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Bangladesh ahead of 40 countries in IMF’s IDI index

Pretty much zilch, cept how to claim things on paper because few (3rd party wise) care to actually look past the lack of credible data streams. When they do, the dissonance inevitably hits hard and is repressed by the BD Govt (eg. ESCAP assessment by the UN, and city liveability index by the economist).

You have been to India for example, but have you been to Bangladesh? How much Indian media articles (or articles about India) do you come across on average compared to Bangladesh for both? This is the underlying problem in its essence on this matter to the factor of thousands of times globally.

But when people actually look at how BD people are doing in 3rd party parts of the (esp developed) world relative to others (so a consistent framework exists to compare), or in the off chance they actually visit BD to gauge the reality for themselves (as the economist did for Dhaka)....they quickly find out something really nasty is going on with BD govt claims through its paper-based data, politically compromised propaganda dept known as BBS (this isnt from me at all, this is what the corruption indices, GDDS category and ESCAP assessment all point to....along with the scale of the dissonance, severe polarised atmosphere and political servitude prevalence).

I just think there's too much negativity, In these threads.. Surely all the data coming out cannot be flawed especially if it's verified by multi lateral agencies

I know posters here tend to get over hyped and over enthusiastic at times, Specially those who live abroad.. But it's their corner of the forum let them discuss among them as long as they do not belittle others without provocation

Nothing wrong in celebrating national achievements.. We all do

Most Bangbros are sensible likable folk.. But PDF does tend to bring out the worse as well
Why do you even need an opportunity!? Seen UAV footage of SUPA DUPA Indian army fight Chinese in dokhlam XD not to mention the fact that y’all use civilians for your armored personnel carrier in Kashmir. Go ahead. Show us xd

Again all matters over paygrade of the worst military/society in the world that is the Crying Swamp.

You lot literally dance in joy and offering your women (in some macabre form of purification from W. Pak fun with them?) when you see Indian tanks arriving in Dhaka LOL.

In your happiness you start slaughtering your own "jamati" "razakar" people right then and there as some kind of human sacrifice to appease your new earthly overlords and deities. Such good muslims you are at your happiest "victory" moment.

Then you have the GALL over here (at least that quack Doyal does) to cry that you were not allowed to sacrifice the Pak soldiers (who surrendered to and were disarmed by us... not you riffraff lot) this way too because Geneva conventions and Indian army got in the way of you. Then to top of it same quack (and posse) bitch and moan that Pakistan and Islamic world are their genuine best allies today because you got it right up the rear from MM and soon to be from Dada. What a sad spectacle of a people you are.

So yes give us an opportunity, we dont want to start crap with you....we dont start crap with anyone. But we sure do end it. You can start by removing HagSeena the India lover....or resisting what we are about to do after NRC is done in Assam late May....or just do both. But you wont haha.....you are the same country that just got shafted by one 3 times smaller right in front of everyone....and you seriously think you gonna stand up to one 7 times larger.

Surely all the data coming out cannot be flawed especially if it's verified by multi lateral agencies

That's the thing there is no real verification. No one in the IMF, UN, WB etc have a field agent team to do a random non-biased verification sample all around the world for every country. Their expertise is to give the rubric of standards, measure and advise on the official standards in use (which BD flaws already crop up in regarding say rejecting the ESCAP assessment) and do a few photo ops of hand picked cases for later article creation on whatever topic.

All the data in use is largely unverified and is done by the country's statistical institute. Hence how credible a country is in regards to that is a relevant discussion to me. No one is really going to believe North Korea mortality rate (and derived life expectancy) claims when satellites show the concentration camps/forced labour campe for example. Everything else in the developing world is some scaled version of that eg of absolute instance....in BD its pretty bad if you look at the 3rd party analysis on various metrics.
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Again all matters over paygrade of the worst military/society in the world that is the Crying Swamp.

You lot literally dance in joy and offering your women (in some macabre form of purification from W. Pak fun with them?) when you see Indian tanks arriving in Dhaka LOL.

In your happiness you start slaughtering your own "jamati" "razakar" people right then and there as some kind of human sacrifice to appease your new earthly overlords and deities. Such good muslims you are at your happiest "victory" moment.

