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Bangladesh banning Jamaat-e-Islami

Then why were these educated people enforced hartals, burn buses, damaged property etc. Jamat aint angels, they are just as bad as the other political parties, cos this is bd politics. Even though most of the jamatis are ok, some of them are indeed rajakars, they must remove these people in order to get the people's confidence. Btw, get bnp in power if you want a moderate muslim country, they have experience and most of their members have a clean record during 1971
I couldn't resist to reply it as the poster seemed completely ignorant, brainwashed about BD's political affairs. JI-SHIBIRIES took a miseal/street possession just to show discontent against the RAWAMY fascists that put its 5 top leaders in jail without any charges for over 14 months and at that time RAWAMY-brutal-police mercilessly started to beat them then stone throwing started at police by some of the agitators and around that time other unknowns put fire on police's cars. Up until the time of the arrest of JI leaaders, they denied their involvements on it and one sane person should believe them by their patriotic track records and truthfulness. Moreover, there wasn't any hartal at that time. Awamy-Police-Bahini plainly broke laws by denying and beating JI-SHIBIRIES. Your citation on some JI walas were indeed RAZAKAR needed a good doses of the dissemination of truths. SK. Mujib in his prime time asked to create RAZAKAR's list, in where over 1 lac names came up primarily, then it was trimmed to over 5000 and finally it was shortened to 792. Even in that small number, there wasn't any JI leader's name. Yes they were for United PAK, so were Muslim Leaguers, Nezami Islamists etc. But you would never hear other's name as they became insignificent and levelling JI leaders as RAZAKAR was nothing but political STUNTBAJI. Infect those union chairmen and members, who did most of the RAZAKARIES were mostly AWAMY LEAGUERS but lie, damn lie and fabricated statistics were AWAMY weapons from its birth, so only ideological opponent became RAZAKAR through their Goeblian media dessiminations. Hope you would get the drift and dig deep to find more truths on RAWAMY fascist leaguers.
Then why were these educated people enforced hartals, burn buses, damaged property etc. Jamat aint angels, they are just as bad as the other political parties, cos this is bd politics. Even though most of the jamatis are ok, some of them are indeed rajakars, they must remove these people in order to get the people's confidence. Btw, get bnp in power if you want a moderate muslim country, they have experience and most of their members have a clean record during 1971

Hartal is democratic right but yes of course burning public transport is not acceptable but that happens only when the police prevent them from organize a protest rally which was every political parties right .
they are much more honest them any regular politician like bnp or bal but yest there may be some bad guy too which is exception . and exception should not be taken as example that look Jamat BNP BAL al are same . any dark spot in white cloth is much more visible then, a spot in black cloth thats the problem . every body is seeing Jamat has vandalize vehicle but not seeing how their leaders are in custody for years without trial or submission of charge sheet
I couldn't resist to reply it as the poster seemed completely ignorant, brainwashed about BD's political affairs. JI-SHIBIRIES took a miseal/street possession just to show discontent against the RAWAMY fascists that put its 5 top leaders in jail without any charges for over 14 months and at that time RAWAMY-brutal-police mercilessly started to beat them then stone throwing started at police by some of the agitators and around that time other unknowns put fire on police's cars. Up until the time of the arrest of JI leaaders, they denied their involvements on it and one sane person should believe them by their patriotic track records and truthfulness. Moreover, there wasn't any hartal at that time. Awamy-Police-Bahini plainly broke laws by denying and beating JI-SHIBIRIES. Your citation on some JI walas were indeed RAZAKAR needed a good doses of the dissemination of truths. SK. Mujib in his prime time asked to create RAZAKAR's list, in where over 1 lac names came up primarily, then it was trimmed to over 5000 and finally it was shortened to 792. Even in that small number, there wasn't any JI leader's name. Yes they were for United PAK, so were Muslim Leaguers, Nezami Islamists etc. But you would never hear other's name as they became insignificent and levelling JI leaders as RAZAKAR was nothing but political STUNTBAJI. Infect those union chairmen and members, who did most of the RAZAKARIES were mostly AWAMY LEAGUERS but lie, damn lie and fabricated statistics were AWAMY weapons from its birth, so only ideological opponent became RAZAKAR through their Goeblian media dessiminations. Hope you would get the drift and dig deep to find more truths on RAWAMY fascist leaguers.

