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Bangladesh Army

east bengal regiment 1st para commando battalion
then why are displaying 11th Division and 66th Division emblems, along with other units?
that's what i just said...
oh my bad, didn;t notice that .... infantryman trains along with paracommandos now?
actually this is a new trend....
forget the days when commandos used to be in one unit, whereas non-commandos in other units.... this is a totally new ball-game.... BD is not following the rules made by Westerners.... its making its own rules regarding everything.... this is just one example of that....

the secret is, you need to know the base of the previous rules in order make new ones....
Well 50 cal. and MANPADS. Can't make them too heavy. These flat bottomed airboats are perfect for the terrain we have.


These were used in Vietnam War as well.
do we have a riverine brigade ? m not sure

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