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Bangladesh Army's Yatagan Main Battle Tank

"...what the hell the infantry support was doing while some hostiles found the time to throw 70 RPG's at the tank."

My guess is they were laughing their azzes off from a safe distance.

Hope their mates in the Chally don't find out...:D
Raquib or any other BD member, can you post some High Res pictures.
Looks like a brilliant tank. Nice choice
Raquib or any other BD member, can you post some High Res pictures.
Looks like a brilliant tank. Nice choice

here you go...



85+ M1s destroyed by anti-tank weapons, mostly RPGs. They said this and showed charred remains of M1 tanks on the desert, streetss and on the highway on a special programme on the M1 at Discovery Channel.

Often pictures I have seen with reports of many different pieces of equipment destroyed are the same piece of equipment from different angles.

I have also heard of the Challenger-2 incident, it is remarkable. Actually one of the tank crews of the Challenger-2 series remarked that the MBT was almost good enough to marry. By the way, it was not 70 RPG but only 14.

Knowing a few tankies I am quite sure many would marry their steed:lol:
Oh and it was 70, confirmed by our MoD.
"...what the hell the infantry support was doing while some hostiles found the time to throw 70 RPG's at the tank."

My guess is they were laughing their azzes off from a safe distance.

Hope their mates in the Chally don't find out...:D

April fools maybe;)
The T-84 Yatagan will be the best tank in South Asia when Bangladesh Army receives the first 50x MBTs as soon as the upgrades of the T-59 MBTs to Al-Zarrar MBTs is completed. The T-84 Yatagan is superior to the Al-Khalid MBT and T-90S MBT as it boasts superior armament and armor than both. The only other MBT of South Asia which can take on it will be the Al-Khalid 2 MBT (if it really exists).

Are you sure we will be procuring them?and whats the status of the Al-Zarrar upgrades?
I hope you are right on this T-84 thing:smitten:
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