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Baloch nationalists want repatriation of Afghan refugees

can anyone shed any more light on why the afghans are so anti-pakistan?

what are their main gripes?

also, i tend to agree with this request, but not for the reasons, which are somewhat racist and based on holding onto power that is still to the detriment of pakistan.
It's Unbelievable to me but true. I also notice afgans are pro-indian for some weird reson beyond my Comprehension.

Good idea why not ship em to india they can try em ! since india is providing so much aid to afghans
It's Unbelievable to me but true. I also notice afgans are pro-indian for some weird reson beyond my Comprehension.

May be b'cos pakistan screwed up afghanistan by supporting mujahideen and taliban.
Afghanistan was a lot better place under the communist rulers.
Pashtun;257937]Omar bhai, who said we are giving Afghans shelters, food, blankets etc. etc.? I don't remember anything like that, unless some individual have given another individual out of zakat/kherat purposes.

Sir we are a generous nation a lot of charity is given in pakistan so its not about food or shelter its security of common man a lot of pakistanis have murdered i bet most of them didnt even why were they killed nor the killer knew why is he killing em. There is a lot blood ,guns and drugs ... To what extent shal we keep quiet ! how would u like if some guy start living in your court yard and start doing all these businesses there !!?

As far I have seen the influx of Afghans, 90% of them have been confined into camps where one can hardly get any supply, yet for free.

y correct so tightly confined forget police even army dont dare to go in !!

They buy their supplies, or U.N. provide them. Nothing is for free, not even Pakistan is keeping them for free. U.N. pays around $100 per registered refugee to Pakistan Refugee Board for providing them shelter (camps) etc., which never make it to those poor ppl. In fact we all know how our politicians are, the aid never makes it to the needy citizens of our country, yet the refugees for that matter.
u know our top to botom is corrupt to the teath with this sort of incentive ,they will littraly move the whole afghanistan here.

Besides, those brothers, who think they have increased prostitution are completely out of their minds. Do you guys have any idea what happened to their country while we (Pakistan) supported the toughest of all regimes in the world (Taleban) for our petty interests? Do you guys know how many men are their to earn for their sisters and mothers?

y but if Afghans disliked taliban so much why did the whole nation supported them ? its not too late with al of them back to afghanistan can make a huge difference not sure about prostitution however there is bare amo ,drugs and smugling.

What makes a woman prostitute? and I wonder how they increased prostitution in Pakistan if there was no demand? obviously there is demand for such heinous stuff in our country that the poorest or poor Afghans (who have no earners in their family) had to resort to such low work.
You guys already forgot the gallant Iraqi women, that were famous for being such honourable, and what did war brought to them? 13/14 years old are selling their bodies to keep up with the hunger (of not their own) but of their little ones and old ones, while their men are sluaghtered and the rest of the world watched.Where did our Islam go when we see the 13/14 years old being sold out for a night on a lusty bastard, exploiting the vulnerable women who have to earn to provide for their families, while the Muslim brotherhood is suppose to help the needy?

indeed desparate .. & its too bad but mind u we have pretty similar situation look around brother, such a number of refugees can be moved to peacefull parts of afghanistan where there is less insurgency.

This is absolutely ridiculous that one Muslim entity is talking about another muslim entity in such regard. Fear the day when the time will come upon us (God forbid).

We are infact Pak is the most God fearing nation on this planet .. thats why we get carried away so easily Afghans they have to learn if we keep babysitting them they will never learn .. poor guys have been in refuge once al these souls are back in their homeland they can be more productive for AFghanistan and now is the time. Every thing can be resolved if were to find a solution ... With all that money in sight our corrupt kutas will make every reason to keep them in PAK.
i think india should accept the afghan refugees. We even thinking about accepting tamil refugees. Afghanistan is india's best friend. Indian goverment should think about our afghan brothers and sisters.
The balochs have a genuine concern here.If afghan refugees are counted in the census than balochis might become minority in their province.Will pashtuns,sindhis and punjabis want to become a minority in their historical homeland.
i think we need to think big. we are a muslim country and at this point in time afghanis need us. everyone knows how things are in afghanistan. they are not only in balochistan but also in pakhtonkwa, islamabad and karachi. sending them back will not be moraly gud for a state which calls itself islamic republic. however gov should make sure that these ppl get registered so that once things in afghanistan start improving we could send them back. i do agree that with wat our baloch brothers are sayin but we need to show some restraint.
with respect to gwadar, baloch majority and authority can only be maintained if gov invests in training programes. once traffic at gwadar port increases it will be difficult for the firms to only give jobs to baloch ppl who lack skills. just giving statements that first preference will be given to baloch ppl is not gonna work. gov espacially provincial gov should better start doin massive investment in education and training if they want baloch to remain in majority. if they dont do that then either balochistan will not develop or baloch ppl will no more be in majority.[/QUOTE,
You are a consultant? I am sorry but Afghans will NEVER go back willingly. Have you not realized that the Daal-Khor Pakistanis are occupying Afghan land? Pakistan is NOT Islamic. And the first thing she has to do is security for herself. This would apply even if she was Dar ul Islam. A grassroots will MUST be developed for repatriation and then to identify those foreigners who gained Pak nationality illegally so they to can be repatriated. This will be a life or death matter for Pakistan. The external enemies know the only way to break up Pakistan is internally.
Baloch politicians blame Afghan refugees for census delay

‘A big number of refugees in Balochistan have fake citizenship documents to avoid getting registered with UNHCR’


Hizbullah Khan

QUETTA: In Balochistan, Afghan refugees are impeding a long-delayed provincial census, say provincial ruling parties.

