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Bangladesh ahead of 40 countries in IMF’s IDI index

Bhaisaab you have to connect with reality at some point.

Even as an outsider you have to see that we have done more in social and inclusive development with half of India's GDP. And with corruption which is (I'd posit) twice what they have.

And their flimsy excuse is they are a 'juggernaut' country.

Sach baat sach raheey....
So ? what's the problem, I already said good for Bd, and I'm also asking others to be kind.
You can visit their site: http://www.waltonbd.com/index.php?route=common/home
They have quite decent R&D facilities and their production facility is equal to that of a mid size SEZ.

Btw going through their website, it looks like Walton has now started to design and manufacture elevators as well, it came as a surprise.

@Bilal9 @Homo Sapiens @UKBengali @Khan saheb

In every product they decide to go into they will indigenize to basic level to be competitive.

They did it with cellphones (motherboard and components manufacture), they did it with aircons and refrigerators (local compressor manufacture) and they will also do it with lifts (local manufacture of high quality 3-phase induction motors with variable voltage/frequency or VVVF electronic control drives).

Eventually very few companies can compete with them locally (even Samsung/LG with local assembly) and even for export business.

Of course - all this competition helps local value addition and jobs.
So ? what's the problem, I already said good for Bd, and I'm also asking others to be kind.


Success for any company for Bangladesh is success for everyone in Pakistan too - and vice versa.

Although not relevant here, I am personally not anti-Pakistani, if you've seen my posts.

Eastern Asian people eat the most fish in the world, their IQ is off the chart.

My father quoted his Pakistani colleagues back in the day - "Machhli khanesey Bangali-ka brain khol jata hai."

I guess North Indian Sanghis really hate omega-3 fatty acids and what it does for your brain. :lol:

South Indians are fish-eaters too (in Kerala).

You add all that juggernaut together, you get one mother of all juggernaut failure known as India !!

Bhai don't be so cruel. :lol:

They have their issues too I guess. But yeah India has lost the drive which they tried to revive the wrong way using Hindu nationalism which is the wrong approach.

It's sad to see sane Indians suffer under the yoke of Chaiwala and his Hindu extremist bandwagon....
Brother I have observed a specialty of this filth sakra .

There are other sanghis too in this forum .
But this specific filth named @Śakra is the most vicious . Do you observe the speciality of this specific filth ?
This filth even can't bash bangladesh using any logic or even any argument based on their fake documents. Just derail any thread only because s/he needs to derail it.
Other filths atleast try to fight , but this sakra filth only tag other sanghis with complete BS one or two sentence remark and tag his/her gang .
So that the gang can abuse BD.

So basically only one thing this pervert can do and that is just make a fire and put kerosene on it .
Such a poisonous snake s/h is!
I have no idea why moderators don't see the work of this snake .


Well I'm sure the mods know who are the consistent troublemakers and who contributes to productive discussion and promotes harmony.

I have faith in the mods' observation and patience. I have 'ignored' Sakra in his/her profile as with many other Sanghis. That is what the mods ask us to do instead of tagging/replying to their posts.

I fly off the handle quite a lot though - bad habit I'm trying to manage. I could never be a mod.
Guys, I am not being over optimistic here but we are beginning to witness E Asian style super-growth here.

BD is far, far ahead of the rest of S Asia in inclusive economic development that it is not funny anymore now.

I may sound like a broken record but BD now has two ingredients that both India and Pakistan lack - ethnic homogeneity and virtual one-party governance. These are both traits that E Asian countries like S Korea, Japan, China and Singapore had for many decades.
You are talking about the establishment of colonial rule.

But even before that, Bengal was the most lucrative region for trade for the European powers since it was the wealthiest region in South Asia. Not only the British, even the French, Dutch, Portuguese all were headquartered in Bengal to conduct their regional trade.

