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Bangladesh Army

It is obsolete from the pov of mounting peripherals(scopes and stuff)....otherwise its a rifle...as far as rifles go you can't really have that much of an advantage over other designs.
Bhai, fire a 30 rounds mag with AK-103 and a 30 rounds mag with SCAR-L. You will know the advantages of modern design yourself.

BTW, BD-8 rifle is a older design than AK-103...
Yeah, you didn't start anything. You are innocent :angel:

Make up your mind A-hole. Your one word contradicts other.

The Type-56 is only used in para-military now. And BD-08 aka Type 81 is a Chinese designed is a Chinese-designed Kalashnikov and SKS based, incorporates elements of the incorporates elements of the Dragunov, SKS, and AK-47 series rifles. The rifle retains the general layout of the Chinese The rifle retains the general layout of the Chinese Type 56 assault rifle (a license produced AK-47), but it has a SKS-like short-stroke gas-piston design and other improvements to reduce recoil and muzzle jump, giving better firing accuracy. So not actually AK-47 copy.

That it?? That's your logic?? Those accessories only help to increase accuracy, handling of the weapon not make them shoot laser. Even BD-08 can be fitted with a Picatinny rail, optical sights, bipod, foregrip, night vision, flashlight, and much more modern extra adjustment equipment.. And not all soldiers get or use SOPMOD rifle.


Yeah, you believe cause it doesn't come with lots of accessories. You believe other things are shit just because you fired some rounds on Ak-47 and only feel amazed and love cool western weapon. This is not some fighter aircraft or tank that you can beat with more updated and modern weapon. It's job is to shoot people and it does it's job perfectly just like 1911, M-24, M-16, AR-15, Ak-47, MP-5, Dragunov, G3. Many country still uses those. If Ak-47 wasn't that good many countries wouldn't use it, made their own variant and still order the new upgraded one. Even USA have their own license built Ak-47 variant. Just because you fired Ak-47 and felt bad about it doesn't make you judge/ specialist on every weapon cause didn't fire or test all of them.

If western weapon is everything and things become obsolete after new modern weapons then a Kilo class wouldn't disappear from NATO surveillance, a Song class wouldn't surface unnoticed in the middle of a USN CBG during naval exercise, Chinese MANPAD wouldn't hit most advanced F-15, crappy Yemeni boat wouldn't hit French built frigate, TOW missile still won't work against T-90 or Leopard 2 wouldn't get fucked up by IS and YPJ, Mi-17 won't last this long, stay operational in many countries, won't survive RPG attack and continue moving. Even USA uses this helicopter. Why German new frigates has a persistent list to starboard, overweights, a number of "software and hardware defects"??

So what actually suck is your illusion about Western weapon and crappy theroy about obsolete things.

But but but western thing is goooooood.

Another stupid logic. Still no specific logic to prove your point.

And shit talking is for a hybrid dog whose big fat head filled with shits and often get leaked from it's mouth which is usually known as barking. Your head is so active that it produces trillions of shit, trash talk about Bangladesh and "suck" in nano seconds. You use 100% of your brain in that. How did you get so much active brain?? Is your old man British??

We are really jealous of you using 100% of your brain. You should donate it for us after your brain explodes for having too much shit inside of it so we can research it to see how a creature like you can 100% utilizes his brain for shit talking.


So that's why i asked you to come and contribute here. You are soooooo productive in shit talking that we won't even need fertilizer to grow crops, you will save tons of money just with your one skill. And you are a cocky cunt who has been bestowed with all knowledge on weapons and all military skills. You are real life Rambo!! That skill is definitely needed. We will just sent you to destroy the world in WW3 (not WWE) and completely disband BD Military. Who needs them when we have one man army like you. Your fart deadlier than a Sarin gas. Therefore you will be named as "FART MAN".

So why waste time in UK and whine about not getting anything in return? What do you want?? A cookie or flower bouquet cause lot of people here work tirelessly and still don't whine or talk shit about their country like you do in aboard. Just jump on the plane and start doing your job instead of abusing the whole Bangladesh.

So your father is really a British, eh? As you already know how much unproductive human trash we Bangladeshis are with dead brains. :P

At least low quality unproductive human trash like us is staying here and trying to change the country while you are busy farting at us.

Yes you are ready to fart like you always are.

