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Bangladesh Army Issues Tender To Procure Attack Helicopter

The Ronin

Mar 24, 2017
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Meanwhile, BAF holding their dicks in their hand, doing **** all.. be it MRCA, MRSAM or Attack helicopters.

A bunch of incompetent fat peasants in blue shirts.
If anyone ever had a shred of doubt that BAF is an incompetent, moronic entity this should seal the deal.

All the hoopla around BAF procuring atrack helicopters for years, while BA quitely comes from behind and manages to issue the tender ahead.

Turns out you could get things done if you have a spine.

On a seperate note, I hope the government never allows BAF to procure attack helicopters. Attack helicopters are designed to support ground forces and therefore should be operated by them

BAF should take Adderall and start focusing on things they should be focusing on.
Who are the prospective contendors? From the top of my head I can think of AW/T-129, AH-1Z and AH-64.
Meanwhile, BAF holding their dicks in their hand, doing **** all.. be it MRCA, MRSAM or Attack helicopters.

A bunch of incompetent fat peasants in blue shirts.

Absolutely infuriating.

All Bangladeshis should be embarrassed and ashamed of the BAF.

Kick out the old blood and inject with new.

The organization looks to be in rot.
BD members right now: Biru ab ae ga na maza :yahoo:

Which companies are contenders? Any info?

CAATSA applies to Helicopters also?:(

T-129 for sure... Apache is possible as BAF is also going for Apache..

Last week our army chief actually visited the US and he was pictured with the Apache behind him.. also if I recall correctly he ran through and inspected some training ground where they train US army helicopter pilots.
Those attack helicopters are useless when Bangladeshi airspace is compromised.
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