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Balochistan CM on TV: Iran threatened Pilgrim; You have to go to Pakistan, We will not keep you here

US killed the ruler of the state of Pakistan, and we can't even blame it on them because even that takes a spine.
Which ruler?Please refrain from putting cooked up stuff.
They came inside our country. Let me repeat, inside our country to supposedly kill Osama and humiliate the whole nation. What did your state do except watch?
With full cooperation of sitting Govt and it's military,and that's your state also,wilayat e fiqa won't care for a random Pakistani shia.
Their helicopters kept bombing the Salala Checkpost for hours, murdering our troops, and our troops couldn't even get a clearance to shoot back.
As per them,from day one in Afghanistan,Pakistan is sending it's covert missions for harming colition troops and regime.We do have hit them back by other means.
At least they bombed an American base in Iraq. Followed by the assassination of the CIA's chief of the region.
They did nothing,come out of that false grandeur.Which CIA chief they have killed?

@Gryphon Bahi post #115 dekho,yeah hotey hain shah sai ziyda shah kai wafadar.
Pakistanis who support Iran or KSA against their own country are the worst of the worst. Whoever likes Iran more than Pakistan should pack his/her *** and go to Iran and whoever likes KSA more than Pakistan should pack his/her *** and go to KSA. Pakistan should always be first for Pakistanis be it shia, Sunni, Wahabi, Ahmadi, Hindu, Christian, Sikh, Agnostic or Atheist.
Just because someone is shia doesnt automatically means that he/she is not loyal to Pakistan. Just because someone is Wahabi, doesnt mean they are not patriotic. The stereotypes should come to an end.

Great post. :pakistan:

Taking the higher moral pedestal when you don't even know about me, eh?

WE, the Pakistanis, continue to point out the inherent problems without praising Iran or KSA for that matter. WE, the Pakistanis, Continue to strive for better Pakistan while keeping our sectarian and religious allegiance on the back burner. There was a reason why i didn't single out a single person or a group because to me the real Pakistanis will consider Pakistan first and would not want to make Pakistan like the oppressive states of KSA and Iran. Iran and KSA can take the back seat along with their pygmies.

Ameen brother. Speak the truth. :pakistan:

Where does hate against Iran come from if not through a sectarian mind?

I consider myself generally pro-Shia and defend Shias anytime I have a chance to further lies and propaganda. I am a Sunni Deobandi, and I view Iranian revolution very positively.

Iranian recent actions against Pakistan have forced me to re-evaluate my thinking of many years and come to the hard reality: Iran is our enemy and not our friend.

We may view them as fellow Muslims, but to them we are naught but misguided Sunni Muslims. As such, without respect, there can be no convergence of interests when one actively is abetting your enemy (India) in every way possible against you. They provided them fertile ground against us in Afghanistan, Chahbahar, and now Oman.

If you ask Iranians, they won't even know why Pakistan was founded and what race/civilization Pakistan is. It is common propaganda in Iran that Pakistan is a half-Persian, half-Indian country, which can be no further than reality. Furthermore, Iranian hate against Pukhtoons borders on racism and fearmongering.

Difference of views on Afghanistan and our victory have forced Iran to go into full anti-Pakistan mode.
Iranian government should be nuked ASAP

If I made this statement I would have been banned. Clearly shows that this is an alternative account of a moderator of this forum who using his privileges to spread hatred against our Muslim neighbor. This guy is probably not Pakistani since clearly he does not have Pakistan long term interests in mind. Why he has not been banned or this thread deleted ?
So much for love for Pakistani Zaireen ?!! Iranians are Persians and like Arabs are very racists towards others ethnicity and Non Persians, they will never let you be equal to them .. but even today we have People who will put Pakistan and its people under the bus for Tehran and Riyad .
Pakistanis who support Iran or KSA against their own country are the worst of the worst. Whoever likes Iran more than Pakistan should pack his/her *** and go to Iran and whoever likes KSA more than Pakistan should pack his/her *** and go to KSA. Pakistan should always be first for Pakistanis be it shia, Sunni, Wahabi, Ahmadi, Hindu, Christian, Sikh, Agnostic or Atheist.
Just because someone is shia doesnt automatically means that he/she is not loyal to Pakistan. Just because someone is Wahabi, doesnt mean they are not patriotic. The stereotypes should come to an end.

Tell me...when does Pakistanis/Sunnis supported KSA more than Pakistan? Any one incident


Iranian pitthu came out of their holes to support their mullahs in Iran. Jut look on this thread

If I made this statement I would have been banned. Clearly shows that this is an alternative account of a moderator of this forum who using his privileges to spread hatred against our Muslim neighbor. This guy is probably not Pakistani since clearly he does not have Pakistan long term interests in mind. Why he has not been banned or this thread deleted ?

