrition?

Prevalence of undernourishment (% of population) :lol:

Whose fault is it that you eat too much rice ?


A third of New York’s Bangladeshis suffer from diabetes, said Haq, three times the city’s average rate.

“Their food is too starchy; they eat too much rice,” Haq said.

And what about your diet diversification score of 0 in food security index?
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