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Bangla offers special zones to Indian companies

In this world most Junk good is produced by Chinese but Bangladeshi like you would love to use Chinese Junk to satisfy your anti-India emotions. Don't give us concession and don't ask us concession also. If you want to trade with Nepal and Bhutan, ask your China and Myanmar to help you. First Send your good to Kunming, from there send it to Lhasa and from Lhasa send it to Nepal and Bhutan and you can buy electricity from them through them also, don't ask us for transit route and don't give us transit route through Chittagong, no need to become India's 29th state and Myanmar already gave us transit route and they are happy with it.

And for Ambassador Car, I will tell you one thing, its design doesn't seems impressive and seems vintage but its body is too much strong, that's why it is still famous in India.

You have no idea about cars do you? secondly we gave you transit route and we havent had any transits in return. Chinese goods are a lot better than India's and chinese are lot more advanced when it comes to technology. Atleast with th4 chinese you know what you are getting into, if they promise one thing they deliver; but with Indians dont. You signed a treaty and yet yo do not follow it.
You have no idea about cars do you? secondly we gave you transit route and we havent had any transits in return. Chinese goods are a lot better than India's and chinese are lot more advanced when it comes to technology. Atleast with th4 chinese you know what you are getting into, if they promise one thing they deliver; but with Indians dont. You signed a treaty and yet yo do not follow it.

I only know people don't use fancy cars for Public Transport.

You are getting Transit route to Nepal and Bhutan.(see Below) Plus you guys are going to earn lots of transit fee for allowing us to use it plus increased importance of Chittagong port generating more employment in your country. But we don't trust you 100%, that's why we got alternate transit route from Myanmar through Sittwe Port and Myanmanrese are happy with price rise of lands due to increased importance of Sittwe city.

New rail transit route thru India gets govt nod | Priyo News
Bangladesh plans waterway transit for Bhutan

And Chinese goods are famous for being cheap otherwise they have the worst quality in the world. Many in India died of blasts in Cheap Chinese phones, EU countries prefer Indian steel over Chinese steel and China imported lots of steel from India during Beijing olympics, their toys are Toxic and have ever used "Made in China" battery, in Indians toys selling shopkeepers give it free with toys because nobody buy it.
I only know people don't use fancy cars for Public Transport.

You are getting Transit route to Nepal and Bhutan.(see Below) Plus you guys are going to earn lots of transit fee for allowing us to use it plus increased importance of Chittagong port generating more employment in your country. But we don't trust you 100%, that's why we got alternate transit route from Myanmar through Sittwe Port and Myanmanrese are happy with price rise of lands due to increased importance of Sittwe city.

New rail transit route thru India gets govt nod | Priyo News
Bangladesh plans waterway transit for Bhutan
Transit thru' 2-3 routes for now

And Chinese goods are famous for being cheap otherwise they have the worst quality in the world. Many in India died of blasts in Cheap Chinese phones, EU countries prefer Indian steel over Chinese steel and China imported lots of steel from India during Beijing olympics, their toys are Toxic and have ever used "Made in China" battery, in Indians toys selling shopkeepers give it free with toys because nobody buy it.

So far no transit fee has been agreed and the BAL doesnt release the price....i wonder why. All these talks about Bangladesh getting transit for Bhutan and Nepal, i'll believe it when i get it from India.
So far no transit fee has been agreed and the BAL doesnt release the price....i wonder why. All these talks about Bangladesh getting transit for Bhutan and Nepal, i'll believe it when i get it from India.

Nothing comes free, buddy. :lol: The whole cost of Akhura-Agartala rail link is being born by India and first of all it needed to be completed. And you guys are going to earn $50 Million in the initial year. And since we are going to implement our "Look East Policy", you guys will earn more in future.

Transit to India
It's not Bangladesh, but BAL which is offering EPZ to India. Frankly, I would have cut all relations with this radical-Hindutva terroriststate which has caused so much trouble for Bangladesh. Besides, tiny South Korea with 40 or 45m people produces more automobiles and steel, for example, or exports more in aggregate than, the hotbed of ignorance and rampant illiteracy next door.

There is no gains to be made by Bangladesh if it offers any sort of incentives to the hotbed of ignorance and "ayurvedic" bovine-urine therapy consumption.
It's not Bangladesh, but BAL which is offering EPZ to India. Frankly, I would have cut all relations with this radical-Hindutva terroriststate which has caused so much trouble for Bangladesh. Besides, tiny South Korea with 40 or 45m people produces more automobiles and steel, for example, or exports more in aggregate than, the hotbed of ignorance and rampant illiteracy next door.

