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Bangladesh Army

Bangladesh Army Infantryman

we're like the last remaining army in the world still having a bayonet on thier weapon or what ? :rolleyes::guns:

Problem? Just don't forget to get the bayonet scream just right (and tea break in middle):

Plus bayonet on AK rifles looks lame (whole purpose of AK is to not have a bayonet). Needs a proper battle rifle like the FAL for sure. Way more manly.
Problem? Just don't forget to get the bayonet scream just right (and tea break in middle):

Plus bayonet on AK rifles looks lame (whole purpose of AK is to not have a bayonet). Needs a proper battle rifle like the FAL for sure. Way more manly.

actually its the shout before the charge that makes the bayonet deadly, not the rifle.... in the BD Army, soldiers concentrate on the shouting..... just in case we have to use that....
Problem? Just don't forget to get the bayonet scream just right (and tea break in middle):

Plus bayonet on AK rifles looks lame (whole purpose of AK is to not have a bayonet). Needs a proper battle rifle like the FAL for sure. Way more manly.
i remember back in JMB days some were killed with bayonets xD
Sniper rifles of Bangladesh army
Line up of Bangladesh Army sniper rifles:


Right to left: Type 85 sniper rifle (China), Rangemaster 308 (UK), AX338 Long Range Sniper Rifle (UK), AX50 Long Range Anti Material Rifle (UK)

Standard issue Bangladesh Army sniper rifles:
  • Anti-material rifle: AX50 Long Range Anti Material Rifle (UK)

  • Long range sniper rifle: AX338 Long Range Sniper Rifle (UK)

  • Standard Range Sniper Rifle: Rangemaster 308 (UK)

  • Reserve Sniper Rifle: Type 85 sniper rifle (China)
Bruh the mod is getting annoying nowadays. Pakistanis go about bashing everybody and derailing a thread np but when you give a befitting response. You get blamed, deleted and negatively rated...

Actually, Mods are taking actions as & when troll posts are reported so if you have anything at your hand to prove your accusations, contact GHQ Section to prove it rather than blaming Mods like this. The trick is simple, report such posts without quoting back and move on and if you do the same thing then it's means you are responsible same as other member so one wrong wouldn't make other right.

Upgraded t-59 tank of Bangladesh (T-59 Mark-2 Durjoy)



This upgrade isn't satisfactory. While it increase protection against RPG, But it won't stand a direct ATGM hit. The turret is still the old one with few ERA covering around it, still has a wide area unprotected in the front. I don't think it can stand a hit from enemy tank shell on that area. Sideskirts are weakness too. They should have adopted something like the T 90 MS sideskirts.

While saying that, we can't rule out un-conventional methods to increase the lelevel of protection in a real battlefield. Like what we see in Syria.

We should just retire these relics or relegate them to training units. T69 & 59 is not suitable for mordern battlefield.
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instead of wasting money on upgrades.... they could have bought new tanks instead... however small the number would have been.... this is thin steel sheets that won't hold against anything

btw... this is the example of the old pakistani kit..... there are two different upgrades done on these tanks....

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