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Bangladesh Air Force

Does not replicate the BoB context:

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We need to keep the line of blockade clear for our ships to sail in and out..

An Indian Naval Blockade would not be constrained by depth (see image above). The idea of a blockade is to block ships from sailing in and out of Bangladesh. India can enforce this 1100 km away from BD coast just to stretch out Bangladesh's military capabilities. You see what moronic leaders of 1947 deprived us of when they let go of A-N islands?

As for fifth gen: IAF will be a predominantly 4th gen fleet till 2040 so let us not worry about obsolescence just yet.
Bd has a bypass in this blockade if they have any deal with myanmar for bd shipping lanes to go through their waters, if such is still not the case then bd could use its navy to accompany its commercial shipping and pass through myanmar as long as they keep moving.
I would focus on air defence frigates and submarines 16 AD frigates with 8 submarines will punch a hole through any blockade by india
Bd has a bypass in this blockade if they have any deal with myanmar for bd shipping lanes to go through their waters, if such is still not the case then bd could use its navy to accompany its commercial shipping and pass through myanmar as long as they keep moving.
I would focus on air defence frigates and submarines 16 AD frigates with 8 submarines will punch a hole through any blockade by india

16 AD frigates will probably need to wait till 2040 to build up.

You are right to defeat IN blockade BD would need around this number of AD frigates as the 6 planned are nowhere near enough.
Bd has a bypass in this blockade if they have any deal with myanmar for bd shipping lanes to go through their waters, if such is still not the case then bd could use its navy to accompany its commercial shipping and pass through myanmar as long as they keep moving.
I would focus on air defence frigates and submarines 16 AD frigates with 8 submarines will punch a hole through any blockade by india
16 AD frigates will probably need to wait till 2040 to build up.

You are right to defeat IN blockade BD would need around this number of AD frigates as the 6 planned are nowhere near enough.
Please also consider the possibility of BN frigates taking hits from IN maritime strike aircraft, carrier battle groups, and potentially land based AShMs launched from Indian mainland coasts or A-N Islands. BAF would have a lot of work cut out for them to support BN if we want to be able to maintain open shipping lines against a naval blockade.
Please also consider the possibility of BN frigates taking hits from IN maritime strike aircraft, carrier battle groups, and potentially land based AShMs launched from Indian mainland coasts or A-N Islands. BAF would have a lot of work cut out for them to support BN if we want to be able to maintain open shipping lines against a naval blockade.

Yes BN cannot do it alone and needs to be supported by the BAF.

That is why over the medium term(5-10 years), BAF needs to get refuelling capability to allow it's fighters to fly deep into the Bay of Bengal.

Refurbished Gripen Cs are the ideal plane when you factor in cost, capability, geopolitics and obsolescence.
16 AD frigates will probably need to wait till 2040 to build up.

You are right to defeat IN blockade BD would need around this number of AD frigates as the 6 planned are nowhere near enough.
I’m sure 6 is to complement current fleet of 8-10 frigates. They’ll surely build more
I wonder about subs though, former navy officers did say submarines will be made locally
I’m sure 6 is to complement current fleet of 8-10 frigates. They’ll surely build more
I wonder about subs though, former navy officers did say submarines will be made locally

Well making subs is no picnic or walk in the park. We will need intense level of ToT and from looking at experiences of India and more importantly Pakistan, this is a steep challenge to climb technically. Lot of firsts.

Maybe some of the Pakistani Naval expert brothers including @Quwa bhai can comment.

That is why over the medium term(5-10 years), BAF needs to get refuelling capability to allow it's fighters to fly deep into the Bay of Bengal.

Maritime strike (and underway mission refueling capability) is something I have been advocating for years. Though our wartime stance is mainly defensive in nature, some of the offense committed by other belligerent actors (neighbors) will come from locations deep within the Bay of Bengal. We have to deter that somehow. We are very poorly equipped for that eventuality and scenario, whether from shoreline offense or naval offense viewpoints.

