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Balochistan CM says Federal Govt has proof of Indian meddling.

It is a historic fact that Pakistan declared Jihad on India on kashmir issue and continues to wage terror war on India public. Instead of talks after the failed invasion in 1948.

Secondly Hafeez Saeed not only gives hate speeches but also supports terrorists who kill innocent citizens in India like in 26/11.

Yes India has done some wrong doings to kashmiris and where ever there is a terror threat innocent people are to suffer, Pakistani sponsored terrorists and armed militants tried to show the uprising is from Kashmiris within and wanted to exploit the sentiments based on religion. As a result the war was waged on common public. Here also the terror policy of Pakistan to blame forst then India. If the Jihad or struggle is choosen in a different way then this much blood shed may not have been done.

Yes India do have internal problems but Indian democracy do have solutions, it will take time no govt. or regime is perfect just like no citizen is perfect. But Pakistan hardly comes when dealing with internal issues in India.

No interest? For one you compare a sitting member in the parliament to Hafiz Saeed no matter how much he rants about India nobody takes him seriously and you compare it with speeches in the parliament? Nobody declared Jihad against India you're people, as much as you never want to accept, are declaring Jihad against you not Pakistanis. Pakistanis in spirit might support Kashmir as an independent state but for years the stance of the government has been to consult the Kashmiris and give them what they want instead of subjecting them to you're draconian laws and forcing them to fight against you're state. That is you're real threat unlike the one you keep projecting. And India does not have interests there? Thats also not true even politically a lot of events taking place in India were conveniently brushed under the carpet because of the government's hue and cry over Pakistan.
It is a historic fact that Pakistan declared Jihad on India on kashmir issue and continues to wage terror war on India public. Instead of talks after the failed invasion in 1948.

Secondly Hafeez Saeed not only gives hate speeches but also supports terrorists who kill innocent citizens in India like in 26/11.

Yes India has done some wrong doings to kashmiris and where ever there is a terror threat innocent people are to suffer, Pakistani sponsored terrorists and armed militants tried to show the uprising is from Kashmiris within and wanted to exploit the sentiments based on religion. As a result the war was waged on common public. Here also the terror policy of Pakistan to blame forst then India. If the Jihad or struggle is choosen in a different way then this much blood shed may not have been done.

Yes India do have internal problems but Indian democracy do have solutions, it will take time no govt. or regime is perfect just like no citizen is perfect. But Pakistan hardly comes when dealing with internal issues in India.

Again thats you're version that Pakistan exploits sentiments based on religion which is far from the truth why don't you accept that its you're own incompetence and lack of will to keep Kashmiris satisfied? As far as Hafiz Saeed goes, there was not enough evidence against him to get him charged just like when i claimed that Modi was a bigot who after having been accused of such serious charges still holds the position he does and is contesting for elections. Some people replied that he got a clean chit so even Hafiz Saeed got a clean chit you have that much faith in you're courts and if none in ours then still accept that there was not enough proof for him to be convicted.

Secondly i never said Indian democracy does not have solutions but you're problem is that you won't ever get over you're Pakistan centric policy. It's you're people (not just in Kashmir) who want nothing to do with you and it has nothing to do with Pakistan and everything to do with how you're government has crushed them. Providing proof that would make people laugh and when somebody responds to it you claim sainthood and the fact that India never had any interests in Pakistan.
Kashmir is not a poor region, this region has potential to earn Billions in Tourism, because of Pakistans Jihad and using Kashmiris as human shields that region turned into hell. Once the region gets stabilized these people will have good economic conditions, I don't think religion is a problem for them to stay in Indian Union. Until 1980's there is no problem for Kashmir or Kashmiris But the moment Pakistan supported terror groups enetered Kashmir things went downwards and made the lives of Kashmiris a hell.

Hafiz saeed is a declared terrorist with 10 million on his head, what more do you want mate??