Pakistan’s decision to repatriate Afghan refugees is at the heart of increasingly sour relations with neighbouring Afghanistan. Islamabad says refugee settlements are havens for terrorists.

In Balochistan the departure of refugees could determine the balance of power between local political parties based on their demographic dominance.

A census is conducted every 10 years in Pakistan. The last national population census was held in Pakistan in 1998. The next census – the sixth since Pakistan became independent – was scheduled to be held in March 2016 after 17 years but was postponed indefinitely by the Council of Common Interests (CCI) – a constitutional body that resolves power sharing disputes between the federation and the provinces.

The CCI cited reasons related to security and presence of Afghan migrants that would upset the ethnic ratios locally. Both reasons are relevant to the insurgency in Balochistan that hosts a sizable population of Afghan refugees.

Eighty five per cent of Afghan refugees in Pakistan are Pashtuns, while the remaining 15 per cent comprise Uzbeks, Tajiks and other ethnic groups. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa hosts the largest Afghan refugee population followed by Balochistan, Punjab, Sindh, Islamabad and Azad Kashmir.

In Balochistan, the Baloch and Pashtuns are the two major ethnic groups, followed by Punjabis, Hazaras and Sindhis. The Pashtun political parties that favour Afghan refugees’ stay because of the shared ethnic and blood bonds want the census to be held immediately. They have criticised CCI for delaying census for the last four months.

On the other hand, the Baloch political parties, who see Afghan refugees tipping the demographic scale in favour of the Pashtuns, want refugees gone before census are held.

Malak Wali Kakar, central senior vice president of Balochistan National Party (BNP) that is staunchly opposed to the presence of Afghan refugees in the province, said his party was in favour of the census.

He told News Lens Pakistan that it was the only way “to get the rights of people” from the federal government, but with “3.5 m Afghan refugees” still living in Pakistan and half of them in Balochistan, the limited resources of the province were under strain.

“Refugees are a burden on our economy. As it is, we have limited resources to meet the needs of our own population. Before holding census, the government should conduct a referendum on the subject of Afghan refugees in the province. If people want refugees to be counted in the census, we will have no objection.”

Kakar said his BNP was against all foreigners: “We would not accept any census in their presence, no matter which ethnic group they belong to – Baloch, Pashtun or any other.”

He said a big number of refugees in Balochistan did not live in refugee camps and had made fake citizenship documents to avoid getting registered with United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) or the government.

Census has always been a contentious issue in the ethnically divided Pakistan. While the controversy over Afghans swelling the Pashtun ethnic ranks in Balochistan has been there for long, the lack of security in Baloch territories making them less accessible for the census is also seen as an obstacle that could affect Baloch demographics. On their part, the Pashtun nationalist parties say that their numbers have been understated in census past, held under governments led by Baloch political parties.

Kabir Afghan, a central committee member of Pashtunkhwa Milli Awami Party (PKMAP) said according to the Constitution of Pakistan, everyone with an identity card and a domicile has the right to be counted in the census.

He said before 1971 the population of Pashtuns and Baloch in the province was equal. But the census that year held under Baloch leadership, he said, changed Pashtuns into a minority.

“According to that census, figures for certain divisions and districts were bloated and were shown as Baloch populated areas,” said Afghan.

“[As a result] national, provincial and senate seats increased for the Baloch. In the same way, Baloch dominated on provincial political power and economic opportunities through bogus census.”

He claimed the Pashtun population in the province was more than the Baloch.

“This fact will be borne out by fair and transparent census in Balochistan,” said Afghan.

“The Pashtun population will emerge as the majority. It is for this reason that the Baloch nationalists are creating hindrances in the way of transparent census so that they can protect and maintain a fake majority in the province over a Pashtun minority.”

Abdul Khaliq Baloch, provincial general secretary of the National Party (NP), one of the political parties in the ruling coalition of three, said the presence of Afghan refugees and the critical law and order situation made a census operation unacceptable.

“To hold the census in these circumstances would be a conspiracy against the Baloch nation because it would convert the Baloch into a minority in their homeland,” Baloch told News Lens Pakistan.

“Due to the insurgency, 40 per cent of the population of Makran division has been displaced. A similar situation exists in other parts of the province such as Awaraan, Kohlu and Dera Bugti. If the census is conducted without counting the displaced, the population of Baloch will diminish.”

He said millions of Afghan immigrants reside in Balochistan. “They have a negative impact on every field of life in the province but the Pashtun nationalists have always supported them to bolster population figures and vote bank. We demand all Afghan immigrants be repatriated to their home country as soon as possible.”

According to the UNHCR, 3.2 million Afghan refugees are registered in Pakistan. Since 2002, UNHCR has helped repatriate 700,000 refugees from Balochistan back to Afghanistan.

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