Bengal was a very industrialized region of the ancient world. Shipbuilding was spread around the cost (especially in Chittagong area) while more inland there were textile industries and metallurgical enterprises which were mostly export orineted concerns. Handmade Bengal Muslin was the envy of the world. Which prompted the British to ruin it locally so they could sell their cheap machine-made fabrics worldwide. Read the following story that was published in AramcoWorld magazine.


Our Story of Dhaka Muslin
  • May/June 2016 PDF Written by Khademul Islam

In 1828, this casual-wear stole was woven of finest Bengal cotton and exported to Dresden, Germany, where it was embroidered in motifs to suit the European market.

The cloth is like the light vapours of dawn.

Chinese traveler to India,
629-45 ce

I FIRST HEARD OF MUSLIN on a hot summer night in Karachi, Pakistan. It was sometime in the late 1960s. I was at the verandah table arm-wrestling with my school homework. My father was at the other end drinking tea. I can’t recall now how the subject came up, but I probably asked him something about the British colonial times. It was a topic on which he held forth occasionally. He must have answered me, for he always did. Then—and from here on my recollection is clear—he said, “Muslin.” Not knowing what muslin was, I looked at him questioningly. “Our muslin. The British destroyed it.”

“What’s muslin?”

Muslin, he said, was the name of a legendary cloth made of cotton, fit for emperors, which used to be made way back in the past. Muslin from Dacca had been the finest, he said, from where it used to be shipped to the far corners of the world.

“Dacca?” I asked, surprised.


Pakistan from 1947 to 1971 consisted of two parts geographically separated by 1,500 kilometers. At one side of the Indian subcontinent, bordering Burma, was East Pakistan, which became Bangladesh. On the other side, bordering Afghanistan and Iran, was West Pakistan, which became present-day Pakistan. We were Bengalis from East Pakistan, whose capital was Dacca, which is now spelled Dhaka. It was then a provincial town in which rickshaws plied quiet streets beneath a modest skyline. Its old quarter by the river Buriganga was a maze of lanes, redolent with Nawabi-style cooking. Life was slow. A major outing for the family was going either to one of the two Chinese restaurants or to a movie at one of the four cinema halls. To be told now that it had been world-famous for a kind of cotton cloth was a bit of a shock.

But muslin, my father said, was no more.

“What happened?”

“The British,” he said, “wanted to sell their own cotton goods, and they destroyed the local industry. In Dhaka, the weavers disappeared. So did their muslin.”

A pause. Then he added, “They say the British cut off the thumbs of the weavers so that they couldn’t make muslin anymore.” And with that, he got up from his chair and walked away.

Generations of Bengali girls and boys have grown up with this legend, largely apocryphal, but in its arc and symbolism, an indelible metaphor. The story of muslin is one of contrasts and opposites: of artistry and murder, of splendor and penury, of loss and memory.


By the 17th century, Bengali muslin was associated with the power and elegance of the Mughal court in India, as shown in this 1665 depiction of princes Dara Shikoh and Sulaiman Shikoh Nimbate.

MUSLIN FESTIVAL 2016 was held in Dhaka from February 6 to 8, with seminars, workshops, the launch of the comprehensive book, Muslin: Our Story, and a preview of a documentary video, “Legend of the Loom.” An evening program on the grounds of the old mansion of the Dhaka nawabs featured a sound and light show, a dance drama and a runway of models in saris of contemporary muslin. The centerpiece of the festival was the exhibition “Muslin Revival,” held throughout the month of February at the National Museum.

At the entrance to the exhibition, I walked into a long, narrow space with hundreds of cotton threads—thin at the top and swelling to thicker dimensions at the bottom—suspended from the high ceiling, blown by fans. Twirling and spinning in the dark air, their motion replicated the action of cotton yarn being soaked in the flowing waters of Bengal’s rivers.


A cloth shop in 18th-century India. As early as the 10th century, one Arab traveler observed that “these garments ... [are] woven to that degree of fineness that they may be drawn through a ring of a middling size.”