In the time of conflicts, we don't have _any_ air assets that can do extended patrols and enforce air-superiority around our territorial sea limits (or land limits, for that matter), either by themselves or using refueling. AWACS - even on a smaller scale (which Pakistan has acquired, along with much larger AWACS early warning platforms) is some sort of deterrent. The possibility of belligerents breaching our territory is not as improbable as everyone thinks it is. Right now breaching our territory is a cakewalk. Are we going to keep it that way?? Good question.

Well making subs is no picnic or walk in the park. We will need intense level of ToT and from looking at experiences of India and more importantly Pakistan, this is a steep challenge to climb technically. Lot of firsts.

Maybe some of the Pakistani Naval expert brothers including @Quwa bhai can comment.

Maritime strike (and underway mission refueling capability) is something I have been advocating for years. Though our wartime stance is mainly defensive in nature, some of the offense committed by other belligerent actors (neighbors) will come from locations deep within the Bay of Bengal. We have to deter that somehow. We are very poorly equipped for that eventuality and scenario, whether from shoreline offense or naval offense viewpoints.

In the time of conflicts, we don't have _any_ air assets that can do extended patrols and enforce air-superiority around our territorial sea limits (or land limits, for that matter), either by themselves or using refueling. AWACS - even on a smaller scale (which Pakistan has acquired, along with much larger AWACS early warning platforms) is some sort of deterrent. The possibility of belligerents breaching our territory is not as improbable as everyone thinks it is. Right now breaching our territory is a cakewalk. Are we going to keep it that way?? Good question.


You are being too kind. BAF currently lacks any kind of offensive capacity, BN has rudementary offensive capacity and BA has limited offensive capacity.

BD is fairly exposed and defensive posture self imposed due to economic reality needs to be gradually relaxed and we need to start taking defense seriously. Effective defence means that we need to fight in the enemies territory. The war must start and end there.
You are being too kind. BAF currently lacks any kind of offensive capacity, BN has rudementary offensive capacity and BA has limited offensive capacity.

BD is fairly exposed and defensive posture self imposed due to economic reality needs to be gradually relaxed and we need to start taking defense seriously. Effective defence means that we need to fight in the enemies territory. The war must start and end there.
I would like to disagree. BA at best can defend the land for a couple of months (6months at most) in a conventional war, I don’t see them being a offensive force at all, they’ll be able to cut off chickens neck and consolidate eastern holdings but they launch a complete invasion to West Bengal and beyond.
Navy too lacks behind despite huge improvement, will be able to hold for a few weeks against india, If we lose our state, it will be because of BAF. They’ll be watching on their radar screen unable to scramble if india viewed us like it does Pakistan.
You are being too kind. BAF currently lacks any kind of offensive capacity, BN has rudementary offensive capacity and BA has limited offensive capacity.

BD is fairly exposed and defensive posture self imposed due to economic reality needs to be gradually relaxed and we need to start taking defense seriously. Effective defence means that we need to fight in the enemies territory. The war must start and end there.
I would like to disagree. BA at best can defend the land for a couple of months (6months at most) in a conventional war, I don’t see them being a offensive force at all, they’ll be able to cut off chickens neck and consolidate eastern holdings but they launch a complete invasion to West Bengal and beyond.
Navy too lacks behind despite huge improvement, will be able to hold for a few weeks against india, If we lose our state, it will be because of BAF. They’ll be watching on their radar screen unable to scramble if india viewed us like it does Pakistan.

Well realizing that we have problems and gaps is a first step in resolving these gaps.

I'd be interested in the future steps (if any) the armed forces are taking - both operations and doctrine-wise. That is the crying need of the day, to look at inventive solutions to large military problems, such as keeping our sea lanes open for one thing and having the military wherewithal to enforce such doctrine.

