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Bangladesh Air Force

BAF has a total of 153 aircraft(incl helicopters), assuming all 16 Yak-130 delivered.
Bangladesh Army has 15 aircraft.
Bangladesh Navy has 4 aircraft.
Bangladesh Police has 2 helicopters.
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It's the first time I've seen a BAF MiG-29 firing something...


I don't understand the lack of interest about photography in our armed forces.
Pretty disappointing considering they take part in live fire exercise every year, but still no photos for general consumption.
Coast Guard has 2 Helicopters and Army has 18, Army has taken delivery of 6 Mil171sh recently
Coast guard is yet to take delivery of any choppers.
On army I have corrected, though as far as I am aware so far 3 Mi-17 delivered.Correct me if I am wrong by giving a source.
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I have seen a BAF MiG-29 armed with the same teeth - 2 R-27s,2 R-73s and 2 R-60s in live television. However,I believe have a very low number of missiles for MiG-29s ( Never seen more than 3 MiG-29s armed at the same time )
We bought around 100 more back in 2010

JF-17 a downgrade from BDAF mig-29?really?lol.
The F-7BGI is better than mig-29SE/SMT.
JF-17BLK-2 is better than anything BDAF currently fields,BLK-3 would be an overkill.
Go play somewhere else kiddo. F16 has a turn rate of 26. 24 with external tanks. Mig 29 has 28.
If that's the case then if-17 is better than Pakistani f-16 which is bullshit.
"12 MiG-29K and 4 MiG-29KUB contract signed in 20th January 2004 is worth Rs 3,405.61 crores as per CAG. For an exchange rate of 45.43 at that time, the amount translates to $749.7 million. Hence the average cost of a single MiG-29K is $46.9 million."

"The contracts for the jets also stipulate pilot training and aircraft maintenance, including the delivery of flight simulators and interactive ground and sea-based training systems. So the unit cost of the MiG-29K variant is still unknown".

Above is an excerpt from an article that speaks of Indian purchase of fulcrums along with the price in 2004. It was $46.9 million per unit. Prices were lower in terms of dollar in 1997---, but not what Begum Zia implied. During her 1st term, Hasina bought the 8 planes by only $11 million each. It was completely a friendship price because I have read some other materials that say the price was $15 million each at that time for a purchase of a large 50 units.

However, our stupid Khaleda initiated a policy of vengeance against Hasina claiming irregularities in the purchase of the Migs. This hypocrite tried to sell them to a 3rd country, and then filed a criminal case against Hasina, which she could not prove in the Court, anyway. Not only this, that Khaleda also made the frigate Bangabandhu a naval museum citing a high maintenance cost.

BNP government under Khaleda was against the military purchases that made military unhappy. On the contrary, Hasina understands what the military wants out of the govt., and she has been always showing positive mindedness in her tenures as the PM. Khaleda should understand why she cannot expect a military takeover whatever is the notorious & hooligan Awami domestic policy is.

46 mil so long ago ?? Never expected mig 29 to cost so.much but again twin engine fighter are twice as costly as single engine operating as well as intial cost, f16 was developed to address f15 high cost

Any western fighter will be more expensive and Russians do not have a single engine plus based on past experience does not leave much choice unless they adopt a trainer like l15 at 15 million or little more 20-30 mil jf/fc1 (pure chinese vs some europeans avionics)and j10 is 40/45 mil ???

Used f16 at 10/20 mil?? But may not be an.option mig 29 were/are option.perhpas due to long term financing by Russia ?? Time will tell
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Any news of 8 fighter aircraft procurement? which country going to supply? But only 8 !!, at least 16 should be procure at a time.:what::what::what:

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