THE WORD “MUSLIN” is popularly believed to derive from Marco Polo’s description of the cotton trade in Mosul, Iraq. (The Bengali term is mul mul.) A more modern view is that of fashion historian Susan Greene, who wrote that the name arose in the 18th century from mousse, the French word for “foam.”

Muslin today has come to mean almost any lightweight, gauzy, mostly inexpensive, machine-milled cotton cloth. The word has lost all connection to the handwoven fabric that once came exclusively from Bengal. Cotton, stated the historian Fernand Braudel, was first used by the ancient civilizations on the Indus, while the art of weaving itself has been traced back to much earlier times. This head start perhaps was why ancient India became proficient in making cotton textiles. They became a staple export commodity to the Roman Empire, and they expanded in volume in the Middle Ages with the growth of the “maritime Silk Road” in the Indian Ocean.

From the very first, Bengal was in the lead. As textile historians John and Felicity Wild noted, while a great many varieties of “largely plain cotton” were produced in the three areas of Gujarat, the Coromandel Coast and Bengal, “it was the east coast and especially the Ganges Valley [that] offered the finest qualities.”

Arab merchants came to dominate the Indian Ocean trade from the eighth century onward, when considerable volumes of Bengal’s cotton textiles began to reach Basra and Baghdad, as well as Makkah via Hajj pilgrims. To the east, it went to Java and China, where in the early 14th century the traveler Ibn Battuta wrote that it was highly prized. He noted that among the presents sent by the Delhi Sultan Muhammad ibn Tughluq to the Yuan emperor in China were 100 pieces each of five varieties of cloth: Four were from Bengal, named by Ibn Battuta as bayrami, salahiyya, shirinbaf and shanbaf.


Thriving only along riverbanks near Dhaka and to its south, Gossypium arboreum var. neglecta, known locally as phuti karpas, was spun to create threads that maintained tensile strength at counts higher than any other cotton species. But phuti karpas defied transplanting to other locations, and British colonial policy eliminated it: Although cultivars may remain, they are unconfirmed. This sample is preserved in Kolkata, India.

While all travelers to the region waxed lyrical about Bengal’s fine cotton cloth, it was the first-century ce Roman author Petronius who, in Satyricon,formulated the dominant trope about muslin as ventus textilis(woven wind): “Thy bride might as well clothe herself with a garment of the wind as stand forth publicly naked under her clouds of muslin.”

SO WHAT MADE IT SO SPECIAL, so translucent, so softly gossamer? How did Dhaka—and only Dhaka—produce this finest of muslin?

This question lay at the heart of the exhibition. Wall-mounted videos showed each step of this lost art, from the sloping riverbanks where cotton plants flourished to the final bales of muslin ready for shipping. The waters of the great Meghna river sloshed on speakers and heaved on a huge screen as a background refrain to a display of manuscripts, documents, photos and illustrations, books and coins, tools of the trade—including a startlingly fine-toothed boalee (catfish) jawbone that even now seemingly strained to catch debris from raw cotton—Gandhian spinning wheels, a rough-hewn country boat, a full-sized handloom and a series of muslin dresses scrupulously recreated from famous collections.

THE PRODUCTION PROCESS FOR DHAKA MUSLINwas spectacularly demanding from beginning to end. The cotton plant itself, phuti karpas (Gossypium arboreum var. neglecta), not only was unique to the area, but also only grew, as the British Commercial Resident in Dhaka James Taylor wrote in 1800, in “a tract of land … twelve miles southeast of Dacca, along the banks of the Meghna.”

All attempts—and there were many—to grow it outside that one natural habitat failed. Its fibers were the silkiest of all. Contrary to all cotton logic, when soaked in the Meghna’s waters they shrank instead of swelling and dissolving. Alternate sections of its ribbon-like structure flattened and actually became stronger so that even the ultra-thin thread spun from it could withstand the stress when wound in the frame of the loom.