There is no gains to be made by Bangladesh if it offers any sort of incentives to the hotbed of ignorance and "ayurvedic" bovine-urine therapy consumption.
Did you forget, the country that will provide the SEZ is bangladesh, one of the most densely populated country in the world, also quite backward even by south asia standard.
No wonder bangladeshis risk their life and limb to cross to India.
Bangladesh is not an european country. Beggars cant be choosers.
Did you forget, the country that will provide the SEZ is bangladesh, one of the most densely populated country in the world, also quite backward even by south asia standard.
No wonder bangladeshis risk their life and limb to cross to India.
Bangladesh is not an european country. Beggars cant be choosers.

Read my reply above. It's BAL, not Bangladesh which are suggesting these Economic zones. And you are correct, Bangladesh is one of the most backward countries by South Asian standards BECAUSE it is led by BAL which is a pawn of radical-Brahmin-terrorists dreaming of creating their backward 'Akhand Bharat'.

In all my years living in Bangladesh and elsewhere, I have come across not a single Bangladeshi who is risking their lives and limbs to go to the country with the most illieterates, most hungry, most radical-Hindutva-Brahmin terrorists wishing to annex Bangladesh. I have seen long queues in front of Arab Muslim countries' embassies, in front of infidel Western embassies (like Britain, America, Australia) etc but the only people I have known that visit the Brahminist-terrorist-cesspool are mostly those that go there for "medical treatment" (because they can not afford to go to more expensive places for better quality treatment) or those that go and visit the Taj Mahal (an example of Muslim architecture and "gift" to the world).
Did you forget, the country that will provide the SEZ is bangladesh, one of the most densely populated country in the world, also quite backward even by south asia standard.
No wonder bangladeshis risk their life and limb to cross to India
Bangladesh is not an european country. Beggars cant be choosers.

Go to a country that will grow at 5.5%, come on buddy, my microwave is smarter than you ! BTW its an Emerson MW I use. Certainly not the best one out there.
Read my reply above. It's BAL, not Bangladesh which are suggesting these Economic zones. And you are correct, Bangladesh is one of the most backward countries by South Asian standards BECAUSE it is led by BAL which is a pawn of radical-Brahmin-terrorists dreaming of creating their backward 'Akhand Bharat'.

In all my years living in Bangladesh and elsewhere, I have come across not a single Bangladeshi who is risking their lives and limbs to go to the country with the most illieterates, most hungry, most radical-Hindutva-Brahmin terrorists wishing to annex Bangladesh. I have seen long queues in front of Arab Muslim countries' embassies, in front of infidel Western embassies (like Britain, America, Australia) etc but the only people I have known that visit the Brahminist-terrorist-cesspool are mostly those that go there for "medical treatment" (because they can not afford to go to more expensive places for better quality treatment) or those that go and visit the Taj Mahal (an example of Muslim architecture and "gift" to the world).

It is strange that all those muslim designed architecture bring billions to the poor hindu majority India, yet the Brahmin terorist cesspool kill the Muslims with impunity.

The tourists only want to see Taj Mahal and like, the wonderful creations of the Muslims rulers. No tourist gives a crap about pre-muslim India. It was shi*hole than as it is now.

P.S To dear tourist. if you consume beef in India, your tour will be extended to 7 years wheather you lke it or not.

It is strange that all those muslim designed architecture bring billions to the poor hindu majority India, yet the Brahmin terorist cesspool kill the Muslims with impunity.

The tourists only want to see Taj Mahal and like, the wonderful creations of the Muslims rulers. No tourist gives a crap about pre-muslim India. It was shi*hole than as it is now.

P.S To dear tourist. if you consume beef in India, your tour will be extended to 7 years wheather you lke it or not.

Taj's annual revenue 17.28 Crore Rupees= 3.25 Million USD.

Annual Haj Subsidy to Indian Muslims by the poor Hindus majority(putting it your way), Rs16,000 for 125000 pilgrims= 37 Million USD

Fail troll is fail:lol:
Go to a country that will grow at 5.5%, come on buddy, my microwave is smarter than you ! BTW its an Emerson MW I use. Certainly not the best one out there.
Well you are certainly smarter than your microwave(and majority of electrical appliances you have)
, hence you chose to live in a country which grow slower than bangladesh.
UK will show negative growth, I dont see many exodus from here(unless people lose job).

So think over and tell me again. Do people look into GDP growth rate when they choose their destination?
That too not current rate, but projected future growth rate.
Bangladeshi jamati brigade can rant all they want, but they forever will be subjugated by evil Hindu jionist Malaun India conspiracy. That's their destiny, one only has to read history of Bengal to know where they are coming from.
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