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Chola Empire made a conquest into Bengal and crushed the Bengalis however he did not conquer them.

LOL Chola was not a major dynasty and they never had any influence in Bengal, most of the Bengalis don't even know there was a kingdom named "Chola"! :lol:

However, Bengalis have ruled over Southern India for long, Gupta Empire, formed by the Guptas from present day Northern Bangladesh, was a huge empire conquering most of the subcontinent including parts of Tamil Nadu!
LOL Chola was not a major dynasty
Says a Bangladeshi.lol
most of the Bengalis don't even know there was a kingdom named "Chola"! :lol:
No need to laugh at those Bangladeshi Bengalis but you should surely laugh at your education system.lmao
However, Bengalis have ruled over Southern India for long, Gupta Empire, formed by the Guptas from present day Northern Bangladesh, was a huge empire conquering most of the subcontinent including parts of Tamil Nadu!
Nobody knows the exact homeland of Gupta;s so there goes your theory of Bangaldeshis ruling over India.
Btw a lot of Indian rulers have ruled over Bangladesh for a very long period of time.
Chola Empire made a conquest into Bengal and crushed the Bengalis however he did not conquer them.

Hahahaha! Bengali Muslims achieved nothing, your Turkic rulers did. Many Indians including the Mauryas and the Guptas conquered the Bengalis and the Marathas made you into a tributary state. ;)

You are talking about our Turkic ancestors. Their achievement is ours.

Maratha's tried but failed to take Bengal from 1742-1751 but were able to get some extortion money for 6 years from an ailing 75 year old Alivardi tired of chasing the raiders. For more details you can look at this thread:
Marathas in Bengal 1731-1760

Specially read @eastwatch posts in that old thread, they are relevant and informative.

Eventually, in another 4 years, Maratha extortionist raiders got wiped out in 1761 by Ahmad Shah Abdali.
Says a Bangladeshi.lol

No need to laugh at those Bangladeshi Bengalis but you should surely laugh at your education system.lmao

Nobody knows the exact homeland of Gupta;s so there goes your theory of Bangaldeshis ruling over India.
Btw a lot of Indian rulers have ruled over Bangladesh for a very long period of time.

LOL do you really think I'll take the comments of a Blue Star victim seriously! ;)

Gupta Capital was in Pataliputra which is in modern day Bihar. Chola empire crushed the ruling Bengali empires and looted them considerably. Cholas launched attacks on Indonesia and made them a vassal state hahaha!
I can't post links but read this page and follow the citations, we tamils conquered SE Asia, what did Bengalis conquer?

LOL stop posting those "Wikified" fictious maps!

Gupta Capital was in Pataliputra as it was the most developed city of the sub continent at that time, however, the Guptas were from Northern Bangladesh!

Tamils never conquered SE Asia but there were cultural influences. However, Bengalis not only conquered but also established colonies in SE Asia during the reign of Vanga Kingdom, And Bengali cultural influences was always there, not only in SE Asia but also in Tibbet!
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Gupta Capital was in Pataliputra which is in modern day Bihar.:lol: Chola empire crushed the ruling Bengali empires and looted them considerably.;) Cholas launched attacks on Indonesia and made them a vassal state hahaha!
I can't post links but read this page and follow the citations, we tamils conquered SE Asia, what did Bengalis conquer?
View attachment 47942
And map of Chola Empire:
View attachment 47943

Lol, you guys are not Turkic, one look at Bengalis and this is obvious. :rofl: Many Bengalis could pass as us Tamils, must be remnants of the Chola invasion.

Marathas did indeed extort money from you guys, they were another South Indian force to be reckoned with. Destroyed the Mughal Empire and extorted money from coward Bengalis.;)

Please make your boast with Hindu Bengali's please, as their failure is not ours. Whatever you say cannot change the fact that Turkic rulers and migrants were ancestors of many Muslim Bengalis, educate yourself here:
Rise of Islam in Bengal, role of migration

Like I said, Maratha's could not take Bengal and were able to extort money for 6 years from a weak 75 year old Alivardi who was tired of chasing Maratha's out of Bengal repeatedly. And eventually Maratha's were crushed by combined Muslim force in 1761 led by Abdali. So please take your boast elsewhere.
Lol, please provide proof as to how the map is fictitious? Every map of of the Chola Empire shows the same thing but then again you are Bangladeshi.
Another page with incriptions and recordings from the time ;)
View attachment 47945
This is an inscription from an Indonesian source at the time:
(Who) having despatched many ships in the midst of the rolling sea and having caught Sangrāma-vijayōttunga-varman, the king of Kadāram, together with the elephants in his glorious army, (took) the large heap of treasures, which (that king) had rightfully accumulated; (captured) with noise the (arch called) Vidhyādharatorana at the "war gate" of his extensive city, Śrī Vijaya with the "jewelled wicket-gate" adorned with great splendour and the "gate of large jewels"; Paṇṇai with water in its bathing ghats; the ancient Malaiyūr with the strong mountain for its rampart; Māyuriḍingam, surrounded by the deep sea (as) by a moat; Ilangāśōka (i.e. Lankāśōka) undaunted in fierce battles; Māpappālam having abundant (deep) water as defence; Mēviḷimbangam having fine walls as defence; Vaḷaippandūru having Viḷappandūru (?); Talaittakkōlam praised by great men (versed in) the sciences; Mādamālingam, firm in great and fierce battles; Ilāmuridēśam, whose fierce strength rose in war; Mānakkavāram, in whose extensive flower gardens honey was collecting; and Kadāram, of fierce strength, which was protected by the deep sea"

Please stop making up fictitious history, every source points at Guptas originating from Pataliputra, even if they are Bengali then they belong to Hindu Bengalis however this is unlikely. And Bengalis are timid people, Vanga empire was Dravidian I'm afraid.