Hahaha LOL. Nizami was an al-badr. that information is enough to drive away the people from Jamat. What does the 'unknown" gain from throwing rocks at police and setting their cars on fire
Hahaha LOL. Nizami was an al-badr. that information is enough to drive away the people from Jamat. What does the 'unknown" gain from throwing rocks at police and setting their cars on fire

though its not topic but what i recall Al bador leader name is probably m harun in Pakistani govt document . mr nizami was a student then . any way whole media is anti jamat and thats the reason people are not supporting Jamat as a better option the BNP/BAL .
Hartal is democratic right but yes of course burning public transport is not acceptable but that happens only when the police prevent them from organize a protest rally which was every political parties right .
they are much more honest them any regular politician like bnp or bal but yest there may be some bad guy too which is exception . and exception should not be taken as example that look Jamat BNP BAL al are same . any dark spot in white cloth is much more visible then, a spot in black cloth thats the problem . every body is seeing Jamat has vandalize vehicle but not seeing how their leaders are in custody for years without trial or submission of charge sheet

In bd politics people only look at the bad apples of a political party to decide their voting, not what they can do for the country.

Last elections, BNP got kicked out cos of tarique's corruption, even though they did improve the country.

As for jamat, people still remember the 1971 days, as some of them are rajakars people do not want to vote for them. Removing the rajakars from jamat will help them get votes
found in bangla blog
জামায়াতকে ১বার নিষিদ্ধ করা হলে আওয়ামী লীগকে ১০০০ বার নিষিদ্ধ করা উচিত
২৫ শে সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১১ সকাল ১০:২০

বাংলাদেশে সন্ত্রাসের সুতিকাগার আওয়ামী লীগ ও তার অংগসংগঠন। স্বাধীনতার পর থেকে ২০১১ সালের এই সময় পর্যন্ত আওয়ামী লীগ যে কি পরিমাণ সন্ত্রাসী কার্যকলাপ পরিচালনা করেছে তার প্রমাণ এই দেশের জনগণ, এই দেশের পুলিশ স্টেশনের ক্রাইম ফাইল, হাইকোর্ট, জর্জকোট, সুপ্রিম কোটসহ দেশের বিভিন্ন বিচার বিভাগরে নথিপত্র।
তার নিজেরা নিজেদের কর্মীদেরকে হত্যা করে লাশের মিছিল যে কত বড় করেছে তা গুণতে গেলেও কয়েক দিন সময় লেগে যেতে পারে।
তারা বিভিন্ন সময়ে আন্দোলনের নামে যে পরিমাণ রাষ্ট্রীয় সম্পদে অগ্নি সংযোগ করে ক্ষতি করেছে, গাড়ীতে অগ্নি সংযোগ করেছে, জবীন্ত মানুষ পুরিয়ে মেরেছে, জনগণের জানমালের ক্ষতি করেছে তার ফিরিশতি তুলে ধরলে শেষ করতে কয়েক সপ্তাহ , মাস ও কয়েক রিম কাগজের প্রয়োজন হয়ে পড়বে।
আওয়ামী লীগের সোনার ছেলেদের নারী ও ছাত্রী নির্যাতনের ইতিহাস এদেশের মানুষের অজানা নয়। ঘৃণিত ধর্ষণের সেঞ্চুরী ছাত্রলীগের অর্জন।
মানুষ মেরে লাশের উপর নৃত্য করা আওয়ামী লীগের অর্জন।
চলন্ত বাসে আগুন দিয়ে জীবন্ত মানুষ হত্যা আওয়ামী লীগের অর্জন।
চাদাবাজী, দখলবাজী, টেন্ডারবাজী অর্জনে আওয়ামী লীগের সাফল্য অদ্বিতীয়।
আমি আগেই বলেছে আওয়ামী লীগের অপকর্মের রেকর্ড তুলে ধরতে গেলে কয়েক সপ্তাহ থেকে কয়েক মাস আর রিমে রিমে কাগজ লেগে যাবে। যা এই ব্লগে প্রকাশ করা অসম্ভব। শুধুমাত্র স্বাধীনতার পরবর্তী সময়ে দেশে প্রকাশিত জাতীয় দৈনিক, পাক্ষিক, সাপ্তাহিক পত্রিকাগুলো ঘাটলেই তার জ্বলন্ত প্রমাণ পাওয়া যাবে।
তাই জামায়াতের ১দিনের ঘটনায় যদি আওয়ামী লীগ জামায়াতকে নিষিদ্ধ করার দাবি তুলে তাহলে আওয়ামী লীগের স্বাধীনতা পরবর্তী ৪০ বছরের অপকর্মের জন্য আওয়ামী লীগকে ১০০০ বার নিষিদ্ধ করার দাবি জনগণের।
found in bangla blog
জামায়াতকে ১বার নিষিদ্ধ করা হলে আওয়ামী লীগকে ১০০০ বার নিষিদ্ধ করা উচিত
২৫ শে সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১১ সকাল ১০:২০

