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Bangla offers special zones to Indian companies

Anyway, your government should pass a "Road use Prevention Bill" stating only Cycles should be allowed in Roads of Bangladesh, it will make your roads long-lasting for 500 years. :cheesy:

It was built for an average truck not a 32 wheeler you einstein, plus 50 billion dollar per anum is day light robbery, I bet the Sheikh family gets atleast 100 million a year under the table from the Indian government for this pathetic deal.
Above I have put one link in post number #68, which says that."As it transpires, India has already permitted duty free exports from Bangladesh under the Saarc concessionary provision for least developed countries (LDC). "

Hmm you folks want India to provide you duty free exports but don't want to give any concession on Transit route. Too bad. :devil:

Surely not. :lol:

Quite Astonishing

The usual duties are taken out but there are many non-tariff duties!!
Come with something new!! There is no doubt of the potentialities of the transit issues but the question is how it will be implemented?? The present experience regarding the transit are not worthy to invest for Bangladesh as mentioned the fees are not being collected and the heavy goods are causing severe damage to the roads in Bangladesh!!

One of the main reasons of the trade deficit between Bangladesh and India is the excessive duties charged on the Bangladeshi products in India, Indian economy is larger than Bangladesh, a trade deficit is a bit natural between the two countries but the amount of the deficit is quite insane!! As for the trade with China, the main products imported from China are the raw materials, the machineries used in the factories here and the military products, so its very obvious questions won't be raised on this!!

In this Article , you missed three point:-

1) As it transpires, India has already permitted duty free exports from Bangladesh under the Saarc concessionary provision for least developed countries (LDC). So, we are giving you duty free concession for your exports in India. So, if you guys are also providing little duty free transit route why a big politics of becoming India's 29th state.

2) It was policies of Madam Khaleda Zia regime who started dumping of Indian goods in Bangladesh.

3) There is also huge trade deficit and rising in favor of China, but it seems no "Son of Bangladesh" talking about Bangladesh becoming China's overseas province.
In this Article , you missed three point:-

1) As it transpires, India has already permitted duty free exports from Bangladesh under the Saarc concessionary provision for least developed countries (LDC). So, we are giving you duty free concession for your exports in India. So, if you guys are also providing little duty free transit route why a big politics of becoming India's 29th state.

2) It was policies of Madam Khaleda Zia regime who started dumping of Indian goods in Bangladesh.

3) There is also huge trade deficit and rising in favor of China, but it seems no "Son of Bangladesh" talking about Bangladesh becoming China's overseas province.

Read my previous posts attentively for the replies!! :fie:
It was built for an average truck not a 32 wheeler you einstein, plus 50 billion dollar per anum is day light robbery, I bet the Sheikh family gets atleast 100 million a year under the table from the Indian government for this pathetic deal.

$50 Million in initial year but it would be $1 Billion per year according to Asian development Bank, I have posted a link about that in my previous posts. Plus we Indian will use rail lines between Agartala and Akhoura in Broad Gauge, so keep riding bicycles on your roads and keep it undamaged for 500 years.
The usual duties are taken out but there are many non-tariff duties!!

For your Chittagong also, it was used to low level like supplying equipments for Palatana Power project in Tripura and it will take time to finalize actual rates and full swing trade will only flourish after completion of Agartala-Akhoura Rail line of which we Indians are only bearing the cost of construction of 15km rail line.

And if you will provide better deal for us, we will respond with better deal for including more items on duty free list, that's way the trade is done which many fanboys thinking of making BD 29th State of India don't understand.

And you never replied for point 2 and point 3. What about China making BD her overseas province and BNP dumping Indian goods in BD.
LOL, not a single rational arguement about the EPZ, mostly cr*p about comparing each other's country.

My view. Do i want the EPZ.Yes. it will help create jobs, transfer of tech, etc. However tax exemption of 5-10 years is too high, it will hurt us more.

Come on people, from an economic perspective EPZ without tax exemption is a good thing. However, we should be selective about which companies we should allow in our country. I mean, if the indians want to set up high end good factories we should allow it, but if they want to manufacture clothes we deny them permission.

There was a relevant comment or two. India has no 'high-tech' company that Bangladesh needs to learn from by setting up an EPZ. Korea, Malaysia and definitely, Japan are much better choices. Most of India's military arsenal is imported from abroad, and it would be suicidal for Bangladesh to rely on India for defense (like a mouse relying on a cat for its defense).

Basically, there is no sector in which India is a world leader, how can it help Bangladesh? India can not even build a few civilian airliners but Indonesia had them up and running in the 1990s. It goes to show that Bangladesh's priorities are all wrong when India is even considered a moderately advanced nation. If Bangladeshis were not blinded by Indian propaganda and just forgot about India altogether, we could have progressed so much faster.

India is a burden to all its neighbours and a burden to the world.
It surely is a burden for the jamatis. :lol:

Anyway investment needn't necessarily be high tech, no sane person will tech transfer high techs to bd, well probably in your dream. :lol:

---------- Post added at 01:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:05 AM ----------

What this bdians really lack is humility, heck an Indian is the highest recruiter in UK, you'd not hear him bragging about himself. But I guess it comes naturally from the water they have.
I hope the Bangladeshis here can judge for themselves how delusional Indians tend to be, and how they resort to illogical self-invoked bursts of megalomaniac laughter because they can not use logic to provide any proof of supposed Indian advancements.
Ability to make auto rickshaws should be hightech enough for bd.
You should only speak for yourself. Bangladeshis should decide whether to stay backward by tagging along with India under a radical-Hindutva regime like BAL or to progress by attracting high tech investments from all friendly and trustworthy regions.

Bangladesh exports pharmaceuticals to 70 countries or more, these sectors and R&D could be given a major boost by actively inviting investors and transfer of tech from trustworthy partner nations. We can leave the auto-rickshaw manufacturing to the dhoti-clad RSS fanatics.
Let me know when you're able to make cough cyrup of your own, let's not expose those strategic holes on your lungis.
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