Then you have the GALL over here (at least that quack Doyal does) to cry that you were not allowed to sacrifice the Pak soldiers (who surrendered to and were disarmed by us... not you riffraff lot) this way too because Geneva conventions and Indian army got in the way of you. Then to top of it same quack (and posse) bitch and moan that Pakistan and Islamic world are their genuine best allies today because you got it right up the rear from MM and soon to be from Dada. What a sad spectacle of a people you are.

So yes give us an opportunity, we dont want to start crap with you....we dont start crap with anyone. But we sure do end it. You can start by removing HagSeena the India lover....or resisting what we are about to do after NRC is done in Assam late May....or just do both. But you wont haha.....you are the same country that just got shafted by one 3 times smaller right in front of everyone....and you seriously think you gonna stand up to one 7 times larger.

That's the thing there is no real verification. No one in the IMF, UN, WB etc have a field agent team to do a random non-biased verification sample all around the world for every country. Their expertise is to give the rubric of standards, measure and advise on the official standards in use (which BD flaws already crop up in regarding say rejecting the ESCAP assessment) and do a few photo ops of hand picked cases for later article creation on whatever topic.

All the data in use is largely unverified and is done by the country's statistical institute. Hence how credible a country is in regards to that is a relevant discussion to me. No one is really going to believe North Korea mortality rate (and derived life expectancy) claims when satellites show the concentration camps/forced labour campe for example. Everything else in the developing world is some scaled version of that eg of absolute instance....in BD its pretty bad if you look at the 3rd party analysis on various metrics.
Says the guy with one chapati and dal army.

Speaking of happiness and joy, these savages need to shove a rod up a woman’s *** because of their peculiar insecurities of seducing and pleasuring a woman. Dumps thousands of gallons of milk on stones they call god... while people of their own faith are treated bad and divided into inferiority.

Again, quick to dissociate from southern banana leaf eating Indians yet sums up 160 million people based on two peoples opinion... the hypocrisy.

As for starting crap, you were about to show us something, not us asking you to show us, why backtrack!? And as for finishing stuff, bitch please got whipped by China in 62 and again in 17 and that too on another countries turf, the only place y’all finish stuff is in decades of Bollywood movies like GHAZI ATTAK XD. Finishing stuff pfft..... :disagree::wave:
Says the guy with one chapati and dal army.

Speaking of happiness and joy, these savages need to shove a rod up a woman’s *** because of their peculiar insecurities of seducing and pleasuring a woman. Dumps thousands of gallons of milk on stones they call god... while people of their own faith are treated bad and divided into inferiority.

Again, quick to dissociate from southern banana leaf eating Indians yet sums up 160 million people based on two peoples opinion... the hypocrisy.

As for starting crap, you were about to show us something, not us asking you to show us, why backtrack!? And as for finishing stuff, bitch please got whipped by China in 62 and again in 17 and that too on another countries turf, the only place y’all finish stuff is in decades of Bollywood movies like GHAZI ATTAK XD. Finishing stuff pfft..... :disagree::wave:

Their border men (Indo - BD border) look malnourished and unfit and those are the very people who are meant to represent a 'juggernaut' nation.

This is why we don't take Indians seriously on here.
Says the guy with one chapati and dal army.

Speaking of happiness and joy, these savages need to shove a rod up a woman’s *** because of their peculiar insecurities of seducing and pleasuring a woman. Dumps thousands of gallons of milk on stones they call god... while people of their own faith are treated bad and divided into inferiority.

Again, quick to dissociate from southern banana leaf eating Indians yet sums up 160 million people based on two peoples opinion... the hypocrisy.

As for starting crap, you were about to show us something, not us asking you to show us, why backtrack!? And as for finishing stuff, bitch please got whipped by China in 62 and again in 17 and that too on another countries turf, the only place y’all finish stuff is in decades of Bollywood movies like GHAZI ATTAK XD. Finishing stuff pfft..... :disagree::wave:

Again the criticism/commentary only means something coming from Chinese (or another that matters and can talk) in first place....and the conversation can proceed over there among the relevant parties.

Cheerleader ingrates coming from such kind of street sweeping pole vaulting low IQ stock means zilch:


Then the worst part is when they try to blow themselves up with underwear bombs in subways in the countries that took them in, and fail at even that.