You just don't realize how much anger is brewing over here against Iran...

We can't blame our Shia Pakistanis as they themselves were dumped on border by Iranians.

Iranians have put whole region at risk....MILLIONS OF LIVES.
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Which ruler?

I believe Zia is the one he is referring to.

Tell me...when does Pakistanis/Sunnis supported KSA more than Pakistan? Any one incident


Iranian pitthu came out of their holes to support their mullahs in Iran. Jut look on this thread

You just don't realize how much anger is brewing over here against Iran...

We can't blame our Shia Pakistanis as they themselves were dumped on border by Iranians.

Iranians have put whole region at risk....MILLIONS OF LIVES.

Nuking them is just like showing mercy to them....It's nothing.

There should be more powerful weapon to obliterate them...

Grants received prior to sanctions. Loyalties bought - Iran first, Pak last.
But we did much to them inside afghanistan

Bhai kuch cheezein dikhaney ke liye bhi karni hoti hai, self respect bhi koi cheez hoti hai.
Chup chupa ke to chooha bhi sher ban jaye.

You don't let anyone just enter your territory, bomb your troops and then go back while your troops don't get permission to shoot back while seeing their fellow soldiers dying one by one.
That's pure cowardice.

@Gryphon Bahi post #115 dekho,yeah hotey hain shah sai ziyda shah kai wafadar.

Oh uncle.
I hate people who hate Iran for the sake of hating it or for their sectarian bullshit. And everything you want to construct as an element or reason for hate against them is not sound logic when compared to the state of affairs in your own land.
That's the whole purpose of my discussion.

And let's just say when it comes to picking from the two devils, I'll pick Iran anytime over the other devil whose in bed with you should know who since ages.
Bhai kuch cheezein dikhaney ke liye bhi karni hoti hai, self respect bhi koi cheez hoti hai.
Chup chupa ke to chooha bhi sher ban jaye.

You don't let anyone just enter your territory, bomb your troops and then go back while your troops don't get permission to shoot back while seeing their fellow soldiers dying one by one.
That's pure cowardice.
Humne unko jawab dediya tha. They knew in Pentagon
Comments on this thread shows me how i should really think about Pakistan and its people. @AgNoStiC MuSliM remember you closed my thread down? You said it contained the word "failed state" thus it deserved it?

Now your compatriots are asking for Iran to be nuked here.

Not that I care, i only laugh at them. You're pathetic and poor, all of you.
Coronavirus threat spikes after Iran deports infected pilgrims, refugees

Health | 2020-03-20

The forced deportation by the Iranian regime of infected individuals and those suspected of having COVID-19 exponentially increases the risk of a major outbreak in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Pakistan Forward and AFP

Afghan refugees in Iran say they are being rounded up by security forces and blamed for spreading the coronavirus in Iran as the regime continues sending waves of workers back to Afghanistan.

HERAT -- Iran's forced deportation of thousands of pilgrims and refugees infected with the deadly coronavirus to Pakistan and Afghanistan is exponentially increasing the risk of a major outbreak in the region.

About 70,000 Afghans -- many of whom are infected with COVID-19 -- have been deported from virus-plagued Iran in the past 20 days, overwhelming health workers at border crossings, AFP reported this week, citing the International Organisation for Migration.

Meanwhile, roughly half of the Pakistani returnees from Iran at the Taftan border crossing have tested positive for COVID-19.


A policeman wearing a face mask March 18 patrols the deserted Clifton beach Karachi after a public ban imposed by the national authorities amid concerns over the spread of COVID-19. Asif Hassan/AFP]


A top Iranian military official visits a site on March 1 where health personnel exhibit various techniques to fight the coronavirus pandemic. [Iranian Ministry of Defence]


Afghan refugees deported from Iran await re-entry into Afghanistan in Islam Qala, Herat Province, March 12. [Omar]

"Out of the 303 samples collected from the travelers from Taftan, 290 have been processed and 143 (49%) have been found positive for COVID-19," said a Wolrd Health Organisation (WHO) report Thursday (March 19).

Some WHO officials fear thousands more Pakistanis infected with the virus will cross the border with Iran.

Many of those at the Taftan border crossing and the Dera Ismail (DI) Khan quarantine centre were arrested in Iran and were forcibly deported back to Pakistan.

"We went to Mashhad, Iran, for a pilgrimage, but the authorities there arrested us and bundled to buses that brought us to the Taftan border. There were no medical arrangements whatsoever," said Muhamad Hussain, 56, a resident of Hangu District in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Iranian authorities were blaming pilgrims like him for the outbreak, suggesting they had imported the virus, and also refused pilgrims and refugees proper access to health care, said Hussain.