LOL those maps were uploaded by some delusional Tamils like you who believes the fallacy that Tamils are martial! :lol:

The inscription only shows cultural influence!

Yeah I'm just making up fictions which is easily caught by a delusional Tamil, congrats! :lol:

Bengalis are damn timid man, so much so that they were even recruited by the Romans as mercenaries and even Alexander didn't feel it safe to attack Bengal during the reign of Gangaridai! :rolleyes:
LOL, half those maps come from Western sources, even Indonesians admit this invasion as well.:lol: But then again a timid Bengali has better knowledge than those two groups.:rolleyes: That inscription says invasion you retard, did you learn to read?
An extract from the Harvard journal on the subject which correlates with what I am saying:
View attachment 47946
Do you know more than professors at Harvard?:eek:

Bangladeshis contradict themselves, your friends claims you guys are Turkic and you try claiming Vang Dravidian Kingdom. Make up your mind Bong.:rofl: Even the average height in Tamil Nadu is higher then Bengal my timid friend.

It's quite funny that even after reading the inscription you have to lie and say it's only cultural influence even though it specifically mentions invasion. You have literally lost all credibility.

LOL those maps were uploaded to wiki by random guys like, as I said, a delusional Tamil considering himself a martial race! :rofl:

Invading and conquering are not same!

Bangladeshis are mixture of various races, a Tamil won't understand this for some obvious reasons! :rolleyes:

Tamils are quite intrepid, the ethnic slurs against Tamils by North Indians clearly proves that! :lol:

Yeah post more screenshots of wikipages, no wait, don't worry,

I, extra terrestrial, hereby, declare the Tamils as the most fair skinned, most martial and the tallest race on planet earth, happy? Now get a life! :rolleyes:
Southern monkeys, read also the account below, how Mahipala of Bengal crushed your Chola King:

The death of Devapala in 850 ended the period of ascendancy of the Pala dynasty and several independent dynasties and kingdoms emerged during this time. However, Mahipala rejuvenated the reign of the Palas. He recovered control over all of Bengal and expanded the empire. He survived the invasions of Rajendra Chola I and the Chalukya dynasty.

After Mahipala I the Pala dynasty again saw its decline until Ramapala (1077-1130), the last great ruler of the dynasty, managed to retrieve the position of the dynasty to some extent. He crushed the Varendra rebellion and tried to extend his empire farther to Kamarupa, Odisha and northern India. In his endeavor to conquer the Utkala and Koshala, parts of Odisha today, he had to contest with the mighty Ganga king Anangabhima Chodaganga Deva.

Eventually Anangabhimadeva defeated Ramapala and united the regions of Trikalinga (Utkala, Koshala and Kalinga) into a major empire famous in history as the Eastern Ganga empire of Kalinga. While Anangabhimadeva defeated the Palas successively and counquered southern Bengal, he had to face stiffer opposition in the south from the last great Chola, Kulottunga Chola. Since then the region of Bengal starting from the river Hooghly became the northern boundary of the Odishan emperors right from the Imperial Eastern Gangas to the mighty Gajapatis.
Blue star victim who?? me?? Are you out of your mind?? :rofl:

I thought u had potential,,u had more negatives than me a while ago but i raced way ahead of u man.:argh:
Bengali's say many Naga-worshipping tribes proceeded from Bengal as well as from other parts of Northern India to establish their supremacy in Tamil Nadu. Of these tribes, the Marans, the Cheras and the Pangala Thiraiyar interest us most. The Cheras, it is stated, proceeded to Southern India from the north-west of Pangala or Bengal and established the "Chera" kingdom of much historical note. It is significant that the Cheras are mentioned in the old Brahmin literature as occupying the eastern tract of the Magadba country.

As to the Marans, who are said to have been the neighbours of the Cheras in Northern India, it is equally important to note, that the Pandya kings claim to be of Maran descent. The Marans, who were also called Maravars, are reported to have been a very fierce and warlike people, and that they worshipped the goddess Kali on the top-knot of whose hair stood an infuriated cobra snake. The Pangala Thiraiyars are recorded as the latest immigrants, and it is narrated of them, that they proceeded from the sea coast of Bengal by boat and founded the Chola kingdom at Kanchi.

As the phrase Pangala or Bangala Thiraiyar is equivalent to (Tlra-Vanga), we can assert un- hesitatingly, that these people had received Aryan influence in Bengal before they left for the Madras coast.

So the question is who are cholas.
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Sounds scary man :tongue::tongue:

What I remember is that the chola kingdom had a great love for grand temple architecture. That'd be right up our alley.

Lungis of the world unite :yahoo:
Bengal Muslims have never been defeated by any Hindu's of India. One Mir Jafar gave our sovereignty to British and another Mir Jafar Mujib tried to give our sovereignty to Hindu India, but the fight is still ongoing. The result will come out in next 10-20 years.

Whatever defeat Bengal Hindu's suffered before arrival of Muslims on the scene in South Asia, does not count, because we Muslims defeated you all and we never lost Bengal to Hindu's and Inshallah we will never lose it.

So, what you are? A Turk, Persian, Afghan, Arab, or a Mughal? :lol:
However, Bengalis have ruled over Southern India for long, Gupta Empire, formed by the Guptas from present day Northern Bangladesh, was a huge empire conquering most of the subcontinent including parts of Tamil Nadu!

@kalu_miah won't be very happy with you if you keep on quoting coward Hindu empires like Guptas and Mauryas.
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