বাংলাদেশে সন্ত্রাসের সুতিকাগার আওয়ামী লীগ ও তার অংগসংগঠন। স্বাধীনতার পর থেকে ২০১১ সালের এই সময় পর্যন্ত আওয়ামী লীগ যে কি পরিমাণ সন্ত্রাসী কার্যকলাপ পরিচালনা করেছে তার প্রমাণ এই দেশের জনগণ, এই দেশের পুলিশ স্টেশনের ক্রাইম ফাইল, হাইকোর্ট, জর্জকোট, সুপ্রিম কোটসহ দেশের বিভিন্ন বিচার বিভাগরে নথিপত্র।
তার নিজেরা নিজেদের কর্মীদেরকে হত্যা করে লাশের মিছিল যে কত বড় করেছে তা গুণতে গেলেও কয়েক দিন সময় লেগে যেতে পারে।
তারা বিভিন্ন সময়ে আন্দোলনের নামে যে পরিমাণ রাষ্ট্রীয় সম্পদে অগ্নি সংযোগ করে ক্ষতি করেছে, গাড়ীতে অগ্নি সংযোগ করেছে, জবীন্ত মানুষ পুরিয়ে মেরেছে, জনগণের জানমালের ক্ষতি করেছে তার ফিরিশতি তুলে ধরলে শেষ করতে কয়েক সপ্তাহ , মাস ও কয়েক রিম কাগজের প্রয়োজন হয়ে পড়বে।
আওয়ামী লীগের সোনার ছেলেদের নারী ও ছাত্রী নির্যাতনের ইতিহাস এদেশের মানুষের অজানা নয়। ঘৃণিত ধর্ষণের সেঞ্চুরী ছাত্রলীগের অর্জন।
মানুষ মেরে লাশের উপর নৃত্য করা আওয়ামী লীগের অর্জন।
চলন্ত বাসে আগুন দিয়ে জীবন্ত মানুষ হত্যা আওয়ামী লীগের অর্জন।
চাদাবাজী, দখলবাজী, টেন্ডারবাজী অর্জনে আওয়ামী লীগের সাফল্য অদ্বিতীয়।
আমি আগেই বলেছে আওয়ামী লীগের অপকর্মের রেকর্ড তুলে ধরতে গেলে কয়েক সপ্তাহ থেকে কয়েক মাস আর রিমে রিমে কাগজ লেগে যাবে। যা এই ব্লগে প্রকাশ করা অসম্ভব। শুধুমাত্র স্বাধীনতার পরবর্তী সময়ে দেশে প্রকাশিত জাতীয় দৈনিক, পাক্ষিক, সাপ্তাহিক পত্রিকাগুলো ঘাটলেই তার জ্বলন্ত প্রমাণ পাওয়া যাবে।
তাই জামায়াতের ১দিনের ঘটনায় যদি আওয়ামী লীগ জামায়াতকে নিষিদ্ধ করার দাবি তুলে তাহলে আওয়ামী লীগের স্বাধীনতা পরবর্তী ৪০ বছরের অপকর্মের জন্য আওয়ামী লীগকে ১০০০ বার নিষিদ্ধ করার দাবি জনগণের।

Quite true. But this is the reality of bd politics, when a political party comes to power, they act as if the whole country belongs to them and the people are their slaves
Quite true. But this is the reality of bd politics, when a political party comes to power, they act as if the whole country belongs to them and the people are their slaves
Please don't try to make blanket statement and don't put JI-SHIBIRIES with RAWAMY criminals in the same bracket as it proves that either you are ignorant or biased .
Please don't try to make blanket statement and don't put JI-SHIBIRIES with RAWAMY criminals in the same bracket as it proves that either you are ignorant or biased .

Or it proves that i look at both the positive and negative aspects of the political parties.
you really have no clear idea about jamate islami . jamat is the most probably only islamic party that has most modern educated people liem doctor engineer along with madrasa educated people . it is the moderate Islamic party who wants to build a moderate Islamic state which based on sharia.

"Educated" people don't do things like this:



Imagine if that was your car :lol:

This hartal culture really needs to go.