ওলে বাবাটা, আমার আহ্লাদের কৌটাটা, আমার জাদু সোনাটা, আমার গুলু-গুলুটা তোমারে নেংটি পড়ায়া, ফিডার খাওয়াইয়া, কোলে কইরা লন্ডন থিকা তুইলা আইনা PM এর চেয়ারে বসায়া দিব। তারপরে চামচ দিয়া আদর করে লোটা থেকে মুখে তুলে "ক্ষমতা" খাওইয়া দেব। If you want to BEG, you gotta say "Please" first.

Otherwise come and get it. Aren't you the most productive human asset with active brain?? Why do you suddenly act like unproductive human trash with dead brain?? You sound like all piss and wind suddenly. Don't you know the phrase, "বিনা যুদ্ধে নাহি দিব , সূচাগ্র মেদিনী"

When did i say BD invented sniper rifle you moron?? That was to inform you that you can't uses western weapon there. For examples: China uses it's own MBT-3000, India their Arjun tank in tank biathlon. Other countries uses Russian T-72 if they don't have their own product.

So that's the deal, huh?? And here i was thinking you could actually help building up this country. At least it's good to know that some area of your active brain is filled with treachery instead of highly intoxicated shit. :-)
So it's looks like you really are the one who actually good at sucking things. How well you just sucked Great Britain's great cock!! Oh!! you got some white substance in your lips.

Your family come from this swamp too A-hole, perhaps some of them still live in it as termite. Maybe your British DNA helped you to grow wings and evolve into a ugly cockroach who now lives in a sewer and eat shit doesn't mean you can talk shit about termite. At least not when you carry the flag and passport of this swamp earned by this termites blood.

So what we see here is that you are an amazing cross breed creature with multiple filthy creatures DNA. You have Robert Clive's (from your British sugar daddy) and Mir Jafar's DNA. One wanted the British rule here and other helped him to do that. And look!! You have also BJP's retard leader Amit Shah's DNA!! You exactly talk like him. Awwww you got a brain like him. How sweet. Bugger off now you twat.

Actually the reality in Bangladesh is changing day by day. You are just busy in trash talking about this country and sucking things that either you can't see or pretend not seeing anything. You will start to see much better after 2030.

Here's little glimpse of changing reality by the efforts of low quality unproductive human trash aka termites from this swamp.

And some upgrades:




Two more in flying test.


Two more will come with Sea Spray AESA radar. The short range MPA squadron is complete.



(with two more) https://quwa.org/2016/11/30/bangladesh-is-seeking-two-anti-submarine-warfare-helicopters/

And there's more to come. Don't worry we will notify you about the changing reality and new upgrades if you can see while you are busy at trash talking and sucking things.

As i told you are busy at trash talking and sucking things. How will you see. And it's actually hard to satisfy a twat like you who only gets orgasm in western weapon. You are that kinda guy who will dump the GF/BF if he sees someone with Lamborghini.

Anyway you can start with Otomat, KRISS Vector, Rangemaster 308, AX338, AX50, M4, Colt M4A1, A244-S torpedo, MGL Mk1, Metis ATGM, Taurus SMT9, M249 SAW.

Yeah, simple criticism. :rolleyes: Still waiting for proof and specific reason for saying all this shit about our military and country. Congratulations for single handedly ruining the word, "SUCK". Your mother really worked hard day and "night" to teach you that word very well.

Listen you worthless piece of shit. Lots of Bangladeshis in here and abroad works tirelessly day and night for their country. Some even contribute more than a trash like you. they don't complain, insult, abuse their country or run their mouth like your filthy, stinky hole. Many Bangladeshis here don't talk shit about country.

Criticize?? You have right to criticize?? Simple criticism?? Just because you send money to this country?? Who made that rule for you??!! Tor bap??!! This is criticism?? All you did here is insult my country and it's people. And the continuous use of "Suck" word. That's all you did. Your money don't come to us. So you have no fucking right to insult us nor our country or military. Go learn criticism first dick-head. Bangladesh can move on without some money from some trash like you who thinks sending remittance gives them right to insult their country. Spend your money on drinking guinness beer.

If our country entirely suck, our military suck, if this country is swamp, if most of it's people are low quality unproductive human trash, why do you lurk in this sub-forum?? Cause you good at sucking things as i already said before. Not only good but you also love sucking things actually. That's why you lurk shamelessly in Bangladesh sub-forum, which entirely suck including it's military according to you. Now go suck your Great Britain's Royal cock sucker!!

Now don't tell us that you fired those two too.

Why are you so emotional?

Thats a major flaw for Bengalis.

Anyways, its ironic the pics you posted are of things BOUGHT by Bangaldesh. NOT MADE.