Lined with countless fine, razor-sharp teeth, the upper jaw of a boalee (catfish) was used for combing karpas (raw cotton) to clean it before ginning and spinning.


A few of the more than 50 tools used by specialists to make the muslin weaver’s shana (ultrafine-toothed reed comb) from a dense bamboo called mahal that allows for the setting of more than 1,000 teeth per meter. On a loom, shanas keep separation among spiderweb-thin warp threads.


Fourth-generation cotton farmer Mohammad Nasim, of Gazipur, Bangladesh. Although Bangladesh is today a major exporter of ready-made cotton clothing, since the colonial era it has imported all but a fraction of the industry’s cotton.

This thread was spun in intensely humid conditions, usually in the morning and evening, and then only by young women, whose supple fingers worked with water bowls around them to moisten the air, or else beside riverbanks or on moored boats. They often sang as they spun, and if the river was shrouded in fog, passing travelers brought back tales of muslin being made by mermaids singing in the mist.

Even the seeds for the next planting season were specially treated to keep them ready to germinate. After being carefully selected and dried in the sun, they were put in an earthen pot in which ghee (clarified butter) had been kept. Its mouth was sealed airtight, then it was hung from the ceiling of the hut at the height of an average individual over the kitchen fire to keep it moderately warm.

The most delicate, the very lightest of fibers were spun into muslin thread, and this was obtained by using a dhunkar, a bamboo bow tautly strung with catgut. The special bow for muslin cotton was small, and only women did the work—presumably because a light touch was needed. When it was strummed (dhun also means a light raga in classical Indian music) in a distinctive way, the lightest fleece from the cotton pile separated from the heavier fibers and rose into the air. One theory is that the strumming, by vibrating the air over the cotton pile, reduced its pressure enough to allow the very lightest fibers to be pulled upward. It was these finest of fibers—a mere eight percent of the total cotton harvest—that went into the making of the finest muslin.

Indeed, Dhaka muslin was woven out of air.

IT WAS LATE IN THE AFTERNOON when I left the museum and hopped on a rickshaw to head home. All around me cars, buses, vans, auto-rickshaws and motorbikes screeched, squealed and caterwauled. Crowds jammed the pavements, spilling on to the streets. Beggars implored; urchins scurried. Dhaka by any measure is the most crowded city in the world, a metropolis lightyears removed from the small town I had known when I first heard of muslin as a boy. It seemed unreal that this was the place that had once produced that fabled fabric. It seemed even more improbable still that it would do so ever again.

And yet, hanging airily from the ceiling at the exhibition, there was a freshly woven length of transparent cotton labeled, “New Age Muslin.”

MUGHAL EMPERORS wore dresses made of Dhaka muslin, and this became another crucial signifier of its quality. In the Mughal scheme of things, all authority and power was vested in the emperor, who manifested a God-given “radiance.” The display of pomp and the magnificence of the imperial lifestyle, therefore, was not merely personal gratification as much as it was political expression, an essential display of the empire’s grandeur. Muslin, by being worn by the emperor, became a part of the Mughal apparatus of power.

Few dynasties in the world have had the artistic sensibilities of the Mughal emperors, which they displayed in remarkably integrated forms of architecture, literature, gardens, painting, calligraphy, vast imperial libraries, public ceremonies and carpets. The Mughals often embellished their muslin-wear with Persian-derived motifs called buti and embroidery known as chikankari. More crucially, they incorporated it within their aesthetic framework, giving names that drew on the idioms and images of classical Persian poetry for the different varieties of muslin: abrawan (flowing water); shabnam (evening dew); tanzeb (ornament of the body); nayansukh (pleasing to the eye); and more. Although Bengal was ruled by Muslims from the 13th century onwards, it was Emperor Akbar’s general Islam Khan who re-cast Dhaka as Bengal’s capital, giving it distinct Mughal contours. It was during Akbar’s half century of reign in the late 16th century that mulmul khas (“special clothing,” or muslin diaphanously fine) began to be made exclusively for the emperor and the imperial household. It was Akbar again who deemed muslin suitable for India’s summers and who designed the Mughal jama, men’s outerwear with fitted top and a pleated skirt falling to below the knees.

