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Bangladesh BLAMES Pakistan's spy agency ISI for Dhaka terror attack

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Breaking News: This minister just phoned Pakistan High Commission in Dhaka and categorially denied any statement which linked ISI to the attacks. He further said that its indian media pure propaganda to create rift in between Pak and Bangladesh.

Source : express and dunya news as they just ran a breaking news over it

Explains it all. Indian conspiracy theories at full throttle.
Jab India or Bengladesh mein Bacha paida hota hai tu sab khete hain "ISI KA HATH HAI" :rofl::rofl:
Pak’s ISI Suspected Of Link To Bangladesh Attack: Top Official

I am confused, all links provided are from the Indian media. Anyone knowing the globe knows India and Pakistan are enemies.

Are there Western media links supporting these claims and proofs? ISIL / ISIS is a terrorist organization and has gain support in all Muslim countries. There hasn't been any mentioning of ISIS/ISIL linking specifically to Pakistan from what I've gathered from the media. In fact, the US lawmakers (Senate's armed chair) were in Pakistan and they praised the cleanup that has happened in terms of cleaning up terrorist hideouts. Please provide Western links with credible details. Thanks.
I would take this news from an Indian source with a pinch of salt , here is the source from Canadian press which does not mention anything about ISI
PM blames political opponents of trying to create chaos by backing domestic militants[/paste:font]
The Associated Press
First published: July 03, 2016 at 7:46 AM ET
Last updated: July 03, 2016 at 7:46 AM ET" data-initial-position="bottom" data-arrow="false" data-close-trigger="click" data-max-width="470px" title="First published: July 03, 2016 at 7:46 AM ET Last updated: July 03, 2016 at 7:46 AM ET" style="box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb(5, 80, 200); text-decoration: underline; cursor: pointer;">5 Hours Ago

Police and military gather at an intersection near the restaurant where armed militants killed 20 hostages in Dhaka. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has said she is determined to eradicate militancy in the mainly Muslim nation. (STR/AFP/Getty Images)


Security officials searched on Sunday for evidence and the possible masterminds of the weekend hostage-taking in an upscale restaurant in Bangladesh's capital. The government has denied a claim by ISIS that it carried out the attack that left 28 dead, including six attackers two police officers and 20 of the hostages.

Police released photographs of the bodies of five attackers, along with their first names: Akash, Badhon, Bikash, Don and Ripon.

The men belonged to the banned domestic group Jumatul Mujahedeen Bangladesh, or JMB, and their families hadn't heard from them in months, according to police.

Asked whether they might also have had links with the Islamic State group, Police Inspector General A.K.M. Shahidul Hoque said authorities were investigating that possibility.

Despite the police saying ISIS links were being investigated, the home minister refuted the possibility that the Islamic State could have been behind the attack.


Police guard a checkpoint where floral arrangements were left by people to mark the scene of the bloody siege which ended Saturday. (Roberto Schmidt/AFP/Getty Images)

Bangladesh's government insists the extremist Sunni Muslim group based in Syria and Iraq has no presence in the country, and in the past has suggested that any claims of responsibility for violence waged in the South Asian country are simply opportunistic attempts at grabbing global attention.

"They are all Bangladeshis. They are from rich families, they have good educational background," Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan said of the attackers.

The 12-hour standoff that paramilitary forces ended Saturday morning marked an escalation in the militant violence that has hit Bangladesh with increasing frequency. Most of the attacks in the past several months have involved machete-wielding men singling out individual activists, foreigners and religious minorities.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has blamed her political opponents of trying to create chaos by backing domestic militants.


A man places a sign as others light candles during a vigil in Kolkata, India, to show solidarity with the victims of the attack at Holey Artisan restaurant in Dhaka, Bangladesh. (Rupak De Chowdhuri/Reuters)

"Anyone who believes in religion cannot do such an act," Hasina said Saturday. "They do not have any religion, their only religion is terrorism."

On Sunday morning, the first of two days of national mourning for the victims, police were blocking all access to streets near the Holey Artisan Bakery where the siege occurred. Investigators from both Bangladesh and Japan visited the restaurant to collect evidence.

The 20 hostages who were killed included nine Italians, seven Japanese, three Bangladeshis and one Indian teenager. Two police officers were killed by the attackers, and 13 people were rescued when commandos stormed the restaurant Saturday morning. Another 25 officers and one civilian were wounded, though hospitals would not give fresh information on their conditions.

The attack was the worst in the recent series of attacks by radical Islamists in the moderate, mostly Muslim nation of 160 million. Unlike the previous attacks, the assailants were well-prepared and heavily armed with guns, bombs and sharp objects that police later said were used to torture some of the 35 captives.


A police officer walks past bags believed to contain the bodies of the attackers of the cafe. (STR/AFP/Getty Images)

That the attackers targeted a popular restaurant in the heart of the diplomatic quarter of Bangladesh's capital signalled a change in tactics. The restaurant overlooking a lake serves Spanish food and is patronized by residents of Gulshan, an affluent neighbourhood where most of the foreign embassies are located.

The hostages were asked to recite verses from the Qur'an, to prove themselves Muslim, according to a witness. Those who passed were allowed to eat. Those who failed were tortured and slain.

Western embassies issued travel warnings to their citizens, advising those in the country to be vigilant and avoid places frequented by foreigners in the diplomatic zone. The U.S. Embassy also urged its citizens and personnel to avoid travelling on foot or in open vehicles exposed to potential attackers.

In its claim of responsibility, the Islamic State group said its operatives had targeted the citizens of "Crusader countries" in the attack, warning that citizens of such countries would not be safe "as long as their warplanes kill Muslims." The statement was circulated in a manner consistent with past IS claims of responsibility.

The Amaq news agency, affiliated with IS, also published photos of five smiling young men, each holding what appear to be assault rifles and posing in front of a black IS flag, and identified them as the restaurant attackers, according to the SITE Intelligence Service, which monitors jihadi online activity. The men in those photographs appeared to match the bodies shown in police images of the dead assailants in the restaurant after the hostage crisis ended.

Amaq identified the five by noms de guerre indicating they were all Bangladeshis. It said the fighters used "knives, cleavers, assault rifles and hand grenades," and had "verified" the identities of the hostages in order to spare the Muslims and kill the foreigners.


Mass pregnancies among Indian and Bangladeshi women are being blamed on ISI as well :D
Mass pregnancies among Indian and Bangladeshi women are being blamed on ISI as well :D

well if isi is making faulty rubber and if it doesn't offer protection ofcourse they will get blamed. May be they should get back to their original mission of security services for the likes of dawood ibrahim, obl et al. But then they have failed in it so I guess they needed a new trade. at least give them a collaboration with trojan so they learn how to make them properly.
What are mods thinking letting this thread continue? Lock or delete this damn india started propaganda. They're propagating a negative image of Pakistan while our economy is ready to take off.
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well if isi is making faulty rubber and if it doesn't offer protection ofcourse they will get blamed. May be they should get back to their original mission of security services for the likes of dawood ibrahim, obl et al. But then they have failed in it so I guess they needed a new trade. at least give them a collaboration with trojan so they learn how to make them properly.
Blame of raping Indian woman and getting them pregnant ? Lol no, that job unfortunately is being done very skillfully by Indian army hence that is why Indian woman protested naked
Blame of raping Indian woman and getting them pregnant ? Lol no, that job unfortunately is being done very skillfully by Indian army hence that is why Indian woman protested naked

nice try but no cigar. your buddy @Yeezy seems think ISI is in trouble for selling faulty rubber. do you agree?
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