But seeing you get triggered and further sewering your own topics is always quite enjoyable:


Now go enjoy moaning at Rohingyas living where they came from and BD having an eternal sissy cry about it. A good prequel to NRC. BD the cunt-ry that always gets shafted!....should be a movie.
That's the thing there is no real verification. No one in the IMF, UN, WB etc have a field agent team to do a random non-biased verification sample all around the world for every country. Their expertise is to give the rubric of standards, measure and advise on the official standards in use (which BD flaws already crop up in regarding say rejecting the ESCAP assessment) and do a few photo ops of hand picked cases for later article creation on whatever topic.

All the data in use is largely unverified and is done by the country's statistical institute. Hence how credible a country is in regards to that is a relevant discussion to me. No one is really going to believe North Korea mortality rate (and derived life expectancy) claims when satellites show the concentration camps/forced labour campe for example. Everything else in the developing world is some scaled version of that eg of absolute instance....in BD its pretty bad if you look at the 3rd party analysis on various metrics.

Well bro atleast you come up with counter facts and figures why you dont agree on some of these claims, Fair dinkum but most other Indian posters here tend to just troll without reason and derail threads
Again the criticism/commentary only means something coming from Chinese (or another that matters and can talk) in first place....and the conversation can proceed over there among the relevant parties.

Cheerleader ingrates coming from such kind of street sweeping pole vaulting low IQ stock means zilch:


Then the worst part is when they try to blow themselves up with underwear bombs in subways in the countries that took them in, and fail at even that.

But seeing you get triggered and further sewering your own topics is always quite enjoyable:


Now go enjoy moaning at Rohingyas living where they came from and BD having an eternal sissy cry about it. A good prequel to NRC. BD the cunt-ry that always gets shafted!....should be a movie.
It also means something when it’s coming from a nation whose soldiers don’t go to nature’s call in the river xD

Rohyngas are welcome unlike the rohyngas in India. Worry about your own shit stink boi
Go BD go

According to the WHO, 40% of Indians defecate outdoors. The Indian government, which is in the midst of a fierce campaign against open defecation, disputes that, and claims to have cut the number of rural people relieving themselves outside from 550m to 250m since 2014. Either way, that is still far behind Bangladesh.

Go BD go

Though it is still one of Asia’s poorest countries, with only half the GDP per person of India, Bangladesh now has a child-mortality rate lower than India or Pakistan, and indeed lower than the world average.
Well bro atleast you come up with counter facts and figures why you dont agree on some of these claims, Fair dinkum but most other Indian posters here tend to just troll without reason and derail threads

Its the over-use by the BD ppl here (about development optics/data etc) that actually made me commit some time to looking up what are the metrics of a country's underlying credibility actually. Before that something I didnt really know all that much about (except in the grandiose dissonance cases throughout the modern era like North Korea, Cuba, Albania, larger communist bloc during the cold war etc...). One of the few things I credit the IMF for actually (despite all their serious flaws).

If BD can improve on these, its not like I will still hold to my guns that its all fake (I don't really say its all fake here right now, just it has some aura of question-ability to trumpet all the time esp against countries that rate better on it). The valuable lessons on the ground still apply regardless (of the deployed effective scale) too. But this kind of talk has long slipped away from the subforum sadly.

I was pleasantly surprised to see SL is SDDS category (iirc it was in GDDS not too long ago) in IMF standards....AND validated the ESCAP assessment too. This makes your credibility fairly high on the socio economic metrics.

Hope SL improves its corruption ratings (largely in the region with India tho) and also its credit rating (the debt burden taken on recently is not doing it good)....these are longer term issues of course.

It also means something when it’s coming from a nation whose soldiers don’t go to nature’s call in the river xD

Wait this is coming from the guy who had human excrement thrown on him from the balconies of Dhaka while he was stuck in the traffic to Wari? LOL

I really don't wanna know how your "soldiers" relieve themselves, best not to think about it actually lol.

Rohyngas are welcome unlike the rohyngas in India.

Course they are welcome with you. They are Bangladeshis after all. Notice how India is called India?....i.e illegal Bangladeshis are not welcome here.

@Aung Zaya
Its the over-use by the BD ppl here (about development optics/data etc) that actually made me commit some time to looking up what are the metrics of a country's underlying credibility actually. Before that something I didnt really know all that much about (except in the grandiose dissonance cases throughout the modern era like North Korea, Cuba, Albania, larger communist bloc during the cold war etc...). One of the few things I credit the IMF for actually (despite all their serious flaws).