Your lengthy emotional diatribe just makes this subforum more of a joke than it is.

Please don't do that again.

However, your posting of articles are a GREAT contribution.

So thank you for that.
Anyways, its ironic the pics you posted are of things BOUGHT by Bangaldesh. NOT MADE.

I never said anywhere that BD made these or any of that. He laughed about the upgrades, so i showed some.

Why are you so emotional?

Why i won't be? We all know we have flaws, weakness and bad part in every places. But that doesn't mean we have no good things. Every country has the same case. But this piece of shit just went from military to country and it's people and insulted everyone. Which Bangladeshi do that??!! You and other guys live outside the country. Do you all trash about this country like him?? I only saw false flagger or complete retard talk this much shit about their country and people in this forum. It's unfortunate i can't speak Bengali here, otherwise i could've given this twat a far worse reply.

The best answer for your question is my signature.
ভাইয়েরা বাকবিতন্ডা করলে বাংলায় করো ইংরেজিতে কইরোনা। খারাপ দেখায়।

আর স্টিকি থ্রেড এ না করা ভালো।
Bhai, fire a 30 rounds mag with AK-103 and a 30 rounds mag with SCAR-L. You will know the advantages of modern design yourself.

BTW, BD-8 rifle is a older design than AK-103...
SCAR-L fires a 5.56 Nato round..How different was the AK103 compared to the AKM? What did it feel like?Was it more accurate?


Susan Giti- Promoted to major general. Is she a hindu?
SCAR-L fires a 5.56 Nato round.
Yep. I like 5.56 NATO rounds.

Lighter weight, allowing more ammunition to carried for the same given weight.

Less power, allowing more control of the weapon in automatic or rapid semi-automatic.

Usually doesn't kill outright, taking three enemy combatants out of combat: one wounded, two stretcher bearers. LOL!

Allows quicker and more effective training, because of reduced recoil.
How different was the AK103 compared to the AKM? What did it feel like?Was it more accurate?
Never fired an AKM unfortunately! The AK103 I fired was polymer furnitured but, no picatinny rail.

AK103 got quite a bit of recoil, and is inaccurate for quick bursts...
Looks like you are very good at sucking things.

So you are arms expert now?? Although you didn't fire a single bullet from that weapon you just gave your "expert" opinion on this just because fired a Ak variant with 7.62×39 cartridge.

Sounds like you are some general or something and defeated them in battlefield many times. If you didn't yet care to test??

বালের truth!!

Why would it mean something to trash talker like you who just loves to fart.

Sure, you were there too, busy farting at the target with your superman skill. So you think you can't hit your target without "expensive western" rifle. Now that proves how much stupid you are. :lol: So only western rifle is good eh?? FYI all participants either used their own invented weapon or Russian one in that game.


Well many people do. Doesn't make you something special and people who don't pay taxes give their money to govt through VAT or any other charges, whatever the amount it is.

What i was really trying to say is if you think our military's capability and their rifle sucks then you must be some big shot western military officer trained by SAS, Navy Seal and have huuuuuuuugeeeee knowledge about weapon and tactics. So why waste time on trash talking when you can train our military by yourself, give them your preciuos knowledge, invest in our defense sector which we need very much and make "bling bling" shiny suppa pawa western weapon so we, including you, our neighbors can be amazed seeing your awesome skill and military tech, instead of you getting only "trollgasm" here. Sure this country can use someone like you with amazing skill and knowledge instead of trash talking. Lots of local কাউয়া can do that part.

Oh F-off you stupid wanker.

What engine problem and leaking have to do anything with latest tech and innovation??

Yeah how could you know?? You are busy sucking things and trash talking while they getting new upgrade.

Actually the last part wasn't meant for you. But long i read about your kind too. Who shift to another country then talk shit about BD every now and then.

how many low quality weapons do you see in our military.

wow those giant *** golden stars defeat the entire purpose of wearing them on the arms.. :lol:
বাংলাদেশ সেনাবাহিনী ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং ব্যাটালিয়নগুলোর জন্য Armoured Vehicle LaunchedBridge এর টেন্ডার দিয়েছে।এগুলো যুদ্ধের সময়ে সেনাসরঞ্জাম যেমন-ট্যাংক,কামান,এপিসি ও সেনা পারাপারের জন্য ব্রিজ নির্মান করে থাকে।

লিংক- http://dgdp.gov.bd/dgdp/AP_TEN/notice/448.pdf... See more

Standardization of 50 ton tank transporter with trailer.


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