Obviously these steps cannot take place in a vacuum, we need to hold talks with China in this regard. The Chinese Defence Minister arriving in Dhaka (even if he did not) is an excellent move, shows that they have interest. Whether his arrival was brushed off because of the resulting hoopla of the Godi Media, we don't know. But hopefully, covert talks are indeed underway.

IMHO - giving China refuel and patrol rights for their subs in our sea territory may not be a bad thing, as would be giving them rights to install a 19.8 KHz VLF/LF listening station, just like we gave the Indians. We need to make this more overt, if the belligerence from Indian side increases. I'm sure the PLA Navy would appreciate the favor to patrol in our waters, whether covertly or even overtly (in terms of 'friendly visits' every month). This is one way to counteract belligerence from neighbors. Balance in terms of geo-politics.

But I think the time is long since past where India or their media gets to call the shots about our defence or foreign policy. Someone needs to give Godi media a memo to worry more about China, rather than try to bully Bangladesh. All the a$$-whooping they got in Galwan and Aksai Chin wasn't clear enough, it seems.

We know our territory, borderlands and on-the-ground, close-to-the-ground realities (meaning military weaknesses and strengths), but when we start talking about clearer qualitative edges in future battleground techniques and technology and bigger doctrinal and strategy issues, we cannot resolve these issues in practical low cost fashion without consulting the Chinese, whether it be Navy or Army. Air Force in our case is still a question mark unless the 'disruptive change' in BAF with 4.5 gen. fighter induction actually occurs, which we've been hoping for, for a while now.

Push comes to shove, the military futures of China and Bangladesh are woven together - there is no doubt, as is our commercial and economic futures. That with Pakistan is as well, but Hasina's politics is preventing her from doing this. She can't see the big picture, the forest for the trees.

Ultimately, the military reality between our neighbors and us need to be re-cast in light of our economic development. Even if a single bullet is not fired - the intra-neighbor politics need to be re-assessed where their interference in our foreign policy (and intra-nation trade) is significantly lessened and their pundits and public need be informed as such. And any future adventurism in terms of refugee push in from Myanmar must not be allowed to happen, period.
@Michael Corleone Even Defseca has given up on fighter jet procurement beyond the approved 16 units before 2025 :lol: :

Despite my low opinions on BAF, I am still positive they will figure out single engine replacements by 2025 as the F-7MBs need urgent replacement. Actual induction is a different story.

Only Gripens, J-10s and F-16s fit the bill of "cost-effective fighters" as sought by Serniabat.
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@Michael Corleone Even Defseca has given up on fighter jet procurement beyond the approved 16 units before 2025 :lol: :

Despite my low opinions on BAF, I am still positive they will figure out single engine replacements by 2025 as the F-7MBs need urgent replacement. Actual induction is a different story.

Only Gripens, J-10s and F-16s fit the bill of "cost-effective fighters" as sought by Serniabat.
lol looks like i'm right... told them... didn't agree lool


" BAF isn't weak or strong " Eh this is where I have to disagree , BAF can't even defend against wannabe North Korea

But yeah the upcoming MRCA fighter will probably be western , I'm not sure when BAF will announce that they have made a deal.

The later we make a deal the more time it will take for our pilots to get use to the fighter jet itself. But both America and China is trying to control Bangladesh some way or the another.

But under this current Biden administration who's pro CCP I feel like Biden might let China take over Bangladesh's markets. Idk we'll see
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But under this current Biden administration who's pro CCP I feel like Biden might let China take over Bangladesh's markets. Idk we'll see
LOL...someone tends to buy into American right wing propaganda.
Watch/read independent and objective news sources such as The Intercept, Majority Report, Secular Talk, TMBS, Rising with Krystall Ball, etc. instead of mainstream media.

Biden admin will be a wee bit less corrupt sell outs to large corporations compared to Trump's but this will hardly impact export potential of the military industrial complex to Bangladesh.

If Bangladesh needs any American hardware, they should hire lobby firms to pay off Congressmen who are surprisingly cheap to buy.
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