There are many stories about the translucent quality of the mulmul khas. One of the most enduring is that of Emperor Aurangzeb chiding his daughter princess Zeb-un-Nisa, a poet well-versed in astronomy, mathematics and Islamic theology, for appearing in transparent dress in court. She replied, to the astonishment of her father, that her dress, in fact, consisted of seven separate layers of muslin.

A HANDLOOM RESTED ON THE FLOOR at the exhibition, the kind that once wove muslin. It was the Indian pit treadle loom, one that has remained relatively unchanged over roughly 4,000 years. It was a thing of bamboo and rope, at which the weaver sat with his feet in a pit dug below to operate the treadles. I walked around it, looking at it from all sides, baffled that this rudimentary construction had snared whole empires in its almost invisible threads.


Although muslin weaving is nearly non-existent today, pit-loom workshops such as this one in Sonargaon, near Dhaka, continue to produce jamdanisaris, which most likely take their name from Persian words meaning a vase of flowers. Delicate yet far less fine than true muslin, jamdani is made by weavers who have kept alive the tradition of fine weaving in Bangladesh.
Yet as one weaver pointed out wryly, he could earn twice as much in a factory, so “being a weaver makes little sense. It’s more a habit than a profession.”

Weaving is as old as Bengal, conspicuously present in its oldest literature. In the Charyapadas of the 10th century, written on palm leaves in the oldest form of the Bengali language yet known, the loom, yarn and weaving represent mystical concepts. Weavers populate the mangalkavyas written by medieval Bengali poets; they are also present in older ballads, chants and songs as well as depicted in terra-cotta.

On the museum walls were photos of weavers and spinners, the women and men behind the magic fabric. Faces of rural Bengal—sunburnt, lean, teeth stained with paan, stoic. It was impossibly backbreaking, mind-numbing labor, supported fore and aft by large groups of farmers, washers, cleaners, dyers, sewers, embroiderers and balers, all organized, in typically Indian fashion, by religion and caste.

How did they do it? How did they make a storied cloth that, when wet with evening dew, became invisible against the grass below? German scholar Annemarie Schimmel put it well when she wrote of their “unsurpassed ability to create amazing works of art with tools which appear extremely primitive today.… Who today could weave the fabric described as ‘woven air’?”

DHAKA’S MUSLIN was felled by colonialism’s potent mix of the Industrial Revolution and the Maxim gun. Before that fall, though, there was another rise. Europeans came to India at the beginning of the 16th century and were astonished not only at the quality and volume of its cotton textiles, but also by its extensive, far-flung trade. Soon Indian cotton textiles were exported more than ever to Europe, in exponentially increasing volumes, with Bengal taking the lion’s share. Fortunes were made. As the economist K. N. Chaudhuri noted, from the earliest times “exports from eastern India … were a perennial source of prosperity to merchants of every nation.”

The Muslin festival capped two years of intensive research


On view in February at the Bangladesh National Museum in Dhaka, the exhibition “Muslin Revival” drew more than 10,000 visitors a day, setting a record for the most-visited exhibit to date.



At its peak, muslin was on display at the French court where, at the close of the 18th century, Empress Josephine’s muslin dresses set the course for the Empire Line style in France and later in Regency-era Britain. That style centered around muslin, since only “filmy muslin,” wrote Christine Kortsch, author of Dress Culture in Late Victorian Women’s Fiction, “clung Greek-like to the body … and no color would do but white.”