If BD can improve on these, its not like I will still hold to my guns that its all fake (I don't really say its all fake here right now, just it has some aura of question-ability to trumpet all the time esp against countries that rate better on it). The valuable lessons on the ground still apply regardless (of the deployed effective scale) too. But this kind of talk has long slipped away from the subforum sadly.

I was pleasantly surprised to see SL is SDDS category (iirc it was in GDDS not too long ago) in IMF standards....AND validated the ESCAP assessment too. This makes your credibility fairly high on the socio economic metrics.

Hope SL improves its corruption ratings (largely in the region with India tho) and also its credit rating (the debt burden taken on recently is not doing it good)....these are longer term issues of course.

Wait this is coming from the guy who had human excrement thrown on him from the balconies of Dhaka while he was stuck in the traffic to Wari? LOL

I really don't wanna know how your "soldiers" relieve themselves, best not to think about it actually lol.

Course they are welcome with you. They are Bangladeshis after all. Notice how India is called India?....i.e illegal Bangladeshis are not welcome here.

@Aung Zaya
First off a tennis ball by a juvenile, now don’t tell me your juveniles don’t do stupid shit... kids from 2000s onwards are the worst.

Yes because then it brings shame to you because pictures are floating on the internet of how your soldiers does. XD

This nigga is gonna play cheap shots now just to win, rohyngas are Bengalis then how come we need a translator to translate what they say. Not worth even replying to.
First off a tennis ball by a juvenile, now don’t tell me your juveniles don’t do stupid shit... kids from 2000s onwards are the worst.

Yes because then it brings shame to you because pictures are floating on the internet of how your soldiers does. XD

So the grandiose poverty in operation in BD (inability to afford cameras or anything really) combined with authoritarian corrupt control = factual basis for lack of something happening. Enver Hoxha would be proud....Stalin wouldn't care :P

And you were the one that talked about "Garbage being thrown from the balconies in Dhaka"....like we all need to wonder what that garbage consisted of. Its probably brown, "organic" and directly human made. So yeah when thats how your people live en masse, its not really worth thinking what your pissant peasant "army" does when it isnt busy planning and executing Pilkhanas. I bet the whole concept of golf for even the "officers" is to crap in a hole rather than put a ball into it LOL.

I bet these enlightened, high quality and representative of their ilk BeeDees never crapped openly on land and sea in every country in the way of their shamelessness right?:


Why is it that you have 7 times less population than us but send 100000 times more ingrate refugees on the back of the Syria and Libya war situation? Then you want us to believe you are credible at all on when it comes to crapping outside? You are literally crap yourselves....probably because of all that millenia of living in the crap we defecated and sent your rotten way to drink, eat from and bathe in. That is always what you are and what you always will be.....

you were slaves you are slaves and you will remain slaves

if BBS (Bangla Bull Shit) aka BD govt can give you a little respite on paper for the feelz, just like it did in the 1971 fakery feelz....enjoy it.....no one else gives a shit, literally....you have plenty right from birth and all around you and right inside you infecting your DNA and intelligence....not worth trying to compete with that.
Then you want us to believe you are credible at all on when it comes to crapping outside?

OK, plenty of pictures of Indians defecating on beaches etc.

Please provide some in BD to support your opinions.

I just love how all these Indian trolls write long paragraphs. I just love the burn. I'm just gonna say one thing.


Also @Nilgiri is a vicious human. I wonder what happened in his childhood that he is so negative about everything in this subforum

He was pro-BD when he joined in 2015 and is now butt-hurt.:(:(
I just love how all these Indian trolls write long paragraphs. I just love the burn. I'm just gonna say one thing.


Also @Nilgiri is a vicious human. I wonder what happened in his childhood that he is so negative about everything in this subforum

I love how you cry about it. Its what BeeDees are known for, thanks for enforcing the stereotype even more.

Please provide some in BD to support your opinions.

Can ask Italian coastguard about it LOL. Really go have a read about the quality of your people arriving on Europes shores. Plenty of forums dedicated now to the subject, have a google search, go have a read and participate there to your hearts content :D

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