Again thats you're version that Pakistan exploits sentiments based on religion which is far from the truth why don't you accept that its you're own incompetence and lack of will to keep Kashmiris satisfied? As far as Hafiz Saeed goes, there was not enough evidence against him to get him charged just like when i claimed that Modi was a bigot who after having been accused of such serious charges still holds the position he does and is contesting for elections. Some people replied that he got a clean chit so even Hafiz Saeed got a clean chit you have that much faith in you're courts and if none in ours then still accept that there was not enough proof for him to be convicted.

Secondly i never said Indian democracy does not have solutions but you're problem is that you won't ever get over you're Pakistan centric policy. It's you're people (not just in Kashmir) who want nothing to do with you and it has nothing to do with Pakistan and everything to do with how you're government has crushed them. Providing proof that would make people laugh and when somebody responds to it you claim sainthood and the fact that India never had any interests in Pakistan.
Kashmir is not a poor region, this region has potential to earn Billions in Tourism, because of Pakistans Jihad and using Kashmiris as human shields that region turned into hell. Once the region gets stabilized these people will have good economic conditions, I don't think religion is a problem for them to stay in Indian Union. Until 1980's there is no problem for Kashmir or Kashmiris But the moment Pakistan supported terror groups enetered Kashmir things went downwards and made the lives of Kashmiris a hell.

Hafiz saeed is a declared terrorist with 10 million on his head, what more do you want mate??

I want you to acknowledge, which you can't unfortunately, that you're incompetence and the stance of you're state is responsible for Kashmiris retaliating and stop looking for scapegoats. Simple. Pakistanis have no reason to believe in a Jihad if Kashmiris are protected and content in India but again since they are not, take the easy route and blame Pakistan for it as usual nothing surprising in that.

I hope the next Indian Govt extends all moral, diplomatic and material help to the poor Balochis being persecuted by the Tyrannical Pak Army. Pak Army which has a history of genocide in Bangladesh, is now under taking the same tactic in Balochistan. It's time the Indian Govt wake up and do a 1971 on Pakistan once again and free the Baloch people and hand over their resources to them rather than being looted by Punjabis.

Azad Balochistan Zindabad!!!!!!

LOL at the desperate attempt to change title and bury this news.
Well people who call a different opinion verbal diarrhea don't deserve any proof. Look at you're responses and then claim things that you do. I have enough proof i need to show how India is involved in Balochistan to people who are neutral you on the other hand don't have the nerve to accept it that you aren't.

Just repeating that you have enough proof will not cut ice with us. You are not privy to what and from where your CM gets information. If he is not convinced with your so called "evidence" then he has set his bar higher.
Literally laughing my *** out at the insecurity of the moderators. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Just repeating that you have enough proof will not cut ice with us. You are not privy to what and from where your CM gets information. If he is not convinced with your so called "evidence" then he has set his bar higher.

I did not repeat it i said it once so read well before commenting.

I didn't even read this and can say that source must be Indian and ow Indian says that they are inocent and they don't even now that Balochistan is a part of Pakistan and only come to know when our PM give them prove that it is our part. SO CARRY ON YOUR BULLSHIT.......................................................................................... AND ON AND ON AND ON.....................
I hope the next Indian Govt extends all moral, diplomatic and material help to the poor Balochis being persecuted by the Tyrannical Pak Army. Pak Army which has a history of genocide in Bangladesh, is now under taking the same tactic in Balochistan. It's time the Indian Govt wake up and do a 1971 on Pakistan once again and free the Baloch people and hand over their resources to them rather than being looted by Punjabis.

Azad Balochistan Zindabad!!!!!!

LOL at the desperate attempt to change title and bury this news.

We are doing it believe me.

US Congressman backs Balochistan’s right of self determination.
US Congressman backs Balochistan’s right of self determination. | Tarek Fatah

Baluchistan – Destiny Denied: Conference at the European Parliament in Brussels
Baluchistan – Destiny Denied: Conference at the European Parliament in Brussels | Tarek Fatah

I didn't even read this and can say that source must be Indian and ow Indian says that they are inocent and they don't even now that Balochistan is a part of Pakistan and only come to know when our PM give them prove that it is our part. SO CARRY ON YOUR BULLSHIT.......................................................................................... AND ON AND ON AND ON.....................
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