But muslin’s days were numbered. The British colonial apparatus, whether in the form of the East India Company or as direct rule by the Crown, was a vast extractive machine. So too had been the Mughal state, which had herded the weavers into designated workshops called kothis to labor in harsh, even punitive, conditions. But compared to the pitiless operations of the British, the Mughals were models of mercy. On one side, both Company and Crown squeezed the farmers and the weavers until nothing was left, then squeezed some more. On the other, a factory-produced, mass-product “muslin” rolled off the newly invented power looms in Lancashire cotton mills. Aided by a raft of tariffs, duties and taxes, British cotton textiles flooded not only the European markets, but the Indian ones as well, bringing Bengal’s handloom cotton industry, and muslin, to its knees.

Along the riverbanks, phuti karpas became extinct. Famines swept through the previously fertile land of Bengal, and spinners and weavers changed occupations, fled from their villages or starved. Only jamdani, known as “figured muslin” due to the flower and abstract motifs woven on it, survived to the present times.


In the Bangla language, a place where muslin was made and sold was called arong, and the largest arong was at Panam Nagar, in Sonargaon, where the East India Company factory was located. It now stands as a reminder of how what was once the cloth of emperors was felled by an industrializing, colonial economy.

THE MUSLIN FESTIVAL culminated an arduous two-year effort by a small research team affiliated with Drik Picture Library, a Dhaka nonprofit that began in the 1990s and has since evolved into a cultural institution aiming to change representations of Bangladesh. At Drik’s offices, where youthful energy and defiant political posters underline a buoyant commitment to social issues, I talked with Saiful Islam, its ceo and author of the exhibition’s book Muslin: Our Story (and, I should add, my younger brother). He and his team pursued cotton species and fabrics; sought out vanishing communities of handloom weavers and spinners; and interviewed historians and fashion designers on three continents as well across the length and breadth of Bangladesh.

“I have many wonderful memories,” he said. “Once, when I was staying overnight with one weaver family, they laid out a hearty supper. Afterwards, when I wanted to sleep, they brought in a bed that had been made specially for my stay. I was a city guy, and they wouldn’t let me sleep in the rough. Our village folks might be poor, but they are amazingly hospitable.”

Drik, partnering with the National Museum and Aarong (the crafts division of brac, the globally known ngo based in Bangladesh), capped its efforts by recreating a fabric close to the muslin of old: “New Age Muslin.” It has located a plant that could be the phuti karpas. “We will know for sure,” he said, “once the complex lab tests are done.” It was also gratifying, he said, “to see the general rise in the public awareness of the extent to which muslin is part of Bangladesh’s heritage and history.” But “it is now up to Bangladesh, its government and people, to take it forward.”

Dhaka’s muslin awaits the next chapter of its history. So does, I am sure, my father, who died in 1984, but who is no doubt looking down from somewhere up there with considerable interest.


Weaving age-old motifs into a sari of “New Age Muslin,” master weaver Al-Amin received support last year from Drik, the National Museum and the crafts ngoAarong to begin a revival initiative.
--------------------------------------- X ---------------------------------------------
Guys, I am not being over optimistic here but we are beginning to witness E Asian style super-growth here.

BD is far, far ahead of the rest of S Asia in inclusive economic development that it is not funny anymore now.

I may sound like a broken record but BD now has two ingredients that both India and Pakistan lack - ethnic homogeneity and virtual one-party governance. These are both traits that E Asian countries like S Korea, Japan, China and Singapore had for many decades.

The old definition of development in 20th century was economic growth. In the 21st century it is defined as Economic growth, fulfillment of basic needs and income equality with protection of environment. Only increase of GDP in total with income inequality increases absolute poverty which is what we see in India. Per capita wise they are ahead but Bangladesh has other things sorted out.
I have faith in the mods' observation and patience. I have 'ignored' Sakra in his/her profile as with many other Sanghis. That is what the mods ask us to do instead of tagging/replying to their posts.
Well brother i also just have done it and removed the tag ; if it's the wish of mods then so be it .

