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Bakhtiari Lurs, paying homage to some of Iran’s most sacred sites.

Dariush the Great

Jan 28, 2020
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Beautiful display of patriotism by the Bakhtiari Lor's. Very patriotic people.


beautiful.... my fathers side are bakhtiaris and they are some of the most fiercely patriotic and proud people you will meet.

they are still extremely proud of the decisive role the bakhtiari contingent in nader shah's army played in the seige of kandahar. where they bravey charged and took the city walls and allowed the Iranian army to enter, and end the hotaki dynasty.

they are also strategically sitauted in Iranian oil rich areas with large arab populations. and they have less then 0 tolerance for any arab seperatist activity.
Good to see Iranians that are proude of their heritage...I give lots of credit to the current Islamic system that rules iran...they have done a lot for independence and industrialization of this nation...however what I do not understand is why they do not embrace such a beautiful and rich culture and instead are so proude of the Islamic segment of irans history...if you do not value your own culture then you loose your identity and it won't be long before Farsi will become anther dialect of Arabic language...makes me mad to see them calling most of military systems with Arabic name...what a shame.
Good to see Iranians that are proude of their heritage...I give lots of credit to the current Islamic system that rules iran...they have done a lot for independence and industrialization of this nation...however what I do not understand is why they do not embrace such a beautiful and rich culture and instead are so proude of the Islamic segment of irans history...if you do not value your own culture then you loose your identity and it won't be long before Farsi will become anther dialect of Arabic language...makes me mad to see them calling most of military systems with Arabic name...what a shame.
Current government and Iranian shia in general are the biggest nationalists. They are for sure more patriotic than those fags in US or Canada that bark all the time but are in US pocket.
French Canadians are fiercely supportive of their language in a sea of english...they know how easily Canadian French language can be invaded by English words ..they actually have laws for protection of their language...now I do read iranian news papers on a regular basis and every year I notice more and more Arabic words slowly replacing Farsi words...it is systematic not accidental it has reached a poin t that I needed Arabic translation to read some of text...there must be a power group in iran that is doing it ..very slow but methodical....if it is not flagged next generation of Iranians will be Arab speakers without knowing that...
French Canadians are fiercely supportive of their language in a sea of english...they know how easily Canadian French language can be invaded by English words ..they actually have laws for protection of their language...now I do read iranian news papers on a regular basis and every year I notice more and more Arabic words slowly replacing Farsi words...it is systematic not accidental it has reached a poin t that I needed Arabic translation to read some of text...there must be a power group in iran that is doing it ..very slow but methodical....if it is not flagged next generation of Iranians will be Arab speakers without knowing that...
Ehmm no.. it is just you. Ask the other Iranian members here. You are just a false flag troll.
French Canadians are fiercely supportive of their language in a sea of english...they know how easily Canadian French language can be invaded by English words ..they actually have laws for protection of their language...now I do read iranian news papers on a regular basis and every year I notice more and more Arabic words slowly replacing Farsi words...it is systematic not accidental it has reached a poin t that I needed Arabic translation to read some of text...there must be a power group in iran that is doing it ..very slow but methodical....if it is not flagged next generation of Iranians will be Arab speakers without knowing that...

Watch this:

Yes ...I knew that supreme leader is indeed very much into Farsi literature and I poeatary. .I also know few I individuals in heighest places in the Islamic republic who are very much for safeguarding the Iranian culture that is why I said this must come from a "power group" within the system that is promoting Arab culture and language...I have a feeling that people inside iran do not see this language invasion because they are now after 40 years of hearing Arabic sentences at the begining of each interview or official occasion have become insensetive.
and to mr. Dariush..I am not a troll...born and raised in beautiful iran and happened to live outside iran.
Yes ...I knew that supreme leader is indeed very much into Farsi literature and I poeatary. .I also know few I individuals in heighest places in the Islamic republic who are very much for safeguarding the Iranian culture that is why I said this must come from a "power group" within the system that is promoting Arab culture and language...I have a feeling that people inside iran do not see this language invasion because they are now after 40 years of hearing Arabic sentences at the begining of each interview or official occasion have become insensetive.
and to mr. Dariush..I am not a troll...born and raised in beautiful iran and happened to live outside iran.
None of the Iranian members here recognize what you are saying. It is perhaps the monarchist propaganda they have fed you during your whole life there. Just because Iranian muslims love their religion does not mean they are any less Iranian than you. I bet they even speak more fluent Persian than you ever be able to. You know this too.

Let's also not forget it were Iranian shia muslims who gave their life for Iran in 8 years of war while the likes of you immediately fled the country and sought refuge in US and Canada. So who will believe your nonsense propaganda ? Iranian leaders love Persian culture more than you... the supreme leader, highest authority in Iran, is known for his admiration of Persian poetry and culture even though he criticized Iranian monarchs before.

I am sorry mate, i will take 1 Khamenei over 100000's of traitor sell outs living in US and Canada advocating sanctions and pressure on the same country they claim to love.

Your love for Iran is full of propaganda and fake. Iranian leaders love for Iran is sincere.
Good to see Iranians that are proude of their heritage...I give lots of credit to the current Islamic system that rules iran...they have done a lot for independence and industrialization of this nation...however what I do not understand is why they do not embrace such a beautiful and rich culture and instead are so proude of the Islamic segment of irans history...if you do not value your own culture then you loose your identity and it won't be long before Farsi will become anther dialect of Arabic language...makes me mad to see them calling most of military systems with Arabic name...what a shame.
You probably think that Iran is still ruled like when people such as Khalkhali were in power. Those people are gone. And most of the backward Ayatollahs are already in their 80s and will die soon. Khamenei was always one of the more progressive religious scholars. While it is not very common for top religious leaders to play musical instruments, it is well-known that Khamenei played the Tar when he was young and he is fond of music and poetry.

But I agree with you to some extent. Almost every IRGC weapon has an Islamic name. Some of those names are so weird and antiquated that I'm sure even some liberal Arabs don't know their meanings.
None of the Iranian members here recognize what you are saying. It is perhaps the monarchist propaganda they have fed you during your whole life there. Just because Iranian muslims love their religion does not mean they are any less Iranian than you. I bet they even speak more fluent Persian than you ever be able to. You know this too.

Let's also not forget it were Iranian shia muslims who gave their life for Iran in 8 years of war while the likes of you immediately fled the country and sought refuge in US and Canada. So who will believe your nonsense propaganda ? Iranian leaders love Persian culture more than you... the supreme leader, highest authority in Iran, is known for his admiration of Persian poetry and culture even though he criticized Iranian monarchs before.

I am sorry mate, i will take 1 Khamenei over 100000's of traitor sell outs living in US and Canada advocating sanctions and pressure on the same country they claim to love.

Your love for Iran is full of propaganda and fake. Iranian leaders love for Iran is sincere.
Do you even read what I write young man.

I am not monarchies
I did not flee...I stayed and fixed tow missiles for the war
I like sl
It is not a crime to be outside Iran
You should calmdown and read
We are in the same side
I do not worship some Arab men as you do but that is personal

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