Hussain is among 19 Pakistani travellers to Iran quarantined in DI Khan. Fifteen of them have been diagnosed with the deadly virus.

"Iran is responsible for spread of COVID-19 in Pakistan as most of the people have gone to their homes unscreened," said Dr. Raees Khan, who is looking after the quarantined pilgrims in DI Khan.

Responsibility for the death and suffering of Pakistani pilgrims lies squarely with the "incompetent and dishonest" Iranian government, said another returnee, Nadeem Ali, 52, who is now in quarantine in DI Khan.

Deporting infected Afghans
Returning Afghans have their own experiences with Iranian abuse to recount.

Ahmad Ahmadi, an Afghan refugee who worked in Tehran, said that the Iranian military arrested him and his nine-year-old son and then deported them to Afghanistan through the Islam Qala border crossing.

"They deport those who appear to have signs of the disease to Afghanistan but arrest those who have the coronavirus and are in serious condition and place them in quarantine," he said.

"The Iranian forces arrested me along with my nine-year-old son and told me that I had the ... disease, and [then] they deported me," he added.

Another refugee accused Tehran of simply deporting every Afghan in sight.

Iranian security forces deport every Afghan they come across on the pretext of having the coronavirus, said Nazir Ahmad, 65, who was recently deported from Iran and now lives at a United Nations refugee camp in Herat city.

"The Iranian police arrested me and a few others, and they told us that we had the coronavirus and that we had to return to our country," he said.

"We worked in Tehran and shared an apartment," he added. "They dragged us out of our rooms, put us in vehicles and took us to the Afghan border. They told us that we Afghans had the coronavirus that infects Iranians."

The number of Afghans being deported from Iran has surged compared with previous months, confirmed Ahmad Jawid Nadem, director of the Herat Province Department of Refugees and Repatriations.

"Every day, dozens of Afghans deported by the Iranian government enter Herat Province through Islam Qala," he said. "As the coronavirus spreads in many cities of Iran, there has been a multi-fold increase in Afghans deported from Iran."

Transmission of coronavirus
In the past 24 hours coronavirus has killed 149 more people in Iran and 1,237 more cases have been confirmed, bringing the death toll in that country to 1,433 and total known infected to 19,644, Tehran said Friday (March 20).

However there has been continuing international concern over the Iranian regime's lack of transparency in delivering accurate information to the public about the virus outbreak.

Pakistan March 20 had 448 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and three deaths, according to Dawn.

Afghanistan had 24 confirmed cases as of March 20, according to its Health Ministry.

Given the explosive outbreak of the coronavirus across Iran, the increase in the deportation of refugees from Iran is a matter of great concern, said Dr. Muhammad Asef Kabir, deputy director of the Herat Department of Public Health in Afghanistan.

"The deportation of a very large number of refugees poses a serious threat to public health," he said. "All those who have the coronavirus in Afghanistan recently returned from Iran."

"The government of Iran must not bring those with signs of the coronavirus to the Afghan borders [to deport them] because these individuals can cause an outbreak of the virus in the community," added Kabir.

"The origin of the coronavirus in Afghanistan is Iran," Herat Governor Abdul Qayum Rahimi said at a press conference in his office on March 14. "All the patients who've been tested positive for the coronavirus and hospitalised have returned from Iran. If the deportation or return of Afghan refugees from Iran continues, it will create a big threat for Afghans."

Afghanistan needs to act quickly to avoid a spiraling crisis, said Rahimi.

"With the number of arrivals coming in from Iran [and] entering Afghanistan from several entry points, if we don't take any measures now and don't work together... we will witness an even worse situation than Iran has," he said.

"I am afraid... [that] a day will come that we won't be able to count the dead bodies," he said.

[Ashfaq Yusufzai from Peshawar contributed to this report.]

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Comments on this thread shows me how i should really think about Pakistan and its people. @AgNoStiC MuSliM remember you closed my thread down? You said it contained the word "failed state" thus it deserved it?

Now your compatriots are asking for Iran to be nuked here.

Not that I care, i only laugh at them. You're pathetic and poor, all of you.
The comments calling for nuking Iran are completely out of line. That said, the reports from various sources about how Iran haphazardly pushed pilgrims back into Pakistan after knowing about the COVID-19 outbreak clearly establish Iranian responsibility for the spread of COVID-19 in Pakistan.

There is no excuse for Iranian behavior and the Iranians could learn a lot from how the Pakistani & Chinese governments handled foreigners during the outbreak.
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