There are other sanghis too ,and will keep making troubles though . Although not like that rat, and sadly the scum will keep doing the same, and others will be provoked easily.
Maybe there is no permanent solution to counter those sanghi filths, truly disastrous .
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No one believes a bunch of fish eaters are ahead of anyone @El Sidd @Nilgiri @Skull and Bones

Sakra, its best to let the BeeDees sewer/derail their own thread (and then jump in after with the fact checking), it only takes about half a page of their replies these days.

But you are correct, they will continue to bray about whichever organisation publishes indices using BBS flawed and crappy and non-credible data such as:

These are employment, labour productivity, household income, per capita income, net savings, life expectancy, poverty rate, wealth distribution, public debt and eco-friendly initiatives.

These are all wildly different (and way worse) for BeeDees (relative to other populations) when found in much more developed societies....but we are supposed to believe them at their (really lousy) word when inside and insulated in their own country (which ranks near the bottom in corruption, credibility and political transparency). I think not:





It is quite ironic especially given they are talking about the IMF "believing them" when IMF really doesnt (given they have assigned BD to the GDDS category in first place regarding its statistics).

Do not worry too much about chotolok princess crybaby Billu either, he got totally destroyed recently and still weeping about it:






Good for Bd

As you can see you are already getting attacked by the usual quarters here because you are not being nice enough to them.

Just remember that every number used by IMF, UN, WB etc comes from BD govt, and it is the same govt (by threat of prosecution on its own people) that says Pakistan murdered 3 million Bangladeshis in a genocide. It is for this kind of reason that BD does way way worse than Pakistan on corruption perception, they inherently believe their own crap BS and are willing to let their govt thrive on that emotional feel buffer, no matter how it damages their actual credibility in the long term.

Success for any company for Bangladesh is success for everyone in Pakistan too - and vice versa.

Although not relevant here, I am personally not anti-Pakistani, if you've seen my posts.

My father quoted his Pakistani colleagues back in the day - "Machhli khanesey Bangali-ka brain khol jata hai."

I guess North Indian Sanghis really hate omega-3 fatty acids and what it does for your brain. :lol:

South Indians are fish-eaters too (in Kerala).

Bhai don't be so cruel. :lol:

They have their issues too I guess. But yeah India has lost the drive which they tried to revive the wrong way using Hindu nationalism which is the wrong approach.

It's sad to see sane Indians suffer under the yoke of Chaiwala and his Hindu extremist bandwagon....

Perhaps I was a bit cruel as you posted, but its actually tough love in disguise !
I love fish but don't have the time to cook and all that, so I just pop couple of fish oil pill instead everyday, not sure how good that is doing, but sometimes I get a burp like Ilish/hilsha !!

Indians I think got the electricity production right on the dot, they just need to concentrate on roads and highways.

Once the infrastructure is in place its kinda like reaching critical mass, all kinds of interesting things start to happen.
Dude dont be such a sook, Appreciate what they have achieved with so much less resources than India

Pretty much zilch, cept how to claim things on paper because few (3rd party wise) care to actually look past the lack of credible data streams. When they do, the dissonance inevitably hits hard and is repressed by the BD Govt (eg. ESCAP assessment by the UN, and city liveability index by the economist).

You have been to India for example, but have you been to Bangladesh? How much Indian media articles (or articles about India) do you come across on average compared to Bangladesh for both? This is the underlying problem in its essence on this matter to the factor of thousands of times globally.

But when people actually look at how BD people are doing in 3rd party parts of the (esp developed) world relative to others (so a consistent framework exists to compare), or in the off chance they actually visit BD to gauge the reality for themselves (as the economist did for Dhaka)....they quickly find out something really nasty is going on with BD govt claims through its paper-based data, politically compromised propaganda dept known as BBS (this isnt from me at all, this is what the corruption indices, GDDS category and ESCAP assessment all point to....along with the scale of the dissonance, severe polarised atmosphere and political servitude prevalence).

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