I understand the AL has caused more destruction when they were opposition, but theoretically, two wrongs just don't make one right.

Although, their main point was due to the increase in gas prices. People have little or no money in their pockets, and they'd have to pay more to commute around Dhaka. So therefore, their point is valid. Unlike how the AL calls for Hartals. But destroying other people's property? Come on. How's that going to help? By smashing and burning police cars, they are just wasting their tax money and foreign exchange which by the way is already not good. And our police force is severely underfunded.

You, see this is what has become of Hasina/Khaleda version of 'democracy'. Little or no constructive thinking. Both parties have become nothing but jokes. Democracy does not mean one can do whatever he/she wants. With no order, we have anarchy.

Historically, I also question Jamaat's stance regarding the Liberation War. People need to come up with a clear understanding of history and of what actually happened. And certainly, the AL's current anarchy-like attitude is not helping! It's been 40 damn years!

I suspect that after the AL loses power, they'll get the beating of their lives ;) And certainly, these guys won't be there to help them:

:lol: :lol:

I'd say the sooner the AL is gone, the better.
@ Zabanya, your ideas are utopian in nature ?? You are still kid in understanding the complex politics of Bangladesh. You have being brought up in Tokyo and I suggest you again go their and do business and have link with Eastwatch who might help you in this regard.

@ Can't you see ! how difficult it is for AL to hold the trial for last one and a half year ??????? Do you think that it is only for Jamat alone !!!!!

@ Now-a-days you can't do it. You have to consider many aspects. AL is just manifesting Indian agenda which AL itself does not know it.
@ Zabanya what you are telling its true Jamat should not gone that crazy but i think it is the first time they done it . there are also on field report that some leaders have save many car from their angry activist . they have save many traffic light and safe car gone torch . but yet many car were torched . :cry:

Jamat's main problem is their stance on 1971 liberation war . in my knowledge they never try to explain formally what and why their their position were in 71 . whenever they are questioned about their role in 71 only then they try to explain their position.
ZABANYA BRO.... YOU WILL UNDERSTAND BD POLITICS MUCH BETTER after watching this video... after this incident all news paper published this as " inta-bnp clash " ...

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@ Zabanya, your ideas are utopian in nature ?? You are still kid in understanding the complex politics of Bangladesh. You have being brought up in Tokyo and I suggest you again go their and do business and have link with Eastwatch who might help you in this regard.

Utopian? Can I ask if your ideas are dystopian in nature? As a matter of fact, I only lived in Tokyo for 2 years during my childhood during the mid-90s. I grew up mostly abroad though.

Define 'complex' politics. I can say that the politics of Bangladesh is so dirty, that no gentleman would ever participate. Yes, all politics are dirty, but there are certain limits.

Bangladesh politics is like: "I bite your ***, you bite my ***. Whoever gets the biggest chunk of flesh wins!"

That's not how Democracy works :no:

@ Can't you see ! how difficult it is for AL to hold the trial for last one and a half year ??????? Do you think that it is only for Jamat alone !!!!!

Through the AL administration? Please...the only thing on Hasina's head right now is how her long dead father died and how to bite someone's *** in order to get the biggest chunk of flesh possible in her teeth - more than she can swallow! Bangladeshi politics style :tup:

@ Now-a-days you can't do it. You have to consider many aspects. AL is just manifesting Indian agenda which AL itself does not know it.

Stop worrying so much about some Mickey Mouse country. They threatened us during the Cold War regarding the CHT region. And guess what? Not a single piece of land was lost. And the people of CHT are more or less happy, but there are still outstanding issues ever since the Pakistan era.

The same will happen to the AL if they bite off more they can chew. And in the current case, a one party state under AL rule. They'll fail anyways.

@ Zabanya what you are telling its true Jamat should not gone that crazy but i think it is the first time they done it . there are also on field report that some leaders have save many car from their angry activist . they have save many traffic light and safe car gone torch . but yet many car were torched . :cry:

Actions speak louder than words my friend.

Jamat's main problem is their stance on 1971 liberation war . in my knowledge they never try to explain formally what and why their their position were in 71 . whenever they are questioned about their role in 71 only then they try to explain their position.

They'd better come up with an explanation. Otherwise, it's all just beating about the bush.

ZABANYA BRO.... YOU WILL UNDERSTAND BD POLITICS MUCH BETTER after watching this video... after this incident all news paper published this as " inta-bnp clash " ...

Again, it is all about limits as I have explained. That asshole in red is probably just a college dropout. DU is in a sorry state.
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